Very Happy

Chapter 31: Count dumplings


There was the sound of the big boy's even breathing and the faint noise on the set. Yan Ting took the mobile phone and pushed open the door to the lounge on the side, took off his jacket and lay on it.

The bed was cold, but the sound of breathing in the phone was warm.

In the silent room, his breathing merged with Li Zhao's breathing, and the noisy brain finally got a moment of tranquility.

The sleepiness gradually came, and the eyes were white, as if a fat lamb was jumping over. He seemed to see Li Zhao riding on the back of the sheep with claws and claws, jumping and jumping in front of his eyes, all the way into his mind.

"Li Zhao, Li Zhao!" Song Yu searched for most of the set before he found Li Zhao, who was lying on the chair and sleeping soundly under his coat. He took it back and poked Li Zhao's forehead with a blank expression: "The surname is Li, it's time for your play."

In a daze, Li Zhao subconsciously covered the phone's microphone, not wanting to disturb Yan Ting from the sound here.

"Brother Song?" Li Zhao opened his eyes and shivered from the cold wind as soon as he stood up. He put his ear to the receiver and listened carefully, only to hear very weak breathing, Tingting should be sleeping. on.

He hung up the phone and thanked Song Yu: "Thank you for waking me up, Brother Song."

"If it hadn't been for you to have a rivalry later, who would care about you." Song Yu sneered, looking casually at Zhao Junnan, who was chatting with a few young actors in the distance: "Since he joined the crew, the crew has taken Our filming schedule was disrupted, and you have the most night scenes."

For three consecutive days of filming night scenes until three or four in the morning, who can stand it

"Does your work team usually just get paid and don't work? They don't negotiate with the crew about this kind of thing?" Song Yu glanced at the dark circles on Li Zhao's face: "Or is your company for the benefit of this drama, Are you going to hurt you?"

Li Zhao shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing him like this, Song Yu felt anger in his heart: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, you're stupid, forget it!"

"Zhaozhao, drink some hot tea to refresh yourself first." Dake trotted all the way to bring hot tea to Li Zhao, followed by the make-up artist of the crew.

"Dake, thank you for your hard work. You can go back to the hotel to rest first. Just wake me up tomorrow morning." Li Zhao looked at the time and said to Dake, "I have nothing to do here, I can go back after filming. sleep."

"It's okay, I'll just go to the RV and lie down for a while." Da Keyi pointed out: "The company heard that you were filming night scenes in succession these two days, and worried that your body would not be able to bear it, so it specially arranged a RV for you to rest. It will be more convenient."

When the makeup artists heard this, they knew that Strawberry Entertainment was not satisfied with the arrangement of the crew. One of them turned around and told the crew about it when everyone was not paying attention.

When the crew heard the news, he immediately understood that this was the investor's father's euphemistic expression of dissatisfaction. It's just that Director Yang has a relatively high status in the TV drama circle, and Strawberry Entertainment did not want to make things too embarrassing, so they adopted this gentle method.

Although Zhao Junnan is popular now, compared with major investors, it is not worth mentioning. There has always been a shortage of actors in the entertainment industry. This year, Zhao Junnan can be cast, and next year, Li Junnan and Zhang Junnan can be cast.

In this circle, wanting to become popular is both difficult and not difficult.

After I understand the meaning of the investor's father, things are easy to handle. That night, the crew re-established the filming schedule overnight, and gave a half-day leave to several actors who were filming the night scenes, including Li Zhao.

"Brother Nan, this is the new filming schedule set by the crew. You have two night scenes tonight." As soon as the assistant got the schedule sent by the crew coordinator, he found that something was wrong.

A few days ago, they communicated with the crew, saying that Brother Nan has had a nervous breakdown recently, so try not to arrange night scenes for him. When the crew knew very well, they quickly moved Li Zhao's filming to the evening, trying to let Brother Nan rest as much as possible. He didn't expect to change his mind so quickly.

"What does the crew of "Song of the Sky" mean?" Zhao Junnan's face sank after watching the filming schedule. His scenes were not scheduled in the morning, at dinner time in the evening, or even at night. Costume dramas will take several hours just to do the styling. According to this schedule, he needs to get up early in the morning to put on makeup, and then wear makeup until the evening.

