Vengeful Girl with Her CEO

Chapter 97: As long as the old man doesn't wake up


But she still had his child in her belly. Even if she had to give up, Xia Qingchuan believed that a good man like Huo Yunchen would never abandon her while she was pregnant.

In fact, where was Huo Yunchen sleeping? It's just that he has been suffering in his heart. He feels very sorry for Aunt Mei, and even more sorry for Aunt Mei's husband.

But he didn't want his complete family to be separated. If he surrendered to the public security bureau, whether Aunt Mei was killed by Huo Yunming or Xia Qingchuan, one of the two would have to pay the price.

If it were Huo Yunming, how would he feel when his parents came back from traveling around the world and saw Huo Yunming in prison, and he was the one who sent him to the prison with his own hands

If it was Xia Qingchuan and he personally sent Xia Qingchuan to prison, what would happen to the child in her belly? Even though she is pregnant, Xia Qingchuan will be sentenced to at least ten years.

Although she is likely to be sentenced to probation after becoming pregnant, Xia Qingchuan will serve her sentence after giving birth.

But this is too cruel. The young mistress of the Huo family, the mother of his child, has to serve more than ten years in prison.

He really can't do it!

Thinking of this, Huo Yunchen suddenly turned around, hugged Xia Qingchuan and said, "Honey, I'll hand over the company to Yunming. Let's go abroad. I feel so tired!"

"Okay, didn't we originally agree to go abroad? Then we can ignore all these domestic disturbances, okay?"

Huo Yunchen nodded, then hugged Xia Qingchuan tighter and buried his head on her chest. Huo Yunchen said, "Go and change back to your original appearance!"

Hearing this, Xia Qingchuan trembled and nodded, "Yeah, okay."

In the next month, the home was renovated. Huo Yunchen directly handed over the company to Zhou Yunshen. He didn't want to deal with these messy things anymore. He just wanted to be quiet and let this matter settle. .

Taking Xia Qingchuan with him, Huo Yunchen went directly to England.

Nalan family, Churouyuan.

Before Luo Jiali entered the yard, she could already hear the sound of things being smashed in a mess. The servants outside the yard were all used to it. The little master in their yard, whenever he was in a bad mood, he would Like to smash.

Therefore, everyone in Nalan Churou's yard watered the flowers and swept the floor without any impact at all. After Nalan Churou finished venting her anger, she could just put away her things.

Luo Jiali pushed open the door and walked in. She also knew Nalan Churou's character very well, so she was used to it now and would not be surprised anymore. Nalan Churou had such a bad personality that she often got angry. He can't hide it from his face and likes to smash things.

Fortunately, this was at home, so it didn't matter.

The family will also be used to the temper of the eldest lady Nalan Churou.

"My dearest eldest lady, why are you angry again? Who made you unhappy?" Luo Jiali said with a smile. However, she was prepared. When she entered the house, it would definitely be a mess, so she was still frightened. arrive.

Because, in this room, all the cups and vases on the table were scattered all over the floor.

Nalan Churou, on the other hand, was sitting next to the chair angrily.

"What should I do? That bitch Xia Qingkong gave birth to those twins safely. What a blessing!"

It turned out that it was because of this that Xia Qingkong gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Luo Jiali also heard about it from the TV news.

"There's nothing we can do about this kind of thing. Maybe she was fasting and chanting Buddha's name in her previous life, or maybe her luck in this life has been used up. You don't have to be unhappy about this kind of thing."

If it was just because of this incident, why would Nalan Churou be so angry here? Because there is another thing.

"The old man has been taken away by Xia Qingkong and is being treated in the Mu family's private hospital."

How can Nalan Churou rest assured that the old man is no longer in her hands? What if the old man suddenly comes back one day and wants to give all the family property to Xia Qingkong, how can they stop him

As Nalan Churou's best friend, Luo Jiali naturally understands.

I understand what Nalan Churou is thinking in her heart.

Carefully stepping on her high heels from a pile of glass debris, she walked to Nalan Churou's side. Luo Jiali carefully comforted her, "Okay, I know why you are unhappy. Mr. Nalan has been in Xia for a long time." In Qingkong’s hands, are you afraid that he will wake up?”

Nalan Churou immediately nodded irritably, "Yeah, what should we do? It's impossible for me to go directly to Mu's private hospital to rob people. If the old man wakes up, it will be very annoying. We It took a lot of effort to almost kill the old man. If we had it in our hands, I would have been able to do something about it, but the old man would never wake up and would always be a vegetable. "

"This is easy to handle. You can think of a way so that even if the old man wakes up and returns to the Nalan family, there is nothing you can do. You can just become the helmsman of the Nalan family, right?" Luo Jiali whispered to the side. .

"What do you mean?" Nalan Churou turned around and asked.

Since the old man can't be saved, let him die directly. Anyway, Xia Qingkong now has a son and a daughter who have just been born. She is not free to take care of the Nalan family's property yet, but after a few months, she will recover after her confinement. After that, nothing can be said for sure.

"What do you mean by letting the old man die? How can we let the old man die! The person is now in the Mu family's private hospital, and there is no way we can get him out."

Nalan Churou said depressedly.

Luo Jiali patted Nalan Churou's head, and then said, "Oh, you are stupid, I didn't ask you to rescue the old man. You don't need to rescue him, just kill him. Do you understand? They will take measures." It’s too late to be on guard…”

Luo Jiali shook her head helplessly, Nalan Churou, why is she so ignorant? She had talked up to this point.

It doesn’t need to be said clearly.

However, Nalan Churou finally understood it at this moment, and an expression of surprise gradually appeared on her face, "You mean, we have no way to get the old man into our hands, so let him die in Xia Qingkong In this way, we can also frame her and let the pressure of public opinion force them, right? The old man means that everything is unproven, and all the property of the Nalan family is not owned by us. "


After she figured it out, Nalan Churou immediately became happy, holding Luo Jiali's hand with a smile on her face, "Let's go, I will take you to a seven-star restaurant to eat steak today. That restaurant is very precious." Yes, there are limited places every day, so you can’t just get in if you want!”