Vicious Female Married Me With A Smile

Chapter 181: Return of the extra episode (1)


Kui Qingqing closed her eyes peacefully, and Tao Ran walked out of the room alone. The grape racks in the yard were already full of bunches of green grapes, but it was a pity that Kui Qingqing died before the grapes matured.

Tao Ran sat on the bench under the grape arbor, Xiaomei slowly climbed onto his lap, opened her eyes and said, "Congratulations to the host, you have successfully completed ten tasks, according to the content of the contract, You're almost back to the real world."

Tao Ran sat blankly for a long time before saying: "Can I go back...?"

"Yes." Xiaomei said: "Host, are you happy? Not only can you go back, but you can go back with a bonus of 99999999998 yuan."

Tao Ran vaguely remembered that he was very happy when he heard this amount, but now he doesn't seem to feel much, probably because so many worlds have never been short of money.

Thinking of this, Tao Ran was a little uncertain: "Well... I used to be a woman, right?"

"Yes." Xiaomei hugged Tao Ran's leg and said, "What are you doubting, host?"

Tao Ran didn't know either, he had been doing the mission all the time so that he could go back, but now he felt very scared when he went back. He was afraid to go back. After he went back, he didn't have anyone to attack, and he didn't have Xiaomei by his side all the time. Tao Ran said with difficulty: "After I go back... am I an ordinary person?"

"How is it possible, host?" Xiaomei said: "Isn't there a reward before, host, you can choose any ability of the character you become as a reward to keep, if you choose Chaoge's ability to take back, you It's no ordinary person."

It seems that there is indeed such a reward, but Tao Ran doesn't quite remember it. He panicked: "What should I do? I don't remember anything from the past. How should I live after I go back?"

Xiaomei blinked, he felt that the host was a bit strange, the previous host seemed to be not afraid of anything, even the system threatened as soon as it said it threatened, why is it a little timid now? Xiaomei said: "Don't worry about this host, they will help you strengthen your memory."

"But..." Tao Ran wanted to continue to say something, but Xiao Mei said, "Host, we are going home, are you ready?"

A picture like snowflakes floated before Tao Ran's eyes, and Xiaomei's words sounded in his ears: "Please choose a reward skill."

Tao Ran thought for a while and said, "Let's just use Chaoge's ability."

"Okay, I will reward you with the ability to teleport." Xiaomei: "Do you want to cleanse the feelings of this world?"

Tao Ran couldn't help but began to think about Kui Qingqing who accompanied him in this life. Even though she was not perfect, she never made herself feel lonely. But now that he is going home and starting a new life, Tao Ran closed his eyes and said, "Clean it up."

With the feeling of familiarity, Kui Qingqing's memories in her mind just now seemed to become very blurred. Xiaomei said again: "Start to strengthen the memory."

The memory began to strengthen. Tao Ran remembered the glutinous rice balls her grandmother made for her when she was a child, and the male classmate she had a crush on for the first time at school. Her family and friends worked hard and bought a house for herself...

These memories that had long been blurred or even forgotten reappeared, and they were very clear, as if she had never left, and had always been the ordinary Tao Ran.

With a flash in front of her eyes, Tao Ran opened her eyes, and in front of her was the computer she used in the company. She sat in her seat, and the colleague who asked Tao Ran to have dinner with her before hurried back in high heels. She asked anxiously, "Where did my lipstick go?"

Tao Ran glanced at her, and said calmly, "It's in the bottom drawer on the right."

Opening the drawer, I found it, and my colleague said in surprise, "It's here, thank you."

Tao Ran: "You're welcome."

"..." I don't know what's going on, the colleague felt a little weird, she said: "You really don't want to go to dinner with me? There is a handsome guy, didn't you say you wanted me to introduce you a boyfriend last time?"

"No need." Tao Ran stood up and said, "Your boyfriend is not a good person. Last time I heard him calling a girl named Lili outside the company. And I'm about to resign, take care. "

After Tao Ran finished speaking, he left the company without looking at his colleagues' expressions. Standing downstairs in the company, the sun was still very hot after five o'clock. Xiaomei said that the money was already in her account. He said that it was a pleasure to do tasks with Tao Ran, and he would miss her in the future.

