Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Chapter 124: Opening of the National Championships


The rules of the national competition have always been quite complicated. The main reason for the complexity is limited resources. The time for holding the national competition has not been well fixed.

There are six and a half star fields in the Chaoyang Alliance. From the most central to the most remote areas, it takes tens or hundreds of years for light to travel. To hold a league-wide event, the first thing to do is to notify the players to make every effort to arrive at the location. This can be done by using space folding, which is not difficult; the difficulty lies in the players who can't be there, and the local tyrants who pay a lot of money to watch the live broadcast In order to ensure that the data can be delivered and interacted in real time, the League A needs to provide them with a super-light channel for a month.

As for the viewers who don’t have the money to buy live broadcasts, the best situation is that there are stations in their star area who spend money to buy the first broadcast rights, and then spend money to add channels themselves, so that this star area can also receive data within 2 to 48 hours depending on the situation ;The worst case is that their star region does not even have money for the government, so they can only use the most conventional optical information channel, and the planet two light years away means that they will not be able to see this League One in two years... Those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry.

The super-light speed communication channel is for semi-military use. The League A is applying to the highest authority of the alliance every year. This time they managed to seize the time between the two performances of the military department and spared 65% of the resources for one month for civilian use. .

Of the 65% for civilian use, the First League bought 79% with ample pockets, and then immediately notified the entire league's e-sports circle—

This year's national competition is on February 14th!

The strength of this news was astonishing. In an instant, the traffic and communication volume in various regions of the league increased slightly, and the national competition venues contracted by the League One began to be used immediately, and an industrial chain of tens of billions of dollars began to boom. Long run.

At this time, both Tai Lun had been on vacation for a long time, and they ran back to the second star province again. Now they have two choices: first, go to the super-light speed transfer station and compete in virtual images. Free FTL communication for players.

Second, run a little farther and go directly to the actual national competition venue to play.

Needless to say, Victor made his decision wagging his tail, and happily followed Tyron to the national competition venue—

The League One is extremely rich and powerful, and this year launched the asteroid plan to hold the national competition.

Yes, artificial asteroids!

Of course, it is not solid. It is actually a hollow spherical space station, but it is commonly known as an "artificial planet". It is about half the size of the earth, suspended in space like a hollow ping pong ball.

Because it is hollow, there is no gravity, and it relies entirely on the centrifugal force formed by rotation to provide "artificial gravity" equivalent to the gravity of the earth. At that time, the audience will walk on the inner layer of the table tennis shell, like little hamsters running on the rollers. When they look up, they can see another group of audience above their heads walking on the "ceiling".

The stage for the contestants will be at the center of the planet, and the virtual reality equipment will ensure that everyone can see the front of the stage when they look up.

Of course, in fact, the audience did not "look up", but lay directly on the seats, facing the stage directly with their faces, watching the live broadcast while sleeping, it was extremely comfortable.

Victor was really lazy these days, squeezed his cheeks with a little flesh, and said: "I want, I want... I want to buy a position on the equator, and I know that the view must be the best. Look at husband!"

Tai Lun held a card between his two fingers, waved it in the air, and flew it into Victor's breast pocket.

"Kinship seat," Tyron said, "they've given you the location of the equator."

The two walked through the superluminal channel of space folding, and reached the planetary orbit in less than ten days.

The huge "ping-pong ball" is inlaid with gold in white. The two colors distinguish orbits of different latitudes, and rotate around the central axis at different angular velocities.

There are sixteen orbital stations surrounding the planet, and the two of them disembarked from the orbital station, and boarded the near-Earth spacecraft provided by League One to enter the interior of the artificial planet.

The near-Earth spacecraft is adjusting the angle while flying. Looking from the inside to the outside, the scenery is majestic and magnificent: for a while, it is the endless Milky Way, with countless spacecraft passing through it, just like extremely small coral polyps floating with the waves in the deep sea; for a while, it is azure Dazzling stars, artificial intelligence automatically closed a strong shading translucent light film on the window of the spacecraft; after a while, a platinum-gold man-made planetary shell rose slowly outside the window.

The shell of the artificial planet is a perfect spherical shape, with only two points, the north and south poles, and two holes are left in particular, which are made of completely transparent anti-reflection materials.

Victor asked the staff curiously: "What are the two transparent holes at the north and south poles for?"

The staff blinked: "Secret."

Victor and Tai Lun just caught up with the opening ceremony of the national competition, and they saw the "secret" of the North and South Poles that day.

When the superstar Qiqi stood in the center of the stage, swimming freely in the weightless space like a mermaid, in the shell of the artificial planet, countless audiences lay on their seats and cheered.

There was a light "pop" in the microphone.

The lights of the entire planet suddenly disappeared at this moment!