After slapping the timetable on the table, Zhao Junnan got up and walked out.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan!" When several assistants saw this, they hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Nan, we can discuss with the crew slowly about anything. Don't be impulsive."

The investors of the crew of "Song of the Sky" are all big companies in the circle, and it is not good for Nan Ge to make trouble.

"They specially invited me to play, is this the attitude?" Zhao Junnan gasped, pushed away the assistant who was blocking him, and barely quelled his anger: "Go and ask Li Zhao's filming time."

After a while, the assistant came back, and he said expectantly: "Brother Nan, the crew said that Li Zhao had been filming three nights in a row, and he was asked to go back to the hotel to rest today."

"Damn, they're kidding me!" Zhao Junnan kicked the chair beside his feet: "Don't blame me for being rude when they treat me like this for a newcomer."

When Yan Ting woke up again, it was the next morning. He hadn't slept so peacefully in a long time, and he didn't seem so disgusted when he looked at the sunlight coming in from the window.

The phone had less than ten percent of the battery remaining, and the call between him and Li Zhao had long since ended. At five in the morning, Li Zhao sent him a message.

Zhaozhao has good luck: I have a half-day holiday tomorrow, and I can finally sleep for eight hours, happy!

His happiness almost jumped out of the simple twenty words, twisting and dancing.

Putting down the phone, Yan Ting went to the bathroom to take a shower, put on clean clothes, and made an internal call to ask them to bring breakfast in.

"Te Assistant Qin, the boss has been in the company for dozens of hours, so he hasn't slept all the time, right?" The new assistant has a sweet appearance and a warm and lovely personality. Not long after he came to the assistant department, he quickly became acquainted with his colleagues. stand up.

Qin Te helped hold the breakfast on a tray, and looked at the new employee with long black hair: "I heard that during your time at school, your grades were very good?"

The assistant is both modest and shy: "It may be because of luck that I can get good grades every time."

"Now that you have entered the assistant department, you must understand a truth. It's useless to rely on luck." Qin Te assistant's smile subsided. One thing to understand is not to discuss the boss’s habits in private.”

"Or, as soon as you entered the assistant department, you couldn't wait to take my place as a special assistant?"

The little assistant's face turned pale, and he shook his head again and again: "Qin special assistant, I didn't mean that."

"If you don't mean to, I'll take your class well." Qin Tesuke raised his wrist and glanced at the time, his tone was cold: "What's your name?"

The little assistant looked even more embarrassed. She didn't expect that she had been in the assistant department for nearly half a month, and Qin Tezhu didn't even know her name. She lowered her head, bit the corner of her mouth and said, "I, my name is Wei Tian."

Qin Tesuke glanced at her, didn't say anything more, turned and walked towards the office. Wei Tian looked at his back, tears welling in her eyes, but no one around dared to go up to comfort him.

The big boss doesn't usually appear in front of the employees. Qin Tesuke is the right hand of the big boss. Even the executives of various departments will not offend Qin Tesuke. The new colleague is really powerful, it can make Qin Tesuke's face sink.

After a while, Wei Tian adjusted her mood and reluctantly picked herself up to continue working.

"Sweet." The colleague sitting next to her whispered to her: "The big boss is very expensive, and there are so many people who want to find him every day, so the big boss's schedule is the company's secret, only the secretariat and Qin special assistant. Clear. This kind of taboo in the workplace, you should not do it again in the future."

"Thank you." Wei Tian thanked with a blushing face: "I just saw that the office light was always on, so I asked one more question, no other meaning."

The colleague next to her glanced at her and didn't say anything else. The office was quiet again, so quiet that it felt depressing.

In the next few days, Zhao Junnan has been working very hard in filming. He is an outstanding actor, and he does not have too many scenes. After all the scenes were filmed, the crew held a finalizing banquet for him in a restaurant in the film and television city.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was not bad at first, until Zhao Junnan took the initiative to raise a glass to Li Zhao: "Come on, Xiao Zhao, Nan brother toast to you. When you were on the crew of "Xia Jun", you were still an actor who didn't have any lines. Being able to play an important role in Director Yang's drama is really terrifying. Don't forget to support me when you get higher and higher in the future."

Zhao Junnan's words sounded well-intentioned, but if you take a closer look, it seems to be saying that Li Zhao's current role is not right. Otherwise, what is the ability for a newcomer who made a fortune from online dramas to support top-tier celebrities

The people who can sit at this table to eat are all the elites in the circle. Hearing that Zhao Junnan's tone is wrong, even the voice of joking and laughing has become quieter.

