Vanguard of the Eternal Night

Chapter 76: old rascal! ! !


When the game ended, many people including the commentator were stunned.

Although they knew that Gengchen had made a serious mistake and his mentality was not right, many people still couldn't believe that it would end so quickly and so one-sidedly.

A national-level player, ranked 35th in the entire league, and at least among the top 15 mage-type players, was eliminated in the group that ended in the provincial competition!

This gap is so great that Gengchen's fans are on the verge of crying.

Many people also set their sights on Geng Chen's opponent—

Odin was originally a player who had just emerged this year. Before he left the earth area, he was not very famous in the entire second-star province. After all, the Star Province is very large, and the Earth Region is very small. In terms of population, the Earth Region is twice as small as the second smallest Bixiong Region—so the players in the Earth Region are often not taken seriously in the provincial competition .

But this year is a bit scary, the Earth region eliminated Geng Chen in the group!

It is not too much to say that he became famous in the first battle.

What's more, Geng Chen himself cried too.

The gap in her heart is greater than that of all fans, and the blows she has received come from both her opponents on the field and the imminent damage to her reputation... So, when her mental state is really bad, she loses her composure on the field, covering her face and crying up.

The host hurried forward two steps to help her cover up a little, and didn't go up to ask her for her testimonial.

Standing beside Geng Chen was Tai Lun, he watched helplessly as the girl's eyes turned red before he shook hands with him, and he burst into tears.

Tyron: "..."

Master Assassins actually have things they are not good at.

Because he has never before, and it is impossible to meet an opponent who can cry after being defeated by him! He will be sympathetic and cherish jade, but he beat this girl to death with his own hands just now, and now he steps forward to appease her... Seems a bit wrong

No one ever told him: What should be done in this situation? Um? ?

After a while, Tai Lun took two steps back, a little further away from Geng Chen.

At this time, someone in the audience handed the handkerchief directly, but it was too far to reach Geng Chen.

So Tai Lun took the handkerchief and handed it to Geng Chen.

Geng Chen took the handkerchief, barely held back his tears, ran down the stage in small steps, hugged her personal trainer, leaned pitifully on his shoulder, and went backstage sobbing.

After a while, the atmosphere on the court returned to enthusiasm.

There was a waterfall of comments on the public screen, such as: "Ah, I feel sorry for Chengzi! I was bullied and cried!"

"The last time Chengzi cried was when she failed to make it to the national competition N years ago! At that time, she cried every time she lost a game, and she cried every time. Later, she played more games and it was better, but I heard that every time she lost After I die, I will still go home and cry secretly."

"It's so cute to cry, hehehehehe, she's still the same girl as she was back then..."

"My heart hurts to death! Chengzi doesn't cry, stand up and continue masturbating! We will help you bully the bad guys!"

There is also this: "Hahahahahahahahahaha, have you seen it! Have you?"

"I saw it, I saw it! I laughed so hard!"

"God of War was startled! He took two steps back! It's half a meter!"

"It's terrible, I seem to have found a way to scare God of War!"

"It's too bad, I'm crying..."

"Laughed so hard that tears came out of my eyes..."

At this time, Victor actually thought in his heart: He is not afraid of tears QUQ...

After the game was over, there were two consequences.

On the one hand, Geng Chen fell directly into the loser group. Although with her strength, it is not difficult to qualify for the resurrection, but it will have a little impact on her reputation after all.

On the one hand, Odin had a bye in the first game of the group stage, and won the second game against the national players so beautifully that many people broke their glasses! Many coaches directly raised his threat level to two levels, which made many provincial contestants do their homework in advance.

What's more, Odin took a new nickname "Great Devil". The reason is that Geng Chen's fans like to call Geng Chen "Little Gongju", so they spontaneously called him "Great Demon King".

Don't have a bad sense of humor.

By the way, it also gave birth to the classic cult CP of "Devil King x Princess".

This made Victor unhappy.

Netizens are too fond of the new and dislike the old!

Back then when he was still walking in front of the stage, the hottest couple in the circle of God of War was obviously the CP pair of "Fourth Master x Agent", which can be called the official pairing to rule the world!

Now that he has retired behind the scenes, the official pairing has gone from the "Four Flowers" cult to the "Devil King x Princess" cult! There is no law of the king!

Could it be that every time Fourth Master plays a game in the future, there will be a new CP? Is it possible to be a CP if it appears in a box? Do you people understand the basic law of YY...

Victor was upset and forgot about the "hot spring" at night.

Now it was the God of War's turn to be unhappy.

He has already prepared everything by the hot spring, from lubricating objects to fun objects, from flower petals to small snacks, everything is ready, the only thing that is missing is a little whitewash.

But Xiao Ke didn't come!

