Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 22: Yingzhou White Bend


It has been five years since Mu Lin arrived in Yingzhou. Her appearance seems to have not changed at all. She is still a little girl of eleven or twelve years old, with rosy lips and white teeth, still childish. Between her brows, one can vaguely see her future stunning charm.

Ming Yi saw that in the past few years with Mu Lin, she had been fed with blood beads from time to time, and her cultivation had increased a lot, and she was about to reach the ghost fairy realm. She was very grateful in her heart, and when she knew that Mu Lin was going to the East Sea Yingzhou, she resolutely followed him, as if she had put aside her hatred for the time being.

In troubled times, people's hearts are treacherous. Thanks to her, the evil ghost Mu Lin, she was able to escape danger many times and avoid falling into the hands of evil people. This also strengthened her determination to become stronger.

Mu Lin carefully looked up some ancient books, all of which had records about Yingzhou.

Legend has it that there are five mountains on the sea: Daiyu, Yuanjiao, Fanghu, Yingzhou, and Penglai. According to "Liezi·Tangwen", "The height of the mountains is 30,000 miles around, the top is 9,000 miles flat, and the distance between the mountains is 70,000 miles, which are neighbors. The terraces and pavilions on the top are all gold and jade, and the animals on the top are all pure white. The trees of pearls and jade grow in clusters, and the flowers and fruits are all delicious. Eating them will make you immortal. The people living there are all immortals, and there are countless people flying back and forth in a day and a night. The roots of the five mountains have no connection, and they often go up and down with the tides." The last two mountains drifted away without a trace, leaving only Fanghu (Fangzhang), Yingzhou, and Penglai.

Mu Lin said that except for this continent which really exists, everything else is just lies.

Surrounded by the clear blue sea, against the backdrop of the azure sky and white clouds, Yingzhou Island appeared to be shrouded in clouds and mist from afar, and seemed like a fairyland, which was fascinating. However, after she climbed up, she found that it was just an ordinary isolated island.

The waves wash over the golden sand, slowly filtering through the green grass, and then to the lush green trees. The gurgling streams are crystal clear, and the mountains with clouds and peaks are unattainable...

This kind of natural beauty was too common in Mu Lin's eyes. She had been to many fairylands with Hades, and each one was more colorful and picturesque than this one. Not to mention the Crystal Dragon Palace of the Dragon King of the East Sea, even the Tianshan Yaochi of the Queen Mother of the West was much more dreamy than this one.

But Mu Lin didn't come here to see the scenery. She looked at the distant mountains for a while and then headed towards the highest and farthest one.

Baiwan Baiwan, the name is naturally given because of its unique characteristics, for example, the only mountain top is covered with snow, which looks very appropriate.

It was two hours later when they reached the bottom of the mountain. Ming Yi had been floating around Mu Lin for a while, and she couldn't help but yawn. Blood and tears flashed in the corners of her eyes, and she looked a little scary. Mu Lin had long been accustomed to her bleeding but not crying, and at this moment he smiled helplessly and said, "Ghosts can also feel sleepy?"

"My dear little ancestor, I am almost becoming a ghost fairy. Ghost fairies are out of the realm of ghosts, so they will naturally feel sleepy."

Mu Lin was speechless, “Most immortals don’t know how to do that.” Otherwise, why could the Peach Banquet last for three consecutive days? It was naturally because the immortals had unlimited energy, and eating and drinking for three days would not have much impact.

Ming Yi didn't argue with her, and turned into a wisp of gray smoke and went back to sleep in the hairpin. Mu Lin started to climb the mountain. The mountain seemed to be endlessly high. Mu Lin didn't climb to the halfway point until the sun set.

She climbed up a big tree, found a familiar branch, lay down and closed her eyes to rest.

Mu Lin somehow retained this mortal habit, although she could go without rest when necessary.

Early the next morning, when the sunlight shone through the branches and leaves onto Mu Lin's face, Mu Lin calmly opened her eyes, and without further delay, she climbed down the tree and took two steps forward. Suddenly, she realized something was wrong!

This is not halfway up the mountain, but at the foot of the mountain! Mu Lin narrowed his eyes, and continued to climb up quietly without making any noise, unable to figure it out.

The mountain path was quite rugged and uneven, and as difficult to walk on as yesterday. It seemed that there was nothing suspicious, but her appearance at the foot of the mountain was the biggest suspicious point... Mu Lin believed that with his memory, he would not be wrong.

This time she climbed to the top of the mountain in one breath, but there was no snow here, only dark green trees and a layer of cold white mist lingering on the top of the mountain. Naturally, there were no human traces here.

There was no trace of the immortals left here, only the elusive white mist. It seemed that this was the case in Mu Lin's eyes, and five years of hard work turned into empty talk in an instant.

She walked slowly around, got up and went down the mountain. When she passed halfway up the mountain, she looked up and saw the tree where she had slept last night. After making sure that it was there again, she slowly continued to go down the mountain.

Mu Lin did not stop when she reached the foot of the mountain. She continued to walk slowly around the foot of the mountain. After about an hour, she stopped under a tree and touched the bark with her hand.

Life is like a game of chess. To crack it, we should go straight to Tianyuan.

