Versatile Mage

Chapter 174: Little loli teammates


"I'm sorry. Although we want to help you, we think you should contact the police in this situation." The old man politely declined the request.

"But it's useless to call the police... Why don't you send a demon hunter to protect me tonight, and I can pay you right away." The young woman said.

"We really can't find any demon hunters here. They are all performing big tasks." The old man said.

The young woman's face became even uglier. She didn't expect that she came to Qingtian Hunting House specially, but they didn't intend to accept it at all. It seemed that the money was placed in front of them and they were a little indifferent.

"You... how can you be so unwilling to save me? If... if something happens to my family, I will never let you go!!" The young woman stood up and shouted with pain on her face.

After saying this, she stood up in a hurry and ran out of Qingtian Hunting Center in despair.

Mo Fan felt that the young woman was quite depressed and felt a little pitiful, so he couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you help her?"

Regardless of whether the woman's husband may have been possessed by a demon, or whether her husband is suspected of murder, judging from the woman's description, she is in danger. Since others are willing to give money, why doesn't the old man just accept this commission? .

"Young man, you can't always take things at face value." The old man knocked on his pipe.

"Why, is there any other hidden secret??" Mo Fan touched his chin and began to think like a famous detective.

"Look at this commission." The old man took out an agreement from under the bar and casually threw it to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan was also a little strange and opened the agreement.

The agreement was very brief. It was an overnight protection proposed by the client, because the client suspected that there was a huge danger nearby, endangering his children and himself.

The date he requested for overnight protection was tonight, and the agreement seemed to be signed today, around seven in the morning.

"What's going on? Is this person's family also in a situation similar to that of the woman just now?" Mo Fan asked in surprise.

The old man smiled, and then tapped the address stated on the agreement with his yellowed fingers.

Mo Fan took a look and felt incredible! !

"He actually told me the same address as that woman... What's going on!!" Mo Fan looked a little dumbfounded.

The address is actually in a private garden in the south of the university town. That area is also where rich people live. Mo Fan and his roommates passed by there when they went out for a stroll. It is not too far from Pearl Academy, so this address Mo Fan was impressed.

Originally, when the woman left in despair, Mo Fan planned to go and have a look with the idea of saving the young woman from the fire and water. Anyway, he would probably pass by there on his way back to school. What Mo Fan didn't expect was that there was something else going on inside.

"This commission was actually signed by the husband of the woman just now. The situation described is roughly similar to that of that woman." The old man said with a smile.

When Mo Fan heard this, he felt goosebumps all over his body! !

"That is to say... his husband came earlier and said that the woman just went to commit murder in the middle of the night??" Mo Fan really didn't expect such a thing.

"Well, lately there have been quite boring commissions. Today's matter is quite strange. Young man, since you want to join our Qingtian Hunting Center, this commission will be solved by you." The old man looked at Mo Fan and said, He smiled a bit treacherously.

"It's a good thing to have something to do when you come here, but I also think this matter is quite tricky. I can't figure out which of the two of them is telling the truth." Mo Fan was now confused.

"So we only accepted one commission. Didn't you see clearly? This commission said that if the client encounters something unexpected, he will not hold us responsible. He only hopes that we will protect their children. Which one of them has the problem? It is a good thing that this can be solved, but the most important thing is to protect their children," the old man said.

"I understand." Mo Fan nodded, then looked around the empty shop, "Where are my teammates? It's impossible to leave this matter to me alone."

"Of course not, Nao, your teammates are right next to you." The old man said.

Mo Fan glanced around and still didn't see his so-called teammates.

When Mo Fan turned his doubtful eyes back to the old man, he motioned to Mo Fan to lower his gaze slightly. At this time, Mo Fan saw a cute little head with double ponytails and a childish little face. face.

"This little girl??" Mo Fan was dumbfounded.

"That's right. Most of our Qingtian Hunting Institute's commissions are completed by a single person or a two-person team. Lingling's last partner died while investigating a matter for the Trial Council. So we had to recruit another one. "The old man said.

"You want me to take such a little girl to hunt monsters, what a joke!" Mo Fan shouted.

"I led you, a rookie, to hunt monsters. Thank you." Lingling glanced at Mo Fan with disdain, then took out something similar to a police badge from her pocket and placed it in front of Mo Fan.

Mo Fan looked at the badge in confusion and almost fell off the high chair after seeing the pattern clearly.

"Hunter...Master Hunter!" Mo Fan felt like he was about to be blinded.

Just such a little loli who can lift it with two fingers turns out to be a master hunter! !

The hunter badge awarded by the Hunter Alliance cannot be faked, and it has an identity tied to it. The hunter badge that the little girl took out is indeed real. The question is, how can Mo Fan believe that a ten-year-old girl is actually a hunter? A master of countless monster hunting.

You must know that as a college freshman, having the title of intermediate hunter is something worth showing off!

"Grandpa, I don't want this guy. He looks stupid and prone to bad things." Lingling said to the old man.

"Just him. It has always been difficult for our Qingtian Hunting Center to recruit people. It is not easy to have someone who is not afraid of death. I see that this boy is not weak at all. He can still do great things if he is slowly cultivated. ." The old man persuaded kindly.

The little loli snorted coldly, closed the thick book in her hand, and walked to the room in the store with a little emotion.

Mo Fan looked at the exquisite back of the little Lolita, and the ten thousand beasts in his heart had not yet finished running, and he didn't know what to say.

To be honest, Mo Fan had imagined in the morning what kind of outstanding team of demon hunters he would have, so that he could grow more, but suddenly his fantasy was shattered and he turned into such a petite little person. figure.


(The last chapter seems to have sensitive words and was blocked directly. It hurts~~~~~~~~~ It’s only been released now.)