At this very moment, a dark man-made planet will rotate and orbit at the perfect angle, so that the light of the star it surrounds will shine directly from the outside of the spherical shell-

This beam of light poured in straight from the North Pole, flew through the darkness at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was directly connected to the photosensitive instrument at the very center of the planet!

In an instant, the marble is pushed towards the final switch, electricity surges in countless parallel circuits, this artificially bright yin-yang dividing line travels eastward at extreme speed from the planet's prime meridian until it rejoins the line , like a black curtain being pulled apart by the hand of an invisible god, finally lighting up all the gorgeous fireworks in an instant!

On the holographic stage, hot golden fonts and the voice of the host announced together: The 1170th E-sports League A national competition of the Chaoyang League is officially open!

The cheers rose again in an instant, and the crowds were all shouting.

The light from the star directly penetrates the central axis of the artificial planet, and after re-igniting all the lights, it precisely shoots into the South Pole, and then runs to the boundless space without turning back.

It will always be so eye-catching until the second when the opening ceremony is over, when the angle is completely staggered, the light will disappear completely.

The show on the stage has already started, and the carnival before the national competition will last for three days and three nights.

Tyronn and Victor stood up from their seats, put on virtual reality assisted glasses, and ran from the golden latitude track representing the auditorium to the white track representing the rest area. There were people everywhere, and everyone was carnival.

Above them, the other side of the planet was also bustling, with colorful lights intertwined into an indistinguishable carpet.

Victor took Tai Lun to the most famous location of the national competition to take a group photo.

"This is the king's seat!" Victor said, because there were too many people around him, he had to call out loudly, "Come and take a photo! Post two statuses! Otherwise, it will be for nothing!"

The so-called "King's Seat" is actually all 64 contestants in this national competition—except for the gold-sequence contestants who have obtained the qualification to stay, the rest are all silver-sequence contestants from the last three provincial competitions.

Their virtual images are stored on a half-meter-diameter base, and they are all displayed in a huge palace. At the opening of the national competition, the base will be electrified together, and virtual images will grow out of it in an instant, turning into two-meter-high giants, lined up on both sides of the palace.

Tourists will walk from beginning to end in this passage, observing the enlarged version of each player's image, as well as the deeds written below. There will also be a small showcase in front of each image, which contains several items donated by the players. There will be a charity auction in the middle and at the end of the national competition, and all the proceeds from the auction will go to several e-sports public welfare funds.

In addition to the "King's Seat" channel, there will also be positions for retired players and outstanding contributors to the e-sports circle, which will be in another channel.

This palace is called the "E-sports White House", and everyone who can stand inside can say it like a thunderbolt. No matter where and when the League One is held, this palace must be the first to be built.

Tai Lun is the provincial champion of the second star province, the second in the silver sequence, and he is directly opposite the gate of the palace.

At that time, the League One official asked him for an avatar, and he was so upset that he stood there with his arms crossed and didn't move for a long time.

A professional imaging technician took Victor to the side to discuss: "Can you please move the fourth master? Can you pose in a pose? We need to take at least ten seconds of dynamic images..."

Victor whispered, "Do you have to move? I think he's shy."

The image taker wanted to cry without tears and said: "He has already worn the hood! Please, let Si Ye put on the wings. The sponsors spent hundreds of thousands of tailor-made wings, and he only needs to stand up. Up to five seconds of wing-spreading and then landing—nothing else is necessary! It really can’t be less!”

Tai Lun looked disgusted: Wings are used to sensationalize? Superficial human beings.

Master Assassin is also very proud. It doesn't matter to shoot him in competitions, but for the audience to make a concave shape

- Not concave, roll.

Later, Victor acted like a baby to the fourth master for a long time—I don’t know why, but the image taker always felt that it was not "acting like a baby" but "coaxing" in essence—the fourth master finally let go, and the image taker was so moved that he almost hugged Victor’s Thighs wail.

At the last image capture, the image capture technician held up the hair dryer with extreme professionalism!

The reluctant Bingshan God of War has an amazing aura. The wind blows his cloak and flutters. When his wings flap calmly, he looks like a fallen angel waiting to be killed. The moment he lands again, he has a domineering demeanor that dominates the world. .

Then, it was obvious that fourth master was very dissatisfied with the hair dryer that appeared privately, and walked out of the imaging range without looking back.

— No end! The action is not over!

The image taker petrified on the spot, and two lasagna tears meandered down.

Until the special effects artist drooled and came up with an idea: "How about making a special effect and turning it into a black feather and dissipating?"

The final effect made the review and handling staff want to steal this holographic video home.

Finally, this "Odin" image is the first one at the entrance of this end of the king's seat.

As a result, the onlookers desperately squeezed past, trying to see the face of the god of war under the hood from the bottom up, and trying to pick up feathers—then the entrance was completely blocked, and the e-sports White House was almost on the first day of opening. Immediately stopped due to a traffic jam accident.