Utterly Ignorant

Chapter 9: Heart and blood are the guide


Zhongli Jian walked to the end of Chang'an Street, entered a deserted forked path, and soon arrived at the small courtyard at the end of the alley.

He knocked on the door, and a boy about seven or eight years old ran over to open the door, led him in politely, and said in a childish voice: "The master is waiting for you in the inner room, please follow me."

Zhongli Jian stepped into the room and saw a young man facing him. The light in the room was not very bright, and his scattered black hair was so dark that it was slightly purple. The young man seemed to be a few years younger than Zhongli Jian. He was very handsome but not aggressive at all. He was a gentleman, gentle as jade, but his narrow and long phoenix eyes revealed a bit of mystery. The two contradictory characteristics were perfectly integrated in him, which made people unable to look away.

If he really regarded him as a young boy of seventeen or eighteen, Zhongli Jian would be a fool. This man with a mysterious origin, always appearing as a young boy, was his savior.

He was wearing a light green robe and had a lazy posture. His bony fingers were holding a white jade chess piece. He seemed to have noticed Zhongli Jian's arrival and without thinking any more, he casually placed the chess piece on the board.

The outcome of the game was decided with one move, and a dark light flashed across Zhongli Jian's eyes.

"I came a few days early." His voice was as gentle and slow as his real self. "Sit down."

Zhongli Jian sat opposite him and said with a polite smile, "Quexi, I am sorry to bother you, Mr. Mo. I was injured a little earlier and my medicines are depleting faster than usual, so I came earlier to get the medicine."

"You have a special physique, so you should take good care of yourself."

"Sir, you are right. It is just a minor injury. It is nothing serious."

"It just so happens that I am going out tomorrow, and was planning to send someone to take you there. It is quite a coincidence that you have come."

"Sir, you are traveling all over the world. Please take good care of yourself. But... I wonder when you will return?"

"The return date is uncertain."

"I shouldn't have disturbed your leisure time traveling, but after this separation, I don't know if I can see you again." Zhongli Jian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He has a unique fate and suffers from a strange disease. Mo Wangchen can still make elixirs for him to suppress it. If Mo Wangchen leaves, he will probably not live long.

But he was a smart man and did not force Mo Wangchen to stay for him.

Unexpectedly, Mo Wangchen smiled and shook his head, "Your opportunity has come, there is no need for me to interfere."

Zhong Lijian thought of Mu Lin and was silent for a moment, "... I hope you can give me some advice."

How could Xiao Mulin, his destined one hundred and eighty-seventh wife, help him out of his predicament since she knew nothing about it

"Since you have received guidance from the immortal, she has come to your side and used her heart and blood as a medicine."

Zhong Lijian didn't have time to think about how he could have predicted this. He was stunned when he heard the last sentence. Mo Wangchen didn't seem to care about what shocking words he said. His words were still calm, "Remember, only one of you can survive."

Zhongli Jian got the last bottle of medicine from the little boy. The little boy looked at him with some regret, "There are only three pills this time."

Zhongli Jian walked back to the inn. When he entered the room, Mu Lin was still asleep, lying on the table, her thick eyelashes like small fans trembling with her breathing, casting two small shadows.

Zhongli Jian gently touched her head and suddenly fell silent.

"Wake up, Lin'er, don't sleep any more, it's time for lunch."

"Hmm..." Mu Lin rubbed his eyes and sat up, "Hmm? Where's lunch?"

Zhongli Jian laughed, stood up and went out to ask the waiter to serve the dishes.

Mu Lin looked at the more than ten delicious dishes served one after another, such as Kung Pao Chicken, Shredded Pork with Fish Flavor, Winter Melon Soup, and Braised Shark's Fin. He couldn't help but look at Zhong Li Jian in surprise, his eyes seemed to ask: Are you rich

Even though the gold bead was exchanged for a lot of money, they couldn't just sit there and do nothing!