Vice President Wang Qiao

Chapter 64: owe me a favor


Accompanied by Deng Yingmei, Xiao Rui and the others selected a lot of rough stones.

For these rough stones, Xiao Rui is absolutely perfect, and can produce a large amount of jade every time.

Although the quality is not as good as the imperial green at the beginning, they are all rare and high-quality materials.

Deng Yingmei was more and more astonished, seeing that the rough stone chosen by Xiao Rui had hit every target without a single scrap.

Deng Yingmei really thought she had seen a ghost, obviously Xiao Rui didn't seem to know how to do it, how could she be so precise, if everything was attributed to luck, then Xiao Rui's luck was so good that it would explode.

At this time, Master Liao had already disassembled Xiao Rui's previous imperial jade into pieces of jade plaques according to Deng Yingmei's instructions.

Moreover, they made a very meaningful handicraft for Xiao Rui and Zhang Tingting very carefully.

His craftsmanship is very fine, he carved a golden boy and jade girl holding hands.

The male looks exactly like Xiao Rui, and the female looks very much like Zhang Tingting, lifelike and lifelike.

There are carvings on the sides of the two people, implying harmony and beauty, and all wishes come true. There is also a seal engraving in front of the body: forever united.

Zhang Tingting was very happy to see her, and deliberately held it in front of Deng Yingmei's eyes to show off, "Sister Mei, do you think the gift Xiaorui gave me looks good?"

In the past half a day, Zhang Tingting's hostility towards Deng Yingmei has eased a lot, and only then has the name changed.

Because it can be seen that Deng Yingmei is not deliberately seducing Xiao Rui.

She may have such a temperament, she is naturally more sloppy.

Anyway, that's what Zhang Tingting thought in her heart, but since she didn't intend to seduce Xiao Rui, it has nothing to do with herself, so Zhang Tingting didn't feel as angry as she did at the beginning.

Deng Yingmei smiled softly and said, "Yes, Brother Xiaorui is so kind to you. This handicraft is already valuable, and with Master Liao's own handwriting, it may be worth several million."

"Ah, millions!!"

Zhang Tingting was taken aback, she had never received such an expensive gift in her life.

"That's not true."

Deng Yingmei smiled lightly and said, "Looking at how happy you are, I'm always envious of you. Here I wish you will be united forever and have a son soon."

"Oh, I'm not coming, sister Mei, you are making fun of me."

Zhang Tingting shook her head in reluctance, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, what's the matter, why did she suddenly talk about having a baby.

Xiao Rui was also a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject: "Sister Mei, for these rough stones I selected, please find someone to make them into jade plaques. The specifications should be the same as what I said earlier."

Deng Yingmei nodded, and said curiously: "Xiao Rui, why do you need so many jade tokens? If these materials are made into other things, the value must be multiplied several times. If you make all of them into jade tokens, there is no need at all."

Indeed, jade cards are very common in the market.

Moreover, there is no need to decompose jade stones into jade plaques at all, just take the leftovers and make them.

Xiao Rui's arrangement like this is obviously too wasteful.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xiao Rui to tell Deng Yingmei the truth, so he just smiled and said, "Anyway, these stones come easily, and I made them into jade tokens for fun."

"To play with?"

Deng Yingmei smiled wryly in her heart, this is too extravagant.

Deng Yingmei thought for a while and said: "Xiaorui, how about this, my sister will discuss with you, I will pay you 100 million for the rough stones you chose, and I will take them all back, and then I will give you a bunch of jade tokens. Seriously, sister, these jade tokens , are also good materials, certainly not worse than these rough stones, the only difference is that they are all used rationally, it is too wasteful for you to decompose all the stones now!"

"Okay, sister Mei, just do as you say."

In fact, Xiao Rui won't be able to use too many jade tokens at once, and dismantling them all is just for emergencies. Now that Deng Yingmaiken offers 100 million yuan and a large number of jade tokens, why doesn't Xiao Rui agree.

However, Xiao Rui still smiled and said: "Sister Mei, in this way, you owe me a favor."

When Deng Yingmei heard this, she felt excited. She just wanted to test Xiao Rui, but unexpectedly, Xiao Rui actually agreed.

Deng Yingmei knew that the rough stones selected by Xiao Rui, including those that had been mined for jade, were worth far more than 100 million yuan.

Therefore, when Xiao Rui said that he owed him a favor, he didn't feel that it was too much at all. On the contrary, he felt that Xiao Rui took good care of himself, treated money like dung, and accepted this favor, which was really worth it.

Deng Yingmei said seriously, "Xiao Rui, you really impress me. My sister has accepted this kind of favor, and I will keep it in my heart."

Of course, she is not only because of the interests in it, what she values is Xiao Rui's bold and unrestrained character.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Yingmei took out a business card and gave it to Xiao Rui, "There is my sister's mobile phone number on it. No matter what happens in the future, just tell me and I will definitely help you."

These words were not casual, and this business card was not given lightly.

Anyone who is familiar with Deng Yingmei knows that she never promises lightly, and the business card she carries is not something that anyone can get casually. The deep meaning in it is very precious.

Xiao Rui saw that Deng Yingmei's expression was different from just now, she was obviously very serious.

Xiao Rui also felt solemn, took the business card carefully, and kept it close to him.

At the same time, Xiao Rui also told Deng Yingmei her mobile phone number.

Seeing Zhang Tingting at the side, she felt a little sour again.

I thought unhappily: Hmph, exchange mobile phone numbers so casually, will we add WeChat to each other later!

The two did not add WeChat, it was a trick played by children.

Before leaving, Deng Yingmei transferred 100 million yuan to Xiao Rui and gave him a lot of jade cards.

Xiao Rui sensed the aura of these jade tokens, and they were also top-notch items. This time, he got what he wanted, and he also received an extra favor from Deng Yingmei. This trip to bet on stones was really not in vain!

Xiao Rui and Zhang Tingting returned to Qingshi Village by special car. The driver was also someone close to Deng Yingmei. They chatted with each other on the road. Xiao Rui felt that this so-called driver was not a simple driver.

Xiao Rui can understand this point, because Deng Yingmei is not a simple woman, and the people who value her around are naturally not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Zhang Tingting didn't have any distractions. This trip to bet on stones really gained a lot of knowledge, and she gained a lot of money. She received several million birthday presents from Xiao Rui at once.

Today's birthday is really unforgettable!

Zhang Tingting's feeling towards Xiao Rui is no longer the disgust she used to be.

On the contrary, for no reason, there is a feeling of liking being with Xiao Rui.

It's a pity that school will start tomorrow, and if I want to see Xiao Rui again, it will be at least half a month later.

Zhang Tingting said in a bit of perplexity, "Brother Xiao Rui, can you promise me a request?"

"Okay, no problem."

Xiao Rui felt that it was impossible for the little girl Zhang Tingting to have any extra demands.

"Really, that's a deal!"

Zhang Tingting said enthusiastically: "Brother Xiao Rui, when I come back from the next vacation, I want you to take me to Macau to gamble..."


Before he finished speaking, Xiao Rui's eyes widened, unable to laugh or cry.

This little girl is probably addicted to gambling!