Venerated Venomous Consort

Chapter 174: He doesn’t look like a person at all!


It's strange to say that since Gu Xijiu left the cave, although she was deeply impressed by the jade carving, her appearance became more and more blurred. In the end, she couldn't remember it at all, as if there was a layer of fog in her mind. It completely covered the face of the jade statue, making it impossible for her to see clearly even if she wanted to.

She only vaguely remembered that the jade statue was extremely beautiful, so beautiful that it was not as beautiful as a human being in this world, which made her want to call her Immortal Brother.

Things have been going on since she time traveled over, so she doesn't care about the blurred appearance of the jade statue in her mind.

Now seeing the painting Zuo Tianshi had just painted, the face of the jade statue that had been extremely blurry suddenly became clear again!

Let her recognize it at a glance!

Zuo Tianshi had a wonderful brush for creating flowers, and his paintings were lifelike. It seemed that if he added a few strokes on it, the people in the painting would step out of the painting.

Gu Xijiu looked at the portrait, and then at the Zuo Tianshi who painted it. Although she had always been calm and could not express her joy and anger, her heart was beating wildly at this moment!

The appearance of Zuo Tianshi and that of the jade statue are... surprisingly similar!

It's just that one is dressed in purple and the other is in white, and their temperaments are very different.

Zuo Tianshi's stunning beauty reveals a lazy and enchanting look, which seems to have a dark aura.

And the white-clothed statue is like the flowing clouds in the sky, with ice and snow as its bones and ground jade as its soul. It is like an aloof immortal who is not stained by the smoke and clouds of the world. It seems to be blasphemy for people to take a second look at it.

Because the difference in demeanor between the two was so big, Gu Xijiu had never compared the two together.

Now when she suddenly saw this on Zuo Tianshi's drawing board, she suddenly realized that the two were so similar!

What is the relationship between Zuo Tianshi and the jade statue

Could it be a jade statue he carved in his own likeness

But this temperament is too different, right? !

He doesn’t look like a person at all!

Or maybe the original person of this jade statue is his twin brother

He is Master Zuo, so who is his twin brother

With such an appearance and bearing, he is a dazzling presence no matter where he lives, right? It is impossible to be anonymous...

Gu Xijiu quickly recalled the layout of the cave. It didn't look like it was formed naturally, but more like it was arranged the day after tomorrow.

The matters that this heavenly master is responsible for are quite mysterious. Whether he is pretending to be mysterious or he is really able to communicate with the gods, it is not surprising that he would make some mysterious arrangements with his status.

Maybe the jade statue is the layout of one of his magic arrays, and the jade statue is sitting at the center of the array...

Just like the ancient magic circles she heard about in modern times, it seems that there are several kinds of stone and iron figurines buried in certain places to prevent floods and disasters.

It's just that Zuo Tianshi was more generous when it came to burying jade carvings...

If he uses a jade sculpture as a base for a formation, he probably won't use his own statue, otherwise it would be unlucky!

So the jade statue is his twin brother? Who could it be

Gu Xijiu sat there calmly on the surface, but countless speculations were already flashing through her heart.

"Do you recognize him?" Di Fuyi asked, tapping the screen with his fingertips.

His tone seemed casual, and Gu Xijiu gave a rather safe answer: "I don't recognize him."

Di Fuyi supported his chin with one hand and smiled charmingly: "You really don't recognize it? Never seen it before?"

I really don’t recognize it, but I’ve definitely seen it.

Not only had she seen it, she had also touched it and stripped her clothes off—

(End of chapter)