"Brother Nan, you are joking again." Li Zhao raised his wine glass, raised his head and drank a large glass in front of the crowd, and said with a smile, "On the road of filming, I am most familiar with running tricks and giving people As a stand-in, it is already a blessing for Sansheng to play such an important role in Director Yang's crew."

Hearing the word "dragon suit", Zhao Junnan frowned slightly. He looked at Li Zhao's tender face with a naive smile, but he couldn't guess that Li Zhao just said it casually or meant to imply him.

"Hahaha." Zhao Junnan smiled and said, "You kid, you are still so serious, you don't know how to joke." He picked up the wine glass and drank it cleanly.

After the banquet was over, Zhao Junnan was already drunk. He put his hand on Li Zhao's shoulder: "Little Li, please take me to the car, my assistant just got down with something."

"There's no need to trouble Xiao Li, just ask my assistant to escort you down." Director Yang said with a smile: "I think Xiao Li drank a lot tonight, I'm afraid you two will get drunk in the elevator together When people see it, it will be searched on major platforms tomorrow."

"The relationship is good, and it can save our crew a promotion fee." Zhao Junnan ignored Director Yang's obstruction and looked at Li Zhao with a half-smiling smile: "Little Li, don't you want to send me?"

"Brother Nan, be careful with your feet." Li Zhao said to Director Yang with a smile: "Director Yang, I'll be back after I've sent Brother Nan."

Director Yang hesitated before speaking, and finally sighed: "Go back early, call me if you have anything."

Zhao Junnan dragged Li Zhao into the elevator, loosened his neck, leaned against the elevator expressionlessly, and looked at Li Zhao coldly: "Did you hear what I said in the lounge that day?"

Li Zhao blinked: "Brother Nan, what do you want to say?"

"Young man, it's not easy to become popular, don't go the wrong way and bury your future." Zhao Junnan lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke towards Li Zhao: "What to say, what to say Don't say it, you have to know it in your heart."

Li Zhao stared at the cigarette in Zhao Junnan's hand, and his expression became serious.

"Why, you're not happy?" Zhao Junnan sneered, "Tell me, how much do you want to buy? Shut up?"

"Smoking is prohibited in the elevator." Li Zhao frowned: "For the health of others, please abide by public morals."

Zhao Junnan's hand holding the cigarette stopped, and he flicked the ash, as if he heard a joke: "Gongde, are you a child in kindergarten who hasn't been weaned yet? Don't change the subject, just ask for the price."

At this moment, the elevator door slowly opened, and outside stood Song Yu, his two assistants, and several other crew members.

"Mr. Zhao hasn't left yet?" Song Yu fanned his hand in front of him and raised his voice: "Who is so shameless to smoke in the elevator, is it immoral?!"

The others silently glanced at Zhao Junnan's hand holding the cigarette, and then looked back casually, and the atmosphere became very awkward for a while.

"I'm sorry, but I forgot to press the floor just now." Li Zhao showed an innocent smile and turned to look at Zhao Junnan: "I drank a little while ago, and my mind was not clear, which made Brother Nan laugh."

After speaking, he reached out and pressed the floor, the elevator slowly closed again, and the elevator was silent until the elevator door opened again, and Zhao Junnan didn't speak again.

Zhao Junnan walked out of the elevator with a sullen face, turned to look at Li Zhao: "You get in the car and tell me."

Li Zhao looked at the RV in front of him and sat in without hesitation.

"You're brave enough to just sit in here." Zhao Junnan sneered, put his legs on the chair, and mocked: "One million to buy you shut up, is that enough?"

"The whole crew saw me sending Brother Nan out, what can I do?" Li Zhao put his hands on his knees, like a child in kindergarten waiting for the teacher to come to class, very well-behaved.

But in Zhao Junnan's eyes, Li Zhao was extremely ugly, and he wished that Li Zhao had an accident and disappeared from this world tonight, because only dead people can't speak.

"three million?"

Li Zhao still looked at him like a good baby.

"five million?"

Li Zhao blinked, smiling innocently.

