Very Happy

Chapter 75: Enthusiastic students


Lively family chat group.

The voice of flowers blooming: @闏亭100 days have passed.

After a month, who knew that Zhaozhao was about to take the college entrance examination, and Yan Ting had not told Zhaozhao his true identity.

This big boss, how can he be so embarrassed that he doesn't count

Li Zhao, who usually finds time to reply to messages as long as he is Aite, has never appeared in the group after two hours this time.

Zhu Xia knew that he was avoiding her on purpose, but her courage was not enough to support her to go to Yan Ting for a private chat.

Tomorrow is better: @zhuxiawife, what 100 days, are you talking about Zhaozhao's college entrance examination? There is only one week left before the college entrance examination, and Xiaoyan accompanies Zhaozhao every day to do the paperwork. I know you're worried about Zhaozhao's test scores, but you can't put pressure on him like that.

Earn 100 million first: Yes, Sister Xia, as parents, we cannot put too much psychological pressure on candidates.

Linlin: Sister Xia, the college entrance examination is approaching. Mr. Ting may be accompanying Zhaozhao to do his homework, so he doesn't have time to read the group news.

The lively family chat group was established after that barbecue party. Six people gathered in this group to chat about trivial things every day, but there was never a shortage of topics.

In the morning, they are talking about the price of pork, and in the evening they may talk about the cost-effectiveness of cars, which is very lively.

By the time Li Zhao watched the group, the news of Sister Xia Aite Yanting had already been submerged in hundreds of chat records.

"Sister Xia is talking to Linlin about the new lipstick number again." Li Zhao really couldn't tell the difference between carmine and sunset red, so he put the mock question on the table and said, "I'll do the question for a while."

There have been many supporting roles these days. Li Zhao suspected that Director Yang knew that he was going to take the college entrance examination, so he deliberately left the time before the college entrance examination, but he had no evidence for this speculation.

Yan Ting nodded to Li Zhao, and opened Zhu Xia's chat box while Li Zhao was not paying attention.

Yan Ting: When the college entrance examination is over, I don't want to affect Zhaozhao's performance in the examination because of some less important things.

The world is huge, and the college entrance examination is the biggest. The reason given by Yan Ting is impeccable, and Zhu Xia cannot refute it.

More importantly, every day in the group listening to Li Zhao talk about how good Yan Ting is in doing the questions, Zhu Xia vaguely felt that it would be better not to showdown so early. Good free tutor

For the sake of her child's grades, Sister Xia has become an uncompromising parent.

On the night of June 5th, Li Zhao only shot two or three scenes before he was driven home by Director Yang, and Director Yang asked him to return to the studio on the tenth.

"Zhaozhao, wait." Xiang Zhen stopped Li Zhao, and while the rest of the crew didn't care, he stuffed an eraser with him: "Here, I asked my assistant to buy it at Wenquxingguan."

Li Zhao looked at it intently, and the words "high school champion" were printed on the eraser with inferior paint.

"Thank you, Brother Xiang." Although he was a little superstitious, his heart was the most important thing.

"Zhaozhao, come on." Director Yang came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be too psychologically stressed, your acting skills are so good, you have a bright future. Things like college entrance examination results are just icing on the cake."

"Also, don't worry, only the crew knows that you are going to take the college entrance examination."

The implication is that even if you fail the exam, the outside world will not know about it, so don't be afraid of losing face.

"Thank you Director Yang." With prayers and blessings from the crew, Li Zhao returned home.

That night, Yan Ting did not let him do the papers, but let him rest early. On the second day, all the meals he ate were bland.

"The weather is hot, and eating heavy food can easily cause stomach discomfort." The chef's aunt was extremely creative, and all the meals she cooked for him meant auspiciousness. Any dishes related to bad or landing disappeared from the table.

The most exaggerated thing is that a domestic worker surnamed Sun took leave because he was afraid that the name Luo Sun Shan would be associated with a bad connotation.

The whole family was so nervous that Li Zhao could not laugh or cry, and he even wondered who was going to take the college entrance examination.

