Venerated Venomous Consort

Chapter 102: Which one was sung again?


Unless the prince has piercing eyes and can see her true appearance through her layers of disguise, does the prince not have such clairvoyance? !

He shouldn't be able to recognize her.

However, there is indeed something evil about Rong Jialuo tonight. There are so many sisters sitting around the banquet this time, and they are all colorful. If you pick any sister at random, they are much prettier than Gu Xijiu, but Rong Jialuo’s eyes are always looking at her. He wandered around her face and body, and there was even a sense of judgment in his eyes.

Rong Jialuo's appearance is extremely outstanding, he can be called unparalleledly handsome, his eyebrows are elegant, and his gestures have a kind of high-spirited demeanor that comes from the bottom of his heart.

Rong Yan is also a handsome guy with extraordinary bearing, but when he and Rong Jialuo sit together, they are like fireflies contrasting with the moonlight, and they suddenly pale in comparison!

General Gu has eight daughters including Gu Xijiu, and there are six of them present at the table at the moment.

The other two children, who were still six or seven years old, had just been carried by the aunts and bowed before being carried down again.

Except for Gu Xijiu, Gu Tianqing, and Gu Tianyi who have met Rong Jialuo, the other three ladies in the Gu family have only heard of the prince's name but have never met him.

I only heard that he was the first of the four young masters in the capital. At that time, I thought I was flattering him for the sake of the prince, but now when I saw him, almost everyone's heart skipped a beat!

They always thought that the eighth prince Rong Che was the most handsome man in the world, but now that they saw this prince, they suddenly felt that Rong Jialuo was beautiful enough to compete with Rong Che in the ring!

Rong Che is a graceful and elegant beauty, just like the black-clothed disciples in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, with an aura of detachment and detachment from the world. Every move is free and easy.

Rong Jialuo, on the other hand, has a noble and indifferent beauty, like a flower on a high mountain, noble and noble by nature. He obviously does nothing, but he gives people an invisible pressure. He is a born king, and people dare not look up when they see him. I just want to prostrate myself at his feet and worship—

Now the prince is sitting there with a lazy look on his face, and any movement he makes when holding the wine glass is so handsome that it makes you want to scream!

The Gu sisters were very reserved and did not scream, but their watery eyes glanced at the prince from time to time. Once they met Rong Jialuo's eyes, they all quickly lowered their heads, their faces flushed, and they were very shy. .

Gu Xietian secretly asked the housekeeper to let his girls dress low-key when they come out, so as not to be selected by the prince and put him in a dilemma.

But when these girls came out, they put on their rouge, put on red lips, put on their most beautiful skirts, showed their best side, and came to the front hall to sit down.

Gu Xie's weather was very bad! But it’s not convenient to have an attack.

Gu Xietian knew that his daughters were beautiful, especially when they were carefully dressed up, so he was always a little scared at the banquet, fearing that His Highness the Crown Prince and one of his daughters would look at each other and cause something to happen.

However, he carefully and secretly observed for a long time, only to find that the prince had always had a pale face, and was not interested in his five beautiful daughters at all, and almost ignored them. Instead, I took a few glances at Gu Xijiu, who was known for her ugly appearance—

Even when he was sitting at the table just now, the prince specially appointed Gu Xijiu to sit next to him.

At that time, Gu Xietian thought that the prince was showing off his integrity and was showing no lewdness, but now looking at the prince's behavior, he was not sure again.

By the way, friends here, which title of this book do you prefer

1 Unparalleled favorite: the evil little poisonous concubine

2 The Rise of the Useless: The Peerless Killer Lady

3 Smiling Peach Blossoms: The Evil Emperor’s Killer Poisonous Concubine

4 My genius: training the evil evil king

5 The poisonous concubine is on top. The evil king is here

Friends who have seen it, please answer actively, which of these five book titles makes you want to click and read it as soon as you see it.

(End of chapter)