Tao Ran took a taxi back to his home, the two-bedroom house seemed a bit cramped now. She took a shower, facing her familiar yet unfamiliar body was simply strange. It felt uncomfortable to wear the underwear on her body. Tao Ran twisted her neck, and she didn't have a single muscle in her stomach. This figure would be too much for her to climb two floors. How did she survive before

Tao Ran bought a gym membership card online, opened the refrigerator and found that it was full of snacks. She threw all the snacks into the trash can in disgust, and then went downstairs with the trash bag. Afterwards, I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, meat and fruits and came back. I made a few dishes by myself and ate them all by myself.

In the evening, my mother called and asked how she was doing.

Tao Ran said, "I'm fine."

Ever since Tao Ran was born, my mother has had endless worries, "Even if you work hard, you can't be too sloppy with your meals. The things outside are unhygienic, and you have to buy vegetables often to eat."

Tao Ran said: "I will cook by myself every day. Tonight I made stir-fried vegetables, braised chicken wings, and crucian carp soup."

"Oh..." Mom didn't expect Tao Ran to be so obedient today, "During the holidays, I don't sleep all night, so I want to go out and do some activities..."

"I have already applied for a fitness card, and I will go every day." Tao Ran said.

Mom: "Oh..." It seems that there is nothing to say.

"Oh, that's right." Mom finally thought of something and said, "Have you fallen in love?"

Tao Ran: "No."

Mom: "Is there a boy you like?"

Tao Ran: "No."

Mom: "The boy you liked in high school, Mom met last time when I went to the supermarket. He is also single."

Tao Ran: "Oh."

Mother:"… "

Mom babbled and talked a lot, and Tao Ran listened quietly, occasionally answering a sentence or two. Finally, my mother said: "You are so strange today, you won't think your mother is long-winded."

"No." Tao Ran said, "You can call me if you want me in the future, and say it will be fine for as long as you want."

"Oh..." The mother suddenly felt a little relieved and a little disappointed: "My daughter is sensible."

Tao Ran heard a sad feeling from this sentence. After thinking about it, she still didn't tell her about her resignation. It's better to wait for a while.

After hanging up the phone, Tao Ran went to the online bank to check her account balance, and then she wondered if she wanted to find a clean and good place to buy a villa. The place where I live now is a bit too noisy, with so many people living in one building, I feel that there is no privacy at all.

She is not an inkblot person either, so since she thinks about it, she will start to do it. First, she looked online and found that there was nothing to satisfy her in this city, so she began to look at other cities.

After nine o'clock, Tao Ran went to bed. This was a habit he had developed over the years, and he was not used to staying up late.

Waking up at seven in the morning, she put on her tracksuit and ran all the way to the park two streets away for a run. After running for a long time, she felt that she couldn't hold on, and there was nothing she could do about her poor physical fitness. If I had known earlier that she would be rewarded with the body of a cultivator, it would save a lot of unnecessary time for exercising.

Even so, Tao Ran still ran for two hours. When she was drenched in sweat, someone called her.

The manager's voice suppressed his anger and said, "Tao Ran, what's the matter with you? It's been an hour since work time and you still haven't come."

It was only then that Tao Ran remembered that she forgot to resign. She said, "I'm sorry, I was negligent. I'm running, and I'll be back to the company soon to prepare to resign." After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone.

The manager held the phone with a blank look on his face.

Tao Ran went back to take a shower, but when she opened the closet, she didn't find any clothes she was satisfied with. In the end, she chose a shirt with high-waisted wide-leg pants and went out. A wardrobe full of skirts is really crazy, isn't it? It seems that buying clothes is more important than buying a house.

Tao Ran entered the company building. When she entered the elevator, several people looked at her intentionally or unintentionally. She felt that these people seemed familiar, but she couldn't name them. But it's not important anymore, Tao Ran doesn't need to care about this kind of unnecessary interpersonal relationship.

As soon as she entered the office, many colleagues turned to look at her.

Tao Ran walked directly to his computer, typed out a resignation application, and took the application to the manager's office.

The manager was a woman in her thirties. She heard that her marriage was unlucky and divorced. When she saw Tao Ran come in and was about to speak, Tao Ran handed in a resignation application and said, "I want to resign."

The manager said: "If it's because of my tone of voice in the morning, then I'm sorry. Your ability is very good, and you will have a chance to be promoted in the near future. If you have any problems in life, you can ask for leave. The reason is reasonable. I will allow it, isn't it a pity to resign now?"

