Versatile Mage

Chapter 61: Improve, thunder element!


"Fan Mo, your reaction is very fast, and your release speed also surprised us. We thought you were the kind of fresh magician who just graduated and would be so scared when seeing monsters that his legs would weaken." Li Wenjie walked up to Mo Fan and slapped him hard. Mo Fan's shoulder.

"Yeah, I thought we would have to take you for more than half a year before you could be effective. I didn't expect that your psychological quality is already so good, and you also saved Guo Caitang. Guo Caitang, you have to show your gratitude in person." Fei Shi Xiaohao said.

Mo Fan didn't have any experience or resume to apply for this position. In fact, the application requirement for their Demon Hunting Team was to kill more than ten monsters. If Mo Fan were from other departments, an elite team like the Demon Hunting Team would definitely not be qualified. There is no need for moves or fire elements. After all, the demon hunting team is fighting against demons in the city. If other hunters cannot defeat the demons, they will most likely die themselves. If their demon hunting team cannot defeat the demons, it is likely to affect those in the city who have no ability to resist. people.

The urban demon hunting team has even greater responsibilities, and of course the team members must be the elite among mage hunters.

Considering the rarity of Thunder Mage and the power of its skills, their demon hunting team is willing to spend the first half of the year to train a rookie who knows nothing. Mo Fan is an absolute rookie in everyone's eyes. The skill may not be fully released.

Who would have thought that just now, he had completed the Thunder Seal skill with lightning speed, and his reaction speed and skillful star trajectory control made their demon hunting team look up to him with admiration!

Especially Guo Caitang, who aggressively scolded the rookie Mo Fan at the beginning. Who knew that this rookie saved her at the critical moment? Her mood was extremely complicated.

"Okay, Li Wenjie, Fei Shi, you two go check the canteen. If there are no demons left, the rest can be left to the police. I hope the girl is still alive," Xu Dahuang said.


Search and rescue requires a large number of personnel. The demon hunting team is mainly responsible for eliminating hidden dangers. Next, let Fei Shi and Li Wenjie work with the police to find the missing Lin Yuner.

However, after a week, the chances of the girl surviving were very slim.


Mo Fan was about to leave when suddenly the little loach pendant made a trembling sound.

"Is there any residual soul??"

Mo Fan felt happy and hurriedly walked to the body of the giant-eyed gorilla.

A faint blue light like a firefly appeared on the giant-eyed orangutan. It was as small as a candle and slowly floated towards the pendant on Mo Fan's neck as if it had been called.

Everyone else was busy with other things and did not notice this scene. Mo Fan also successfully sucked the remains of the giant-eyed gorilla rat into his little loach pendant.

Little Loach Pendant has the ability to automatically collect the soul remnants. The last time it killed the Ghost Wolf Beast, it also absorbed the soul remnants of the Ghost Wolf Beast.

Unfortunately, in order for the little Loach Pendant to truly grow, it seems that it needs more pure essence than the residual soul. I don't know if collecting these residual souls will be effective. I have to go back and study it carefully.

In addition, the Magic Association and the Hunter Alliance sell residual souls, which cost roughly 10,000 yuan. If the residual souls are collected enough to allow the little loach to grow, then it is necessary for him to use the money he earns from hunting monsters to buy these residual souls. , the top priority is to let the little loach pendant grow to the spiritual level, so that he can 100% upgrade the fire to the fire in one year? Explode!

"Huh?? There seems to be some changes in the thunder star particles. Could it be that..." Suddenly, Mo Fan noticed that the stars in his thunder star dust were extremely excited.

Their excitement is similar to the change of the fire element stars. That change turned Mo Fan's fire-smelling and burning into fire-smelling and bone-burning.

In other words, Leiyin will soon be upgraded to a higher level! ! !

I had been meditating before, but there was no movement at all from the thunder element stars. I didn’t expect that today’s release with such rapid response would cause them to transform. I don’t know if they are also eager to become stronger after experiencing this battle, or if they just absorbed the remnant soul. What role did it play in the end

The fire has reached the bone-burning level, and I don’t know what the effect of the thunder seal, which was particularly domineering at the first level, will be at the second level. It’s exciting! !

What surprised Mo Fan was that this was the first time he completed a task and he got a commission all at once.

The school spent a total of 200,000 yuan to let the City Demon Hunting Team settle this matter, and Mo Fan took 10% of it. After all, he had just joined the team. Generally speaking, people who just joined the team usually get an internship salary and commission. It's just a token reward. Considering that Mo Fan is a special thunder type, and coupled with his outstanding performance today, the team can directly turn Mo Fan into a full-time player.

10% is a full 20,000 yuan, which is equivalent to my father’s income from driving outside for nearly half a year!

Mo Fan didn't bother with the money and carefully saved it for emergencies.

Speaking of which, this is Mo Fan's first pot of gold. The risk is a bit more dangerous, and the reward is indeed higher than Mo Fan expected. This is much faster than the teams that hunt monsters outside. , no wonder so many people want to join the urban monster hunting team.

Mu's Manor

There were layers of soft water waves in the azure private swimming pool. Mu He, wearing a swimming cap, swam from the water to the shore. He lay on the lounge chair under the umbrella with his whole body wet, and then looked at He glanced at the rye-colored female personal swimming instructor next to him, and casually glanced at her half-rounded breasts.

"Creak, creak, creak, creak~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Just as Mu He was about to speak, he found that the water in the pool was slowly covered with a layer of cold frost, and the surface of the pool quickly condensed.

"Don't... I'll stay here and know how to swim." Mu He had a headache. Before he finished speaking, the entire swimming pool felt like winter, which made Mu He dumbfounded.

"Uncle He, my father asked you to come over." A tall, thin man with a particularly gloomy expression said.

"Yu Ang, your ice star dust is getting stronger and stronger. How is your training going?" Mu He said pleasantly.

"The progress is a bit slow." The young man named Yu Ang said.

"You still call it slow..." Mu He smiled bitterly, "Others are only in the first level of ice vines now. You have mastered ice vines and condensation. With your cultivation speed, it will not take more than two years. We will definitely be able to reach the third level form of ice vines, covered by ice vines, which is a large area of ice spreading, let alone a small fire student, you can freeze a large area by yourself!"

"Two years? It's still too long." Yu Ang murmured to himself.

"You are always not satisfied with your own practice. In fact, you are already much better than your peers. It is true that there is still a certain gap between you and that girl Mu Ningxue, but Mu Ningxue is too special. You should know that your father Zhuo Yun is still worried about that kid. If you get rid of that kid a year later, he will definitely give you a big gift." Mu He said with a smile.

"I didn't take that clown seriously at all," Yu Ang said.