Vicious Female Married Me With A Smile

Chapter 175: Brother wants to climb bed 17


Qin Ke was a little embarrassed, he couldn't help stretching out his hand and scratching his head to cover up his embarrassment, but it touched his own wound. Seeing Qin Ke trembling in pain, Zhen Ling asked in concern, "Does it hurt?"

Qin Ke smiled comfortingly and said, "It's okay."

Zhen Ling worried: "It would be great if Qian Lingling was here, she will definitely be able to cure you."

"It's really okay." Qin Ke said, "I'll get better soon."

Zhen Ling is not a fool, of course he will not believe that Qin Ke is really fine just because of a word. It's just that she has nothing to do in this situation, so she said: "Take a good rest."

Qin Ke could see that she was tired, so he said, "You should rest too."

Zhen Ling was indeed so tired that she fell asleep on the ground, but she was so dirty that she couldn't bear to go to bed without washing when she was so dirty. But it's not convenient to take a bath now, and she doesn't have much energy to clean herself up.

Qin Ke thought she was afraid, so he stretched out his hand to wrap Zhen Ling in his arms, and said, "Sleep, I'm here."

This sentence seemed to have magical power, Zhen Ling felt relieved, his eyelids were heavy, and he fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

In the small village far behind the mountain, it has been populated again after several years. Tao Ran brought back a lot of prey and wild vegetables, and cooked a lot of meals. Tao Ran was a little dissatisfied with the taste of the dish because it was a big pot dish, but he was also a little tired, so he just made do with it.

There are still many houses that have not been cleaned up, so everyone moved tables, chairs and benches outside, just like some rural areas hold open-air banquets to eat outside.

Wild boar, roe deer, goat, and river fish are on the table. The food is even better than when we were in the small town. Everyone finally had a shelter, and they were eating in a relaxed mood, with happy smiles on their faces.

Tao Ran and Kui Qingqing were eating together, and Kui Qingqing was watching Tao Ran while eating. She always felt that Tao Ran was a little different, but she couldn't tell what was different. Is it mature? It seems not. Maybe it's because Tao Ran hasn't said any wisecracks in front of her these two days, she's not used to it.

Kui Qingqing whispered in Tao Ran's ear, "What's wrong with you?"

Tao Ran was gnawing on the pig's trotter, when he heard the words, he turned his head and said with a stain on his mouth, "What's wrong?"

Kui Qingqing: "Are you unhappy?"

Tao Ran was puzzled, "No."

Kui Qingqing wanted to say why don't you say some cheap things, but if she really wanted to ask, she would become that cheap person. So she was speechless, and Tao Ran had nothing to say. In the novel, the town suffered heavy losses this time, but Zhen Ling did not disappear, so Qin Ke did not disappear along with him.

Now there are not many people lost in the town, but Qin Ke is gone, and the plot is completely different from the original book. Kui Qingqing is also not very flirtatious, so far she has not been impressed by Ran's charm like other female supporting roles. So Tao Ran was a little annoyed, wondering if Kui Qingqing would turn black in this situation.

After thinking about it, Tao Ran said, "Sister, do you think Qin Ke is still alive?"

Kui Qingqing's expression became a little more serious, and then said: "I don't know."

"Then you want to find him?"

Of course Kui Qingqing wanted to find Qin Ke, regardless of whether she liked him or not, Qin Ke had saved her life back then. Although Kui Qingqing is not a good person, she is also a person who repays her kindness. It's just that the residents of the town have not settled down well, and she really can't leave. When she had a chance to find Qin Ke, she didn't know if Qin Ke was still alive.

Thinking of this, Kui Qingqing's face was full of sadness. When she was worried, Tao Ran was also worried. He sighed, there was nothing he could do about the female supporting role being so persistent.

Kui Qingqing said: "Why are you sighing?"

Tao Ran said: "You like Qin Ke so much, but he likes Zhen Ling. You can see that he is willing to die for Zhen Ling."

Kui Qingqing said that what do you know, you little kid, Lao Zhang is still willing to die for Qin Ke, does Lao Zhang also love Qin Ke? Besides, she was worried that Qin Ke wasn't just because she liked him, in fact, Kui Qingqing was also very sad for a while. She likes Qin Ke, but Qin Ke likes others. According to her previous temper, she would have rushed to kill the woman who seduced Qin Ke, but for some reason she held back, and instead often thought of Tao Ran.

Thinking of the annoying things that kid at home said, thinking of the delicious food he cooked, even Qian Lingling would be a little unhappy when she said she liked Tao Ran.

Kui Qingqing cast a deep glance at Tao Ran beside her, and began to wonder if this kid drugged herself

Tao Ran felt chilled by Kui Qingqing's meaningful glance, and hurriedly lowered his head to eat. When he came to this world, Tao Ran did habitually seduce the female supporting role, but after finding out that Kui Qingqing didn't seem to be hooked, he also lost his mind a little bit. As long as Kui Qingqing doesn't turn black, he can do anything else.

