Versatile Mage

Chapter 111: Meet the Black Church again!


Beside the square, a purple light suddenly shone, followed by a large lightning mark twisting its body and beating crazily on a one-eyed demon wolf with a mouth full of blood.

The body of the one-eyed demon wolf was scorched black by lightning, and its eyes were full of anger.

Its body was completely unable to move, and it wanted to tear open the chest of the little human in front of it with its claws, but it couldn't do it.

Finally, the one-eyed demon wolf fell unwillingly under the bombardment of several magics. From the beginning to the end, it had no chance to encounter the human magician.

"Fortunately, I discovered it first and took advantage of it." Mo Fan looked at the dead one-eyed demon wolf and let out a long breath.

This is probably the first time he has faced a demon alone. Without thunder skills, it would easily be torn into pieces by the agile one-eyed demon wolf. Just now, Mo Fan used the thunder seal to strike first. , and then alternately using Huo Zi's powerful bursting effect, he barely managed to deal with the unsuspecting one-eyed demon wolf.

After passing through this alley, the shopping mall is right in front of you.

Mo Fan looked for a safer way to approach the shopping mall.

Next to the shopping plaza, there is a ten-story terrace.

On the terrace, there were two men in black standing there. They seemed to be patrolling the area as if they would not be discovered by the demons at all.

"There was a purple light over there just now. It should be a Thunder Master... Well, he appeared. It seems that he is going to the shopping mall." One of the men with a hooked nose said.

"It's him!" The eyes of another man with a wrapped face suddenly flashed with hatred.

"Do you know him?" the hook-nosed man asked.

"Of course I recognize him. You stay here and I'll kill him!" said the man with a wrapped face.

"Don't take too long, we still have a mission."

"I know, but I will kill this man no matter what!"

After that, the masked man gave an order, and soon several black beasts followed him quickly and flew towards the square.

On the other side, Mo Fan had already reached the steps of the shopping plaza.

He was very lucky. Although there were several giant-eyed orangutans wandering around in the huge shopping mall, Mo Fan was not found, allowing Mo Fan to successfully step onto the stairs of the shopping mall.

The mall gate showed obvious signs of being destroyed. Mo Fan carefully sprinkled the demon-seeking powder out to avoid being attacked by demons as soon as he stepped onto the first floor of the mall.

The demon-seeking powder had just dispersed, but these special dandelion-like potions were slowly floating towards the discovery beside them, obviously telling Mo Fan that there was a creature approaching quickly on his right.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed toward Mo Fan at an extremely fast speed, and its sharp claws struck Mo Fan fiercely through a glass door.

Mo Fan subconsciously hid towards the glass door next to him, avoiding the blow of the cold wind.

The black shadow continued to attack, but it was obvious that the guy didn't recognize the glass, and he hit the smooth glass door, causing glass fragments to fly...

Mo Fan hurriedly hid inside, and when he lowered his head, he discovered that there was a deep blood mark on his arm, extending from slightly below the shoulder to the elbow, and burning pain quickly spread! !

Damn it, what the hell, it’s so fast! !

Fortunately, Mo Fan had just scattered the demon-seeking powder and happened to detect a creature next to him, otherwise it would have been his own chest that was torn open.

Mo Fan ran away quickly, and when he turned around, he saw the dark creature among the glass fragments getting up in a daze.

Black beast! ! !

Mo Fan was shocked. Isn't that extremely ugly guy with a monkey face and a deformed body the symbol of the Black Vatican, the Black Beast? !

Could it be that there are people from the Black Church here?

"You hid pretty quickly, but it's a pity that you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow alive this time!" A cold voice slowly came from the door. At some point, a man wearing black clothes appeared at the door. When the person comes, his whole face is wrapped in black cloth.

"Who are you?" Mo Fan felt that he had heard this person's voice somewhere, but he couldn't remember which bastard it was.

"You don't recognize me... Hahahaha, okay, I'll show you who I am!" The Black Vatican man laughed, and raised his hand to slowly untie the things wrapped around his face.

The bandage quickly fell off the man's face, but what caught Mo Fan's eyes was a face that looked a little creepy.

The skin on his left cheek was almost rotten, and it felt like he had been splashed with some strong acid. The eyeball was in the skinless eye socket, which looked even more terrifying.

Mo Fan had indeed seen the right side of his face, but Mo Fan did not expect that this person was also a member of the Black Church! !

"Do you recognize it??" The man from the Vatican turned his face slightly to one side, allowing Mo Fan to see only the complete right side of his face, with a strange smile on his somewhat stiff face.

"So it's you. Is this your new mask to scare the children? It looks good." Mo Fan was horrified in his heart, but he was not forgiving and said sarcastically.

"Shut up!!!!" The incongruous face of the Holy See man suddenly became distorted. He turned the other ugly cheek fiercely, with deep hatred and resentment towards Mo Fan in his ferocious look. , I wish I could skin Mo Fan alive!

"If you don't want to be a good eldest son of aristocratic families, you can become a dog of the Black Vatican." Mo Fan snorted coldly.

"I owe you this face!" The Vatican man roared with a hint of pain.

"It's none of my business?" Mo Fan said.

"The person who enters the Earthly Holy Spring should be me, it should be me!! As long as I hand over the Earthly Holy Spring to Master Salang, I can become a deacon of the Black Church!! How much have I paid for this plan?? Ten years, Ten years ago, I worked as a dog for that old bastard Mu Zhuoyun. I always followed his advice and served him like my own father, just to gain his trust and to capture the Earthly Holy Spring that day!! In the end, you were the one who destroyed it. My plan to lurk for ten years has turned me into what I am now, what I am now!!! Do you know the pain when Master Salan pressed my face into the ghost acid water??? Now I want to let it go You taste this, not just your face, I will soak your whole body in ghost acid water and turn you into a black beast like a slave!!" The man from the Black Church roared hysterically at Mo Fan. stand up.