God of War pushed open the door coldly, and saw Victor lying on the bed reading a book.

Victor: "???"

"I don't feel very well," Taryn said.

"!!!" Victor was taken aback, quickly got up from the bed, and asked nervously, "What's wrong? Do you have a fever?"

Tai Lun shook his head expressionlessly, sat down on the chair indifferently, and said calmly, "You, pour me a hot cup."

Victor hurried to fetch a cup of hot water.

Taryn said, "It's too bitter."

Victor became more nervous, thinking that he was really unwell, bitterness in the mouth is sometimes a symptom of fever, and said quickly: "I'll call the doctor!"

Tai Lun's face became even colder. He grabbed Victor's wrist and ordered, "Don't call anyone else, go get a cup of chocolate."

Victor thought about it, hot chocolate is quite high in calories, maybe it is really effective—Taylor himself knows food quite well, maybe he is asking for calories

He turned into the kitchen like the wind, found a bag of cocoa powder, and asked embarrassingly after a while: "Did you see where the sugar is?"

He was startled as soon as he turned around, only to see Tyron standing silently behind him, staring at him with an expressionless face.

Tai Lun hugged Victor's waist with both hands, bowed his head comfortably, and put his head on his shoulder, but still said coldly: "I don't know."

Victor was wrapped in his arms, wrapped in his body temperature, and felt like sighing comfortably, understanding that he "felt uncomfortable", so he could fully understand his indifferent tone, and felt: oh, oh, so cute Already...

It was such a big moving iceberg, but while exuding air-conditioning, it hugged him and asked him what he wanted to eat.

Victor barely pulled himself back from the distraction, and said carefully: "What's wrong with you? We'd better go to the hospital first..."

He grabbed Tyron's hand and motioned for him to let go first.

Tai Lun stubbornly hugged his waist and said, "I feel tight in my chest."

Victor struggled quickly: "Hey, it sounds serious, let's go to the hospital, shall we?!"

What is the strength of Tyron? After thinking about it and standing still, it is not something Victor can break free.

Tyron: "Hot chocolate."

Victor tried several times, but failed to save his waist. Instead, he was panting from exhaustion, his face turned rosy, and he finally turned his head resignedly and continued making cocoa powder.

As soon as the hot water is brewed, the fragrance will permeate.

Tai Lun picked up the cup with one hand, tasted it first, and then said disgustedly: "It's too bitter."

"No way, it is reasonable to say that it will be sweet if you soak it directly..."

Tai Lun brought the cup to his eyes, beckoning him to have a sip.

Victor touched the rim of his glass and tasted it carefully, but he still couldn't taste anything.

Tai Lun took the cup back, took a big sip, and said blankly, "It's sweet."

Then he ignored Victor, and walked out of the kitchen with the cup in his hand, like a moving iceberg finally condescendingly expressed his satisfaction, and calmly drifted away with the glacier.

There was only one blushing and heartbeating Ke left in place: "..."

After a while, Victor found Iceberg God of War holding hot chocolate on the sofa in the living room.

"Is there any other discomfort?" Victor asked carefully, "Chest tightness?"

God of War sank noblely and coldly on the sofa, folded his slender and straight legs, held the remaining half cup of chocolate in both hands, and said, "Yes."

Victor asked: "Is... is it because you were too active outside today? Did you eat something you are allergic to? Or did you get hurt?"

A pair of dark golden eyes stared at him, and after a while, God of War said: "A certain person has forgotten the promise he made six days ago."

Victor: "???"

Tyronn: "Being left out can cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, irritability, insomnia, and sudden iceberg syndrome."

Victor suddenly understood!

Immediately, he said: "I, I, I was wrong! I didn't mean it!"

God of War stared at him coldly.

Victor was suddenly blessed, and leaned forward to kiss him vigorously, and said, "Is there any cure for Iceberg Syndrome? How can I save it? Use..."

Victor blushed a little: "With fiery flesh?"

Tyron: "..."

Until now, Old Antique didn't understand the reason: how can modern children be so dirty? And the pollution is so natural, beautiful and refined, it is easy to handle, it is simply uncontrollable...

Victor put the evil cup of hot chocolate on the table, then leaned on him, and whispered to him, "Do you want to eat chocolate or eat me?"

Bingshan continued to sulk his face and did not speak.

Victor thought for a while, and suddenly blushed, leaning against his ear and panting twice.

Tai Lun's pupils slowly shrank.

Victor adjusted for a moment, letting out a nasal whimper.

Then Tyron violently overturned Victor, hugged him and carried him to the hot spring!

Victor: QUQ, you really made me [beep—] cry on purpose! So excited to hear that! And always pretend to be calm! old rascal! ! !