Versatile Mage

Chapter 114: Stardust turns into nebula!


The cold is like countless tiny awls that are constantly digging into my skin. It feels like my blood is frozen and unable to circulate in my body.

In the freezer, Ye Xinxia's breathing became a little slower, and the rise and fall of her chest also dropped significantly.

Coldness and sleepiness were intertwined together, as if I just closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"After you fall asleep, you won't be able to open your eyes again..." Ye Xinxia bit her lips fiercely to wake herself up.

The two giant-eyed orangutans still had no intention of leaving, and their noisy voices were not far away from him.

Ye Xinxia didn't know how long she could hold on. In her opinion, it would be better to turn into a frozen corpse here than become food for a giant-eyed orangutan.

The air also began to become thinner. Ye Xinxia tried her best to adjust her breathing, but her mind began to have random thoughts involuntarily.

"Zhizhizhi~~~~~~~hiss and tear~~~~~~~~"

"Boom!!! Boom!!!!"

The iron sheet of the main control door was hit hard, leaving several deep marks, and you could even hear the sound of the black beast's claws rubbing against each other.

These black beasts obey their master's orders. They know that Mo Fan is hiding inside, and they will never leave without tearing Mo Fan's body apart in person.

The sharp claws slowly tore open some gaps in the iron door. Once cracks appeared, it would be much easier to destroy the entire iron door. After tearing a hole, these black beasts looked like a group of prison thugs. Like dawn, he screamed excitedly, and took turns using his paws to hit Mormon.

Inside the door, Mo Fan, who already had several wounds on his body, sat there, completely ignoring the coming danger.

He could hear the door being opened, the screams of the Black Beast becoming clear through the growing gap.

But, what's the use of being frightened

Whether you can survive or not depends on the two stardust in your own spiritual world! !

Purple stardust, red stardust, they emit a light that is sometimes strong and sometimes weak at the same time.

Outside these two stardusts, a faint light curtain surrounds them, and the light blooming from within the stardust is meant to break through this hazy light curtain.

The light curtains are like eggshells or silkworm chrysalises, wrapping the energy that is about to break out of the cocoon. They seem to be motionless under the impact of magic energy, but there is obvious swelling due to the surge of internal energy.

"Fuck me!!!"

Mo Fan shouted in his heart.

On his chest, the brilliance of the small loach pendant was like the power of breakthrough injected into Mo Fan's stardust. They originally radiated from all directions and suddenly condensed!

Just like countless small rivers that converge into one river, the silent river suddenly surges, and the rolling waves hit the dam on the river bank! !

Cracks finally appeared in the outer layer of the silkworm chrysalis. The spider veins spread around in an irregular manner, and the cracks became larger and larger.

It's going to be successful, it's going to be successful! !

Mo Fan started to get excited in his heart, but when he was madly impacting the next level, Mo Fan could feel that his spirit was suffering from a huge energy rebound, which gave him a splitting headache.

Normally, Mo Fan believed that he would not be able to persist at all. The mental shock that came back was sometimes like a sword penetrating his brain, or like the ocean under a storm, surging and colliding. This kind of mental pain was something Mo Fan never experienced during his cultivation. What has not been tasted is that it is a thousand times stronger than the exhaustion that consumes all the energy. It is like the torture and destruction in a nightmare...

And as long as you relax a little bit and give up a little during this process, all the offensive will dissipate in an instant, and everything will have to start from scratch! !

Mo Fan felt like his brain was going to explode, and veins were all over his face, but he didn't dare to let go.

In fact, this kind of pain is no less painful than being torn to pieces by a black beast. People with weak willpower would give up at the beginning, but Mo Fan gritted his teeth and persisted.

When he closed his eyes, the last thing he saw was the girl huddled on the edge of death. If she were torn into pieces by the giant-eyed orangutan, he firmly believed that he would have to endure a thousand times the pain he was experiencing now for the rest of his life.

The mental pain is still amplifying, reaching five times its original size! !

Mo Fan gritted his teeth and persisted.

ten times!

Mo Fan rolled up his tongue, fearing that his body would keep trying to bite his tongue off.

The spiritual world is full of storms and waves.

The purple stardust and the fire stardust seemed to be about to perish. They suddenly dimmed in the spiritual world that was undergoing huge movements.

The light became weaker and weaker, so weak that it was no longer as bright as a distant star, and was about to disappear into the black night.

At this moment, Mo Fan suddenly opened his eyes!

The pupils were not as dilated as those of humans. There was a vast and boundless universe in them, and in the deepest part were the increasingly dim thunder stardust and fire stardust.

His pupils expanded again, and Mo Fan's entire face began to tremble.

The two stars that were about to die suddenly burst out with the hottest light, filling Mo Fan's entire spiritual universe at the fastest speed.

The purple color is so gorgeous that it dazzles the entire starry sky, it is beautiful and shocking.

The red color is so hot that it will ignite all darkness, shining and surging.

They fly by, they envelope, they seem to be creating a new small universe of their own, their own star home.

However, this time the creation is no longer the tiny stardust like fireflies in the corner. They have created a cluster of stars like clouds. Each one of them is full of luster. Complement each other! !

"Stardust turns into nebula!!!"

Feeling all this, Mo Fan's blood boiled.

Stardust is just a small piece of dust in the universe. They exist, but they are extremely small, and the energy they can provide to magicians is also quite limited.

However, nebulae and stardust are completely different. The brilliance of a whole group of stars occupying a huge area can be described as bright. They are so clearly visible in the vast spiritual universe, and they dot the chaotic spiritual world! !

The difference between dust and clouds is really too obvious. If every small starlight contains magic energy, then how much energy will be hidden in this densely packed star cloud? How much energy can it create? What a powerful magic! ! !

In the nebula, there are still stars that are the most important thing for magicians to release magic.

Different from the initial level, there are a total of 49 stars in this bright nebula!

These planets were moving rapidly in the nebula just like when Mo Fan was awakened, making it dazzling to see.

"This feeling..." Mo Fan looked at his hands in disbelief.

On the left hand, the power of fire that is eager to be released from the body is burning on the entire arm, as if there is endless magic energy!

On his right hand, purple electric arcs were covered like ivy. They seemed to be competing with the flames, as proud as children eager to show their strength.