Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 5: I am not your father


Mu Lin didn't think at the time that this scene would remain in her mind and would never fade. She just remembered it inadvertently. She didn't expect that she would keep coming back to it many years later.

Mu Lin had clearly seen many stunning, dreamy, and miraculous sights that were far more beautiful than the moonlight in the wilderness, but at this moment he couldn't help but be infected by Zhongli Jian's happiness.

"Yeah!" She nodded heavily, paused, and touched her nose, feeling a little stupid.

Who let her be infected by a fool...

Zhongli Jian touched her head, his eyes full of tenderness. He looked up and determined the direction based on the position of the Big Dipper, then took her hand and walked in one direction.

Soon Mu Lin saw the outline of the city under the night sky. It was the city she entered during the day, and it should be the city they escaped from. Mu Lin pulled his hand in confusion, "Why do you want to go back? Aren't you afraid of being caught?"

Zhongli Jian blinked, "Silly girl, there are no other cities within a hundred miles. If you wander outside, you will be caught sooner or later. Let's go into the city and go to the bustling streets. Who would think of hiding in the city?"

Mu Lin said "oh" and asked in confusion: "But the city gate is closed, we can't get in now."

Zhongli Jian choked, and the two of them stared at each other in the night wind.

Who is Mu Lin? How could he be defeated after ten thousand years of imprisonment? Zhongli Jian couldn't help but surrender and looked away. He laughed and scolded: "You little girl..."

"Hmm?" Mu Lin looked at him innocently.

"Forget it, why bother with a child..." Zhongli Jian waved his hand and simply let go of Mu Lin. He lay down on the haystack in a casual manner, supporting his head with his hands behind his back, crossing his legs, holding a piece of grass in his mouth, and closing his eyes. He looked extremely comfortable.

Mu Lin was a little confused. Zhong Lijian usually behaved like a decent person. "Why are you giving up on yourself like this?"

"Lie down and take a rest. You can't stand all night now, right? Just sneak in when the city gate opens tomorrow morning. Besides, aren't you tired, girl Lin?"

"Tired." Mu Lin said briefly, and then lay down beside him. She was also sleepy after tossing and turning all night, and now she was too lazy to think. The haystack should have been built by the predecessors on the road, so it would be nice to lie down on it. Mu Lin closed her eyes and fell asleep in a daze.

At midnight, when it was the coldest, Mu Lin was dazed but didn't wake up from the cold. The overbearing coldness of Yintian Tower was a thousand times more painful than this, but he could just get through it.

At this moment, the long arms beside him suddenly embraced him, and Mu Lin was wrapped in a warm embrace, and the warmth gradually returned to his whole body.

"Father..." Mu Lin murmured, arched her back in his arms, and finally fell asleep peacefully.

Mu Lin was woken up by Zhong Li Jian in the morning. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and picked up the bright red men's coat covering her body, which still had a faint orchid fragrance.

"Thank you." Mu Lin returned the clothes to him, and then said happily: "I dreamed of my father... Daddy last night!"

Zhong Lijian's face suddenly darkened, "Okay, when we wake up we'll go into the city!"

"Don't be so angry in the morning. Daddy said that you will age faster..."

"... Your father married you to me, so you will be mine from now on. Listen to me." Stop mentioning your father, it's so long-winded!

"My father wouldn't do that!" Mu Lin defended himself, and had to quickly follow him with his short legs.

Mu Lin followed Zhongli Jian into the team entering the city and saw him exchange their wedding coats for two sets of coarse cloth clothes and some silver money.

"Put it on."

"Oh." Mu Lin had never worn such rough clothes, but there was no fault in it. Instead, it was somewhat novel.

With the help of the clothing vendor, the two easily blended into the city. Mu Lin was not surprised because she had followed a woman with a bunch of children into the city before. Mu Lin slightly sighed that the inspection in the human world was loose and casual, not as strict as their underworld.

Zhongli Jian led Mu Lin into a busy street. It was a market day today and there were vendors hawking their wares along the way. All kinds of goods were displayed on the counters, a dazzling array of goods. Mu Lin found everything new and interesting and lingered at several stalls.