Zhao Junnan's face turned gloomy: "Do you still want ten million? Have you ever seen so much money in your life for a poor boy like you who came out of the stinky valley? Don't look too ugly! Li Zhao, tearing your face is not good for you. benefit."

"I've seen it." Li Zhao raised two fingers and smiled brightly: "My friend's house has two buildings, two!"

The two fingers are bent and bent, looking very proud.

Zhao Junnan was so angry that he was flexing his fingers: "What does the two buildings have to do with you, what does it have to do with you?!"

"Didn't you ask me, have you seen 10 million?" Li Zhao looked at Zhao Junnan with a "you're unreasonable" expression: "I'm just answering your question seriously."

"Don't pretend to be crazy with me." Zhao Junnan took a deep breath: "I want you to rot in your stomach about being a substitute for me, and don't mention it in your life. Even if someone asks you, you must deny it. As long as you can Do it, and I can give you six million."

Li Zhao looked at Zhao Junnan sympathetically, as if he was caring for a fool: "There are so many people in the cast of "Xia Jun", you know that there are no one hundred or fifty people who I will be your stand-in for, you can gag everyone's mouths ?"

"This has nothing to do with you, as long as you shut up." Zhao Junnan has lost patience, and his expression gradually turned grim: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, now you're just losing your endorsement and film and television resources. As for what happens in the future , just don't blame me."

Li Zhao was stunned, he was... threatened

He was just earning money as a substitute at the beginning, why did he also take personal safety in

"Knock knock knock." Someone knocked on the car window.

Zhao Junnan looked back and saw a pale, handsome man in a suit standing by the window. This man was just looking at the car casually, but Zhao Junnan felt inexplicably that the man's eyes penetrated the car's membrane and saw everything inside the car. .

The assistant who was sitting in front of him, who had been silent for a while, opened the car door, his tone was not very good: "Sir, my artist does not accept any requests from illegitimate fans, you should leave here immediately."

The man ignored him, his deep eyes looked into the car: "Zhaozhao, get out of the car."

"Tingting." Li Zhao squeezed Zhao Junnan's legs off the chair, and Zhao Junnan almost fell to the ground.

Ignoring the embarrassed Zhao Junnan, Li Zhaoxi jumped out of the car door with a smile and walked to Yan Ting's side: "Why are you here?"

"On a business trip, I'll see you on the way." Yan Ting stretched out his hand and wrapped the scarf on Li Zhao's arm: "Let's go."

"Wait." Zhao Junnan chased him out of the car: "Li Zhao, think about what I just said, I need an answer before noon tomorrow."

Yan Ting stopped, turned around and glanced at Zhao Junnan, his fluttering eyes seemed to be looking at the rubble on the side of the road.

Li Zhao pulled his sleeve: "Tingting, let's go."

Seeing that Li Zhao didn't react at all, Zhao Junnan's face was very ugly. As a popular star, no matter where he goes, someone will secretly photograph him with a mobile phone or ask for his autograph.

Being treated as a roadside weed is the first time he has encountered him since he became popular.

"What does he want to do to you?" Yan Ting's pace was neither fast nor slow, as if nothing would disrupt his rhythm.

"He wants six million to make me promise one thing." Li Zhao put his hand in his pocket: "Seeing that I don't agree, he laughs at me for not seeing so much money in my life. I say I have, but he doesn't. It's a pain in the ass to be happy."

Yan Ting walked slowly: "His name is Zhao Junnan?"

"Yeah." Li Zhao nodded.

"I see." Yan Ting's eyelids drooped slightly, covering the darkness in his eyes.

"Let's not mention this strange thing. When did you get here, and have you eaten dinner?" Li Zhao didn't want the messy things in the entertainment industry to affect his pure and well-behaved good friend. Ting walked side by side: "Which hotel do you stay in and when will you go back?"

"No." Yan Ting looked at Li Zhao who was smiling all over his face: "You go back first, I can find a place to eat by myself."

"Well, we haven't seen each other for several days, how can I let you eat alone." Li Zhao stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Yan Ting's neck: "It just happened that I wasn't full just now, let's find a place to sit down and slowly eat."

"Okay." Yan Ting looked sideways at the child hanging on his body, smelled the faint smell of wine on his body, and let him hang on him like a pendant.

"Have you been insomnia lately?" Li Zhao poured a cup of hot milk for Yan Ting before the dishes were served.

Yan Ting looked at the glass of milk and did not move.