Compared with these people, Ting Ting is much more normal. He neither did anything strange to him nor took him to pray to God and worship Buddha. He can be called the most calm and scientific parent.

The night before the college entrance examination, Zhu Xia went to ask for leave and was quickly approved.

"Sister Xia, you actually want to take two days off?" Since seeing the boss calling Zhu Xia Sister Xia, this colleague has become extraordinarily warm and friendly towards Zhu Xia. She was a little surprised to see workaholic Zhu Xia taking the initiative to ask for leave.

"My brother will take the college entrance examination tomorrow, and I want to guard outside the examination room."

"Tezhu Qin said that the boss won't come to the company tomorrow or the day after." The colleague whispered, "You and the boss send the same person to take the exam?"

Zhu Xia smiled and said nothing.

The colleague didn't ask any more questions, but said with a smile, "I wish my brother a title on the Golden List and a good grade in the test."

On June 7, all parts of the country are ready to welcome the annual college entrance examination.

When the car passed near the major test centers, they didn't even dare to press the whistle, and there were enthusiastic drivers who sent candidates to the test center for free.

The media squatted everywhere to see if there were any strange candidates appearing this year.

The marketing hackers have already sat in front of the computer, started to write jokes related to the college entrance examination, and fought in the traffic field to win the high ground.

As soon as I woke up in the morning, my uncle, the housekeeper, was talking about checking the exam documents three or four times, so as not to lose important items.

After breakfast, Yan Ting personally took him to the examination room.

"The car seems a little different today."


When the car drove outside the test room, Li Zhao looked at the license plate, there were three 6s, and the car brand was Hongqi.

A victory, 666

He was wrong. He thought that Tingting was the only normal person in this college entrance examination. He didn't expect that he was abnormal and kept a low profile, so that he would not find out for a while.

There were many parents who sent the candidates, and the vehicles stopped and drove in a hurry. After Yan Ting got out of the car, he was submerged in the tide of family growth.

"Mr. Ting." Zhu Xia's shout came from the crowded crowd.

Looking at the reputation, Yan Ting found Zhu Xia's figure in the corner.

"Mr. Ting, Zhaozhao has entered the examination room?" Zhu Xia stood on tiptoe, trying to find out who Li Zhao was in the backs of countless candidates.


"Then let's sit next to it for a while." Zhu Xia took Yan Ting to the tea bar across the street. The decoration of the tea bar was obviously student-like. The main consumer group should be students.

But today in this store, almost all the parents who were taking the test were sitting in a state of unease.

"Zhou Ming didn't ask for leave, and Xiaojun and his wife had time to come over at noon." Zhu Xia ordered a cup of hot milk for Yan Ting, "Zhaozhao is not like you drinking tea or coffee, so I can only order this for you."

"It doesn't matter, it's fine."

In terms of food and drink, Yan Ting is not a picky eater because he is not thirsty for food.

"Thank you for encouraging Zhaozhao to take the college entrance examination." After a while of silence, Zhu Xia took the initiative to say, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." Yan Ting, "I want to do this myself."

"Zhaozhao took the college entrance examination." Zhu Xia took a sip of water. "When he was studying, his grades were always very good. Every time he took the test, he was in the top three. If it wasn't for my illness, he should still be studying at the university now. ."

"For the past three months, I have been thinking that maybe everything is predestined by God." Zhu Xia laughed at herself, "Everyone's encounter and fate are destined."

If it wasn't for fate, how could two people with such a huge disparity in identities be so close as they are today

Yan Ting heard the bell ringing, which was the preparation bell for the college entrance examination, reminding the candidates that the exam was about to start, and the teacher had to check the candidates' certificates.

When Li Zhao was sitting in the exam room, he put on a mask because he had a cold and didn't want to infect other candidates.

When the invigilator checks the certificate, he needs to check whether the appearance of the examinee matches the admit card, so the preparation bell rings, and all candidates must take off the things that cover their facial features.

The invigilator stared at Li Zhao's face for several seconds. After confirming that the candidate was an actor on TV, he took a deep breath and continued to check the credentials of the next candidate.

