Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 173: Finale


When Mu Lin woke up, Ying Yuan had already left, but she was covered with a light silk quilt.

Mu Lin stroked the smooth quilt with his fingertips, lowered his eyes, and remained silent for a long time.

In the Buddhist chamber filled with incense and smoke, the Empress Dowager unconsciously turned the tourmaline beads while listening to Nanny Fu'en report on what happened in Fengyang Palace.

After hearing this, a smile flashed in her eyes, "Yes, our time has come."

She thought for a moment and said slowly, "Go check. There may be something fishy going on in the Imperial Hospital."

Nanny Fu En hesitated and said, "But Doctor Hu and the others were brought by the Queen from Jingsheng. Even His Majesty would not easily touch them..."

The empress brought not only her beautiful dowry from Jingsheng, but also countless servants, eunuchs, guards, and several imperial doctors and female doctors. Most of the people in Fengyang Palace were the emperor's people, and the rest were all the empress's people. It was rare for the palace servants arranged by the Empress Dowager to pass on the news.

A hint of coldness flashed across the eyes of the Grand Empress Dowager. "The Imperial Hospital is not Fengyang Palace, and I am not without someone to use. If we investigate this matter slowly, we will eventually find out something."


That night Ying Yuan stayed in Fengyang Palace and called for water four or five times.

The next day, Mu Lin didn't get up and lay on the bed with an expressionless face.

Ju Shu, who was ordered to bring in medicine, stood aside and observed quietly, as if he could sense a sense of despair from the Queen.

"My lady, it's time to take the medicine."

Mu Lin was in a bad mood. He turned his head to the other side and said in a hoarse and cold voice: "I don't want to drink."

"My lady, His Majesty has asked me to tell you that if you haven't taken the medicine by the time the court is dismissed, he will come and serve you the medicine himself."

Mu Lin's body stiffened for a moment, and he seemed to be even more sore. After a while, he said, "Leave it there, Ju Shu, go get some candied fruit."

Ju Shu didn't move, and glanced at the table helplessly and said, "My queen, the candied fruit has been prepared a long time ago."

The implication is, Madam, don't try to use tricks to get rid of this servant. In the past, His Majesty indulged you and turned a blind eye to your miscarriage medicine. Now that His Majesty has made up his mind, you should just drink it honestly.

Mu Lin sat up expressionlessly and drank the medicine with a frown. The medicine was a bit bitter, so Ju Shu quickly brought the candied fruit plate. Mu Lin picked a candied green plum and ate it, with a hint of sweet and sour in his mouth.

As soon as the court was dismissed, Ying Yuan came over. Compared to Mu Lin, who was lying half dead on the bed, he looked energetic, forming a sharp contrast between the couple.

Mu Lin looked at him expressionlessly, closed her eyes and continued to catch up on her sleep. There was no sound from above her head, and it was obvious that Ying Yuan had no intention of disturbing her rest.

After a while, there were slight noises coming from the surroundings. Mu Lin was sensitive to sounds and couldn't help but open his eyes and look over. Ying Yuan was concentrating on marking memorials not far away.

He moved the table not far away, as if to guard her. Thinking of this, Mu Lin felt a little complicated.

Ying Yuan paused and looked over. When their eyes met, the young emperor smiled for a moment, as gentle as jade.

"Not going to sleep anymore?"

Mu Lin's heart moved slightly, and then he realized his mistake. He was staring at him in a daze just now.

"Um... no..."

Ying Yuan had already walked over, helped Mu Lin to stand up, sat down and held her in his arms.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" He bit her ear and spoke, his hot breath falling on her ear.

As if she was not used to such intimacy, Mu Lin turned her head away stiffly, avoiding his lips, and said sullenly, "Indulgence is harmful to your health."

It was just that he indulged in his desires and hurt her body.

Ying Yuan chuckled, rested his chin on the top of her head, and said meaningfully: "Then Junior Sister, be a good boy and don't make me angry."

Last night, when the passion was at its peak, he also said this over and over again in her ear...

Mu Lin felt a little numb in his heart, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to rush to have a child. After all, offspring cannot be forced."

"The Empress has no children, and the court is in turmoil."

"Your Majesty is in the prime of life, and there is still a long way to go."

"Junior sister, do you not want to give birth to a child, or do you not want to give birth to a child for me?" Ying Yuan's tone was somewhat dangerous.

They had been married for nearly three years, and it was obvious that he was losing patience with trying to soften her up.

Mu Lin was silent for a second, then replied, "Whatever you think."

