Very Happy

Chapter 28: threaten


"You must be very puzzled, why should I take you to a qigong show?" Li Zhao scalded the cup with boiling water and poured a fruit drink for Yan Ting: "You are too boring, I want to take you to a lively place. Where to play. There is a saying, if a person sees the prosperity of the world, take him to ride the merry-go-round, I think it makes sense.”

"With me, will you be bored?" The fruit drink is not freshly squeezed, you can buy a large bottle for a few dollars, with a clear fragrance.

"Why are you bored, you don't know how cute you are, it's very interesting to be with you." Seeing that Yan Ting seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, Li Zhao quickly explained: "Whatever you say is fine, I'll follow you when I take you out. Come out, I'm not afraid that I'm the bad uncle who kidnapped the handsome guy."

"You are younger than me."

"Actually, it's not important." Li Zhao waved his hand and drank half a cup of fruit drink in one breath: "It's enough to make sense. Maybe it's because I helped you at the time and you obediently left with me, so I hold you inexplicably. responsibility."

sense of responsibility

Why should two people who are unfamiliar and not related by blood take the responsibility of the other

"This is fate. You don't have parents, and neither do I, so God made us friends." Li Zhao lifted the cup: "Come, let's toast to our beautiful friendship."

Yan Ting looked at the cup in Li Zhao's hand and clinked with him silently.

"Alas." Li Zhao looked at Yan Ting with a smile: "Why are you so cute?"

Yan Ting continued to be silent. In all his memories, no one had ever praised him for the word "cute".

After dinner at noon, Li Zhao took Yan Ting to the flower and bird market for a circle, and was almost kicked out by the boss because he was teasing the parrot to talk.

In the evening, they went to the light show scene.

The light show has not yet started, the scene is already full of audiences, and there are many people in the platform area at the back, which is bustling and lively.

"Tingting, put this on." Li Zhao put a glowing rabbit ear on top of Yan Ting's head and put one on for himself: "Tonight, we are the prettiest boys here."

As soon as the light show started, the audience was screaming with excitement. The lights changed, and the scene was so lively as if it was New Year's Eve. When the lighting effects changed into shooting stars, many people began to shout out loud confessions or make wishes.

"Zhang Xiaoting, I love you!"

"Mom and Dad, I wish you a long life."

"May the motherland be prosperous and strong!"

Li Zhao screamed and clapped in the crowd, and finally shouted: "I wish Yan Tingting good health and a long life!"

In the noisy world, Yan Ting heard this sentence clearly.

"I wish Yan Tingting a happy and healthy body!"

Meteors flicker on the shadow wall, like a meteor shower, bringing infinite dreams and beauty to people. Li Zhao grabbed Yan Ting's arm and said loudly in his ear, "Ting Ting, come and make a wish, don't waste this good opportunity."

After he finished speaking, he let go of Yan Ting's arm, twisting and twisting along with the rhythm of the music, dancing a dance that no one could understand.

Yan Ting looked at Li Zhao who was jumping and jumping, and looked up at the light that was as bright as a meteor, his pupils were as deep as the dark night.

He never made a wish, never prayed for fate.

At the end of the light show, Li Zhao shouted splits in his throat. He took the mineral water that Yan Ting handed him, drank half the bottle in one breath, and leaned on Yan Ting's body: "My body seems to be hollowed out, so tired."

Many couples who watched the light show passed by them, and some flower sellers took the opportunity to wait by the roadside and sell flowers to them.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Li Zhao, who was dying just now, saw these flower sellers, his waist and legs were no longer sore, and he pulled Yan Ting and ran away.

Running out of the range of the flower sellers, Li Zhaocai panted: "These flowers are expensive and not fresh. If they are targeted, they will be chased and sold."

Seeing that Li Zhao was sweating, Yan Ting took out a handkerchief from his coat pocket and handed it to him.

"Tingting, you are the only one of all my friends who can carry a handkerchief with you." Li Zhao wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Did you start in kindergarten, the teacher's favorite baby?"

Yan Ting: "I haven't been to kindergarten."

Li Zhao put the handkerchief in his pocket: "It's a coincidence, I haven't been there. It seems that we are really destined good brothers."

Where he grew up, the living conditions were very difficult. Parents with good family conditions would send their children to a preschool, but he did not receive this treatment. After the age of six, he followed the older children in the village, carrying a yellow cloth bag. First grade of elementary school.

Sometimes when he goes to the county town to go to the market, he is particularly envious of the colorful slides in the kindergarten and other children's play equipment. It's a pity that "parents" didn't like him going to the county seat, and even if he went to the city, he wouldn't let him leave alone for too long.

When he was ten years old, the teacher found that he was injured all over his body, and even his arm was broken, so he went to the police. It was then that he realized that he was not the child of his parents.

They said they picked him up from the trash can.

"If we hadn't picked him up, he would have starved to death." Facing the police, the adoptive father was righteous: "What's wrong with me hitting him? It's only natural for me to hit my son. Even if he beats him to death, that's what he owes me."

It was not until later that he heard that he was going to jail, and he cried and said that he did not study and did not understand the law.

