Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 101: Things are not the same as people


Mu Lin looked at Qian Xi deeply. Qian Xi looked at her as if she was a strange ghost. She also smiled at her soothingly, as gentle and quiet as ever.

Mu Lin averted his gaze and stepped onto the Naihe Bridge. When he reached the highest point, his figure flashed and he went to an unknown place.

You should know that ghosts will not lose their memory immediately after drinking Mengpo soup, but will wait until they leave the underworld to take effect. As a semi-artifact, Naihe Bridge has a teleportation array on top. Ghosts who committed crimes and heinous crimes during their lifetime will be teleported to the Judgment Department, where they will be interrogated and convicted by the ten judges in turn; the remaining ghosts will be directly teleported to the Reincarnation Department, and will be reincarnated into the corresponding six paths according to the merits and demerits recorded in the Merit Book.

When Mu Lin landed again, she arrived at a dark pavilion. The surroundings were very quiet, and there was no living creature walking around. She looked up as if she sensed something, and saw the gray palace in the deepest part, and deeper than that was the Daimo Mountains.

Presumably, Naihe Bridge mistook her for an earthly immortal and therefore teleported her to the place where the original inhabitants of the underworld lived. If she remembered correctly, all the officials and royal families of the underworld lived in this area.

Mu Lin retracted his gaze and took two steps forward. The familiar regional atmosphere, specifications and layout were not much different from his memory. The residences in the underworld had an additional function of blocking others from prying eyes. Other aspects were similar to those in the human world. Following the rule of sitting north and facing south, the specifications became higher and higher from south to north. The northernmost side was naturally the royal palace, and behind it were the surrounding Daimo Mountains.

It is said that the corpse of the Hell Demon King is suppressed under the Daimo Mountains. After being imprisoned in the Yintian Tower, Mu Lin guessed that this might be true. When the two realms of immortals and the underworld were fighting, she witnessed her father's sacrifice with her own eyes. Her emotions went out of control, causing the hell demon power in her body to run wild. The monstrous demon power destroyed 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, and severely injured the Immortal Lord Musashi. It was so terrifying.

Mu Lin was not very conscious at the time, and he could not remember anything clearly. Later, after studying the history of the six realms in Yingzhou, he slowly figured out what had happened.

If Qianxi is still alive, did the others also survive? When Mu Lin thought of this possibility, she couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart. The significance of these people to her was second only to her father.

Mu Lin's eyes fell on the poppy flowers planted beside the house. There is no sun or moon in the underworld, and the time can be judged by the degree of blooming and falling of flowers. The poppy flowers are in full bloom, which shows that the people in the underworld are busy doing their work. Mu Lin is not too worried about running into ghosts, and calmly walks towards the mansion on the southwest side.

The simplest small bamboo house on the outermost side belongs to Qianxi. It is convenient for her to rush back from Naihe Bridge to take a nap. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most health-conscious beauty in the underworld.

Qianxi is the busiest time now, and it will take another three or four hours for her to come back. Mu Lin has no intention of waiting at her house, so he passes the small bamboo house and continues walking north.

As he walked, he performed the Soul Clarification Technique and the Soul Gathering Formation, but there was no reaction from the surroundings. He could feel his father's aura everywhere, but he couldn't absorb even a single soul fragment. Mu Lin's heart kept sinking.

After passing through three or four small houses, Mu Lin stopped in front of a grand three-story house. The two characters "Xie's House" written on the plaque were written in a flamboyant style, which looked particularly brilliant. Mu Lin looked up at the words written by her father for a while, and then turned her eyes to the half-worn but still magnificent red lacquer door. There was a ban on the door, and no one could get in without a secret code.

"Sesame flowers bloom higher and higher." This is a simple sentence, but Mu Lin said it in a clear and loud voice with great seriousness.

The red lacquered door creaked slightly, squeezing Mu Lin's heart. Her eyes moved slightly, she pushed the door open and walked in, then gently closed the door.

He saw the screen wall, passed through the screen door, entered the outer courtyard, walked into the second door, and stood in the spacious inner courtyard... As Mu Lin walked along, his first feeling was oldness, and his second feeling was decay.

The layout of the house is simple and elegant, with no particular decorations, but it is not shabby either. There is not much dust, so someone should come to clean it regularly, but the lack of popularity cannot be compensated in any way.

Mu Lin walked through the corridor and into the main room. The moment she opened the door, she faced the fact that Xie Bian was really gone.

Her heart ached deeply.

Mu Lin stood at the door for a long time, but did not go in. Instead, he closed the door.

There is no sun, moon or stars in the underworld, and even if the door is open, not a single light can get in.

Mu Lin turned to the east wing. In the middle of the gloomy and cold room were two old futons, which looked unclean. There were several boxes piled against the wall, covered with dust. Mu Lin picked up the futon on the right, shook off the dust, and sat on it cross-legged without paying attention, and began to meditate.

As time went by, the external aura on Mu Lin gradually disappeared, and was replaced by the unique yin energy of the underworld, which undoubtedly reduced the risk of her being exposed.

If you want to stay here for a long time, it is undoubtedly the most convenient to get a legal identity. However, Mu Lin knows the order of the underworld too well. How can a ghost that is not in the Book of Life and Death get a legal identity? She can only take a long-term view.

Xie Bian's house was uninhabited. Even if someone came to clean, they would definitely not take care of the east wing, as could be seen from the thick layer of dust accumulated in the room.

