Venerated Venomous Consort

Chapter 192: You are really smart


Gu Xijiu gritted her teeth and listened attentively, listening to what he said: "Thirteen years ago, I met your mother by chance. You were as skinny and small as a little monkey. Your mother asked me to read your fortune. I am in a good mood, so I took a look at you and concluded that you will not survive until the age of fifteen, and there will be a catastrophe that you cannot survive. Only by setting a good marriage for you, and the more respected the man's status, can we solve the problem. You were already engaged to Rong Yan at that time. Rong Yan's ability and status were very average, so he should not be able to solve your catastrophe. Your mother begged me for advice. I once owed your mother a small favor, so she simply I made a plan for her, which is to get engaged to me... But I also have conditions. If you want to make this marriage happen, firstly, you have already broken off your engagement with Rong Yan, and secondly, you must leave alone before you are fifteen years old. Breaking out of the Dark Forest unscathed..."

Damn it! What a nonsense!

Gu Xijiu looked at him as if he were an alien. How could someone like him get involved in his own life so easily? What a liar!

She paused for a moment: "I have never heard anyone talk about this..."

"This matter was arranged between your mother and me, and no other person knows about it." Di Fuyi explained to her kindly, and then looked at her with a smile: "You are going to have a fiancé like me, are you very happy? "

Happy yarn! She doesn't want to have such a perverted fiancé!

"Master Tianshi really knows how to joke, and this joke is not funny."

"You don't believe it? Do you think I'm deceiving you?" Di Fuyi's voice was unpredictable.

You are a liar! Although I don’t know your purpose, you are obviously deceiving!

Although I thought so in my heart, I couldn't say it in my mouth.

Gu Xijiu smiled: "After all, it's just empty talk... Besides, I don't believe that my mother can marry two families with one daughter."

An object flashed out of Di Fuyi's palm. It was a jet black ring. It was dark and shiny, like hair, but it was carved from jade.

"This is the engagement token your mother gave me. It has your name and birth date on it. Do you want to take a look? Also, your mother is not a daughter of two people. I said you must meet those requirements. The marriage can only be settled on two conditions."

The ring did look very expensive. Gu Xijiu looked at it and saw that it did have her name and birthday on it.

She always felt that this ring was a bit weird, but she couldn't see what was weird about it. Just as he was about to take a closer look, the other party had already taken it back.

"Do you believe it now?" Di Fuyi looked at her.

"But shouldn't both parties have this kind of token? I don't have it..."

"Indeed, both parties have them. This ring is a pair. You should also have one there. Your mother should keep it for you. It's a pity that she left early, and the ring may have disappeared with her..." Di Fuyi The voice was soft: "Originally, no other person knew about this matter. Your mother disappeared again. No one would know if I didn't tell you. But I always keep my promises and I can't bear to do such a thing to bully a weak woman."

Did he keep his promise? Doesn't he bully weak girls? So what is he doing now

Gu Xijiu sneered in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

She seemed to have figured something out, and raised her eyes to look at him: "Is this why you must force me to take the Heavenly Instruction test? If I were not a Heavenly Instruction disciple, you could just throw me into the dark forest to fend for myself? "

Di Fuyi smiled gently: "You are so smart!"

Gu Xijiu: "..."

(End of chapter)