At this moment, a strange scene suddenly happened. The bark that Mu Lin touched suddenly began to ripple like a calm lake, with transparent water ripples spreading out layer by layer. Mu Lin's fingers also felt the soft and cool water ripples.

Then Mu Lin's figure disappeared instantly, as if no one had ever been there. Mu Lin felt the light suddenly change drastically, and couldn't help but blink. When he opened his eyes again, the world had changed.

She stood at the bottom of the plain white stone steps and looked up. What she could see was a ten-foot-wide stone staircase extending to an endless and lonely place. It looked a bit desolate. As for the rest of the scenery, it was all chaos and nothingness.

This should be a small world opened up by a powerful person, or some fixed special space... Mu Lin was thinking, when a line of ink characters appeared in the air. It was the ancient font she was familiar with, and the strokes were very sharp and unrestrained, forming a unique style.

"If you can reach the top of the Three Worlds Primordial Boundary, you will reach Yingzhou."

Mu Lin thought about it in her mind. Was this another test? She was not afraid of those who came, and those who were afraid did not come.

Mu Lin raised her foot and was about to go up. She climbed the first step easily, as if there was no problem. She climbed another step and suddenly frowned. Mu Lin was so sensitive that she felt her body was getting heavier. She climbed another step and her body became even heavier. The pressure from the steps was increasing.

Mu Lin had only walked seven steps when her forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. She wiped the sweat off her face and continued walking forward without caring much.

Mu Lin didn't know how long she had been walking or how high she had climbed. She didn't look back, and her mind was completely focused on climbing, but she felt vaguely that her body had reached its limit.

Even with the strongest will, she could not muster even a fraction of the strength she had already exerted to the limit of her potential.

Mu Lin used all his strength to finally lift his feet again, but his whole body was instantly covered with a layer of light red blood mist. This was a sign of danger, and if he forced himself any further, his entire body would be damaged.

It's already good. You have reached your limit. What's the point of trying harder? It will only cause irreversible damage to yourself.

A trace of confusion flashed across Mu Lin's bloodshot eyes, and the next second, all the bones in her body suddenly felt a suffocating pain as if they were being crushed. She bit her lips tightly, and her face turned pale, which even the blood mist could not cover.

A drop of blood slid down from her lips and dripped onto her body. It was not a warm and sticky touch, but rather a bone-chilling coldness, as if it was filled with someone's anger, or perhaps it was bone-chilling rage, which stimulated her whole body to tremble deeply.

That was the blood flowing in her body... An inexplicable sadness overflowed from Mu Lin's chest. She raised her head and gently stepped down.

In the void, an illusory shadow stood quietly within her sight. She couldn't see its outline, and couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. But Mu Lin could feel that shadow glanced at her casually with indifferent eyes. In his eyes, everything seemed to be nothingness.

Mu Lin's face became paler and paler. She felt the loneliness in her heart as if it had accumulated for tens of millions of years. It was a feeling of loneliness that she could not bear after being immersed in it for a long time. The unspeakable pain exploded in her mind, almost blowing her to pieces.

However, she clearly saw the shadow walking forward, his steps were calm and indifferent, but he was moving forward.

Mu Lin looked at his back with great effort, watching him go away from her, watching the scenery behind him constantly changing, from green mountains and green pines to the endless desert, from the vast ocean to mulberry fields, and finally to the vast sea of clouds, without a trace of the world... She seemed to have spent her entire life watching him. After an unknown amount of time, Mu Lin's brows gradually revealed a sense of desolation and weariness.

I don't know how long it took, but the shadow didn't stop, and her figure gradually became clearer. Yes, it was "her" and not him.

It was just a shadow, but Mu Lin seemed to be able to sense everything about her. It was the figure of a woman, slender and tall, with long hair tied up, so casual and lazy, but her every move revealed a natural dignity. Her grace was peerless, and she kept walking forward, as if leaving all the shackles behind and turning a blind eye to them.

If Mu Lin could see this woman's face, he would be extremely surprised. The pair of radiant, gorgeous, yet ruthless peach blossom eyes, the delicate nose, the light pink lips, and the delicate facial features, were gradually overlapping with her current young appearance!

She has been walking alone, her back revealing endless loneliness... Mu Lin understood this woman at this moment. She is willful and indifferent, lonely and proud; she does not want to be bound by the world, and only pursues her own path; she is a person immersed in loneliness, but she has never been moved at all...

Mu Lin followed him, the pain in her body was getting worse and worse, as if she was being executed at all times. She couldn't bear it and fell on the stone steps from time to time. Her clothes were tattered, her hands and feet were stained with blood, her figure was in a mess, but her eyes were calm and tenacious. She seemed to have walked through the green mountains and pines, the endless desert, the vicissitudes of life, until the sea of clouds was vast and the world was gone... Mu Lin's eyes went dark and she finally couldn't hold on and fainted.

She never noticed that the bloodstains behind her turned into red spider lilies that slowly bloomed, emitting a rich and gorgeous luster, so red that it was almost eerie.

The man in front of the Shui Ze mirror saw that Mu Lin finally fainted. If you ignore the fact that she had been in the Hunyuan barrier for three whole months, at this moment she really looked like a delicate flower.