Venerated Venomous Consort

Chapter 11: No matter male or female, kill without mercy!


Before he could say a word, a wisp of cloth was thrown in his face, and the Lord's voice sounded cold: "Go and find out the origin of this cloth. If you can't find out within an hour, you can Go to hell!"

. "Yes!" Mu Feng didn't dare to delay, jumped up, took the piece of cloth and disappeared like flying.

The Lord is finally back to normal! The other three secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mu Yu, Mu Lei, and Mu Dian, you three are searching for the whereabouts of a child within a radius of twenty miles. He is about ten years old. He has the robe of this deity on him. Kill him on the spot when you find him!"

The other three looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

The Lord has always loved cleanliness very much. Anything he has used will never be given to others even if it is destroyed. How could his robe be on a child

"Lord, is that child a boy or a girl?" Mu Yu asked boldly.

The Lord's voice was cold: "No matter male or female, kill without mercy!"

The Lord's clothes fell into someone else's hands, and the Lord didn't even know whether he was a boy or a girl -

Was it stolen? Can anyone steal something from the Lord

It’s so—so outrageous!

The curiosity in the hearts of the three people could kill a cat, but they did not dare to ask, so they agreed, flashed, and went to search separately.

The Lord stood in the night, with the mountain wind blowing his robes around him, as if he wanted to ride the wind and fly away.

That child has been away from the cave for less than half an hour, and he has no spiritual power. He must not be able to walk fast. Even an ordinary scud cannot run twenty miles. Mu Yu and the others are unmatched in their ability to find people, so they should be very fast. Then we can find that naughty kid—

No one in this world has seen his true appearance, and the only way to see him is to die!

Not only has that naughty kid seen his true colors and touched him thoroughly, but he deserves to be kicked into hell...

Gu Xijiu, who was labeled a wretched child by the Lord, not only ran out of the twenty-mile mountain road, but also entered the city. At the moment, I am wandering around a closed clothing store.

Her teleportation technique is not restricted by space walls and the like, so the thick brick walls and closed doors of the clothing store cannot stop her.

Gu Xijiu was very meticulous in her work. She had already thought carefully about it when she was going down the mountain. If the master who hid the jade statue found that the clothes were missing, he must know that someone had come in and might search everywhere. Then she would wear these clothes again. It's too conspicuous, so it's better to switch to an ordinary one that's safer.

The store was not small in size and had a dazzling array of clothes. Gu Xijiu randomly searched and found a suit that suited her. After a moment of effort, she finished dressing, then she teleported out, and then teleported out of the city, putting on her wind-struck white robe. Folded, tied to a big rock, thrown over the moat -

She clapped her hands, so she didn't notice. It’s a pity that I have such a good robe...

There was a big drama to be sung tomorrow, and it was time for her to go back to rest and recuperate.

It was late at night, and Mo Lei and others had searched all the mountain roads for thirty miles around. Not to mention the children wearing the Lord's robes, not even two wild rabbits were found!

They didn't know the child's scent, and they couldn't send out hounds to follow the scent.

(End of chapter)