Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 54: Invitation card


Orikawa took Mu Lin to the outside of the barrier to greet the guest. Mu Lin asked, "Who is this distinguished guest? Do I know him?"

Orikawa casually replied, "The surprise and mystery you want."

Mu Lin: “…”

Master is becoming more and more naughty!

At this time, a crane came from afar and circled in the sky above Yingzhou. Its cry was clear, but it did not land for a long time.

Mu Lin saw the white crane finally fly down, with a corner of its purple robe lazily drooping from its pure white feathers. He immediately guessed the identity of the visitor.

"Lord Luochen?"

Mu Lin was a little surprised. Luo Chen actually came riding a crane, with a beauty as gorgeous and graceful as a flower in the world, and also showing a bit of immortal spirit.

"Hey! Little Mulin still remembers me~" Luochen Immortal Lord got off the crane gracefully and greeted the master and disciple with a smile, "Hey, you came to pick me up in person, I am really flattered."

Zhechuan didn't bother to pay attention to him. Mu Lin bowed to him and continued with a smile: "Mu Lin naturally remembers the Immortal Lord."

"I knew you were much cuter than your master~" Luochen Immortal Lord waved his hand to let the crane fly away, complaining, "How come Yingzhou suddenly has so many trees planted? I didn't recognize them and thought I was in the wrong place. If I hadn't seen you two waiting for me down there, I would have ridden the crane and flown away again..."

The group walked and talked, with Mu Lin leading the way. Then they heard their master calmly interrupt Immortal Lord Luochen: "Stop talking nonsense. What are you doing in Yingzhou?"

"Hey, it's been decades since we last met, and it's fine if you didn't come to visit me, but I finally came and you're still looking down on me, that's really not nice of you... Okay, okay, I came here to give you an invitation, you didn't forget the Peach Festival that happens once every 500 years, did you?"

Luo Chen took out two red gold-stamped invitations from his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and smiled at Mu Lin: "Little Mu Lin also has one~Are you happy?"

Seeing that his master had no intention of taking the call, Mu Lin made no move.

As expected, Orikawa said coldly, "No."

Immortal Lord Luochen sighed, what a confusing account.

"Zhechuan, you injured the Second Prince of the Immortal Realm for your disciple, and rumors about you and your disciple have already spread. You should go and clear Mu Lin's name and announce to all the immortals that she is your disciple. At the same time, Mu Lin is the thirteenth Daluo Jinxian in the Immortal Realm. Even if you and your disciple are in seclusion, shouldn't she be integrated into the Immortal Realm?"

Orikawa said nothing.

Mu Lin listened at the side, confused. Did the master hurt Feng Ling for her? There were rumors about them in the fairy world? How could she not know? Mu Lin's mind was turning over and over, trying to connect these things together, and wanted to ask the master or the Immortal Lord Luochen later.

Luo Chen turned to look at Mu Lin again and blinked: "Nephew, do you want to go? If your master doesn't want to go, I will take you."

Mu Lin pretended to glance at his master casually, and seeing that he had no intention of objecting, he said, "Can we go to the fairyland to eat peaches?"

"Of course you can. Everyone who has received an invitation has a plate of peaches on their table. The peaches from the fairy world are big, round, fresh and sweet. Eating them can help you improve your cultivation. Even if you use them to make wine, they are top-quality..."

Seeing that Luochen was about to start talking again, Zhechuan said calmly: "Luochen, no need to bother, I'll take her there."

"That's good." Luo Chen handed the invitation to Mu Lin, his face beaming with joy, "I have completed my mission. The Fairy Queen has promised me many benefits for this trip..."

"Something that is the most suitable immortal tool for brewing wine, something that is the immortal fruit that is grown with the nourishment of divine power, oh, by the way, she also asked me to keep my mouth shut." Although she said this, Immortal Lord Luochen did not hide it at all, and his tone was full of pride and teasing.

Mu Lin asked curiously, "Is it okay if you say that?" He was selling out the Fairy Queen completely, how could the Fairy Queen not cause trouble for him

"Hey, since your master has promised, I will definitely go. I can get those good things before the Peach Festival. It will be difficult for the Fairy Queen to see me later~"

Mu Lin's mouth twitched. If the Immortal Lord Luochen finds a random place to hide for a thousand or eight hundred years, will the Fairy Queen still have time to catch him every day? When she almost forgets about this matter, the Immortal Lord Luochen will be a hero again. Of course, the Fairy Queen will never think that the Immortal Lord can be so shameless...

Orikawa suddenly suggested, "Would you like to play a game of chess with me?"

"I refuse!" You, a lousy chess player, still want to challenge me? What if you lose and hit me

"If you win, the Prajna Falling Divine Whip that you used to teach Feng Ling a lesson will be yours."

"Okay, come on." Immortal Lord Luochen agreed immediately without any hesitation.

Mu Lin couldn't help but twitch his lips again. This guy really damaged the image of the Immortal Lord. At this time, Mu Lin received a message from his master: "The Immortal Lord Luochen is unreliable. He has many female confidantes. Don't get too close to him."

Immortal Luochen's eyes twitched, and he pretended not to hear anything. Seeing that he looked normal, Mu Lin quietly looked at his master and nodded barely.

Master Zhechuan felt relieved instantly, and took out a well-maintained set of Lingyu chess pieces. Luochen, this unreliable man, wanted to kidnap his apprentice, it was simply a dream!

Mu Lin now suspected that her master was raising her as a daughter, otherwise why would he pay so much attention to her emotional state and think about all kinds of things several times in a row...

