Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Chapter 126: National Tournament - Card 1


It's too early for the goddess to "die".

When he was standing on the field, he saw Odin's real person opposite him, and he wanted to die again.

Goddess: I didn't believe the rumors that he was an agent, but seeing the aura of a real person... md who doesn't believe me, I will smoke.

It’s an interesting thing to say, the average e-sports player has a special temperament—the kind that can lock yourself in a room and eat nutritious meals, and it’s okay not to go out for a year, the only one Physiological needs are wifi, virtual training methods, and the temperament of special characters who are proud of being like ninjas/death warriors/Jedi knights.

However, players who have reached the level of the national competition, compared with real-life personalities, their temperament is closer to the virtual image, and their movements, demeanor, behavior and thinking patterns are highly in line with the long-term professional characteristics.

A player like Goddess, whose career is written as "card summoner" and pronounced as "Ou Huang", has an ordinary appearance, but he is very cheerful and loves to laugh at first glance, and he has a wealthy second-generation temperament with a good life. In the words of fans: Boys who love to laugh will not be unlucky—because those who are unlucky have already become bitter, can they laugh

So this time, the Goddess played against Odin, and he couldn't laugh the whole time.

The real Odin player doesn't like to laugh, but no one judges his luck. The first is that he is so strong that there is no need to consider luck at all, and the second is that he is so handsome that people don't care whether he smiles or not.

In fact, when he stood at the scene of the national competition, the stage lights surrounded him without any dead ends, presenting every inch of his face's delicate texture, cold outline and elegant arc three-dimensionally... the audience was already basically Crashed.

Audience: Where is this? who I am

At this time, the commentary for this game started. This pair of commentators is a relatively conventional combination. A retired master mainly explains tactics, and another young man who reacts fast enough provides supplementary explanations.

There is no need to explain the characteristics of the players in the commentary of the national competition, because at this level, the official website of each player will be directly posted on both sides of the big screen, and their game history and fighting characteristics can be seen by looking at the official website —What's more, people don't need to post a resume at all, and all the audience will be familiar with his glorious deeds when he first appeared on the stage.

At this time, the commentator Kaimai was talking: "This round is the kiss of the goddess vs Odin. It is said that Odin once played against the goddess in solo queue when he was on his honeymoon in the third-star province. fire."

The commentary can directly talk about the history of the two players' battles outside the game, which completely shows that they have prepared enough homework.

Sure enough, another commentator continued: "The result of that match was that Odin won. After the two of them solved the summoned Balrog together, the goddess lost her fighting spirit."

"The two players shook hands on the field. It can be seen that the goddess appreciates Odin..."

The reason for using the word "appreciation" in the commentary is entirely because seniority is ranked according to seniority. The goddess can be regarded as an old senior who has played several rounds of the national competition. It is one of the unspoken rules in the circle to give the old people a little more face.

But what the commentator didn't know was that the goddess actually shook hands and said with a mournful face, "Can you be more merciful?"

Tyron shook his hand and looked at him.

The Master Assassin has an unforgettable ability to recognize people, but for the Goddess, his former opponent, his entire impression is: Balrog fights very well...


Probably the presence of the Balrog as an opponent was too strong, so that the goddess basically didn't play much role in that fight, and Odin barely remembered his face.

A minute later, a random map came out...

The goddess is full of thoughts: I choose death! Choose death for the third time—let me die! Right now!

—The map is "Kunpeng Back".

Commentary: "Reality is always an astonishing coincidence. The last time two players played solo, this map was randomly picked up."

"I don't know what the result will be in today's national competition: will Odin continue the undefeated myth, or will the goddess turn things around?"

With that said, the two players were quickly teleported to the map.

During the countdown, the goddess looked ashamed. After doing the live broadcast for a long time, he instinctively recited what he was thinking: "The feathers belong to me, the feathers belong to me, the feathers belong to me..."

After the system amplified the sound, the audience and the commentator could barely hear his words. The commentator commented: "Odin is indeed invincible after getting the feather. Instead of imagining how to resist a God of War with wings, it is better to eliminate this possibility first. Goddess The idea is very orthodox.”

After a casual chat, the countdown ended.

At this moment, the first randomly falling feather appeared on Kunpeng's back—

Just right at the feet of the goddess!

The goddess barely moved, just as she raised her feet, the feathers were absorbed by him!

Commentary: "... good luck is very good, Odin did not get the first feather!"

"Odin decisively became invisible, and at this time the goddess draws cards for the first time—"

The first time he drew four cards at a time, a pair of illusory wings just appeared behind the goddess, and immediately the golden hand card flashed in the air, and the first time he held it in his hand, he threw out three cards: Summon the little devil (immediately) see through the assassin's invisibility).

