Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 78: The world is a melting pot


Helian raised his eyebrows, "Intuition. It sounds ridiculous, but I have escaped death countless times on the battlefield relying on my intuition."

It was indeed absurd, but not false. This kind of mysterious feeling was sometimes so mysterious and accurate that it was unbelievable. Mu Lin followed the way of following the heart practiced by Emperor Zhechuan, doing things as he pleased without tracing back to the source.

She wanted to go to the battlefield to see the world, so she naturally would not refuse the olive branch thrown by Helian. Even if Helian did not threaten her, she would agree, just because she wanted to go.

Helian began to ask questions: "What is your name and what are your strengths?"

"My last name is Lin and my name is Feng. I know medicine, arithmetic, cooking, and a little swordsmanship and divination."

Helian's eyes were full of inquiry. "Lin Feng, you have so many skills to make a living, why do you stay here and be a small inn waiter?"

"Those who have fled the disaster have no money or power, so naturally they start with the simplest things."

"The notice at the door says that your inn is short of cooks. Being a cook is easier than being a waiter, right?"

Mu Lin did not answer but asked: "Master Helian, being a lady at home is always easier than fighting on the battlefield, right?"

A general dies in a hundred battles, a warrior returns after ten years, the cruelty of war is obvious. No matter what, women were not allowed to go to the battlefield in all dynasties. Why did Helian disguise herself as a man to join the army, leaving the safe shelter and embarking on this road full of swords and dangers

"Okay, then you can follow me and be my personal doctor first."

"Sir, I do not follow nameless people. Please tell me your identity."

"Bold!" Helian's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Mu Lin with a frown, but she didn't show any fear for a long time. Helian's expression softened, and he actually smiled, "You are so brave, I hope you can keep your composure even on the battlefield... My name is Helian Yingzhu, now called Helian Ying, and I am the 'third son' of the Zhenyuan General's Mansion. The Helian family has guarded the northern border for generations, and my father, grandfather and two brothers are all heroes who died on the battlefield. I will let you know that although I, Helian Yingzhu, am a woman, I am worthy of your following for a lifetime."

"I'll wait and see."

Mu Lin used his savings to rent a horse, said goodbye to Manager Sun, and set off with Helian Yingzhu and the others.

Along the way, several generals looked at Mu Lin with unfriendly eyes.

Why did you take this skinny innkeeper with you? He was frail and effeminate, so young, and he didn't look like a medical professional.

The seven family generals had followed Helian Yingzhu for many years and were all his confidants. Seeing such a pretty boy following them, they were more or less dissatisfied, but due to the general's majesty, no one dared to raise any objection, and they were ruthless in secretly excluding and squeezing him out.

Helian Yingzhu saw it but didn't care. Whether Lin Feng could integrate into the group depended on his own abilities.

Mu Lin smiled helplessly, borrowed a sword from the general, and called Li Hu, the strongest of the seven, to go to the forest with her for a competition.

It's simply courting death!

No one else wanted to go and watch. What was the point of letting Li Hu abuse a pretty boy? They didn't go to watch, just to save face for the general.

Sure enough, a quarter of an hour later, Li Hu came out of the forest. His hair was messy and he was sweating, but there was no scar on his face.

The little sissy is really weak. Could it be that she was knocked down by Li Hu and hasn't gotten up yet? Everyone laughed in their hearts.

"Well, do you need me to drag him out? We have to travel soon."

At this time, Mu Lin came out slowly with a sword in his hand. He looked unharmed. In front of everyone, he handed the sword back to Helian Yingzhu.

Li Hu was in awe and whispered to his brothers, "We all underestimated him. He, he is a master of swordsmanship!"


"Are you kidding me? If you were a master of swordsmanship, would you be able to come out unscathed?"

Li Hu scratched his head in embarrassment. "Brother Lin said that we should stop when we get enough. Don't disbelieve me. He used a sword while I used a knife. In just five moves, he found eighteen flaws. In the last move, the tip of the sword almost stabbed my throat..."

"Fuck, he's so powerful? No, I still don't believe it. I'm going to go and compete with him!"

"This time, all of us brothers will go over and watch!"

Their voices did not drop, and Helian Yingzhu heard everything clearly. She looked at Mu Lin in surprise, "Are you so powerful?"

Mu Lin shook his head, "It's not that exaggerated."


Seeing them all coming over, Helian Yingzhu said, "If you want to compete, do it in the open space in front. Everyone has gone into the woods to watch the fun. Who's here to watch?"

"Your Excellency is right!"

"Lin Feng, how about we compete in the open space?"

"Okay." Mu Lin answered straightforwardly.

Competition is the simplest and most brutal way she chooses. People with strength are respected everywhere.

Helian Yingzhu threw the sword to her.

Zhang Long took up his stance on the open ground, his spear flashing with cold light. Mu Lin slowly raised his sword.

The grass leaves were cut and scattered by the sword energy, and Mu Lin's figure was so fast that it was difficult to see clearly... In less than a cup of tea, Zhang Long was defeated.