It happens again!

This is an attitude of refusing to communicate!

Every time these issues were raised in the past three years, her attitude was always so perfunctory!

Emperor Qin took a deep breath and tried to suppress the irritation in his heart. No matter what she thought this time, it was not up to her!

… … The following are some details… …

The Empress Dowager heard about this and got the secret of the contraceptive pills. She added fuel to the fire and took advantage of the incident. Then the whole palace was filled with rumors. Ying Yuan interrogated Doctor Hu and became furious. Mu Lin followed the Empress Dowager's wishes and proposed a beauty contest. Ying Yuan thought of Xiao Muyun and was filled with jealousy and disappointment. He forced Mu Lin.

"She has been proud all her life. I can only crush her pride to make her submit completely."

(To piss off Mu Lin) The selection was carried out, and Mu Lin and Ying Yuan were at loggerheads. Mu Lin fainted from anger and was diagnosed with pregnancy. Ying Yuan was overjoyed and immediately cancelled the selection, but it was against etiquette. As a compromise, most of the selected girls were given to the royal family, and the Empress Dowager's niece Yingxiu was also given to the fifth prince as a concubine (with no future, as a warning). The Empress Dowager was so angry that she wanted to do something when the queen gave birth. Mu Lin had already taken precautions, but Ying Yuan rushed to protect her at the critical moment. Mu Lin was moved and fell in love with him.

In the fourth year, Mu Lin gave birth to a little prince, and the Queen Mother "died of illness". Xiao Muyun sent a gift, which made Mu Lin heartbroken and alienated Ying Yuan again.

Ying Yuan colluded with Empress Tianlan and wanted to kill Xiao Muyun, but he escaped and was seriously injured. Mu Lin (the servant of the Empress Dowager) accidentally learned about it and secretly sent a letter to him (used by Ying Yuan to inject poison). Ling Lan committed suicide out of fear of crime, Mu Lin broke up with Ying Yuan, and Fengyang Palace was sealed.

Xiao Muyun's body was half broken, and he fought back desperately, forming an alliance with the empress, and went to war with the Qin Dynasty in the name of assassination. Jingsheng sat on the well and watched (marriage without alliance), and the two countries were wary, and a truce was reached after a year. The eight-year agreement was over, and Mu Lin was stopped by Ying Yuan and left quietly, and the two broke up completely. Ying Yuan led his troops to kill, and Tan Yixi blocked his way, but Xiao Muyun died before Mu Lin came back. Mu Lin's mission in this life was completed, and he committed suicide and left.

However, her soul did not return to the underworld, but wandered in the world. Mu Lin saw Ying Yuan die alone, Tan Yixi died young, and her children (who hated her) unified the world many years later (the result of two generations of father and son) and posthumously named her the queen mother.

Mu Lin obtained the Fengluo Elf Flower, and Zijian told her that Zhechuan's soul was too powerful (it was unstable to begin with), so it split into two and reincarnated as Ying Yuan and Xiao Muyun.

… … The following is the remaining outline… …

Volume 6:

The Demon Lord (Mo Wangchen) tricked the Yushu Magic Herb from Zhechuan, and used the contract between Bai Lu and Mu Lin that they had made in the Demon Realm to bring Mu Lin to the Demon Realm, forcing her to take the refined magic medicine and activate the magic circle that draws the power of the Hell Demon Lord.

When Mu Lin was sealed in the fairy world for a hundred years, she had already merged with the power of the Demon Lord of Hell. As long as the Demon Lord is alive, she will not die. However, these collected magic medicines were not used to revive the Hades. Everything was designed by the Demon Lord to draw out the power of the Demon Lord in Mu Lin. The Demon Lord was originally a foreknowledge god who fell into the devil and was tortured by darkness for generations. As long as he devoured the demon power sealed in Mu Lin, he could change and dominate the six realms. Mu Lin slept for forty-nine days, but who knew that the seal of the divine vein was also broken, and the power of the demigod was revived.

After Zhechuan's soul returned to his body, he and Zhongli Jian rushed to the Demon Realm and fought with the Demon King for many days. The Demon King revealed that Zhechuan was the illegitimate son of the Emperor of Heaven. Mu Lin, who had just woken up, heard it. Mu Lin and Zhechuan broke off their ties of friendship, and both were in great pain.

The Demon Lord miscalculated, not knowing that Mu Lin was the daughter of the God of War. After the seal of the divine vein was broken, her demigod body could bear all the demonic power and she became the new Demon Lord of Hell. The two reached an agreement and cooperated happily. Mu Lin returned to the underworld and took control of the underworld regime with iron blood.

