Versatile Mage

Chapter 161: Are you the only one who is mid-level?


Zhuang Lifeng's move probably didn't occur to anyone!

This time it was a beast fighting competition. It stands to reason that all the challengers should deal with the summoned beasts of the summoning department students. Zhuang Lifeng's attack that broke the conventional thinking made all the summoning department students scream in dissatisfaction!

"This is against the rules. How can you directly attack the summoner?" Hai Dafu was the first to shout.

"This doesn't count. The definition of the competition itself is the struggle between the Summoning Department and other departments. In the past, students from other departments used this trick to defeat our Summoning Department Academy. The senior was a monster stronger than Mo Fan's Ghost Wolf. A strong creature." Jiang Yunming said lightly.

Jiang Yunming never tells the students about the battle situation in class, let alone tells them in advance that in this beast fighting competition, the Summoning Mage himself will also be attacked...

Some things need to be experienced by students themselves before they can truly remember them.

After all, in a real battle, in a contest with monsters, the summoning mage must know how to protect himself!

"Damn it, Mo Fan has only resisted 79, and the number of 100 has not been reached..." Hai Dafu said angrily.

The Ghost Wolf Beast is invincible. It has withstood seven or eight waves of five-man attacks. Who would have thought that a very experienced Zhuang Lifeng would come out and abandon the summoned beast and directly attack the summoning mage...

"You're exaggerating a bit, and we asked our summoning department to offend all the other departments." Wang Liting cursed.

Zhuang Lifeng's pace was extremely fast, and the wind became his driving force. The dust and sand under his feet separated into waves because of its speed!

The distance was getting closer and closer, and Zhuang Lifeng could already see the twitching face of this arrogant summoning mage.

"Idiot, you dare to boast about this ability!" Zhuang Lifeng didn't need to use any magic at all. He could knock him unconscious by hitting the opponent directly at this speed!

Of course, Zhuang Lifeng is still observing Mo Fan's actions. As long as there is any sign of using magic equipment, Zhuang Lifeng will immediately change his attack method.


Why is there a purple light on this guy's palm? It doesn't look like he is using a magic tool!

Wait, purple? ?

The expression on Zhuang Lifeng's face suddenly froze! !

Except for some special elements, the only thing in this world that can emit purple light is thunder! ! ! ! !

"I didn't say I wasn't an intermediate magician..." Mo Fan smiled brightly, and a purple light shone in his somewhat mocking eyes.

The purple star trail almost instantly turned into a magical link that conducts mysterious power. Countless lightning marks were scurrying around Mo Fan like pythons.

"Thunder Seal · Kuangce!!"

At this distance, Zhuang Lifeng might not even have time to use his defensive magic equipment.

All the thunder and lightning marks turned into fierce purple pythons, and they danced wildly and beat Zhuang Lifeng mercilessly.

Zhuang Lifeng reacted very quickly and wanted to dodge sharply.

Mo Fan knew that this guy was fast, so he deliberately used the second level of thunder seal. Zhuang Lifeng couldn't dodge under Kuang Ce's wanton whip of thunder and lightning, no matter how fast he was.

And as long as it is hit by one of the thunder seals, all the associated arcs will surge towards the target like greedy snakes that have found food.

All the traces of wind on Zhuang Lifeng's body were dispersed under the whip of the thunder seal. His body was covered with these purple arcs. Not to mention the crazy gallop, he couldn't even move a finger, and his body was even more so. Twitching uncontrollably! !


Mo Fan did not release the thunder seal completely, otherwise Zhuang Lifeng might faint directly. He just raised a smile and counted Zhuang Lifeng's failure as a small statistic for himself.

Zhuang Lifeng's face was pale, and he looked at Mo Fan standing in front of him with a bit of pain.

Intermediate magician... no wonder he has the courage to challenge all the departments!

The moment Zhuang Lifeng was defeated, the dense crowd on the seats exploded again.

Zhuang Lifeng surprised everyone by showing off his second series of magic. After all, it meant that they had another mid-level magician among their new students.

As a result, before everyone could recover from this shock, the extremely arrogant summoner beat everyone stupid with a thunder seal!

Also... also at the intermediate level! !

Damn it, I’ve long heard that there are so many masters from Pearl Academy, so there’s no need for intermediates to appear one after another like this!

Basically, the freshmen are all under 20 years old, and those who have not reached the mid-level magician level are all freaks, right? Now there are 3 of them including Luo Song! ! !

Perhaps, the latter two have not mastered the extremely difficult mid-level magic. If they have the talent to enter the mid-level so early, it is only a matter of time before they can release the mid-level magic.

"He...he is also a thunder type??" The girl with a high ponytail said to Xu Zhaoting next to her with a surprised look on her face.

Xu Zhaoting smiled helplessly and didn't want to say anything.

Thinking back to the decisive battle at Mu's Villa, when Xu Zhaoting saw that Mo Fan's thunder power was stronger than his own, he became less arrogant.

"Then has he mastered intermediate lightning magic?" The girl with high ponytail continued to ask.

"I don't know either." Xu Zhaoting shook his head.

"He is invincible. An advanced stage ghost wolf beast, coupled with his skillful thunder seal, no one can beat him."

"Grind it, you can only grind it slowly, and use up the physical strength of his ghost wolf beast as soon as possible."

Time passed by, and the challengers came one group after another.

Mo Fan and his ghost wolf beast were even more powerful than one man, and the "corpses" that were trampled under their feet almost piled up into a hill.

In the subsequent battle, Mo Fan continued to use thunder seals to help the ghost wolf beast fight.

The thunder seal forcefully controls and the ghost wolf beast clears the field. This can save the ghost wolf beast a lot of energy. After all, the ghost wolf beast cannot fight indefinitely.

Soon, the number of people exceeded one hundred!

This break of 100 is good news for all students in the summoning department. Their own resources are preserved.

Before entering the competition, they never thought that Mo Fan would be the one to step forward in the end. Except for Wang Liting, the other five people all had some admiration for Mo Fan.

Not everyone can defeat all the students in the department like Mo Fan! !

After breaking 100, there are still no fewer challengers.

Who is willing to admit defeat

Even if they knew that their group couldn't beat them, as long as they could hurt the ghost wolf beast, they would make a profit.

With this thought, the "bodies" were piled higher and higher, and before they knew it, they had almost reached 150 people.

In total, Mo Fan had eliminated a hundred students from other departments.

This made the whole school uneasy with the domineering attitude of one against a hundred.

"What a bunch of idiots. A group of five people, all of whom are junior magicians, can't form perfect cooperation like the first group of challengers. If you go up like this, you'll be giving away points in vain!"


(Maybe you will be very upset because I forgot to tell you that today is the weekend and there are only two chapters!)

(Don’t you all hate weekends?)

(Alas, all good things come in hard times. The two chapters have been updated today. I’ll read them again tomorrow~~~ Anyway, this book will take a long time to write.)