Mu Lin used some cleaning tips and cleaned the place briefly, and this place became her temporary home.

The next step was to find out the truth. Most of the earthly immortals in the periphery were relatively weak, so Mu Lin's tricks could fool them. However, after leaving Xie's house and heading north, Mu Lin could not be sure whether she would be exposed. To be more precise, she would definitely be exposed, and it was only a matter of time.

It is difficult to accomplish anything alone, not to mention that all she knew about the underworld was the underworld ten thousand years ago. It would be too troublesome and too dangerous for her to stumble and explore on her own - Mu Lin did not like to do things with half the effort and twice the results, so the first thing she thought of was to find help.

Mu Lin wore the black robe he found in the east wing and walked out of the house, and walked to the gate of Fan Wushe's house. Fan's house was adjacent to Xie's house, but Fan Wushe was much more powerful than Xie Bian, and the restrictions in his house were also more powerful. Mu Lin didn't know the code, so he could only bite the bullet and try to crack it with brute force.

Violence obviously failed. There was no reaction, and two loud explosions were produced. Mu Lin had to stop. It would be troublesome if she attracted ghosts. She thought about it, went around the wall of his backyard, searched carefully for a long time, and finally dug a dog hole hidden under the weeds.

Mu Lin measured it a few times and decided that she could just fit in with her size.

It's just a bit embarrassing...

It's not safe to stand here all the time, and no one sees us anyway... Mu Lin hesitated for a long time, and finally accepted his fate. The situation was stronger than him, so he gritted his teeth, lay prone on the ground, and quickly got in using his hands and feet.

Fan's house was obviously more like a haunted house than Xie's. In the center of the courtyard grew a huge locust tree, with its dark branches and leaves giving the illusion of blocking out the sun. The ground was covered with dead locust leaves, and Mu Lin couldn't find an empty place to step on. Even the lightest footsteps would produce a slight crushing sound, giving Mu Lin a creepy feeling in the silent environment.

The structures of Fan's house and Xie's house are similar. Mu Lin walked to the main house with ease and pushed open the door. The gloomy aura was a bit heavy, but overall it was still a very ordinary house.

The furniture was made of rosewood, and there was a purple clay teapot and two teacups on the table. Mu Lin picked up the teapot, poured the overnight tea on the table, dipped his fingertips in the water and drew a symbol, carefully writing every stroke. After finishing, Mu Lin stopped and looked at his masterpiece, the water light on the rosewood was cool and refreshing.

She tiptoed to the beam and picked a position with a great view. She could see the door at a glance, but it was difficult for people in the room to see her. After waiting for a while, no one came back. The space on the beam was limited, and Mu Lin couldn't meditate and practice. She was really bored, so she used the pitiful amount of wind elements in the air to make a magic circle to hide her breath. Because there was too much time, Mu Lin made the magic circle extremely perfect, attached it to Xie Bian's black robe, and then leaned on the beam to take a nap, waiting for the master to return.

Fan Wushe did not return home all night.

Mu Lin felt her bones stiffen. She was a great immortal, but she was hiding in a haunted house in her spirit form. She was crouching on the beam like a gentleman on the beam, and she hadn't waited for anyone to come...

Mu Lin was just about to get up and move around when she heard the sound of a door being pushed open. She immediately leaned back. A cold air stream rushed in from outside, making Mu Lin shiver.

The tall figure hidden in the dark hooded cloak looks extremely calm and indifferent. He is the evil messenger who is going to the Northern Desert battlefield to reap the souls of the dead.

Mu Lin pursed his lips and stared at him intently. The reason why he appeared here was obvious, he was Fan Wushe.

Fan Wushe's strength had reached the Golden Immortal level before the collapse of the underworld. Now the aura around him is even more dangerous. Mu Lin has no real body and no magic weapon on him, so it is hard to say whether he can defeat him.

Mu Lin secretly congratulated herself on her perfect concealment formation. As long as she didn't expose herself, Fan Wushe wouldn't be able to detect her presence.

Fan Wushe walked to the table and took a look at the water stains on the table. At this time, there was a knock on the door and a voice reminded him, "Master Fan, His Majesty the King of Hell asked you to go to the King of Hell's Palace after you come back. His Majesty has something to discuss with you..."

His Majesty the Hades... Mu Lin took a deep breath. She should have understood long ago that now that the order of the underworld has been restored, how could a new Hades not be born? It was no longer the time for her father to rule, and she had to accept this fact temporarily.

Mu Lin inevitably developed curiosity and hostility towards the new Pluto. She thought that sooner or later she would have to go to the Pluto Palace to see for herself.

"Yeah." Fan Wushe replied in a flat voice. He waved his hand and the traces on the table disappeared completely.

Fan Wushe left just like that.

Although the earthly immortals did not need to float like ghosts, there were no footsteps after all. Mu Lin did not dare to be careless and stayed there for a long time until he estimated that Fan Wushe had gone far away, and then he jumped off the beam.

As expected, there was no trace left on the table. Mu Lin frowned. No matter what, Fan Wushe would not be back for a while. Mu Lin did not intend to continue to make things difficult for herself by staying on the beam. She estimated that Qianxi had not yet gone to Naihe Bridge, so she left Fan's house through the dog hole and went straight to her small bamboo house.

There was no restriction in the small bamboo house, so Mu Lin easily climbed over the fence and sneaked in, hiding quietly behind the house. Through the bamboo window, he could see Qian Xi had gotten up and was fiddling with her medicinal herbs.