"Drinking milk is good for sleep, and no one sees it except me anyway." Li Zhao poured himself a glass, "I'll drink with you at the big deal, so don't think anyone of us is not a man."

There was a slight blush on his cheeks, and the alcoholism had not completely faded away.

Yan Ting picked up the milk and took a sip, the fishy smell spread in his mouth: "Can't sleep."

Li Zhao took the milk cup and drank most of it in one breath. Hearing Yan Ting said that he still couldn't sleep, he looked up at him: "It's useless to count sheep?"

Yan Ting shook his head slightly.

"Some people say that counting sheep is not in line with the language habits of our country, and it is more useful to count dumplings when you can't fall asleep." Li Zhao put down the milk glass, touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "How about you count dumplings, but I'm worried that the more The more hungry you are."

Yan Ting looked at Li Zhao and suddenly said, "It was very useful for you to count the sheep for me that night."

"Really?" Li Zhao came to the spirit: "I also think that my lines are very good, especially magnetic. Tingting, you are indeed my good buddy, and you know how to appreciate me."

He was very excited, although Yan Ting never praised his lines from beginning to end, this did not delay Li Zhao's self-improvement of Yan Ting's meaning in his mind: "Wait, I'll record you a passage of counting sheep and counting dumplings. If you can’t sleep at night, just listen to the audio, maybe it will be of some use.”

"Okay." Yan Ting agreed without hesitation, as if he had long expected Li Zhao to say so.

After the two of them had eaten, Li Zhao squatted in Yan Ting's car and said goodbye to Yan Ting after counting the lambs and dumplings: "Ting Ting, if you have time tomorrow, you can come to play with the crew."

Yan Ting: "Okay."

"One dumpling fell into the bowl, two dumplings fell into the bowl... After all one hundred dumplings are eaten, Ting Ting will go to bed obediently. I'll say good night to you."

The boy's voice was clear and clean. Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Yan Ting listened to the dumplings falling into the bowl. He reached out and turned on the light by the bedside, and pulled the audio progress bar forward.

"Tingting go to bed, I'll say good night to you..."

"Tingting go to bed, I'll say good night to you..."

The bedside lamp went out, and the room fell into darkness again.

"Good night."

At four o'clock in the morning, when everyone was sleeping soundly, Zhao Junnan's work team was overwhelmed by the bad news.

They have already negotiated with a world-renowned luxury brand, and Jun Nan will be the Asian spokesperson for the new season's new products, and they will promote plane photos in major squares.

Facing the envious and jealous eyes of other competitors, Zhao Junnan's team was very proud, and even told some big fans of the news in advance, and then let them disclose the news to other fans, in order to strengthen their pursuit of the artist.

But at the juncture of the official announcement, the brand suddenly called and said that Zhao Junnan's image was not suitable for their products, and the cooperation would be discussed later.

Later, what is there to talk about later

They were clearly put out by the brand side. The team is anxious and angry, but they can't offend the big brands, so they can only hold an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures

In order to raise Zhao Junnan's worth, a few days ago, they began to arrange the water army to discuss Zhao Junnan's upcoming cooperation with luxury brands on major forums and public platforms. Zhao Junnan also reposted a Weibo from the brand side yesterday.

Now the brand side suddenly regrets it, and they suddenly become a joke in the eyes of other opponents in the circle. But they didn't dare to fall out with the brand side, so they could only hold an emergency meeting to try to minimize the loss.

Just when they were discussing a solution, two other brands who were about to discuss cooperation called and canceled the cooperation plan between the two parties.

"One brand's cancellation of cooperation can be regarded as a coincidence, but overnight, all three brands canceled their cooperation plans, that is, someone interfered." Zhao Junnan's brokerage company held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss coping strategies: "Now we have to figure out , which one is making trouble with us."

Luxury endorsement has a very important bonus to the value of first-line and super-first-line artists, and fans are also proud of it. Now the endorsement that is about to be spoken has turned into a duck and flew away, and the agency is naturally anxious.

After Zhao Junnan became popular, he blocked the way of many first-line male artists. From the perspective of the agency, every male artist who has competed with Zhao Junnan is very suspicious.

But who has so much patience

The author has something to say: One Zhaozhao jumped over, another Zhaozhao jumped over, and Tingting put them all in his pocket.