Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Chapter 131: National Tournament - Druid 1


Sure enough, this game was very distinctive from the very beginning.

One of the two players is an assassin and the other is a druid. The system arranges the two farthest corners for them respectively. The entire length of the Temple of Storms was separated, and the eight pillars were carved with various reliefs, and all of them without exception carried an oil lamp, which illuminated the dark place for several yards around.

But the temple is too high and the scene is too dark. Except for a total of nine lights, the other places are almost shrouded in shadows, and the soaring ceiling is almost invisible.

The Druid stood at the innermost part of the temple, under the statue of Poseidon; Odin stood at the entrance of the temple, under the relief of a mermaid and demigod.

The moment the countdown ended, the druid immediately transformed into a cheetah—the cheetah, which has innate concealment skills, jumped straight into the darkness of the corner, and disappeared immediately.

And Odin at the door is invisible at the same time.

The two contestants all disappeared at the beginning of the game, leaving only a gust of drafts pouring into the temple, and the seven or eight oil lamps on the relief were shaking, and the flickering dim yellow lights flickered in the dim temple, occasionally knocking out a hoarse crash.

The commentator is here, and he knew early on that the fight between the assassin and the druid would definitely start like this, holding hot tea, he said unhurriedly: "Okay, we saw that the two players have become invisible. Afterwards, I just touched along the walls from both sides of the temple."

"Now there will be two situations in the first match. One is that one player is the first to spot the opponent's trace, and then makes an instant shot, gaining the first-hand advantage; Unable to fight against each other, the system took out a 'passive game' yellow card to play 10% of the HP each, and let them show up at the same time."

"The current situation is quite a coincidence. The route they chose first happened to be the longest. It may take a little longer to meet."

By the time the leisurely explanation reached here, the first ten seconds had passed without any disturbance.

The audience has figured out the ominous premonition, and they all said on the public screen: "The game of lingering virtue is really not good to watch..."

"Nimma, it's two extremes with Fourth Master's straightforward style!"

"God's meow's lingering virtue', it's obviously 'stealing life's virtue' so easy to cut..."

At the same time, the oil lamps on the two outermost pillars of the temple went out with a "pop".

"..." the commentator said, "Oh, the first wave only has a 5% chance of going out, which is...well, pretty rare."

There were still seven lamps left, and the dilapidated temple had already darkened to a corner, and the chill of the deep sea outside seemed to have soaked into the hall from the door.

Just when the two commentators stared straight and racked their brains trying to figure out how to pull it off, there was a sudden exchange of fire in a corner of the temple!

The first wave of confrontation happened so quickly, even the commentator had to glance at the system report to know: it was Odin who made the first move.

Odin was the first to discover the traces of Qingtuan at a distance of about 15 meters, and then sneaked to the extremely accurate limit of a distance of 10 meters—the Qingtuan realized something was wrong in the next second, but it was too late to react in a blink of an eye!

The first thing that arrived in front of the druid in cheetah form was a dart.

The cheetah jumped up in the air, adjusted its claws while dodging the darts, and threw itself directly in front of Odin in the form of a beast. As far as the ability to react on the spot and aim at the enemy, it can be said that his basic skills in the transformation form are very solid-not all human players can adapt to the form of beasts.

Not all human players have experience in dealing with beasts.

However, Odin is undoubtedly the special one too.

After throwing the dart, he didn't even look at it. There was a flash of light. It wasn't used to attack or dodge, but it just happened to complete a wonderful displacement movement, and directly escaped from the cheetah's bite range.

The next moment, another dart took advantage of this special timing and position and hit the cheetah's hind legs.

The cheetah also didn't turn back immediately. After a miss, it pounced on the stone pillar in front of it without losing momentum. With a sudden leverage on it, the feline's flexible waist twisted, and it turned around in an instant, and pounced again from midair. Odin.

At this moment, Kai Ge and Cen Ji got out of their sheaths at the same time!

In the darkness, two pools of snow-white narrow lights suddenly lit up.

Odin didn't dodge or dodge, but went forward instead, staring coldly at the beast's sharp claws.

The contact between the two sides is in the blink of an eye!

Just before being pounced, Odin suddenly bent his knees, and his body suddenly became shorter. With the help of inertia, the whole person slid directly under the cheetah!

When one person and one beast exchanged positions again, a long and narrow wound appeared on the cheetah's abdomen.

Relying on its exceptional flexibility, the cheetah rolled on the ground to offset the momentum, then jumped into the shadows, and dashed out with vigorous strides.

The first wave of confrontation was over at this time, and the narration, which was sped up ten times faster just now, had just finished, and concluded: "The Youth League didn't win at all, and ran away after dropping one-third of its blood volume. , this blood volume can be said to be extremely cautious for him.”

"Odin has never fought a beast-shaped character head-on in the arena, but it can be seen that he is very experienced. With a copper head and iron tail and a tofu waist, he usually fights big cats from the waist."