Tao Ran said: "You misunderstood, I don't have any problems in life, I just don't want to work anymore."

"Why?" the manager asked puzzled.

Tao Ran said: "Oh, I think there are many things to do in life, but I really feel sorry for myself for wasting my life in such a place, so I plan to resign."

Manager: "..." What's wrong with such a place? Others can't come if they want to come...

After Tao Ran left the manager's office, yesterday's colleague greeted him and said, "You really resigned?"

Tao Ran nodded, "Yes."

"Why, have you found your next home?"

"No." Tao Ran said, "I want to rest."

"What about your house loan?"

"I'm going to sell the house." Then buy a villa.

The colleague looked at her in shock, and after a while the colleague said: "Actually, I am quite envious of you. You are so free and easy. You can leave as soon as you say, and I will..."

Tao Ran couldn't tell her that he was like this because he didn't lack money, so she patted her colleague on the shoulder and said, "You'd better work hard."

The colleague's eyes suddenly turned red, "What you said is true, he really cheated on me, and I have been foolishly ignorant..."

Tao Ran didn't know how to comfort this kind of thing, if she was still a man, he could give her a boyfriend, but now that she was a woman, there was nothing she could do except a few words of comfort. The colleague said: "Do you have any activities tonight? Can you come out and drink with me?"

Tao Ran thought for a while and said, "You must go back before nine o'clock."

The colleague said, "What's going on after nine o'clock?"

Tao Ran: "I want to sleep."

colleague:"… "

Because I don't know when Tao Ran got into the bad habit of going to bed early and getting up early, my colleague Suru went to find Tao Ran after work. Tao Ran is doing laundry at home, and the newly bought clothes must be washed before they can be worn, this is what Kui Qingqing taught her. She had no choice but to use her powers to quickly wash and dry the clothes, and then went downstairs.

Not long after Suru bought a new car, she had been lent to her boyfriend to drive it, and now she probably doesn't have a boyfriend anymore. Tao Ran got into the car, Suru kept staring at her,

Tao Ran turned his head slightly and said, "Look at what I'm doing?"

"I think you are different." Suru said with a subtle expression, "You look like..."

Tao Ran: "?"

Suru: "It's kind of charming."

Tao Ran: "!!!"

Said that Suru herself also found it funny, she said: "It's a pity that I don't mess with Ji, otherwise I won't let you go."

Tao Ran felt a little scared, although she is now a woman, but she feels that this is not natural, and she can break it back sooner or later. If a woman came to seduce him at this time, he wondered if his previous efforts would be in vain.

The two arrived at the bar, and there were very few people at this time. One of them ordered a glass of wine, and then they got to the point. Suru said with red eyes: "Three years, I have been with him for three full years, and he actually went outside to find someone behind my back. He even spent my money and opened my car." car,"

Tao Ran comforted: "There are still good men in the world, so don't feel sorry for this kind of scum."

"I understand the truth." Suru cried bitterly on Tao Ran's shoulder, "But I just don't want to be reconciled."

Just as Tao Ran comforted him softly, a man suddenly came over and said, "Xiao Ru, why didn't you answer my phone?"

Tao Ran looked over, and this man was suspected to be Suru's...ex-boyfriend.

Suru turned her face away and said, "I don't want to see you."

"Listen to my explanation. I was confused for a moment. Give me another chance. I promise I won't do it again..."

Tao Ran said disgustedly: "Didn't you hear that she said that she didn't want to see you? Get lost!"

"You count that green onion?" Suru's boyfriend said arrogantly: "I'm talking to Xiaoru, get the hell out of here."

Tao Ran looked away, reached out and grabbed the man's collar and said, "Don't pester Suru anymore, I don't want to say it again."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Suru's ex-boyfriend's face, and he was about to hit Tao Ran with his hand. Tao Ran felt disdainful for a while, and was about to beat him until his skull burst, when a slender and powerful hand stretched out, "A man makes a mistake and doesn't know how to correct it, and beats a woman. He really doesn't deserve to be a man."

Tao Ran turned his head and saw a man wearing an expensive shirt. He said to Tao Ran, "Miss, are you okay?"

Tao Ran thought regretfully, if you were half a minute late, I would have knocked him down.