Seeing Master and Immortal Lord Luochen sitting down to play chess, Mu Lin felt bored, so she left to make tea for them. When she came in with the tray, the chess game between the two was not over yet.

Orikawa was holding the white pieces in his hand, thinking about his next move. Immortal Luochen leaned back, took the tea and said lazily, "I see that the palace is also decorated with crystal orchids. You are willing to touch those flowers, but you usually don't let me touch them. Although the crystal orchid has no fragrance, the petals are clear and sweet. Why don't you give me some to make wine?"

Master Orikawa stroked the white seed and casually told Mu Lin: "Don't touch the original ones, just give him some of the others."

A trace of surprise flashed across Mu Lin's eyes, "Disciple knows."

If it wasn't for Immortal Luochen pointing it out, she wouldn't have known that her master treasured the crystal orchid so much, and her master didn't say anything when she took the branches for grafting. Mu Lin suddenly felt that her master actually doted on her and indulged her. Although he was really strict, it was all for her own good.

The game of chess lasted for more than two hours, but the result was a draw.

"You've made rapid progress. You're almost catching up with me." Immortal Lord Luochen sighed regretfully and looked at Zhechuan with new eyes.

"Will it rain again?"

"Come on, I haven't got the Prajna Whip yet!"

"Let Lin'er play against you. If she loses, the bet will still be valid."

Immortal Lord Luochen looked Mu Lin up and down and said, "Okay!"

He really didn't believe that Orikawa could train a national Go player!

Mu Lin smiled slyly: "What is the bet of the Immortal Lord?"

She couldn't afford to suffer a loss like her master, where even if she won there would be no reward.

"You~" Immortal Lord Luochen laughed, "You little girl are much smarter than your master. I wanted to deny it..." Then a blue-purple fist-sized bead appeared in his hand and was placed on the table.

"The evil-repelling bead? You are so generous." Master Zhechuan glanced at Mu Lin, and Mu Lin instantly realized that this was a good thing. He was eager to try it and his fighting spirit was high.

"I'll let you play the white chess piece first." Luo Chen waved the fan, looking very graceful.

As a result, Luo Chen lost the first game in a daze.

"Come again!" Luo Chen took out another pot of Prajna wine, which was one of the top three in the entire fairy world. The aroma of the wine spread for ten miles, and one sip of it would make people feel like they were floating in the air.

Unfortunately, Mu Lin couldn't smell the fragrance. She smiled brightly at Zhe Chuan: "Master, wait for me to win some wine for you!"

Orikawa Masamune nodded.

As expected, Luochen lost again, but this time the loss was not chaotic, but rather a miserable one.

Luo Chen was really convinced this time, and he sighed with a smile: "Your chess style is different from your master's, it's tough and sharp, and a bit violent."

"My Lord, what do you think my master's chess style is?"

Luo Chen spread his hands helplessly and said, "Take it easy, one step at a time."

"The Immortal Lord is right. Mu Lin thinks so too."

Immortal Lord Luochen stood up and said goodbye: "Okay, okay, the things have been delivered, and the treasures have almost been lost. Remember to bring Mu Lin to participate in the Peach Festival in half a month. I will go back to Jiuxian Mountain now."


This attracted the resentful look from Immortal Lord Luochen. He said that he no longer loved his friends after he had a disciple. People's hearts have changed and the world is deteriorating!

"Master, I will go and see Immortal Lord Luochen off."

"No need for that," Immortal Lord Luochen changed his mind and said to her, "I still have something to discuss with your master, so you can leave first."

"Yes." Mu Lin did not forget to take away her two trophies before leaving. She considerately closed the palace door for them and left with brisk steps.

"What are you discussing?" Orikawa took a sip of tea, thinking that Mu Lin's tea-making skills had improved a lot.

"Zhechuan, don't you think you care too much about Mu Lin?"

Master Orikawa found this statement incomprehensible, "Mu Lin is my disciple, so of course I care."

"You shouldn't be so attentive that you even care about her relationships with other people?" Don't think he didn't hear what Zhechuan said to Mu Lin to slander him! It was as if he was afraid that Mu Lin would be kidnapped by him.

"I am as beautiful as a flower, you really don't have any interest in me?"

Everyone loves beauty, Luo Chen thought. Of course he couldn't tell Zhechuan about his thoughts, so he denied it immediately: "Of course not. No matter how stunningly beautiful she is, she is your disciple. I don't want to be inferior to you for nothing!"

Besides, although beauties like Mu Lin are rare, there are so many beauties in the six realms with beautiful faces, fair skin and charming manners. Why would he hang himself on a tree

"Oh." Orikawa seemed to be saying with his eyes, you are still coveting my disciple's beauty.

"… There's no point in talking about this. You're a father who's afraid that your cabbage will be eaten by a pig. This is totally unreasonable!" Luo Chen was a little mad. He finally understood why the frivolous Feng Ling was dealt with by Zhechuan. Which father would be merciful when facing a destructive wild boar

Even though he complained like this, he was still relieved. Just raise her as a daughter, as long as it's not a master-disciple relationship. But when he thought about it, with Orikawa's personality, how could he possibly develop feelings? He was just overthinking it.

"In that case, I'll take my leave. See you at the Peach Festival." Luo Chen straightened his clothes. The crane that had been circling in the sky for a long time let out a clear cry, flapped its wings and flew to his side.

"Slow down."

When Orikawa returned to the Immortal Palace, Mu Lin immediately came to greet him.

No one knows a disciple better than his teacher. Before she could say anything, Orikawa asked, "What do you want to ask?"