Very Happy

Chapter 74: Attack the high school entrance examination


There are only two days left before the launch of "Shadow of the Sky", and Li Zhao is at home all day... making papers.

The chef's aunt made fish soup for him in a different way. The first thing Yan Ting did when he came back from get off work was to open the paper he made and teach him eighteen ways to solve a problem.

Only then did Li Zhao understand that a person who can work in the office of President Canghuan must be a scholar when he is a student.

"This problem is very simple, you only need an auxiliary line to find the problem-solving thinking." Yan Ting wrote down the problem-solving process on the problem-solving draft, "You are already great, you haven't read a book and practiced for two years. , can do so many questions.”

While lecturing on Li Zhao, Yan Ting did not forget to encourage Li Zhao.

Now that it is popular to encourage education, he must keep up with the trend of education and not let his children fall on the road of learning.

"Tingting, you're amazing." Li Zhao did it again according to Yan Ting's problem-solving ideas, "I think if you go to teach others, the parents will definitely charge a high price. Why did you go to the hotel to be a waiter?"

And almost got taken advantage of by a drunk, greasy old hooligan.

Yan Ting's hand turned over the paper for a moment, and suddenly he pointed to a certain question: "This question is a classic question type, but this type of question has a universal formula, one question will pass, the question will pass, you can solve this problem. once."

"Oh." Li Zhao solved the problem resignedly, his mind was instantly surrounded by various mathematical formulas, and he couldn't care about other things.

Only the college students themselves understand the suffering of college students.

After doing math homework, Li Zhao was going to be baptized in English at dinner time. Everyone in the house speaks English to him, including the gardener who builds the flower seedlings in the yard.

"Tingting, to be a gardener for your family, do you still need to pass CET-6 or CET-8?" And the housekeeper's uncle's fluent English, which made Li Zhao, who had just heard the housekeeper speak English, startled.

"This atmosphere is more effective than rote memorization." Yan Ting explained, "In the English test, listening questions are heavily weighted."

Li Zhao: "…"

What Xueba said was right, he chose to be obedient.

One is willing to teach, and the other is willing to study seriously. For a time, the atmosphere of home learning is very strong.

In the morning, Qin Xiao went to Yan Ting's office to deliver materials, and saw Yan Ting sitting at his desk, looking through the collections of previous college entrance examinations: "Sir, what do you think of these?"

"Zhaozhao is doing the questions at home, I'm worried that he won't be able to do some questions, so go through it yourself first." Yan Ting, who read the college entrance examination questions, was more serious than when he read the documents.

Seeing that the boss finally found the joy of life, Qin Xiao was very happy, but taking the children to do the college entrance examination questions...

"Didn't you say before that Mr. Li's body is the most important thing, so don't make these papers for him?" Yan Ting's condition has been getting better and better recently, and Qin Xiao dared to say a few more words to him to adjust the atmosphere.

"I originally thought so, but Manager Li said that if you suffer for a while before the college entrance examination, you can be happy for the rest of your life. Indulge for a while, but you will suffer for the rest of your life." Yan Ting did not lift his head, "I think what he said makes sense. ."

The most important thing is that Manager Li's daughter was admitted to the top Shuimu University in the country last year.

Qin Xiao: "…"

Sure enough, parents all over the world are the same, saying that they will not put too much pressure on their children, but they are never soft-hearted when buying papers.

"When did you buy it?"

"Two nights ago." The paper turned a page, and Yan Ting put down his pen: "Zhao Zhao won the prize, so I bought these papers to reward him."

Qin Xiao: "…"

I knew that Li Zhao won the award, but I didn't expect that you would actually use the paper as a gift for others.

"Mr. Li... like your gift?"

"He's been doing the questions seriously these past few days, and he plans to bring the papers to the crew." Yan Ting pretended to be calm, but he was actually showing off: "It's just a few papers, you don't need to cherish them so much."

"Mr. Li...he is really broad-minded." Qin Xiao had nothing to say.

The 20-year-old young man came back happily with the trophy, but the gift he got was a pile of papers.

If this is not love, there is no true love in the world.

"Sir, you must cherish young people like Mr. Li."

There are not many people in the world who can accept this kind of gift.

Although the movie "Shadow of the Sky" is a bad movie in the hearts of everyone in the industry, because the main actor is Li Zhao, many reporters came to the scene to interview on the opening ceremony.

However, what the reporter was interested in was not the movie "Shadow of the Sky", but some of Li Zhao's personal affairs.

"Zhaozhao, it is said that there is no emotional scene in this movie, so what kind of person would you like?"

"It's too early to talk about this now, I haven't reached the legal age for marriage yet." Li Zhao laughed, "It's hard to talk about love, if you meet the right person, it probably doesn't matter what you look like. "

"There has been a lot of discussion about this movie in the outside world. It is said that many crews have given you scripts now. What made you choose this movie?"

The reporter actually wanted to ask, how much water did you put in your head to choose this bad movie in a pile of scripts.

"The script is very good, very innovative, and the crew is very sincere." Li Zhao smiled, "So I want to break through myself."

The reporter looked at Li Zhao with pity: "..."

Most of the artists who said this ended up being miserable.

"Zhaozhao, as a friend of Xiaoyuer, what do you think of the fact that Xiaoyuer and Xu Bei are in the program group?"

All the reporters present held their breath, afraid of missing Li Zhao's answer.

"Everyone knows that Brother Song and I are friends. How can I see it?" Li Zhao laughed, "Of course I hope he can be happy when recording the show."

"What about Xu Bei? The 'Fairy Girlfriend' program team came out with news that because your appearance doesn't match the original comic book, it turned to Xu Bei as the starring role. Is it true?"