Fortunately, candidates can now wear masks when entering the examination room, and Li Zhao has no intention of attracting the attention of other candidates. Otherwise, in this examination room today, I don't know how many students will be affected.

In the first test of Chinese, candidates, whether they know it or not, have written all the papers.

The invigilator peeked at Li Zhao, who was wearing a mask and lowered his head to answer the questions. He couldn't help but guess in his heart, why did Li Zhao, a big star, come to take the college entrance examination

There are several young artists taking the college entrance examination this year, but Li Zhao is not on the list mentioned by the reporter.

Is it because you are afraid that you will be too bad in the test, so you dare not speak up

After the Chinese exam was handed in, Li Zhao had just sorted out his mask, and the candidate sitting next to him came over and said, "Dude, you answered the question so fast just now, which school is the top student?"

Li Zhao shook his head, got up and hurried out.

"Hey, wait, we can check the answer..." Before he finished speaking, the person had already walked away.

Candidate: "… "

It seems that this classmate did not do well in the test, so he should not bother.

As soon as Li Zhao walked to the gate, he was stopped by reporters.

Probably because he was wearing a mask and seemed particularly out of place among a group of lush high school seniors.

As an enthusiastic citizen, an enthusiastic scavenger, and an enthusiastic candidate for one more time, there will be no big strides. Li Zhao adapts well.

"Sorry, excuse me, classmate, are you a student taking the college entrance examination?"

Li Zhao looked at the transparent bag with the college entrance examination stationery in his hand, then glanced at the reporter, and felt that the other party asked a very unnutritious question.

"Many candidates said that the essay questions this time are difficult, and reading comprehension is easy to misunderstand the central idea. What do you think?"

"I think it's okay, the main line is quite clear." The examinee wearing a mask nodded slightly, "If the difficulty level of this year's college entrance examination questions is this, it shouldn't be too difficult."

reporter:"… "

Young man, you are so arrogant that you can't refute it.

Fortunately, the reporter was worried about the mentality of the candidates and did not dare to ask too many questions, so the interview ended soon. Across the crowd, Li Zhao saw Yan Ting standing under the scorching sun, as well as Zhu Xia and Chen Xiaojun.

The three of them stood under the sun, and they didn't feel hot. When they saw him come out, all smiles appeared on their faces.

Even Tingting, who never smiled, waved at him.

At this hot moment, when Li Zhao saw them, he didn't feel hot at all, and ran towards them.

The three did not ask how Li Zhao was doing in the test. They accompany Li Zhao to eat and sleep at the nearest hotel. The three of them set the alarm clock on their mobile phones at the same time, so as not to miss the time.

Before the math test was over in the afternoon, some candidates fainted in the test room, were memorized by the invigilator, and were carried into an ambulance by doctors and nurses.

Seeing this scene, many parents turned pale.

The exam time is not over yet, and candidates leave the venue one after another. Some are indifferent, some are depressed, and some are confident.

TV reporters squatted at the school gate and asked these students who were the first to leave the school gate.

Then, they met the candidate wearing a mask again.

Although the other party changed into a set of clothes in the afternoon, even the mask was changed to white, but when their eyes met in the air, the reporter still recognized the candidate.

"Classmate, what a coincidence." The reporter came to him: "You walked out of the test room as soon as it opened. Are you in a hurry to go home to review?"

"It's hot today, and my family is still waiting outside." The examinee's tone was sincere, "It's too late to review now. I just want to walk faster, come out earlier and go back with my family who are waiting outside, so that they can suffer less. crime."

"It seems that parents care about you very much, so do you have confidence in your math scores?"

"It should be pretty good, anyway, it's all done, and it's not far away." The candidate sighed, "Do your best and listen to the destiny."

God fucking does his best and obeys the destiny.

Those who can say such things are either scumbags or tyrants.

The former is shameless, the latter is enough to force.

The author has something to say: The kindergarten teacher found that Baby Tingting was squatting under the sun with a small schoolbag on his back, so he stepped forward to ask why.

Tingting Baobao: Zhaozhao is taking the good baby test. I have to wait for him outside, otherwise he will be afraid by himself.