Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Chapter 130: Go out of your way to steal your virtue


The fun handcuffs are still electronic locks, which cannot be unlocked with ordinary skills, and the code must be cracked.

Tai Lun finally called the AI housekeeper Athena to unlock it. Athena panicked when she saw the bulge of the quilt, covered her eyes and said, "Damn, hate, you two are interested, why call an innocent artificial intelligence Come eat dog food!"

Tyron: "..."

After the lock was unlocked, Tai Lun lifted the quilt to find Victor, but was locked outside the bedroom door by the vinegar jar.

He was thinking of ways to coax people around, when suddenly a voice communication came from inside.

Victor accidentally played it out, and the master assassin with keen senses outside the door listened to it all over.

I only heard a message from Daddy Wei over there saying: "Baby, you have finally learned how to be a dandy, and I am very happy as a father. But why did you buy a box of sex toys through the anonymous black market? Daddy told you , If X’s life is not happy, you should discuss it with your other half. If there is any disharmony, don’t force it—”

"Beep—" Victor finally came back to his senses, and pressed the voice button abruptly.

There was silence inside and outside the door.

A few seconds later, Victor said through the doorway: "Don't laugh!!!"

Tai Lun coaxed outside for a long while, and the little white rabbit Victor inside knew very cleverly that he would be eaten and wiped clean as soon as he went out, so he just refused to open the door.

After a while, there was no movement outside the door.

Victor hesitantly called out Athena and asked her what Tyron was doing.

Athena said that Tai Lun was watching the game video on the sofa outside, and lay down after watching it, and seemed to be falling asleep.

Victor tossed and turned on the bed for a while, woke up halfway, drank a glass of water, and asked Athena again.

Athena looked helpless and said that Tai Lun had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Victor quietly opened the door, and saw his old antique lying on the sofa, with a pair of long legs cocked on the armrest. On the other side, there was only a coat, which was probably used to make a pillow.

There was another match the next day, but the fourth master, the devil, could only sleep on the sofa alone because of domestic cold violence—

Victor's heart ached as soon as he thought about it, and after two seconds, his heart was burning with pain. Frantically, he pulled out a plush blanket, approached it carefully as if he were catching birds with a net, and then covered it secretly.

Then the old antique who was "asleep alone" stretched out a hand and captured Victor alive on the sofa.

Victor still wanted to struggle.

Tai Lun laughed lowly, put his hands together, and hugged him to do a few tricks.

The strength to struggle was gone.

After a long time, the husband and wife finally huddled together on the small sofa and did not move.

The artificial intelligence Athena took a look at the situation, and felt that there were countless muddy horses galloping in her program. For the behavior of the little master Victor who automatically sent herself out, it was like "the meat bun beats the dog and never returns" of helplessness. But she had no choice but to call the housekeeping robot, put down the folding sofa, and raise the room temperature a few degrees, so that the two could sleep in the living room with their arms and legs spread out.

—In this day and age, as long as there is a private spaceship, the whole house can be folded up and taken away. How can there be people who can only sleep on the sofa poorly!

The next day, Victor woke up exhausted and finally came back to his senses.

The sofa was invented to be folded down and used as a small bed, and the dark-bellied antique did it on purpose! ! What a bitter trick!

The two things were superimposed, and Victor, who was doing the accounting after the autumn, was very angry, refused to talk to Tai Lun, and held up a small sign: "Family cold violence, start with me."

Tai Lun said with a smile: "Don't you even say anything?"

Victor turned the sign over, and it read on the back: "Domestic cold violence, start with small things."

The more Tai Lun watched it, the more amusing it became, and his mood became inexplicably happier. Victor continued to be cold and violent, he didn't even care about breakfast, and sat on the table to deal with official business; Tyron whistled, and rarely went to the kitchen to bake something.

When it was time for dinner, Victor filled a plate, ran to the farthest corner of the table, and ate with his side facing Tyron, with the words "I don't talk to old villains" written all over his back.

Tai Lun looked at the back, and the old villain's heart was already dark and hopeless. Instead of feeling guilty, he jumped with joy. He felt that Victor looked so cute, and wanted to bully him a few more times. .

After a while, Tyron patted Victor on the back and handed him two Band-Aids in front of him.

Victor: "??"

Tyron: "Behind your ears, there are two teeth marks."

Victor couldn't figure it out, and looked in the mirror only to find two small red dots, which were completely ground out by the old villain with his pair of small fangs, which looked as if he had been bitten by a vampire.

The fourth master of the vampire was still very aggrieved: "You rape me domestically, I just want to try to control violence with violence."

Victor: "…"

ten minutes later.

Tai Lun packed up his things and was about to go out, when he saw Victor automatically shrank in the corner farthest from him, facing him with an angry back, with a cross-shaped band-aid stuck under his ear.