At this time, Kui Qingqing said quietly: "Now I am the leader here, what are you doing to bring Qin Ke back? Share power with me?"

Tao Ran: "..." I'm so tired, I didn't expect you to have such ambitions.

After eating, some people cleaned up the mess, and the rest went to rest.

Tao Ran lived in a small building with Kui Qingqing as usual, and found trouble after entering the house. Although the roof was repaired, there was no quilt on the bed. Who had the thought to run away with the quilt when they escaped? That is to say, Luo Shuang was in charge of this kind of thing, so he was brought a little.

It's just that these quilts are not enough for each person to share a bed equally. Kui Qingqing thought that she was the leader of the town, so she was allocated a bed on the back.

Tao Ran looked at the only rug in the house, and thought deeply: "Is there no quilt in this village?"

"Actually, I found a lot of them." Kui Qingqing said, "But they were almost moldy and eaten by bugs."

Tao Ran: "Then how do we sleep?"

Kui Qingqing thought that she was a few years older than him, and also the leader of everyone, so she should lead by example at such moments. So she said: "Go to sleep, I'll deal with it all night."

Tao Ran said: "I'm afraid it won't work for one night, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get enough quilts in a short time under this situation."

Kui Qingqing looked at him, thinking that this is not okay, so how about you deal with it

Tao Ran said: "Forget it, anyway, my ability is still useful, so I'll just float all night."

What does it feel like to float and sleep? Kui Qingqing has tried it before, and it doesn't feel good at all. She sat on the bed, patted the place next to her and said, "There are so many things, can't we just sleep together?"

Tao Ran's expression suddenly became strange, he glanced at Kui Qingqing complicatedly, and said: "Sister is so pretty, and I'm young and full-blooded, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself when we sleep together."

Kui Qingqing: "..." Well, the familiar brat is back.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and then said: "I believe in your self-control when facing a person who is covered in fire."

Tao Ran: "..."

In the middle of the night, the village was very quiet. Kui Qingqing couldn't sleep strangely, and Tao Ran was sleeping obediently beside her.

The night temperature in the mountains is very low, and there is no quilt, Tao Ran feels cold in his sleep. Then he subconsciously leaned against Kui Qingqing, who was covered in heat. The fire ability was more resistant to freezing, and Kui Qingqing didn't feel cold at all.

Kui Qingqing was thinking about something, when suddenly an arm wrapped around her waist, she wanted to slap her right then. But she still stopped in time, because she found that Tao Ran hadn't woken up.

So she was about to move Tao Ran's hand away, but before she could move, a hairy head was overworked, and it was crooked between Kui Qingqing's neck. Kui Qingqing froze all over, and her breath was full of a man's smell. This kid always says he likes himself, just like a child says he likes candy, it's not reliable at all.

She thought so, but she didn't expect that when the child said that he liked candy, he really liked candy, and he liked it from the bottom of his heart.

Although she used to be the second-in-command in the town, she basically didn't care about things. If you need to fight, she can go there, and if you need to do things, she can go there, but she usually doesn't take the initiative to think about problems. Now that she has become the number one leader, hundreds of people under her command are watching her waiting for food. She is under a lot of pressure.

If it was another force, she would definitely quit, but the town is different. When she was alone, she offended many people, even the supernatural beings couldn't tolerate her. Once she was hunted down to the point of death, but it was Qin Ke who rescued her and brought her back to the small town.

Small town resident Qian Lingling treated her injuries, and Luo Shuang gave her food and clothing. Although everyone was afraid of her, they sincerely welcomed her. Kui Qingqing, who had been wandering for a long time, suddenly felt that this feeling was very good, so she chose to stay. As she does more and more for the town, her sense of belonging to the town grows stronger.

She thought that Qin Ke brought all of this to her, so she was very afraid that someone would appear and snatch Qin Ke away. Now that Qin Ke is not here, everyone has not changed her, which makes Kui Qingqing both at a loss and at ease. Unknowingly, her dependence on Qin Ke decreased, and the town gradually became more important than Qin Ke in her heart.

Tao Ran panicked coldly, and began to hug Kui Qingqing's arms back and forth. Kui Qingqing found that he was cold, and couldn't stand him continuing to hug, so she hugged Tao Ran to keep him from moving, and patted Tao Ran's back lightly like a son.

The days became stable like this, and half a month later, the village was basically tidied up. The mutated wild beasts in the surrounding mountains were also harmed by Tao Ran with Furry, and there would be no more wild beasts attacking the village. Everyone's attitude towards Tao Ran was different, and they vaguely regarded him as the second in command in the village. Just like Kui Qingqing who was by Qin Ke's side in the past, being strong makes people feel safe, but she hardly cares about things.