Mu Lin was led to the realm of gods to meet the mother goddess Ni Heng, who told him about the grievances and hatreds of the previous generation.

At the beginning of the world, it was divided into six realms: the realm of gods, the realm of immortals, the realm of the underworld (ghosts), the realm of humans, the realm of demons, and the realm of monsters. The gods in the ruling realm of gods were scattered, and the most powerful god of war, Ji Yan, asked his eldest daughter Ni Heng and his second son Bi You to fight each other on the pretext of selecting an heir. The two were born from different mothers and had no friendship. Bi You was defeated by Ni Heng, so she used a trick to provoke a melee between the immortal and the underworld in order to contain Ni Heng. Ni Heng was originally the queen of the underworld, and she was strong in nature. In order to fight for the throne of gods without affecting her husband and daughter, she abandoned her husband and daughter and returned to the realm of gods. Ni Heng gave up the underworld and defeated Bi You in the final battle to succeed the god of war. Bi You absconded, and the immortal world, which had been prepared, defeated the underworld with the help of the divine object, the True Flame of Destruction, given by Bi You.

Ni Heng thought her husband and daughter were both dead, and she was disheartened and neglected the management of the underworld. Ten thousand years later, she learned from Bi You that her daughter was sealed, and sent Bi You into reincarnation. Ni Heng already had a complicated love quadrangle with the Immortal Emperor Zhao Chen, the Hades Yun Yan, and the Princess of the Underworld Xi Hui. She threatened the Immortal Emperor and used the underworld as a bargaining chip to exchange for her daughter's freedom, promising not to interfere with her daughter's fate, otherwise she would be punished by heaven.

Ni Heng concealed the fact that she was protecting her daughter, and Mu Lin misunderstood that she had abandoned her husband and daughter and betrayed the underworld, so the mother and daughter parted unhappily. After learning about her mother's cruelty, Mu Lin went to the underworld to get drunk and almost practiced spiritual cultivation with Zhong Lijian. Zhe Chuan, who came from the dark, was furious and sneaked into Mu Lin's room. Mu Lin took advantage of the alcohol to indulge in spiritual cultivation with him.

When Zhechuan woke up, he learned that the underworld and the demon world had declared war on the fairy world. He returned to the fairy world and vowed to stop Mu Lin, but the fairy emperor did not seem to be worried. The fairy emperor had been hiding and refining the Biyou artifact for many years. When the three armies were fighting, he hit Mu Lin hard. The demon king turned against him temporarily, but Mu Lin had been prepared. The underworld had minor casualties. In the end, Mu Lin was determined to die and died together with the demon king and the fairy emperor. The demon king actually protected her soul so that she did not die on the spot. The fairy emperor and the demon king both died on the spot.

Zhechuan used his own spirit to nourish Mu Lin's soul. When he was about to sacrifice himself to buy a glimmer of hope for Mu Lin, Ni Heng appeared and passed on his cultivation and divine veins to Mu Lin. Since it was to save the fetus in Mu Lin's belly, it was not considered a breach of promise. Ni Heng lost all his magical powers and lived in seclusion in the mountains.

After waking up, Mu Lin learned the truth and became silent. She succeeded as the new God of War. With her demonic power, divine power and the blood of Hades, she traveled for three hundred years to condense her father's soul again, attached it to the sacred lotus of the North Sea, and gave it to Ni Heng.

Three hundred years later, Mu Lin married the Immortal Emperor Zhechuan with a young child.

Volume 7:

It tells the story of the previous generation, the prince Zhaochen of the fairy world, the daughter of the god of war Niheng, the second prince Yunyan of the underworld and the eldest princess Xihui, the four corners of the tragic love. (I will open a short story when I have time)

… … … … … …

Xiao Yuan spent a long time writing "The Journey to Immortality". Maybe many parts are not mature or exciting enough, but he did conceive and write it carefully, so it can be considered an explanation.

Xiao Yuan is very reluctant to cut off a book with 500,000 words, but in order to avoid interrupting the update and bringing a bad reading experience to everyone, and for some other reasons... In fact, there is still nearly one-third of the content of "Xiantu" that has not been written, I am very sorry.

Due to various reasons such as Xiao Yuan's busy studies and inability to update on time, and the fact that the book was a flop, Xiao Yuan considered for a long time and finally decided to finish it.

Thank you all for your support, we'll see you again if we're lucky!

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