Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 27: The old man who wrote the book is very bad!



Mu Lin was a little surprised. Logically speaking, the stronger a god is, the more restricted he is by the rules of heaven. It should be difficult for a war god to have a child, but how could he have two bloodlines surviving in the world


It took Mu Lin a moment to realize what his master meant. The two children of the God of War were not born of the same mother.


"Can't a god only marry one wife?" It's like this in the underworld. Although she has never seen her mother, Queen Hades, nor has she seen her father marry another queen.

When Orikawa heard this, he was slightly startled, and a complex expression flashed across his face. Even a child could understand this truth...

In the end, he felt a little sigh for his disciple's naivety, "It depends on the person. Not all gods believe in one couple for life... Lin'er, the more powerful a person is, the more common it is to have three wives and four concubines."

Mu Lin almost suspected that she had heard it wrongly. She just heard some... sarcasm in her master's words

But she still asked, "Will Master be like this in the future?"

"No." He will not get married, have a wife, let alone be indecisive.

He will not have love.

Mu Lin was actually secretly happy when she heard what her master said. Even though she was a little paranoid, this way she would be her master's only relative.

"Back to the topic, the God of War passed away ten thousand years ago, and his eldest daughter Ni Heng succeeded him to the throne. His second son Bi You is still missing."

Mu Lin pondered in his heart, in this situation - we can even speculate that Ni Heng killed Bi You? If this is true, then the battle for the throne is fierce enough... Sis and brother kill each other, and the loser will die without a burial place! Mu Lin has no doubt that if the winner is Bi You, Ni Heng will die.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, which is an unchanging truth since ancient times.

She admired Ni Heng's approach, "If you don't remove the roots, you will have endless troubles."

Mu Lin noticed that his master didn't say anything. He looked up in confusion and found that he was looking at him thoughtfully. Mu Lin suddenly realized something, closed his mouth and blinked innocently, with a cunning gleam in his eyes.

She was obviously not kind and did not yearn for the bright future. It was up to Orikawa to decide whether to accept her or not. He thought that since she was wavering, there was no point in forcing her to leave.

This kind of realistic and transparent view is neither harmful nor beneficial.

A child who is too naive may not be suitable to be his disciple.

That's all.

"That's all for the Divine Realm. I didn't bring you here casually today. You should know that there are nine levels of immortals: Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Primal Immortal, Upper Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, Immortal Lord, True Man, and Emperor Immortal. Each level roughly corresponds to strength. There is a method for practicing the Knot Level on the Xuanyou Ice, which you need to decipher and comprehend on your own."

Zhechuan waved his sleeves, and the dark cold ice rose from the ground and turned into a dark blue translucent ice monument.

"I have moved the East Pavilion to a nearby location, and you need to find the way there by yourself. If you fail to complete your study assignment, I will punish you. Lin'er, it is rare to be born an immortal, so don't waste it. When you can reach the strength of an immortal, you can go out."


Mu Lin was not surprised that her master saw that she was born with the constitution of an immortal fetus. She was mentally prepared when her master's immortal power flowed through her twelve immortal meridians.

Everyone has the Twelve Immortal Meridians, but only those who have embarked on the path of cultivating immortality can feel and use them. The immortal meridians of those born with immortality are particularly special, wide, long and flexible, and are the most suitable meridians for cultivation.

The master's strength is unfathomable, and his control over the immortal power has naturally reached a subtle level. There is no reason why he cannot feel the difference in her immortal veins.

It is difficult for gods to have children, and it is not easy for immortals either. It also depends on luck. After all, even if they have immortal blood, only two or three out of ten are born as immortal fetuses. When an immortal fetus grows up, it is an immortal. There is no need to practice, and it directly crosses the threshold of immortality.

Mu Lin was born two levels ahead, a natural Yuanxian! Compared to other immortals, her cultivation path was too smooth, and her talent was just like a monster!

Now that the immortal veins are open, Zhechuan asks Mu Lin to practice again and step into the threshold of immortality. This is the foundation.

Mu Lin stood up and watched Zhe Chuan leave, then walked to the front of the ice monument to observe. The surface of the ice monument was as smooth as a mirror, and even Mu Lin's face could be vaguely reflected. The base was in the shape of a lotus. Li Li squatted down and gently touched the lotus pattern with his fingers. It seemed that there was nothing special except the biting cold. If you touch it for a long time, your fingers will stick to it.

Mu Lin studied it for a long time. This ice monument was simple and clear at a glance. What secrets could it hide

Wait... What if my hand sticks to it? Mu Lin thought for a moment and slowly placed his palm on the stele.

Hiss! Ten fingers connected to the heart, the bone-piercing cold rushed straight into the meridians with overwhelming force! Mu Lin was so cold that he instantly retracted his hand.

His palm slowly warmed up, and Mu Lin lowered his eyes and looked at the faintly visible meridians on his arm in deep thought.

This scorching cold could rush straight into her meridians, which was similar to the way her divine power flowed through her meridians when she was frozen. She roughly understood what her master had said before: "Water is said to moisten everything... Mysterious cold ice nourishes and holds all things..."

Mu Lin no longer hesitated, raised his palm and covered the stele again, while leaning his body weight towards the stele to prevent himself from moving away due to the cold.

