Versatile Mage

Chapter 135: I can take responsibility


The sound of the mirror breaking also gave some clarity to Tang Yue's mind, which had been disturbed by the demon.

She pushed Mo Fan away and retreated to the other side of the car, curling up like a frightened kitten.

Mo Fan couldn't help but let out a breath when he saw her forcibly changing his mind. He felt half disappointed and half... so very disappointed!

In the wilderness, a winding road, a speeding taxi, a driver who is mentally broken at the moment, and a man and woman undergoing a huge psychological test in the back seat.

Out of respect, Mo Fan also moved to the other side, staring out the window as if what just happened never happened.

After a while, the aroma came, and Mo Fan felt the sand beside him sink slightly. Turning his head, he found that Tang Yue, who had scared the kitten just now, suddenly transformed into a demon cat with fangs and claws, and once again rushed towards Mo Fan. , kissing her crazily with her bright red mouth, her limbs sticking together like an octopus, as if she would never leave the warm embrace.

Mo Fan didn't know how to respond. Suddenly, Tang Yue pushed Mo Fan away again and seemed to run away to the other side.

Looking at Tang Yue, whose mood was extremely ups and downs, Mo Fan felt bad!

God, please kill me instead of torturing an innocent boy like this.

It’s not like I’m irresponsible. How dare you give me a break? After all this, I could still be an upright man, but now I’m in chaos, okay? !

This journey was even more torturous than when he first entered the demon city. In short, Mo Fan felt like a handsome boy who had been whipped and bullied by the witch countless times. His little heart was left with countless traumas.

Anyway, we arrived in the city, and the suppressive drugs were bought. The lover in his dream ran away with shame and humiliation, leaving Mo Fan, whose heart was still beating wildly in the wind and messy, lost in a strange city!

After finally coming back to his senses, Mo Fan wanted to take a walk alone in Hangzhou, but he immediately received a threatening text message.

"If you dare to tell me about this, I will castrate you!"

"Actually, I will be responsible."

"Judges can have two chances of manslaughter in their lifetime. Do you need me to give you this spot?" The naked threat was revealed in the words, and Tang Yue could feel her murderous eyes when she sent this text message.

"I am a man of faith... By the way, Teacher Tang Yue, why are you in Hangzhou? I happen to be in Hangzhou too. I haven't seen you since I left Bo City. Why don't you come out to have a coffee?"

In an apartment in Xihu District, Hangzhou, Tang Yue, whose cheeks were still red, was holding her mobile phone. When she saw the last reply, even though she wanted to retain some self-esteem for herself and wanted to be a stranger to this guy, she still endured it. He couldn't help but smile.

Humph, how can a little guy who needs to go through the Book of Star Maps to cast intermediate magic be responsible for himself? Even high-level magicians have to line up to chase him!

After walking around in Hangzhou, Mo Fan took the car directly back to Shanghai... In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the outer suburbs of Hangzhou. Anyway, it takes more than an hour to get to downtown Shanghai by subway, and it only takes more than an hour to get to Hangzhou by train.

Mo Fan's original plan was to meditate at home for two months, and then see if he could be admitted directly to Pearl Academy by virtue of his outstanding ability as an intermediate magician.

Go home and think about it carefully.

The top priority is to control the star map. Relying on the book of star maps to complete intermediate magic is too slow. Besides, if the book of star maps is burned again, the stars will probably not recognize themselves as their biological father.

Anyway, when you go to university, you spend most of your time controlling the stars and drawing star maps. It is better to meditate at home and wait until you have mastered the magical skills before entering the university. On the one hand, it is better to pretend, as I like to pretend so much. People with B really can't pretend to be in a prestigious school like Mingzhu without some guarantee of strength. On the other hand, they will have more time to be exposed to new things.

I know very little about things like the Curse System. I never know that one day I will end up like the four people from the Dongfang Family and die in mysterious circumstances.

What's more, it's not like I don't need to practice when I get to college. I'm about to awaken the second department and I have to spend a lot of time on it. Now that I have so many skills, I don't have to worry about it. The more abilities, the more protection!

I have decided to study on my own for a year and enter Pearl University directly next year!

Teacher Tang Yue is so honest. Originally, Mo Fan thought that she would never pay attention to him again if there was a scene in the car. As expected, she still had the conscience to send herself a text message, asking her to go to the Shanghai Magic Association to awaken. Someone will lead him.

The Shanghai Magic Association is also called the Oriental Magic Association. This East has nothing to do with the Oriental Family. It is just that the Shanghai Magic Association is located on the Oriental Pearl Wizard Tower.

When Mo Fan arrived at the Oriental Pearl Master Tower through Lujiazui, where skyscrapers were lined with skyscrapers like swords, his mood was also complicated.

In that world, the Oriental Pearl Tower was the symbol of Shanghai and a tourist destination, where it was the headquarters of the Magic Association.

The Magic Association has always been the most authoritative magic organization in the world. Most of its members are adult magicians and powerful magicians. As long as you are a magician, you basically need to abide by their magician convention!

There are several obvious items in the Magician's Convention. The first one is that no magician can use high-level destructive magic in the city, and there must be a reasonable reason for using destructive magic below high-level.

The second article is that magicians cannot use magic on ordinary people, and they will also be punished with murder.

Article 3 Article 3: Magicians can duel privately, regardless of injuries. Death will be punished as homicide and will be executed by the Tribunal.

The Magic Association is equivalent to the public security bureau and court for magicians, and the convention is something magicians all over the world need to abide by.

Of course, this is the law-maker and law enforcer in formulating laws for magicians. It is also the most authoritative in the world in terms of exchanges, discussions, transactions, and training between magicians. Generally, only outstanding adult magicians are admitted to the Magician Association!

There is also a tribunal within the Magic Association.

The trial is the most strict and mysterious. It is said that the judges are a group of monsters with incredible fighting power.

Mo Fan only found out about it online later. If Chao He hadn't been cunning and using various underhanded methods at that time, Chao He might not have been the opponent of the Great Judge Tang Yue in a head-on confrontation. Just recalling her Fierce Fist·Nine Palaces' super destructive power Mo Fan still has lingering fears!

Tang Yue is only in her early twenties and already possesses such fighting prowess. It seems that this is still the most basic standard in the Tribunal. This is enough to reflect the magical perversions that exist in the entire Tribunal!