"All the cats and dogs I raise can be beaten. I saved his life, so why would I break the law?"

Li Zhao felt very lucky that the teacher saved him, the police uncle saved him, and so many people helped him. He lives in an orphanage, where he can eat and clothe himself every day without being beaten. This kind of life is really good.

"The whole year is my lucky year." Recalling these, Li Zhao came to a conclusion: "When I was ten years old, I had good luck. When I was twenty years old, I had good luck again..."

"Don't be superstitious."

Li Zhao just wanted to say that this was not a superstition, when he suddenly saw an old man sitting in a corner with a stall, his gray hair fluttering in the cold wind. Maybe because it was too cold, she shrank into a ball. He pulled Yan Ting closer and found a plastic sheet in front of the old man with some knitwear on the plastic sheet.

"Grandma, how much is this for you?" Li Zhao picked up a pot of knitted sunflowers and asked the wrinkled old man.

"Ten pieces for one piece, twenty pieces for three pieces." The old man shook his hands and took out a plastic bag from his coat pocket, his cloudy eyes looked at Li Zhao expectantly: "Young man, do you want to buy it?"

"I'll buy a few." Li Zhao picked out a few pots of woven flowers and gave the old man a hundred yuan: "Grandma, it's getting late, you go home early."

"Hey, thank you, thank you." The old man happily packed all the knitwear that Li Zhao bought in a plastic bag, and gave Li Zhao an extra knitted coin purse: "Young man, you are a kind person, and your kindness is rewarded. ."

"I bought these cute things you knitted." Li Zhao didn't dislike the ugly look of the crumpled plastic pockets in his hands. He put the pockets on his wrists and put his hands in his pockets.

"Grandma, bye."

Walking across the sidewalk, the two got into the car that had been waiting for a long time. Li Zhao gave Yan Ting a yellow rose woven with threads: "Ting Ting, this is for you."

The quality of the wool is not very good, and it is a bit thorny to hold in the hand.

"Do you know what the yellow rose means?" Li Zhao picked it out in the plastic bag, and then handed Yan Ting a little dinosaur: "This one is also for you."

Yan Ting slowly shook his head.

"The purest friendship in the world." Li Zhao put his hand on Yan Ting's shoulder: "Is it suitable for us?"

Yan Ting looked at this thread to weave yellow roses, and put it in his coat pocket: "Well."

"The flight I'm going to take tomorrow is very early, so I won't come to find you." Li Zhao yawned: "Next time you come back, it will probably be until the Spring Festival. You must remember to wait for me to come back and buy New Year's goods together."

"Okay." Yan Ting pinched the yellow rose in his pocket. Today is the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, twenty-three days before the Spring Festival.

The car stopped at Li Zhao's house first. He got out of the car, bent over and said to Yan Ting in the car, "Good night, Ting Ting."

"Good night." Yan Ting watched Li Zhao walk into the door, lowered his head and took the yellow rose out of his pocket and placed it in his palm.

When he got home, Yan Ting wove the yellow rose that he had been holding in his hand and put it into the vase in the room. The moonlight shone through the window screen and sprinkled on this yellow rose, dyeing it with a gentle silver light.

When he woke up in the morning, he saw a message from Li Zhao.

[Zhao Zhao has good luck: Good morning, I'm boarding (*^▽^*)]

Yan Ting stared at the smiling face behind the news for a long time, then got up and opened the curtains. The sky outside had gradually started to light up.

"Zhaozhao, I just got the news from the crew that the crew invited Zhao Junnan to play the role of the prince of the enemy country. He has agreed and will join the crew today." Dake received Li Zhao at the airport who had just gotten off the plane: "You and The role of the prince of the enemy country has the most rivalries, so remember to leave his way."

"Mr. Zhao?" Li Zhao was a little surprised: "Why did he come to our crew?"

"Who knows what Zhao Junnan's team thinks, they took the initiative to contact Director Yang and said that it was a friendship to play this role." Dake frowned: "After he became popular with "Xia Jun", he has been promoting dedicated people who endure hardships. Suppose, maybe it's to hint you, so that you don't tell him about being a substitute for him."

Li Zhao didn't speak, he just felt that Zhao Junnan didn't need to care about this kind of thing. Whether it is to find a substitute or to be a substitute, it is your own wish, and there is no need to repeat the old things.

However, a person who has finally become popular cannot bear the slightest accident.

"Why didn't you stop me when the crew arranged a substitute for me?" Zhao Junnan sat in the RV with a very ugly face: "Even if you choose a substitute, you shouldn't find someone who looks good. Now Li Zhao relies on online dramas. It's on fire, what if he steps on to make me a stand-in for marketing?"

"I don't care what you think of, you must not let Li Zhao continue to be hot." Zhao Junnan took a deep breath after venting his anger: "In this circle, only those who are not hot are not a threat."

He absolutely did not allow it, Li Zhao stepped on his shoulders and climbed to a higher position than him.

The author has something to say: Zhaozhao: My family is the most obedient baby in the world.

Others: emmmm, blind your dog eyes.