"The excellent comic book Fairy Girlfriend is about to be adapted into a TV series?" Li Zhao smiled more gently: "Congratulations to the original author, I wish the TV series can perfectly present the essence of the comics."

Reporter: I'm going!

These words are almost obvious, Li Zhao has never paid attention to this TV series, how can he change his role

The crew of "Fairy Girlfriend" touched porcelain with the leading actor.

In all the interviews Li Zhao accepted, these few words were considered very rude.

After the interview video came out, the fish fans felt that Li Zhao knew that their little fish had a bad relationship with Gou Bei, so he didn't give Xu Bei any respect.

Lifen also felt relieved, all cats and dogs came to touch the porcelain, and she didn't look in the mirror, just glanced at her face sober.

The original anime fans of "Fairy Girlfriend" are equally happy. Didn't Li Zhao praise the original anime as an excellent work in front of the media

The most important thing is that the anime fans of the original novel are not satisfied with the casting of the drama version. When the drama party released news that Xu Bei was more suitable for the male protagonist than Li Zhao, many fans of the original novel were scolding the drama party for being blind. scolded Xu Bei for bringing money into the group.

Anyone with eyes can see that Li Zhao is more suitable for the original role than Xu Bei.

"I thought the show was just blind, but I didn't expect it to be shameless, stepping on Li Zhao every day to hype it up."

"Seeing Xu Bei's ugly face made his eyes hurt. After the Green Pepper Happy Night, Xu Bei's team even bought a draft to say that his appearance was so beautiful that Li Zhao was overwhelmed. My God, when the team bought this draft , don't you feel blush?"

"The red carpet picture of Green Pepper Happy Night came out. Almost all fashion bloggers are complimenting Li Zhao's style. Can Xu Bei step on it cheekily?"

"Not only the Green Pepper Fun Night, but even participating in variety shows, Xu Bei did not forget to step on Li Zhao, saying that Xu Bei was a noble prince, Li Zhao was a baby from the mountains, and Cangshi Watch chose Li Zhao as the endorser, was it a wrong choice? such as?"

"What does the manuscript sent by the marketing account have to do with our Beibei?"

"Upstairs is the Beifan? I advise you fans with abnormal aesthetics to have some AC in their hearts, don't imitate your master's mind. Although I'm not a fan of Li Zhao, but to be fair, your master's appearance, figure, The acting skills are not enough to reach Li Zhao's heels, and after the operation of touching the porcelain, tying and stepping, passers-by are not blind."

"In the two episodes of "Return to the Mountains" that Li Zhao participated in, the ratings of "Love" were slapped, and Xu Bei dared to step on it. How shameless is this?"

The passers-by, who had long been annoyed by the various announcements that Xu Bei bought, also mocked Xu Bei under the comment area. Fans of Xu Bei, even if they want to criticize, can't control it.

On the crew of "Ghost Girlfriend", Xu Bei was so angry with the comments on the Internet, but the publicity expenses that the company had budgeted for him had already been used up, and Chen Hang didn't answer his phone calls, so he had to pay out of his own pocket and buy a water army control review. .

But Xu Bei forgot that when passersby didn't feel good about an artist, the more criticized the artist, the more passersby hated him.

This kind of disgust may not be vented for a while, but this kind of disgust accumulates to a certain extent, and when it erupts, it is fatal to the artist's performance career.

"Don't worry about the public opinion on the Internet, netizens are forgetful." The assistant comforted Xu Bei, "When your drama becomes popular, they will turn their heads and scold Li Zhao or Song Yu. Sometimes they are sad."

Xu Bei took it seriously. After the broadcast of "Fairy Girlfriend" and the popularity of the whole network, today's Li Zhao will be tomorrow's Li Zhao, and maybe Li Zhao will not be as good as himself now.

"Shadow of the Firmament" was such a bad movie that died halfway through, Li Zhao took it too well.

After the director of this film committed suicide, he would have a way to make Li Zhao's reputation fall to the bottom.

With enough investment, the crew of "Shadow of the Sky" has a good meal. Because of the heavy shooting task, Director Yang gives extra meals to the actors from time to time.

"Zhaozhao, this is your chicken drumstick today." The eldest sister who was cooking was very enthusiastic to Li Zhao, and gave Li Zhao the biggest drumstick every day.

This eldest sister has probably watched Li Zhao's live chat, so she loves Li Zhao very much in terms of chicken thighs.

When there is no chicken drumstick, use other alternatives. Anyway, Li Zhao has the most meat in his bowl.

Xiang Zhen looked at the dishes in his bowl, and then looked at Li Zhao's bowl, suspecting that the meat that fell off when the elder sister beat him was shaking, all of it went into Li Zhao's bowl.

After dinner, before Li Zhao's part in the scene, Li Zhao opened his college entrance examination mock paper to write questions or memorize the script. The atmosphere of the whole crew was very friendly.

Except for Li Zhao, the other actors in the crew are not well-known actors, and there is no comparison between them when they get together. The biggest hobby is to drink tea and chat together.

By the way, I bet how many points Li Zhao can get in the college entrance examination.

Li Zhao asked Yan Ting to tell him about the questions he couldn't do in the crew when he came home at night. Two or three months passed, and when the college entrance examination was less than a week away, the housekeeper arranged for the driver to come to the crew every day. , to give Li Zhao all kinds of brain-boosting food.

Even when Director Yang wanted to scold someone, he subconsciously looked to see if Li Zhao was reciting poetry.

It is everyone's responsibility to care for the students in the college entrance examination.

The author has something to say: Question: How do you feel when there are children taking the college entrance examination at home

Family; in the company, at home.