"Okay, now the round of head-to-head combat has passed, and the Youth League is trying to quickly get out of the battlefield."

The cheetah is a creature with strong explosive mobility. Odin frowned and tried to chase it out.

In the past, many players tried to chase and kill this youthful youth who "steals life by stealing away life and virtue", but the youth group has spared no effort in cultivating their abilities in this area. Not only is the cheetah form good at running and escaping, but they have also equipped themselves with many displacement skills.

Odin caught up with a burst of speed, and Qingtuan immediately turned on the cheetah's adrenaline skills to run wildly.

Odin tried flashing two bursts, and Qingtuan also used the desperate running skill without hesitation.

The two ran more than 100 meters in just five seconds, and ran directly from under the Poseidon statue to the entrance of the Temple of Storms—the diameter of a map disappeared.

As soon as Qingtuan saw that he had reached the bottom of the map, he turned into an eagle again, flew up to the ceiling, turned 180 degrees and ran back.


The master assassin felt that he was frantically chasing the mouse that had been running around for his life, so he stopped, and casually released another dart, knocking off a few bird feathers.

Outside the arena at this moment, the commentator sighed silently, and the speed of speech slowed down to the retirement mode again: "It can be seen that the Youth League players have once again exerted their speed advantage. Although Odin has a chance to make a shot, he has no chance to stick to him until he is killed. "

"Odin is still testing, he hasn't used the big move of shadow jumping yet."

"He should have tried to attack Qingtuan's legs just now, but once the druid transforms, the status of 'disabled' will be reset, and it will not affect the escape ability at all."

That's right, the eagle flew back to the shoulder of the Poseidon statue in one breath, then changed back into a human form, healed himself twice with druid spells, and when Odin chased him again, he suddenly turned into a cheetah, Drilled into the shadows and continued to escape.

This time Odin even put away his weapons and walked in the temple with long legs, calmly as if some prince or noble was having a banquet in the hall.

Anyway, everyone knows Qingtuan's combat style, this hooligan will definitely heal himself to full blood and come back to fight again.

- Now Odin fully understands why everyone dislikes this druid.

It may be relatively rare in the interstellar e-sports arena, but this kind of rogue style of "I just miss you every day, fight harassment every day, and if you have the ability, you will defend me every day" is also common on the real battlefield. After all, there are many battles in reality where the weak must defeat the strong, and there are only a few tactics that the weak can use in desperate situations.

Odin has no prejudice against this kind of person, but this does not prevent him from continuing to hunt him down.

Thirty seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and there was still only one small-scale encounter.

Druids are as conscientious as hamsters, running circles around the map while filling themselves up.

At the same time, Odin's style of play was mainly probing, and he did not lose blood, and his stealth skills were also cooled down.

Both players are in exactly the same state as they were at the beginning of the game—no wonder most of the Youth League games last at least ten minutes.

It's a pity that this map is not suitable for procrastination, because by the 40th second, 6 lights have gone out.

At that moment, everyone from the commentary to the audience was stunned: "Oh! God! This seems to be able to hit the record of African chiefs! There are only three left!"

Most of the temple has been darkened!

The moment the darkness suddenly shrouded, another wave of fighting broke out in the corner.

The two players who sneaked into the shadows met again unexpectedly. This time Odin only drew his dagger and triumphed. When facing the cheetah's pounce, he was even more ferocious than the first time he fought—

He used Triumph to pinch one of the beast's sharp claws, and then directly grabbed one of its hind legs!

The fastest running cheetah is also quite light in weight. Qingtuan was protecting its belly, but it was impossible to guard against it. This time Odin directly grabbed its legs—

Then volley toss!

"… snort!"

Odin exerted his strength instantly, and a low shout echoed in the temple.

Then the cheetah spun around and was thrown directly on the pillar next to it, almost spitting out its internal organs. At the same time, it was directly pierced into the carotid artery by the dagger.

The speed of the commentary increased sharply in an instant: "The good youth group was caught! I never expected that Odin would have one free hand to grab him, and the fourth master was like a berserker! This critical blow is too fierce!"

The reaction of this level of players is so fast, Qing Tuan was only attacked once, and did not waste any time adjusting his posture, and immediately switched to the bullfighting form.

Odin dodged the attack with a shadow dance step, and saw the bullfighting bull that instantly transformed within 0.5 seconds charge out from under the pillar with a pair of sharp horns, and rushed to the map again without looking back. the other side.

The Youth League wants to run away again!

The author has something to say: Let me explain (spoiler), it was supposed to be dog food after the game: 1. Si Ye simply hates cats

2. His bullying (devil) character was originally very sullen, and it was Xiao Ke who was used to it. What kind of EQ is Xiao Ke? When did he eat vinegar for more than a thousand words? Get used to it!