Vice President Wang Qiao

Chapter 86: Mysterious numbers


Xiao Rui was confused, what countdown? What six and eight, did Zhang Tingting buy a lottery ticket

Xiao Rui asked casually, and Zhang Tingting told him the reason and process of the incident.

It turned out that Chen Ling, Zhang Tingting's deskmate, encountered a strange thing these days.

About a few days ago, Chen Ling couldn't remember the exact time, she accidentally took out her pocket and found a note inside, with nothing written on it, only an Arabic numeral—20.

Chen Ling didn't take it to heart, and just threw it away.

But the next day, she found another note in her pocket. The size, shape and material were the same as yesterday's, but the content of the note had changed. There was only one Arabic numeral on it, this time it was 19.

Chen Ling was a little surprised, but she still didn't take it to heart.

As a result, on the third day, a piece of paper still inexplicably appeared in her pocket, and the Arabic numerals on it changed to 18.

This time, Chen Ling felt a little nervous.

Who the hell is this prank, stuffing such an inexplicable note into his pocket for no reason, you must be crazy.

During self-study last night, Chen Ling couldn't help telling her deskmate Zhang Tingting about this strange incident.

Zhang Tingting also felt very strange when she heard it. Every day, a note was inserted, and the number on it changed every day. Isn't this strange

Zhang Tingting discussed with Chen Ling and asked her to pay more attention to the people around her starting tomorrow.

At the same time, Zhang Tingting also helped to observe to see who was playing such a prank with Chen Ling.

As a result, on the fourth day, no matter how much Zhang Tingting and Chen Ling paid more attention and observed carefully, they did not find any suspicious person appearing beside Chen Ling, and no one stuffed a note into her pocket.

But what was surprising was that there was still a note in Chen Ling's pocket, exactly the same as before.

Only this time there are two Arabic numerals on it: 17 and 16.

Zhang Tingting and Chen Ling couldn't help being taken aback, isn't this a hell of a thing

He obviously didn't see anyone stuffing a note into Chen Ling's pocket, but right now, the note appeared in Chen Ling's pocket again.

What's more, the number has changed, and it has dropped back to 16.

Zhang Tingting guessed, could this be a countdown

Chen Ling also nodded in confirmation and said, this must be a countdown, and since Zhang Tingting also knew about it, the number on the note speeded up the rhythm of regressing, showing a double decrease, and suddenly became 16 up.

As a result, the two girls began to feel a little worried, even terrified.

They had no idea what would happen after the countdown ended.

Under such circumstances, of course Zhang Tingting and Chen Ling couldn't sit still. They decided that they must cheer up 100% for the next day, and even if they stayed up all night, they had to find out who put this note.

As a result, the number on the note was back to 14 the next day.

No matter how much the two opened their eyes, they just didn't notice how the note appeared in Chen Ling's pocket.

The two girls were really scared this time, but they dared not tell their teachers and classmates.

Because according to the backward digital analysis, if one more person knows, the Arabic numerals on the note will decrease exponentially.

It is impossible for the two to tell each other if they are not extremely trusting, or someone who is absolutely capable.

There are too many people, but the rhythm of the countdown is accelerated, and there is no room for maneuver.

In this situation, Zhang Tingting thought of Xiao Rui. In her mind, Xiao Rui was an absolutely capable person.

On Chen Ling's side, apart from knowing a few street punks, there was no capable person who could entrust this matter.

Although those street gangsters are better at fighting, their brains can only be regarded as the level of primary school students.

Moreover, the punks usually only pay attention to Chen Ling's snow-white thighs, flirting is okay, but they don't have any interest in these Arabic numerals.

That's how Zhang Tingting called Xiao Rui under the circumstances.

In the end, they still couldn't get through, and Lai Chunchun connected twice in a row.

Of course, Zhang Tingting couldn't tell Lai Chunchun about this matter, so she urged Xiao Rui to call her back as soon as possible, which was what I said at the beginning.

However, Xiao Rui thought that Zhang Tingting was fine, so he didn't call her back.

So much so that now, Zhang Tingting dialed Xiao Rui's cell phone again, and finally got in touch with him.

Zhang Tingting said nervously on the phone: "Brother Xiaorui, come to school soon, okay? I'm scared, and Chen Ling is even more scared. She's almost crying. We don't know who to tell about this. Besides, today The number dropped to eighth at once, and jumped six numbers at once. I didn’t tell anyone except you. Why did this happen? Brother Xiao Rui, come to school quickly, okay? , we really don’t know what to do!”

Xiao Rui heard that Zhang Tingting was about to cry on the phone, so she quickly comforted her: "Tingting, don't worry, I will definitely go to your school this morning, and don't tell anyone else about this , It’s enough for the three of us to know, but if more people know, it will make things more complicated.”

Zhang Tingting said with a cry: "Well, I know, I definitely won't tell others, but Brother Xiao Rui, you have to come quickly, can you come here now, I don't even dare to speak in school wait."

Xiao Rui comforted: "Don't be afraid, Tingting, didn't the number drop to 8 today? Even if it drops to four numbers every day, it's still the worst plan. We still have two full days. Don't worry, this I will definitely help with this matter, I will go to the school to find you when I arrive in the city, okay, don’t cry, I always keep my mobile phone with me, if there is anything, you can call me anytime.”

Zhang Tingting said with a choked voice, "Oh, I see, Brother Xiao Rui, anyway, you have to come and find me quickly."

"Don't worry, I will be there as soon as possible."

Xiao Rui hung up the phone, full of doubts about this matter.

Not to mention the two little girls, even Xiao Rui felt a chill in his heart when he heard this kind of thing.

Still the same sentence, anyone who does anything has a certain motivation.

So, what is the motivation for this thing

And who is it that is playing tricks behind the backs of the two little girls

Xiao Rui didn't have any clues, but one thing is certain,

There is no doubt that the gradually decreasing Arabic numerals count down properly, which is a warning to the two.

However, Xiao Rui had no idea what terrible things would happen after the countdown ended.

Because there are too few clues at present, he can't analyze any possibility at all.