Tai Lun knew that he should feel guilty, or feel guilty, but...

But such a Band-Aid—a Band-Aid to cover up a hickey!

Ah, it is the flag planted on the highest place after the siege of the city; it is the unsteady legs of the bed partner and the wide shirt worn after the all-night attack; "Conquer"!

The old villain's mood value is instantly maxed! I feel like I am on a new journey, and a lot of flowers are blooming at my feet!

Two hours later, everyone from the host to the audience looked forward to seeing Fourth Master briskly stepping onto the big stage.

On the public screen, the sharp-eyed audience said: "It must not be my illusion! Fourth master's pace is at least half faster!"

"Who is it! Who is pretending to be our old antique!"

Just halfway through the suspicion, they saw Odin on the stage put two fingers together and greeted them.


After a deafening scream, they confirmed their previous suspicions: "Today's big devil must be in a great mood! I haven't even seen him so happy when he won the provincial championship!"

"The last time I said hello was last year. It made my hair turn white... Which contestant dares to pull like this? It's really a crime of beauty. It's so simple."

"May I ask what happened! I really want to know!"

The curious babies began to ask questions again, and a camera on the side screen panned to Odin's relatives seat.

The angry Victor came upright with his mouth and body.

But he was still unconvinced, wearing a high collar and sunglasses, holding a white cat who didn't know where it came from in his hands - and put Tyron's temporarily useless holographic viewing equipment on the cat up.

Victor patted the cat expressionlessly, carried it to the seat next to Tai Lun, unpacked all the drinks and snacks prepared for Tai Lun, and fed the cat.

The cat took a sip one by one, then turned away arrogantly.

Victor was so skilled that he started spinning around to coax the cat.

Tyrone thought the cat was an eyesore, especially those shiny fangs.

As a result, when he looked back at his opponent, there was still a trace of obvious disgust in his eyes.

Today's opponent's ID is "Youth Tuan", and I couldn't help but look at the famous big devil "Odin" on the opposite side, and my heart skipped a beat: Did I offend him in some way

In fact, the commentators are also thinking about this question: It seems that Odin doesn’t like the Youth League either. After all, the styles collide, which is normal...

There is a reason for the commentator to think this way.

The "Youth League" player is a druid, and his ranking is quite good. The highest has reached the third place in the national competition, and the worst can be stabilized in the top 20. From the ranking point of view, he should have been firmly on the throne of "League's No. 1 Druid", because the profession of Druid is really not suitable for PVP individual competitions. Apart from him, there are basically no outstanding Druid players. up.

However, few people really give him this honor, because the youth league's style of play is more controversial.

He is a Druid who specializes in shapeshifting, displacement, and healing.

The combination of these three strengths means: a super abnormal self-protection ability; and for his opponent, it means: a super disgusting guerrilla style of play.

The guerrilla style of play is very high-level when you say it: "When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we chase." Ten or even tens of minutes, endless. Every time the Youth League sees a decline, it will immediately transform (the transformation of the Druid profession can remove most of the negative status) and leave the battle, and then run away to heal itself, until even the system warns him of "passive competition". Will go back and fight again.

Over time, although the Youth League continued to carry forward this tactic and almost touched the edge of the championship, the audience didn't like to watch his games very much. Some people even said that this was not a druid. ".

Even the commentary circle already had experience in dealing with this kind of competition. The two commentators were already holding a large cup of hot tea and a row of throat lozenges, ready for a long-term war of resistance.

They saw that the system randomly came out with a relatively rare map: Temple of Storms.

This map is mainly a dilapidated temple under the sea.

At first, there was no water inside the temple, and there were two rows of eight pillars, each with a lamp, plus the one held by the Poseidon statue in the innermost part of the temple, a total of 9 lamps. As time goes by, the temple will become more and more dilapidated, and the lights will be extinguished from the outside to the inside, two by two. When the lamp held by the sea god is finally extinguished, the temple will completely collapse, and the sea outside will pour in. Come in and turn the map into a seabed map - there is no breathing mechanism, and at that time, all the players will lose blood crazily until one side dies first.

The light-off mechanism is random, and there is a chance to turn off the lights every 10 seconds. There was once a miracle that the European Emperor created a miracle of extinguishing 4 lamps in 20 minutes; there was also a non-Emirati team at the scene of the team competition, which created a record of being flooded by seawater and destroying the team together in less than two minutes.

Narrator: "..."

They feel that the Rainy Day Cult is about to start masturbating and masturbating again, praying to God and Buddha, and praying to the Rainy Day Doll.

The author has something to say: Old Antique looked at Ke Ke who was still fried, but this time it was extremely cold: not wet, get out.