Mu Lin was wearing a simple linen coat. She had a thin figure and a straight back. Her slender hands were holding the hilt of the sword, and the tip of the sword, shining with cold light, was pointing at Zhang Long's throat.

There was total silence, the entire place was silent, everyone was stunned.

There was a flash of surprise in Helian Yingzhu's eyes. It seemed that she had picked up a treasure.

Everyone was talking excitedly, "This is the sword master! Lin Feng, are you the descendant of a hidden master?"

"Do you think General Zhang's spear is as powerful as Lin Feng's sword?"

"We'll know after they've fought each other..."

Mu Lin received real friendship and respect in this team, and people would come to her for advice from time to time.

They were heading south, and although it was winter, the surroundings were getting warmer and warmer. That day, while walking through the mountains, Mu Lin accidentally discovered a hot spring, so he sent a few rough men away and asked Helian Yingzhu if she wanted to take a bath together.

They slept in the open air along the way, and each of them was more dusty than the other. Only when they passed through a city and stayed overnight in an inn did they have the opportunity to take a simple bath.

Helian Yingzhu was a little tempted, but her reason prevailed. She was about to firmly refuse, but Mu Lin urged her, "I have good hearing. If someone comes over, I will definitely remind you in time..."

Mu Lin took out his change of clothes and placed them on the rock. He took the lead in undressing and walked into the hot spring. His skin was wrapped in the gentle water, and he couldn't help but sigh in comfort.

Mu Lin closed her eyes and leaned against the rock. Soon she felt someone beside her. She opened her eyes lazily and saw that it was General Helian, whose clothes had been completely torn off.

Helian Yingzhu had a large frame, and was thin but not weak, full of the beauty of strength, but her body was covered with a mess of new and old scars, which was a bit annoying to Mu Lin. The wound on Helian Yingzhu's back healed a few days ago, otherwise Mu Lin would not have forced her to go into the water.

"Wait until I develop some medicine to reduce the scars. Even though it can't completely eliminate them, at least they will look passable..."

"Don't bother, it's not necessary."

Mu Lin didn't quite understand, "Sir, you are a girl after all. What's wrong with taking care of your body when conditions permit?"

As a woman, how can she not love beauty? Even a woman dressed as a man has her own nature...

"No one can see these scars, so they are not a problem." She would not study this herself, nor would she let others see it.

Mu Lin's hand slid across the slightly uneven marks on her back and said casually, "What about your future husband? He will definitely mind."

The night was gentle, the spring water was warm, and the stars scattered in the sky were twinkling slowly. Helian Yingzhu also had the rare desire to talk.

"How can I have a home when the country is not at peace?"

Mu Lin looked at her in surprise at such a lofty ambition. "Even if you die on the battlefield one day in the future, you won't regret it?"

"What are you regretting? Didn't you live for yourself? Shedding my last drop of blood on the battlefield is my best destiny."

Even if it costs you a lifetime of peace and happiness, it's worth it.

"Why?" Mu Lin was silent. She seemed to understand this woman a little, but also seemed not to understand her at all.

"The long clouds of Qinghai darken the snow-capped mountains, and the lonely city looks towards Yumen Pass in the distance. I will wear golden armor in a hundred battles, and I will not return until I conquer Loulan. Some people think that war is the blood and vigor of soldiers, and the ambition of emperors to expand, but in my eyes, the mission of war is to protect. To protect the vast rivers and mountains and to ensure the peace and happiness of the people should be the lifelong wish of a general."

Mu Lin was slightly moved and chuckled, "You, Lin Feng, wish the Lord all he wants."

Helian Yingzhu answered so many of her questions and also raised her own question: "Lin Feng, you have no worries and are highly skilled in martial arts, why do you follow me?"

Even if Helian Yingzhu tried her best, she might not be able to defeat Lin Feng. If Lin Feng wanted to leave, no one could stop him. But Lin Feng left with them without saying a word.

Mu Lin laughed, "How do you know I have no worries?"

"Isn't it hard to see? People who leave at any time must have nothing to worry about."

Mu Lin looked into the distance. She had been concerned about something before, but now it was gone. There was a hole in her heart, dark and endless, and it could never be filled.

In fact, she quite liked the job of an inn waiter. It was a bit dirty and tiring, but after a busy day, she had no time to think about so many messy things.

Mu Lin admitted that she was running away. After practicing for hundreds of years, her heart had not become as indestructible as her body. She needed time to heal her wounds, and also time to ease the pain of being thrown into hell again.

Helian Yingzhu saw Mu Lin nodding seriously, and her ordinary face suddenly became touching. She chuckled and said, "You are right. I really have no worries... I am a casual person. I wanted to follow you, so I followed you. Don't worry, I will not leave easily until I lose interest in you and Northern Xinjiang."

"You are quite frank."

"Because you are also an honest person, I think... someone as honest as you is suitable for arranging troops on the battlefield, but not necessarily suitable for the intrigues in the court, right?"

Helian Yingzhu narrowed her eyes, "You really dare to guess."

He was always on the verge of offending her.