Vicious Female Married Me With A Smile

Chapter 177: Brother wants to climb bed 19


But Kui Qingqing is also the leader of the village now, and she feels that with her current status, she shouldn't act as if she was upset with her before. She didn't speak any more, and went back to her small building, where Tao Ran was cooking soup.

Kui Qingqing smelled the delicious smell of meatball soup, and for some reason, she felt a little proud. Qian Lingling liked him so much, but as long as she said a word, he would obediently come back and cook for herself. Thinking of this, Kui Qingqing's eyes looking at Tao Ran were very loving. She walked over and stretched out her hand to Tao Ran who was burning firewood, and then stroked Tao Ran's head like hair.

Tao Ran: "..."

Tao Ran turned his head with complicated eyes, wondering if it's time to find a pet for Kui Qingqing? Otherwise, if she rubs herself like this all day long, she might not be able to hold on to her hair.

Tao Ran hasn't had a haircut since leaving Chaofeng's father. Her hair has grown quite long, and she tied a small braid at the back of her head. There are still two strands of untied hair hanging down from the sideburns, which set off the already small face even more delicately.

Kui Qingqing looked at Tao Ran, he was a little baby fat when he first came to the town, but now his cheeks have thinned, showing the lines of a young man.

Tao Ran was afraid that his head would be bald by her, so he wanted to drive her away, "Go and sit and wait, it will be fine in a while."

Kui Qingqing didn't leave, she was still hungry, and said, "How did you plan to answer just now?"

Tao Ran was confused, "Answer what?"

"What do you think?" Kui Qingqing frowned slightly and said, "Didn't Qian Lingling confess her love, how do you answer her?"

"Just... refuse." Tao Ran said, "Otherwise, how can I answer?"

Kui Qingqing was pleased by Tao Ran's indifferent attitude, she was happy in her heart, but she started to be mean again. Said: "What people say is also a young and beautiful girl. Do you know how many people in the village like her? Are you just rejecting her?"

"Otherwise?" Tao Ran almost wanted to show her a dead fish eye, "What do you think I should do?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are really outrageous." Kui Qingqing said: "There is no man like you who bullies other girls like this."

Tao Ran was speechless, and said: "Okay, I was wrong, I will go to Qian Lingling tomorrow, I promise her, I will fall in love with her."

"..." It was Kui Qingqing who shot her foot with a rock, and she was stunned for a while, apparently not knowing that Tao Ran was so easily persuaded. She blushed and said, "Didn't you say that you don't like her and you want to reject her?"

"I originally thought so." Tao Ran lifted the lid of the pot and began to serve soup, "But after some education from you, I realized my mistakes, so I decided to correct my mistakes."

Kui Qingqing: "..."

Kui Qingqing was about to die of anger, and she didn't know whether she was angry with Tao Ran or herself. Tao Ran put a bowl of delicious and steaming meatball soup on the table and said, "Drink."

Kui Qingqing stared at the bowl of soup, making a final struggle and said: "You don't like her, and you are cheating her by agreeing to her?"

"I don't dislike her. She's very nice, gentle and beautiful." Tao Ran said indifferently, "Even if you don't like her now, you should like her after getting along with her."

Kui Qingqing's anger, the indescribable anger. Forget it, the point is that there is no reason to get angry, and she doesn't know if she is out of her mind or what, she picked up the bowl of soup and poured it into her mouth.

Tao Ran saw it, his eyes widened and he stretched out his hand to die, "Hey, don't..."

"Oh! Ahhh..."


Kui Qingqing threw the bowl out violently, her eyes were wide open, and she shouted with a distorted expression: "It's hot shit... It's hot shit..."

Tao Ran reached out to grab her head and said, "You are a pig, and you just pour the soup into your mouth right after it comes out of the pot? Let me see."

Kui Qingqing's tears flowed out, these were not tears of sadness, but physical tears that could not be restrained from the pain. Tao Ran pinched her mouth and found that her lips and mouth were full of blisters. He said: "Grow your mouth wider, let me see if your throat is burned."

Kui Qingqing opened her mouth wide. Fortunately, she spit out the soup in time, but her mouth was burnt, and her esophagus and trachea were not damaged. Tao Ran was speechless: "How old you are, still like this... I really can't say anything about you."

Kui Qingqing said with her tongue out while crying: "Am I swollen? Mu Jiangu's hot silver?"

Tao Ran: "I've never seen someone as old as you get burned."

Kui Qingqing: "How is the chili oil swollen?"

"It's not good." Tao Ran said speechlessly, "I'll take you to Qian Lingling, and I'll cure you in a while."

"I can't!" Kui Qingqing broke free from Tao Ran's hand, "I won't look for her."

Tao Ran looked at her tears and blisters on her mouth from being scalded, and said speechlessly, "Aren't you in pain?"

Kui Qingqing pouted her swollen mouth, waiting for Tao Ran, and said to herself, "Try it and see if it hurts?" Tao Ran understood her sad eyes, and said, "Go get treatment if it hurts, otherwise you will have to continue to suffer."

