Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 52: Not to be spied on


Such a sentence hit him right in the face, and even Feng Ling, who was a leader among the playboys in the love field, was a little confused. Is it so direct

But since the woman's elders asked, he couldn't help but answer, otherwise it would seem that he, the second prince of the fairy world, was irresponsible. So he nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes."

Feng Ling suddenly felt that the palace was even colder. Why was Yingzhou so cold? He couldn't help but want to add a warming spell to himself, but on the surface he still sat upright with a smile on his face, unconsciously putting on a well-behaved and upright posture when meeting an elder.

Master Zhechuan looked at him, a flash of hostility flashed across his eyes, and his knuckles in his sleeves unconsciously clenched until they turned white. He had just figured out some clues and went out of the study to look for his disciple, but he didn't expect to find him anywhere. He actually saw the two of them holding hands and smiling in the Hunyuan barrier!

He hadn't seen his disciple for just a few days, but she already had a new friend who smiled at him and walked hand in hand with him, and it was Feng Ling... Why was it Feng Ling

Orikawa seemed to be frozen in place, watching the two people walking hand in hand in tacit understanding, and the blood in his body seemed to be frozen. It was difficult for him to describe the feeling, as if a sharp arrow pierced his heart in an instant, as if all his thoughts were mixed together into a mess, or as if the silk thread that was integrated into his bones and blood was pulled out, tearing blood...

He could hardly control the anger in his heart, and even wanted to destroy the entire Yingzhou and let this filthy place be buried with him.

He finally suppressed the crazy thoughts in his mind and planned to have a few words with the Second Prince of the Immortal Realm who had evil intentions. But he didn't expect Feng Ling to admit it so straightforwardly. Ha, can you believe the words of a person who is a playboy and has a bad record

Anyway, Orikawa didn't believe it at all. He asked coldly, "Are you sincere to Rin'er?"

"Feng Ling really likes Mu Lin, but there is one thing I am confused about. Please tell me... Is Mu Lin unable to speak?"

Ha, he calls his disciple's full name affectionately, what a frivolous person with sweet words!

Orikawa did not answer but asked, "What's the connection?"

"Hmm? Master, what are you talking about?" Feng Ling didn't react. Master Orikawa's words were incoherent.

Master Orikawa said slowly: "What does your love for Mu Lin have to do with whether Mu Lin can speak?"

Feng Ling's eyes twitched. This was truly a fatal question - a bad answer would become evidence that he disliked Mu Lin and was not sincere enough... He thought about it a thousand times and quickly gave what he thought was the safest answer: "Feng Ling wants to marry Fairy Mu Lin. If Fairy Mu Lin cannot speak, I'm afraid the resistance from the Fairy Court will be greater..."

Indeed, as the only son of the Immortal Emperor and the future heir of the Immortal Realm, if he wanted to marry a mute, he would never pass the test of the Immortal Court. First of all, the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Empress would scold him to death, not to mention those old-fashioned Immortal officials.

Even though Mu Lin is a reclusive Daluo Jinxian with great strength, and has a backing master in Zhenren Zhechuan behind him, he is still criticized.

After all, the future queen of the fairy world cannot be a mute.

How could such roundabout and evasive words fool Zhechuan? In the end, he still despised his disciple for not being able to speak. Zhechuan really wanted to slap Feng Ling to death, but he continued to ask without showing his emotions: "So what do you want?"

"I will treat Mu Lin wholeheartedly. If she cannot be cured, Feng Ling will be responsible for her and will never treat her unfairly..."

Feng Ling asked himself if this was fair to Mu Lin. Behind her stood Zhechuan, who was also a very special fairy in his eyes and worthy of his patience.

Orikawa was already suppressing the blue veins on his forehead, but he remained calm and asked further, "How do you want to be responsible?"

Feng Ling said sincerely: "Feng Ling is willing to welcome Fairy Mu Lin into Xiche Palace as a concubine and take good care of her for the rest of her life."

This answer was definitely mixed with interests, but it was also sincere. Feng Ling thought that the conditions he offered and the promises he made were high enough.

Who would have thought that Master Zhechuan had no intention of negotiating terms with him at all. The string of rationality in his head suddenly broke, and with a wave of his sleeve, Feng Ling was tied tightly to the ground with the immortal rope.

"What are you doing... Master, please don't get angry. Let's talk it over nicely. For my father's sake, you can't do anything!! Fold... Ah!!!"

It turned out that Zhechuan took out a heavy black gold whip out of thin air and whipped Feng Ling fiercely!

This whip only used 70% to 80% of its strength, but its power should not be underestimated. It hit Feng Ling so hard that his skin was torn and flesh was exposed. One Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas were born. Even the showy purple clothes were oozing with blood...

Orikawa Masato smiled coldly, this was just the beginning.

Soon, the dying Feng Ling was thrown out of the Baiwan Mountain barrier. The cold and arrogant words of Master Zhechuan echoed in his ears: "You are the first one who dares to humiliate my disciple Zhechuan. Feng Ling, if you dare to harass Mu Lin again, I will destroy you!"

Obviously this is not a joke.

An hour later, Mu Lin finished bathing and changing clothes, and went out to see her master, intending to return the Fengling cloak. She only found her master in the front hall.

"Master, where is Feng Ling?"

Orikawa's expression was gloomy, and he only said lightly: "Rin'er, can you speak now?"

Mu Lin was in a good mood and smiled, "Yeah, it's great that I can speak suddenly. But it's a bit strange to have no sense of touch... Where is Feng Ling? I'm here to return his cloak."

"He's gone. You can put the cloak on the table."

