Versatile Mage

Chapter 93: Blood stained the city of Bo


"How to get there? This is a secret room." Mo Fan looked at the sweaty female guard speechlessly.

"Just follow me." Lin Yuxin stopped talking nonsense to Mo Fan and quickly walked to the altar.

I don't know what button was pressed, and the Holy Spring that was still circulating flowed into some small holes.


Within a few seconds, all the holy springs disappeared, and there was not a drop of holy spring left in the small stone ditch.

Lin Yuxin quickly walked to the top of the altar and lifted up the leather futon that Mo Fan was sitting on, which was still hot.

The partition under the leather futon can be opened. After Lin Yuxin opened it, there was a blue bottle inside. What seemed to be the extremely clear Holy Spring in the bottle.

Mo Fan was a little curious, how could so many holy springs be contained in a Coke-sized bottle.

Lin Yuxin carefully put away the bottles containing all the earthly holy springs. She turned around and saw the somewhat honest-looking student who was about to take the magic college entrance examination and said: "This is the emergency protection plan for the earthly holy springs. There is another way in the secret room." The passage should lead to the back hill of your Tianlan Magic High School."

"To the back of the school? Girl, can you tell me what happened first?" Mo Fan said anxiously.

"You will know when you get out. Follow me first. Their target is the Holy Spring. We must not let the Holy Spring fall into the hands of those people." Lin Yuxin did not want to say too much.

"Those people?" Mo Fan was even more confused and had no idea what Lin Yuxin was talking about.

Lin Yuxin walked to the wall, and pressed her fingers on the stone wall that looked the same, as if entering a password.

Mo Fan was stunned for a moment. He was so focused on practicing here that he didn't realize that there were so many mechanisms in the secret room of the Holy Spring.


With a sound, the forbidden stone wall next to it suddenly opened, and a dark passage appeared. It was unknown where this passage led.

"It's important to get out of here." Lin Yuxin grabbed Mo Fan and walked towards the dark passage without saying a word.

Mo Fan also realized that something big was going on outside and did not dare to hesitate too much.

After walking a few steps inside, Lin Yuxin suddenly remembered something, and looked at Mo Fan with a pair of sharp eyes.

"This secret passage may not be safe. Those from the Black Church may target me. This holy spring is here for you, so be sure to keep it safe." Lin Yuxin seemed to have made a decision that even she felt was reckless.

However, Lin Yuxin had to do this.

The Black Holy See came completely prepared and knew the Holy Spring well. If they met someone from the Black Holy See while escaping from the secret passage, they would definitely target themselves, the deputy guard chief, but as a student, Mo Fan would be the opposite. Will be ignored by the people of the Black Church.

As long as we can keep the Holy Spring, there is still hope for everything!

"Please tell me what happened first!" Mo Fan was also a little impatient.

Judging from Lin Yuxin's devastated look, there must have been a huge turmoil in Bo City.

"Blood Alert!" Lin Yuxin couldn't explain it clearly to the student for a while. After all, the student knew nothing about the outside world during the period of seclusion in the secret room.

Blood Alert?

A huge boulder slammed into Mo Fan's heart, causing huge waves! !

After arriving in this world, Mo Fan learned a very important piece of information, that is, humans are not the absolute masters in this magical society. There are monsters that are hundreds of times more than humans living outside the city!

Demons have always been spying on the resources occupied by humans, and even under the orders of certain monarch-like demons, demons will attack cities inhabited by humans like legions. There are cases where cities with weak resistance disappeared overnight!

As a result, the highest magic associations on the five continents of the world called this kind of urban crisis a warning, and divided it into several levels based on the number of demons and the strength of the demons.

Just like the early warning when natural disasters occur in scientific society, natural disasters have levels, and human disasters such as the invasion of demons also have different levels!

Orange alert! This is the first level of alert, which means that demons have appeared in this city near Anjie, and the number is more than 300!

Orange Alert appeared once two years ago, and it was already causing panic.

The Blue Alert is even more terrifying. It is a bloody storm for Bo City. It is unknown how many magicians and civilians will die in the massive invasion of demons.

And the next level of blood alert...

It was a destruction, a massacre, a disaster in the city. The limited military mages could not completely resist the invasion of demons. The demons would rush into the city and massacre, not just a few demons escaping. There are hundreds of monsters!

Many magicians have been slaughtered like poultry when facing a demon, let alone ordinary people who have no power to restrain the chicken?

Blood alert, the city will flow into rivers of blood, and corpses will litter the fields!

Through the records and descriptions in the books, it is already frightening. When all this really happens before your eyes, what kind of hell will it be?

After passing through the secret tunnel, Mo Fan and Lin Yuxin, who still couldn't believe it, appeared on the north side of a mountain in the city.

The heavy rain was still pouring, and the dark and unclear sky shrouded the entire city of Bo in a depressing atmosphere. The heart-stopping roars from not far away penetrated into the ears, and instantly shuddered all over the body.

Mo Fan looked towards the place where the demon roared...

Oh my gosh, that's a residential area!

Flat and low buildings, some old concrete streets... a vegetable market with bright red blood flowing!

That blood could never be the blood of poultry. It was the blood of living people. It gathered into streams and poured into low-lying areas and sewer mouths under the irrigation of heavy rain!

Blood red, eye-catching blood red.

Standing on the back of the mountain in the city, the city of Bo, which used to be gray in the rain, showed blood stains everywhere.

Bo City is an ink city with very southern characteristics. In the rain, Bo City looks more like a beautiful picture scroll. However, today Mo Fan saw that the picture was stained with blood everywhere, and a nightmare came! ! ! !


A roar that trembled in Bo City suddenly sounded, causing people to feel goosebumps all over their bodies.

Mo Fan turned around suddenly and heard the sound, but a shocking and horrifying scene came into view! !

A gray sky shrouds the sky over the city. Bo City's iconic Bank Trade Building stands out from the crowd, almost touching the gray sky, but there is a huge black shadow lying on the top of the towering building! ! !

Its tail hangs down along the dome of the Bank of China Building, almost halfway down!

Its fleshy wings were half-stretched, half of it was obscured by the rain curtain, while the other half covered a dozen-story office building!

Its head was raised high, and the roar that could shake the entire city of Bo came from its bloody mouth, which was enough to swallow clouds and smoke!