Versatile Mage

Chapter 124: Water play town


Hangzhou is very close to Shanghai, or the suburbs of Shanghai are basically bordering the suburbs of Hangzhou!

Following the instructions of the mature and charming teacher Tang Yue, Mo Fan arrived at a small town in the south of the Yangtze River north of Hangzhou.

The name of the town is Playing Water, which sounds quite charming. However, when Mo Fan arrived there by car, he discovered that the town was full of cracked soil and abandoned fields, which was in Mo Fan's mind. The so-called Jiangnan Water Town is really very different.

There was so much water, not to mention rivers, that there wasn't even a creek, so soaking your feet became a huge problem.

The town seems to have been a good tourist attraction in the past. Some relatively retro inns have appeared in the town. Mo Fan found the "Youjian Inn" according to the address given by the beautiful lady Tang Yue, and immediately noticed the gentleman sitting by the corridor window. Sitting there was the charming young teacher with an astonishing S-curve figure, which made Mo Fan feel good for no reason.

Look at those round buttocks and those majestic peaks. Teacher Tangyue, are you sure your surname is not Cang

Tang Yue seemed to be aware of Mo Fan, she swept her hair in a chic way, and looked at Mo Fan who came to the appointment with a pair of bright autumn eyes with a smile.

"Teacher Tang Yue is still as beautiful as ever." Mo Fan couldn't help but praise.

"You're not bad either. You're already an intermediary magician at a young age. Now you're considered a genius even in big families and associations." Teacher Tang Yue responded with a smile.

"Teacher Tang Yue is not very young, but I still can't see clearly your strength." Mo Fan said.

"Okay, don't be pretentious. I know you want to ask where I was when the disaster occurred in Bo City?" Tang Yue said directly.

"Okay, I do want to know, because I seem to feel that Teacher Tang Yue is more than just an intermediary magician... Your identity must be also ordinary, but I don't understand why you went to our Tianlan Magic High School to teach , could it be that you are doing something ulterior, or are you actually the mastermind behind the Black Church?" Mo Fan said.

Tang Yue rolled her eyes for a while.

This student must have a very rich imagination.

"Do you know about the Magic Association's trial?" Tang Yue said.

"I heard a little bit. It is said that they are a group of top law enforcement mages who specialize in capturing magicians who have violated the convention." Mo Fan said.

"Well, I am one of them. In fact, we are aware of the Black Church's plan in Bo City. Unfortunately, we did not expect that they would lay out such a big conspiracy. With my own strength, I can only contain it. After looking at the guy named Sa Lang from the Black Vatican, the rest can only be handed over to Zhan Kong and the others... It's also my fault. If they could have noticed their purpose earlier, such a disaster would not have happened." Tang Yue He had no intention of hiding it from Mo Fan and stated it very directly.

"You have been in Bo City for less than two years, but those people have been planning for more than ten years, arranging people and making plans. It is obvious that the higher-ups have not paid much attention to matters related to Bo City. Otherwise, why would they send you here alone? An undercover agent from Bo City is here," Mo Fan said.

The disaster in Bo City was obviously planned for a long time. Since the people in the Tribunal have noticed it, and letting Tang Yue stay in Bo City, it means that the people in the Tribunal are not a bunch of idiots.

"Now, all the news media have spread the news about the disaster in Bo City, and the information about the Black Church has been completely disclosed. I have also submitted the information I learned. The high-level officials of the Trial Council have taken over the matter. I believe that the Tribunal will It won't take long for Bo City to be given justice," Tang Yue said.

"Forget it, instead of talking about such sad things, let's talk about why you came to me. Is there something wrong with this town? Why does it look so dry?" Mo Fan changed the topic.

"You should observe carefully. It is indeed what you said. All the water resources in this water town have dried up, just like the drought in the northwest." Teacher Tang Yue said seriously.

"Is something causing trouble?" Mo Fan asked subconsciously.

After being in the city monster hunting team for a long time, Mo Fan is used to classifying some strange things as certain monsters causing trouble.

If you really think that there are no monsters in big cities, you are too naive. The bigger the city, the more monsters lurk, and the more monsters eat people without spitting out their bones!

"I'm not sure. It is said that strange things like this have happened in many other towns. The clues I have found so far are relatively limited, so I need you to come and help me." Teacher Tang Yue said.

"Then you have really found the right person. Before I became a magician, I determined to become a detective. I have watched more than 600 episodes of Conan, if not seven hundred. I am proficient in all kinds of... Oh, I mean, you have Just tell me whatever you want." Mo Fan just wanted to talk, but he had to say seriously.

"My identity is relatively sensitive and can easily be detected. You can follow that person later. If nothing else happens, this guy who is wanted by our trial will have some answers." Tang Yue pointed to a person outside the corridor window. The man who looked very stylish said.

"What problem does he have?" Mo Fan asked.

"I don't know yet, but based on experience, I can tell that there must be a demon when something goes wrong. This demon is often a magician with a twisted nature. There are many magicians with evil intentions. Although they have not entered the Black Church, they have Things that are harmful to nature are not uncommon, and killing people and stealing goods is commonplace. Don't look at that guy dressed up, just like a noble son from Hangzhou. He has killed people... to be precise, he has killed no less magicians than demons. Tang Yue said with a serious face.

Tang Yue hopes that Mo Fan knows that she did not ask him to come here just for fun, but to face some magicians with evil intentions. These magicians never care about other people's lives, and they will directly hurt vital points once they exchange fire. .

"Teacher Tang Yue, you have called me to arrest such a vicious mage... I'm afraid I can't handle it."

"I originally planned to send a mid-level lightning mage over, but he was too far away. By the time others arrived, that guy had already run away. I know this matter is indeed dangerous for you, but If you help me take him down, I can promise you to help you awaken the shadow system." Tang Yue also knew that this kind of thing was a bit far-fetched for a student like Mo Fan, but Tang Yue really didn't want to let this person The most wanted criminal is on the loose.

"Teacher Tang Yue, your business is my business, why do you have to be so polite? I will follow that guy now and make sure to check his household registration book."

"You little naughty boy, you won't do things well if I don't give you some benefits, right?" Tang Yue glared at Mo Fan angrily, but her cute and angry little look was extremely charming.