Hiss! The extreme cold almost froze her to death. Mu Lin pursed her lips tightly and endured it moment by moment. In a trance, she was thinking, maybe the evil ghost in the frying pan must be enduring this kind of pain

She was about to come back to her senses, realizing that this torture was not meant to make her lose herself in a trance, and she had to feel it carefully. Ice was a variation of water, and it had the property of moistening and flowing. The weak and pure divine power in it slowly nourished her body while flowing through her meridians. She had to remember this route.

The whole arm was soon numb from the cold, and Mu Lin felt that her arm was no longer her own, and the pain was reduced a little. She became more alert and felt it carefully.

When he had memorized it completely, Mu Lin quickly pulled out his arm. Yes, he pulled it out! A thin layer of ice had formed where his palm met the stele.

Mu Lin put her hands on her face to warm it up slowly, and her mind was still reviewing the route she had just memorized. Fortunately, she had a good memory and was highly focused under extreme circumstances, so she remembered it accurately.

But then what? Mu Lin stared at the ice tablet expressionlessly. It was not enough to just find the cultivation route, because she had no immortal power to circulate in her body. She didn't know how to gather immortal power!

Origami was reading in the study, occasionally glancing at his apprentice in the mirror. When he saw her putting her palms on the ice and conscientiously comprehending the flow of divine power, a hint of approval appeared in his eyes. After a while, he saw Mu Lin staring at the ice tablet. Her expressionless face looked a little helpless, and Origami actually thought she looked a little cute.

Well, my own disciple is so cute no matter how I look at him. Orikawa retracted his gaze and continued reading.

Mu Lin didn't hold out for too long, and she temporarily gave up looking for clues on the ice tablet. The master said that the passage to the East Pavilion was moved nearby by him, and the clue might not be on the ice tablet, so she circled around the area covered by the ice.

Mu Lin found that only the northwest corner was not covered with ice, and the temperature was higher than other places. She squatted down in this place, and there seemed to be some special sound. She closed her eyes and listened carefully.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and heard the sound of the wind!

The sound of wind coming from the bottom up!

How could there be wind noise underground? No, the ground is not solid.

Mu Lin's hand groped slowly on the ground. The ground was very smooth. Such a large area... Mu Lin closed his eyes again and felt it. Finally, he felt the specific location of the wind outlet. He put his hand on it and groped carefully, and finally found a small area that was slightly sunken.

She pressed down suddenly, and the place actually sank! The ground on both sides suddenly shrank, and before Mu Lin could react, he fell straight into the hole in the middle!

In a split second, Mu Lin's arms quickly protected his head. He landed with a dull thud, but the expected severe pain from the fall did not come.

Mu Lin was stunned for a moment, then slowly loosened her arms and raised her head. There was a quilt under her body. She lifted it up and saw thick and soft bedding underneath. It was obvious that she had fallen on the bed.

Mu Lin couldn't help but look up. It was just a normal wooden beam without any holes. It seemed that the underground road leading to here had been blocked.

Is this the East Pavilion

Mu Lin looked around. The bed was not big, but suitable for daily nap. It was definitely not used by her master. Her master did not look like a fancy fairy who would embroider quilts and pillows with gorgeous and complicated patterns.

The difference between the owner of this bed and her master is probably like the difference between a beautiful woman on earth and a beautiful woman on the top of the Tianshan Mountains.

Forget it, why bother with this? Mu Lin shook his head and looked around.

Next to the couch was an ebony desk, on which were placed a few books, a set of four study items, and a plain cushion beneath the desk. Further away was a mahogany bookshelf, with rows of books neatly arranged in categories. Mu Lin roughly counted that there were tens of thousands of books.

Mu Lin got up from the couch, first rearranged the bedding, and then went through the bookshelves to look for books. Her master asked her to start with "Miscellaneous Notes of the Six Realms", and she shouldn't disobey him, but she had more important books.

Found it, Mu Lin's eyes lit up. After searching for half an hour, she finally found this book "The Origin of Immortal Power" on the bookshelf.

I just sat on the cushion and started watching.

“…Those who become immortals feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and use the five elements…”

I finished reading this thin book very quickly. In a nutshell, it can be summed up in two words - Qi training.

Before becoming an immortal, she practiced Qi, and after becoming an immortal, she still practiced Qi. Fortunately, she could use the spirit gathering array on the last page.

Mu Lin ground the red ink, dipped the brush in it and painted on the rice paper. Unfortunately, the rice paper did not change at all until the last stroke. Mu Lin concentrated and held her breath for nearly a quarter of an hour, and had to accept the reality that the spirit gathering talisman she drew failed!

She had plenty of time to spend on it, and drew a few more in one go, but unfortunately none of them responded. Mu Lin put down the pen resignedly and couldn't help sighing.

After thinking about it, I realized that giving up like this is impossible, even if I kill myself!

She had no way out.

Mu Lin thought about it and picked up "The Origin of Immortal Power" again. This time he read it with great concentration, fearing that he would miss any information.

After reading for half an hour, Mu Lin put down the book and felt like he had no desire to live. In fact, this book is boring, it is nothing more than talking about the connection between heaven and man, attaining the Tao and becoming an immortal, and the five elements of spiritual energy turning into immortal power...