"Oh, okay." Mu Lin didn't dwell on it at all, and continued, "Master, I found that external stimulation can affect my condition. Last time it was the Heavenly Thunder of Tribulation, and this time it was the Primordial Chaos Barrier. If I experience the pressure of the Primordial Chaos Barrier a few more times, can I fully recover?"

Zhechuan was looking at Mulin thoughtfully, but he didn't say anything. He was carefully observing his disciple's reaction, and when he saw that she didn't mention Fengling again, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the disciple does not like that playboy, so there is no need for him to say more.



This was the first time Mu Lin saw his master distracted, so he repeated what he had just said.

Orikawa said, "No. The Hunyuan barrier is a relic of the gods, and it is too powerful. You have lost your sense of touch and cannot feel pain. If you try to climb the stairs, you will not be able to control the situation, and it will only cause devastating damage to your body."

"Then what should I do?"

"Use stillness to control movement, and do nothing."

Facing Mu Lin's puzzled look, Orikawa further explained: "Rin'er, the loss of tactile sense may seem to have a minor impact, but it actually has a lot of hidden dangers. You can't feel whether you are injured or not, and you can't sense any abnormalities in your body. Just like you continue to walk after spraining your ankle, once you are injured, you will inadvertently aggravate the injury."

Being afraid of the consequences? Mu Lin didn't care.

Orikawa hit the nail on the head: "Can you feel the flow of immortal power now?"

Mu Lin's heart tightened, and she finally realized the seriousness of the situation—she was now completely unable to sense the immortal power in her body!

"If the immortal power goes wrong, you won't know it."

Mu Lin was silent. The immortal veins were intertwined and if the immortal power went to the wrong place, she would not be able to feel it at all, let alone guide it. At the very least, her cultivation would regress and damage her immortal veins, or at the worst, her immortal veins would be shattered and she would go astray!

Mu Lin had a headache and said, "Master, do you mean that I can't use my immortal power until I recover? How is this different from a mortal?"

"Unless you can use your immortal power to a level of precision and accuracy."

Mu Lin was silent. It was obvious that he couldn't do it, especially the fire-attributed immortal power with a strong ascending nature, which was most likely to spread everywhere and was difficult to control.

"To cultivate the Tao, you must not only cultivate your body, but also your mind. You should meditate on this carefully."

"Disciple will remember Master's teachings."

Mu Lin was not in a good mood. After cultivating for hundreds of years, she suddenly returned to the pre-liberation era overnight. Even if she understood what her master meant, could she still be happy

A chessboard appeared in front of Orikawa: "Play a game with me."

Mu Lin shook her head and declined: "Disciple is not in a good mood, and I am afraid of spoiling Master's mood." She was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and kill everyone, which would embarrass Master.

"No problem, you don't need to let me this time."

"...Okay." Mu Lin swallowed her saliva. Her master actually knew that she was secretly letting him go, and he brought it up so openly. In terms of being natural and honest, she really wasn't as good as her master...

Having said that, Mu Lin let go. The master and the disciple sat opposite each other and played chess seriously.

Mu Lin had been holding his breath, but now he was killing people everywhere and destroying the world, and he had vented a lot of his anger. After two or three hours, Mu Lin thought he had won, but he was unexpectedly defeated!

"Master has actually learned how to set a trap for me. I admit defeat and accept defeat wholeheartedly."

"Is it a pleasure?"

Mu Lin was stunned for a moment before he understood his master's intention. He smiled and said, "Thank you, Master. My depression has mostly dissipated. If you could let me win, I might be even happier."

"You are pushing your luck. It is not easy for your master to win a game in an upright manner. Normally, you let me play chess, which is a sign of your respect for your teacher. Now it is unreasonable to ask your master to let you win."

Mu Lin was almost fooled by him and protested: "Master, this is a perverted theory!"

Orikawa smiled slightly and said to him, "Okay, you should go back to do your homework. Have you finished copying the Taoist scriptures I asked you to copy? If not, continue copying and bring them to me tomorrow for inspection."

Ah? I can’t practice anymore because I still have homework to do!

Mu Lin suddenly felt weak, pitiful and helpless. He walked to the door dejectedly, suddenly turned his head, made a face, and shouted, "Master is a bad guy!" Then he quickly closed the door and ran to his bedroom.

It was rare for Master Orikawa to see Mu Lin's childish side, and after a long moment he smiled faintly.

Mu Lin returned to her bedroom, and there was still astrology books on the desk. She was upset that she had forgotten to ask her master about some unclear points. The draft was placed on the desk in a mess, and her master would definitely scold her if he saw it. Mu Lin simply sat down to sort it out, and then she started to calculate again. With the previous hard-earned calculation results, the new magic circle was quickly completed.

When the last stroke of the magic circle was successfully completed, the ink floated into the air. Mu Lin wanted to calculate when his five senses would be restored, so he pulled out a strand of his hair, and the magic circle automatically absorbed it.

Mu Lin waited attentively, and this time the magic circle emitted a dazzling golden light. But before she could see anything, the magic circle suddenly shattered, like a spark annihilated in the cold sky, dissipating without a trace!

Mu Lin: “…”

Didn't she draw it well? How come she can't figure it out

She had even calculated Ah Fei’s future before, so this one is relatively simple in comparison. How about trying it again

Mu Lin drew the magic circle again, and this time the hair broke as soon as he put it in...

Mu Lin didn't expect that she had repeated the magic circle for more than a dozen times, and the same mistake was repeated without exception! She crumpled the rice paper into a ball in frustration and threw it all over the floor.

At this time, the footsteps of Orikawa Masamune were heard outside the door, followed by a knock on the door: "Rin'er, can I come in?"

"Wait a moment!" Mu Lin quickly bent down and picked up the paper ball, then hurriedly replied: "Master, please come in!"