Ice Shield.

Thief's Wisdom (Draw 2 more cards in the next round).

On the public screen: "Me! @#%! #%! Ouhuang's Mystery Daily! Is it a voice-activated game?!!!!"

"Day! At the beginning, there are shields, summons, and god support cards. What else is there to play?"

"Does anyone think this scene looks familiar?!"

Not to mention the audience who watched the scene, basically the goddess herself was stunned: why! Why the maps and cards I drew this time are exactly the same as the last solo row! Could it be that God is giving me a chance to take revenge

Before the shock was over, Odin's dagger had struck directly from behind.

The goddess' ice shield instantly shattered, and the frost froze Odin in place—but this time Odin didn't get the first feather in the opening, so there was no chance to break free for the time being.

At this time, the goddess let the little devil rush forward without hesitation.

It was another scene of deja vu, just before Odin casually killed the fragile little devil, the goddess sacrificed the last card in her hand—

Legendary cards.

Sacrifice Demon's Gate.

With a scream, the little devil was directly sacrificed to death as the "strongest" summoned creature on the field, and then a spectacular demon gate landed on the spot. Every 2 seconds, a demonic creature will randomly appear in the door, and randomly select players to attack regardless of enemy or friend. If the door is broken, a demon lord will be summoned at the end to obey the command of the summoner.

Everyone: dumbfounded.jpg

The commentator said with difficulty: "It's... another summoning card from Hellgate. Is this match a re-enactment of the last solo row encounter between the two players??"

At this moment, everyone went crazy, even the master assassin was thinking: Is the player on the opposite side an illegitimate child of the competition system

It was as if ten million muddy horses were galloping past the heart of the goddess. He took the opportunity to complete the second card draw, caught three golden cards and held them down, and then breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, it was not exactly the same as the last time. Same.

Then he flapped the wings behind him and immediately rose into the air.

At this moment, the ice effect was removed, and Odin, who had recovered his high-speed movement ability, did not hesitate at all, and there were two consecutive flashes on the spot!

"Get close in an instant!" The commentator said quickly, "This set of combos can at least take away 30% of the goddess' blood volume, but the goddess is completely useless, this time he is a perfect start—"

Before he finished speaking, the goddess slapped out the newly drawn card in mid-air: Rotten beehive.

In an instant, countless magic bees from the abyss poured out from this summoning card, directly sticking to Odin who was in midair.

Odin had nowhere to draw his strength, but he continued the consistent style of the God of War, and he did what he needed to do, and the blood of the people who watched it was boiling! He completely ignored these tiny and small summoned creatures, and chased after the goddess to finish half a set of windmill company.

The goddess' reaction was not unpleasant, but even he couldn't catch Cen Ji at all—in the magnificent net formed by Triumph, Cen Ji's unsheathing is a silent death knell, so hidden and deadly!

The commentary was not wrong at all. After the first round of combo exchange, the goddess' blood volume immediately fell below 70%! This is less than three seconds after the opening!

After a while, the goddess continued to fly at high altitude with the advantage of her wings, and finally got rid of Odin.

Odin landed lightly like a cloud of shadows, started a shadow dance for a short two seconds on the spot, and killed all the magic bees around him in two rounds of snow-white horse training, and his blood volume remained at 92% steadily .

After he landed, he raised his head to look at his opponent in the air. The wind in the sky immediately blew off his hood, revealing a pair of cold and inorganic golden eyes, which reflected the posture of the goddess at this moment with incomparable clarity.

—The goddess raised her hand, and another auxiliary card was played: the thief's wisdom.

In the next round, he will draw another 3 cards!

There was a sudden commotion on the public screen: "How can I play this game if I wipe it! Tell me how to play!"

"I can assure you that the card that the goddess is holding is definitely a trump card!"

At this moment, after a short but long 2 seconds passed, an extremely deep red light shone from the newly completed Devil's Gate.

This ray of light simply foreshadowed that something ominous had happened, and it immediately attracted the eyes of the players, audience and commentators for a split second.

At this moment, the goddess was thinking: "Father! Please stop Odin for a great lord!"

Explanation: "... Everyone, don't be nervous, the probability of being the first one to randomly get a demon lord is less than 0.01%..."

The audience was roaring: "We are even more nervous!"

The most indifferent person at this moment was the Master Assassin on the field. He even threw a dart at random to take away a trace of the opponent's blood, and then began to move randomly to quickly pave the way for the battle.

Then, a second later, the figure walking out of the Devil's Gate made all the audience look back at Ou Huang in despair, and then spit out six points: "..."

The silence speaks.

What came out of the door was another demon lord, a powerful summoner with an elite boss panel.

No, his body is not Balrog, but another kind of well-known demon...