However, Kui Qingqing seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit and refused to treat her. Tao Ran really wanted to leave her alone, but he couldn't bear to look at Kui Qingqing's watery eyes, "Grandma, what do you want?"

It is said that when people are sick and injured, they will be more vulnerable than usual, and their defenses will be weakened. Kui Qingqing put her arms around Tao Ran's arm to prevent him from leaving, but she didn't speak. The two stalemate like this for a while, Tao Ran said: "Be careful of wound infection."

Since Kui Qingqing was unwilling to go to Qian Lingling's for treatment, Tao Ran had to find a way to treat her wound. But what can I do with the blisters on her mouth, I can't give her anti-inflammatory water. Tao Ran wondered: "The wound in your mouth is not easy to heal, and there is no way to reduce the inflammation. What if it becomes infected and festers?"

Kui Qingqing looked at Tao Ran, she couldn't go to Qian Lingling anyway. The two looked at each other for a moment, and Kui Qingqing somehow thought of the earthwork that saliva can also reduce inflammation, and then she grabbed Tao Ran's shoulder like a demon, and then pulled her up.

Tao Ran: "..."

Tao Ran was kissed by Kui Qingqing in a daze, moving his tongue occasionally, as if it could add to the blisters on her lips. So he didn't dare to move around, what if the blister burst and the water flowed out...

Damn, I can't think about it, what's the matter with being a little disgusting

Kui Qingqing worked hard alone for a while, then let go of Tao Ran and began to doubt life. Kui Qingqing, ah Kui Qingqing, have you become so hungry and thirsty after being single for many years? Can you talk to such a poor kid

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, and then Tao Ran said, "Well... is it better?"

Kui Qingqing: "'s better, the saliva is indeed useful."

Tao Ran: "Oh..."

"that… "

"that… "

Kui Qingqing said: "You talk first."

Then Tao Ran said first, "What did you mean by that?"

Kui Qingqing: "Nothing interesting."

"Actually, it's nothing at all." Tao Ran said, "It's just that you stuck me so tightly, I accidentally became hard."

Kui Qingqing: "..."

As I said before, since Kui Qingqing became the leader, she has a sense of responsibility. Now that this is the fire she lit, Kui Qingqing has a sense of responsibility in her heart to put out the fire. She looked at Tao Ran, was silent for a while, and then said, "Is it uncomfortable? Can you bear it?"

"Hard to hear." Tao Ran said, "It's a bit unbearable."

So Kui Qingqing fell into a new silence, and then she said: "Have you ever had a relationship with a woman... that?"

There was no Chaoge, so Tao Ran shook his head.

Oh, that means this rookie has been hardened by herself, Kui Qingqing thinks so.

Tao Ran sat in front of Kui Qingqing and said, "Do you still like Qin Ke? If you don't, let's go to bed. I will only do this with you from now on."

Kui Qingqing didn't know whether she still liked Qin Ke or not, she said: "What do you care about a dead person, do you want to take a bath first?"

I don't know how it happened, but the blisters in Kui Qingqing's mouth are always the same as Tao Ran's. After that, Tao Ran fell into a deep sleep, but Kui Qingqing suffered from insomnia. She felt that something was really wrong with herself, how could she just have sex with this kid

Seeing that the age is getting older every year, but I feel that the more I live, the more I go back. Kui Qingqing couldn't help but clenched her teeth in distress, and accidentally burst a blister, which caused her tears to burst into tears. Kui Qingqing stretched out her arms to hug Tao Ran, and said to herself that since he was already her own, she couldn't do nothing like before. From now on, Tao Ran will be covered by her, she will put him under her nose and watch him, and never give her a chance to hook up.

Qin Ke, who was still looking for Zhen Ling, didn't know that he had lost an admirer from that moment on. He searched for Zhen Ling for a long time, but couldn't find him. This can only mean that Zhen Ling was hidden. There were fluctuations of other supernatural powers in the room that day. Qin Ke suspected that his enemies or supernatural powers from several nearby forces had captured Zhen Ling.

He quietly lurked into several nearby forces, but did not find any news about Zhen Ling. Qin Ke felt that the group who attacked the town had captured Zhen Ling, but he could not rescue Zhen Ling by himself, so he wanted to find other people in the town, and everyone came to rescue Zhen Ling.

After Zhen Ling returned to the government, everyone was shocked. I thought that even if she could come back, she would be a supernatural person, but she didn't expect Zhen Ling to be an ordinary person. Needless to say, Zhen Ling took the initiative to ask for a physical examination. Then she discovered that in one of her previous experiments, she also injected herself with a shot, and it turned out that the vaccine did not allow the superhuman to have children.

But this time they discovered that there was a substance in the vaccine that could prevent ordinary people from mutating. The laboratory is crazy, as long as people don't all become supernatural beings, human beings won't perish.

Zhen Ling was happy and crying with everyone, she was really happy. Because she will be able to see Qin Ke soon, and she can be with Qin Ke in an open and aboveboard manner, finally, the supernatural beings no longer need to be rejected.