Vice President Wang Qiao

Chapter 80: Cheng Wenyan's grandfather


"I performed the operation myself, do you think it is possible?"

Xiao Rui turned his head and said, "Lai Guangda is just in a state of suspended animation."

"Stay in suspended animation?" Yang Xingkui couldn't understand.

Xiao Rui said: "Before the operation, I have made it very clear to Yang Hui and others that in order to prevent Lai Guangda from losing too much blood during the operation and causing unnecessary troubles, I have used my unique fingering technique to bring the patient into a kind of suspended animation. In this state, Lai Guangda will neither bleed nor feel any sensation. On the surface, he looks like a dead person... "

Yang Xingkui nodded in shock: "So that's the case, no wonder those instruments are not used, Brother Xiao, you really opened my eyes!"

Xuan Zhongyang shook his head, and said in disbelief: "You boy, you don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. The so-called state of suspended animation is just a legend in our medical world. There are no people or any advanced equipment. You can do this, but now you are brazenly saying that just any fingering can put the patient into a state of suspended animation, hahaha, it’s really ridiculous!”

When Xiao Rui heard it, this old guy was really a frog in a well, he didn't understand anything, so he had the nerve to call himself a famous doctor in seven provinces.

Xiao Rui sneered and said: "Old man, if you don't believe this is a state of suspended animation, then well, I'll personally resurrect him and show you, what do you think then?"

Xuan Zhongyang said confidently: "You can also resurrect a dead body? Hahaha, what a joke in the world, if you can revive this dead body, even if you call you master a hundred times, I will be convinced!"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Xingkui almost stopped crying.

Master, what's the matter with the old man today? You must have drunk too much. It's not enough for you to lose for a while and call Master, and now you bet another hundred times. Lying, I really don't feel ticklish when there are too many lice. As an apprentice, I really don't I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes following you.

Xiao Rui threw the ground early and said: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Rui turned around and tapped Lai Guangda's body a few times.

Then, Xiao Rui said to Yang Xingkui: "Dean Yang, please connect these devices, and in about three hours, Lai Guangda will fully wake up."

Yang Xingkui nodded helplessly, walked over, turned on the switch, and activated all the indicators.


The instrument showed that Lai Guangguang had a weak heartbeat.


The instrument showed that Lai Guangda was breathing weakly.


The instrument showed that Lai Guangguang's blood was flowing slowly.

Of course, all of this is not enough to support Lai Guangda to wake up immediately. His body is extremely weak at this time. If he wants to return to normal, he still needs a process of adaptation, and it will take at least three hours before he wakes up.

However, even so, it was enough to shock Xuan Zhongyang's heart.

How can this be?

Could it be that there really wasn't a dead body on the operating table

Could it be that the fact is really what Xiao Rui said, the patient was in a state of suspended animation just now

Xuan Zhongyang was excited for a while, he never expected that the state of suspended animation that was rumored in the medical world would really appear in front of his eyes.

What an amazing medical feat!

Xuan Zhongyang cast his admiration for Xiao Rui in an instant, and all the previous dismissive views of him disappeared in an instant.

Xuan Zhongyang held Xiao Rui's hand excitedly and said, "Boy, that's great. You simply surpassed my worldview and instantly opened my eyes. I didn't expect it. This is the legendary suspended animation state. Ah! I can't believe my eyes, how on earth did you do it?"

Xiao Rui was unmoved, and only smiled lightly: "How is it? Old man, should you call me Master now?"

"Huh? This..."

Only then did Xuan Zhongyang remember the bet with Xiao Rui earlier, he was so excited just now that he completely forgot about it.

Now reminded by Xiao Rui, lying cao, don't I have to call someone a hundred and one times, master.

However, although Xuan Zhongyang admired Xiao Rui very much, he couldn't afford to lose face to him.

Xuan Zhongyang immediately cheated and said: "This is impossible, because... because this person has not returned to normal. This kind of coma is almost like a dead person. Why do you want me to call you Master one hundred and one times?"

Seeing that the old guy is so old, Xiao Rui is really speechless.

Xiao Rui pointed at the instruments and said, "Why do you still ask me? Listen to the beeps of these instruments, and you should know what they mean."

Xuan Zhongyang turned his head and said without even looking at it: "I don't know! The beep can only represent the sound of beeps. What's the meaning? My mobile phone still beeps when it rings. If it rings, I have to call you Master? Isn't it outrageous!"

Just as he was talking, Xuan Zhongyang's cell phone rang.

'Beep beep...'

Xuan Zhongyang answered the phone, and immediately smiled.

"Hello? Haha, good granddaughter, that's great. I'm right here in the operating room on the sixth floor. You came just in time. I need your smart mind right now. Come here quickly. I need your help very much right now." !"

After hanging up the phone, Xuan Zhongyang put on an old face again, turned his head to one side, and made up his mind to play tricks on Xiao Rui to the end.

Yang Xingkui couldn't laugh or cry at the side, thinking, Master still has the temper of this old naughty boy, but this time, alas, why did he insist on messing with Brother Xiao? His medical skills are obviously very superb, so you don't have to hit the old duck's egg against a rock what.

At this moment, the door of the operating room opened, and Cheng Wenyan appeared in front of the three of them in an elegant beauty attire.

"Ha, Wen Yan, you came too timely!"

Xuan Zhongyang seemed to be looking forward to a great savior, and greeted him with a cheer.

Xiao Rui and Yang Xingkui couldn't help being taken aback.

Yang Xingkui obviously didn't expect that the granddaughter of his teacher would be such a beautiful woman, she really deserves to be the most beautiful woman in the world!

Xiao Rui was even more surprised, he never thought that the granddaughter Xuan Zhongyang was talking about was actually Cheng Wenyan, the president of Baishen Liquor Industry.

This nima is really flooding the Dragon King Temple.

However, what makes Xiao Rui curious is that Cheng Wenyan is elegant and light, with a beautiful appearance and wisdom, but her grandpa is such a crazy old man who is both arrogant and rascal. This obviously doesn't look like a family!

At this time, Xuan Zhongyang pointed to Xiao Rui's nose and said, "Wen Yan, help me find a way, this kid bullies honest people, and insists on forcing my old man to call him master one hundred and one times, what do you think?" Ah, I am your grandfather, if I call him master, your seniority will be lower, so this matter has something to do with you, you must find a way to dispel this kid's ghost ideas, so that He returned in vain, powerless to return to heaven, it is best not to come up in one breath, this is the only way to dispel the anger in my old man's heart!"