Versatile Mage

Chapter 213: The third level of space!


Mo Fan has been concentrating on training and has not dared to relax at all.

What made him very happy was that the thunder and fire elements had reached the second level.

The gap between the first level nebula and the second level nebula is also quite large. In terms of magic energy alone, the increase has more than doubled. The entire small nebula covers an area that is becoming wider and wider, and there are many hidden treasures in it. The radiance of the flowing magic energy is even more vivid.

Thunder and Fire have been improved again, and Mo Fan's confidence has also greatly increased.

The training time in this three-step tower is limited. Mo Fan estimated that he has about one day left.

In fact, in the first few days of practice, the cultivation level did soar, so fast that Mo Fan could not imagine it. However, this kind of thing is a bit like taking medicine. If you take too much medicine, you will easily produce certain antibodies.

When Mo Fan passed the 4o times magic concentration in the second three-step space and rose to a level, his cultivation level also dropped from the original 100 times to 8o. By the fifth day, it was only about 5o times.

On the sixth day, it dropped to 3o times.

This situation is really normal. Unique cultivation resources such as the Earth Holy Spring and the Three-Step Tower often have an initial effect. If you continue to practice here in the future, the effect will be greatly reduced.

After it dropped to 30 times, the last day left by Mo Fan was actually less than half a month of practice, which was not very meaningful to Mo Fan.

"How about taking advantage of the last day to rush to the third floor?" This idea came to Mo Fan's mind.

The higher you go, the higher the concentration of elements, and the income will naturally double again.

Like this three-step tower. There are really not many opportunities to come, Mo Fan wants to use his entire 4 series of magic power to attack the third level! !

Mo Fan knows now. Hesitating the superposition of space, there is some kind of spiritual gravity here. The higher the level, the stronger the spiritual gravity. It seems that this is an important design to compress the element concentration to such a high level. Therefore, when the magician goes to a higher level, he will definitely be suppressed by the spiritual gravity.

The consumption of magic energy is the biggest sign. The higher the magic energy, the more capable you are of challenging higher levels of space.

Mo Fan is a man with 4 elements, and the amount of magic energy is definitely much stronger than other mid-level magicians, coupled with the breakthroughs made during this period. It’s not a bad idea to try the third level!

As he said, Mo Fan climbed towards the stairs between the second and third floors.

Every time you go up a step, it's like an extra lead ball is tied to your head. The heaviness will increase your mental pain.

Mo Fan gritted his teeth and continued to rush upward.

Halfway through the rush, it felt as if Tang Monk had recited a tightening curse, which could be described as excruciating pain.

The mental gravity is still increasing, my head is getting heavier and heavier, and it is getting more and more uncomfortable. About to be completely crushed.

No more, I can't bear it anymore.

If you go any further, your head will explode!

Mo Fan finally chose to give up. This kind of mental pain was even more painful than the first time he attacked the mid-level magician.

Oh, isn’t this the time?

Mo Fan was about to give up. Who knew that the third level of space is right in front of us!

This is really free of charge... It doesn't cost a damn, and I almost died.

He climbed to the third floor like a half-dead old man. The moment he stepped onto the third floor, all the mental pressure disappeared. Instead, the element concentration is as high as 8o times, making people feel like they are immersed in an ocean of elements, which can be greedily absorbed to expand their own nebula.

A full 200 times the cultivation speed. I bought it! ! !

Mo Fan himself went crazy, and when he reached the third level of cultivation, he went straight up. In the second level, Mo Fan initially gained 100 times the cultivation speed from Nebula, but this time it was doubled!

One day equals 200 days, which is more than half a year of meditation time.

It is said that the journey of cultivation is slow and far away. It is true that if you have been cultivating without any resources and assistance, and a normal person spends a lifetime cultivating, then I am afraid that at most a mid-level magician will not be able to advance further. , it is these natural and unique resources that allow magicians to reach a higher level despite their own extraordinary talents.

This time I came to the Three-Step Pagoda. Just seven days was enough to last for several years of hard training outside!

This time, Mo Fan focused his training mainly on the fire element.

If they were evenly distributed among the 4 systems, it would be impossible for one of them to advance to a higher level. But now that everything is concentrated on the fire system, it is very possible for the fire system to break through to another level!

Fierce Fist.Nine Palaces!

Soon I will reach the realm where Teacher Tang Yue is. Although I don't know if she has broken through to a higher realm now, she is one step closer to her.

The day was really short, and Mo Fan couldn’t wait to just dive in here.

Unfortunately, the time specified by the school is seven days, and it will not be given an extra minute. Every time the three-step tower is opened, it will consume a huge amount of energy, and the school will tightly control it.

Mo Fan walked out of the three-step tower, feeling refreshed.

It seems that there are higher areas beyond the third level of space. If you have another chance next time, you must continue to challenge higher spaces. The level of cultivation you will gain is simply crazy!

After walking out of the main campus, Mo Fan was on his way back when his cell phone rang.

"Mo Fan, come here quickly." Ai Tutu's voice came over the phone.

"What's going on?" Mo Fan asked in confusion.

"Well...that's it. I was drinking coffee at Starbucks and ordered a lot of food. I finished eating all the food, but I forgot to bring my money and card. Come over and help us pay. It's not far away, on Nanyu Street. ." Ai Tutu said anxiously.

"Although I'm a bit of a country person, I also know that Starbucks, like KFC, pays first and then eats." Mo Fan answered seriously.

"Ah, this house is so weird. What can I do? Come here quickly!" Ai Tutu said angrily.

Mo Fan was hungry alone and happened to be passing by the commercial street, so he walked there as Ai Tutu said.

When he arrived at the store she was talking about, Mo Fan immediately saw Ai Tutu wearing a cute cartoon T-shirt sitting under a green parasol. She was looking left and right, as if she was waiting for the arrival of some savior.

As soon as she saw Mo Fan, Aitutu ran over like a baby bird returning to its nest, and directly took Mo Fan's arm affectionately...

God, Mo Fan has always been accustomed to calling Ai Tutu Big Breasted Rabbit. That’s because the pair of breasts on her breasts are indeed exaggeratedly plump. On her floor, Mo Fan’s arms are almost stuffed between her two jade rabbits. ! !

As soon as he came out of seclusion, he was treated like this. Mo Fan felt like his nose was hot and something was about to flow out.

However, Mo Fan didn't enjoy it for long before he felt the cold and angry gazes from those people just now.

Sure enough, if something goes wrong, there must be a monster. This Ai Tutu must be in big trouble and ask me to help him get out! (To be continued...)