Vengeful Girl with Her CEO

Chapter 77: It's not scary to make mistakes


"You know? Qingkong, I am very interested in the techniques of these hackers, and I also accept them very quickly. I was still young at that time and could not resist many new things, so I made a lot of mistakes." Jiang Li looked towards He walked into the distance and said lightly.

"People make mistakes, and there's nothing to be afraid of. Everyone makes mistakes, Jiang Li, so don't think too much about it," Qingkong comforted.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li smiled and shook his head.

"I know, Qingkong, it's not terrible for a person to make mistakes, but what's terrible is that he doesn't have the courage to bear the mistakes he makes and lets others bear them..."

"what happened?"

Jiang Li knelt down and looked at the floor.

"You know, teenage girls love beauty. At that time, I saw a classmate in our class wearing a coat that cost more than two thousand yuan. It was very beautiful. I wanted it too, but, two thousand yuan This was my living expenses for half a year. The feeling of powerlessness and oppression made me feel very suffocated.”

"Then what did you do!" Qingkong also followed Jiang Li's example and squatted down opposite her.

"My classmate's family is in business. I used hacking skills to hack into their store's computer, and then took out two thousand yuan from it..."

"this… "

"This really means that you are wrong. You can't change your lust, and you can't bend by force. Even if you don't have money, you can't use your hacking skills to take other people's money. This is illegal."

"It's okay, this is all over, isn't it?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li's tears fell. She hugged Qingkong and shook her head, "How did it pass? Where did it pass? There is no past!"

"My classmate's parents found out that the money was wrong that night and called the police. The police came to my house. Forgot to tell you, I also have a brother named Jiang Bo. He is in jail now because I took these two Thousand yuan, so he was sentenced to three years.”

"Didn't you do this? Why is your brother in prison?"

"I was very scared that day. The police came to my house. I didn't dare to go out. My brother asked me about my situation. I did take two thousand yuan from him, and then he resolutely took the blame for me. He was there In prison, he was sentenced to three years in prison. I didn’t know how to deal with him, because my moment of confusion caused him to be imprisoned. "

Jiang Li didn't tell Qingkong why she was so carried away, because that day, that classmate saw an old coat like you wearing that only cost 50 yuan, and kept mocking her. The adolescent girl was really angry. , just got carried away for a moment.

There is nothing and nothing that is not worthy of forgiveness.

Qingkong understands Jiang Li very well. She also studied psychology in college and can understand Jiang Li's feelings. At this time, Jiang Li telling her this matter was equivalent to opening the deepest wound in her heart, and Qingkong also felt it.

No wonder Jiang Licai never touches the computer again because of this incident!

It is a good thing to like computers and hacking technology, but you must use these in the right way.

"You know, Qingkong? Poverty is really terrible. My brother was imprisoned and sentenced to three years. They asked me to pay 50,000 yuan. As long as I paid 50,000 yuan, my brother would be detained for 15 days. I’m out, but how can I get the 50,000 yuan? I’m watching my brother being imprisoned.”

Jiang Li's emotions slowly calmed down as he spoke, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

After staying with Qingkong for a long time, Jiang Li felt more and more that she could control her emotions better and better.

"It doesn't matter. Where is your brother being held? I'll find someone to help you clear it later. Your brother shouldn't have to be held for so long. Have you returned your two thousand yuan?"

"Of course I returned it. I just stole the two thousand yuan because I was angry. I didn't really intend to buy a two thousand yuan jacket. At that time, I thought a fifty yuan jacket was expensive. "Jiang Li bit her lower lip, her lips trembled slightly, and her voice seemed to be mute.

Qingkong knew that she felt sad. Jiang Li must be very sad when she mentioned these things!

"Jiang Li, it's not terrible that people have made mistakes before. What's terrible is that they continue to indulge in their own mistakes."

Qingkong's words touched Jiang Li's heart slightly.

What Qingkong said makes sense. Why should I dwell on the mistakes I made? But she really has no way to face her brother Jiang Bo.

Her brother has loved her very much since she was a child. Both her parents died when she was very young. She and her brother depended on each other until they grew up. However, she stole the two children because of a temporary fever to compare with her classmates. He sent his brother to jail for a thousand yuan.

This has always been something that Jiang Li regrets for the rest of his life.

"Qingkong, you just said that you can find someone to help me clear the air and let my brother come out early. Is it true?" Jiang Li seemed to grasp a life-saving straw.

Originally she didn't want to ask.

However, that person was his brother, the person he loved most, and the person who loved her the most in the world.

If Qingkong is willing to help, Jiang Li would not mind spending his whole life to repay Qingkong.

"Okay, let me ask for you! But I haven't returned to Mu's house yet, so you may have to wait a little longer."

Xia Qingkong still vaguely remembered that Mu Chenhao's brother-in-law was the director of the Public Security Bureau. If he stepped in to coordinate, there should be no problem!

However, Qingkong has not returned to Mu Chenhao yet.

"As long as you can help me rescue my brother, I am willing to repay you by always being by your side, no matter what you want." Jiang Li took a deep breath, and then her fingers suddenly tightened. She raised her head and looked at The sky was clear, and there was a trace of redness between the eyes.

"What are you talking about? I'm just a friend. If I can help you, I will try my best to help you."

"Qingkong, you are so kind."

These five concise and powerful words were all Jiang Li wanted to say to Qingkong.

If it were Jiang Li from the Qingkong Gang, Jiang Li only thought that this person was very good and a person worth getting along with.

But now, Jiang Li saw Qingkong differently, as if he was her savior.

There are many beautiful lights throughout the plum garden.

When night falls slowly, these lights can illuminate the entire plum garden.

The plum blossoms look even more beautiful under these lights.

In the pond on the side, golden carp swim there, looking very poetic.

After having a good dinner, I guess it's only just before eight o'clock now. It's too early to go to bed now. Qingkong has a baby in her belly, so she usually goes to bed before ten o'clock, in order to recharge her energy and let her go to bed. The baby in the belly grows better.