Vicious Female Married Me With A Smile

Chapter 183: Fanwai Longqiu


When Tao Ran returned home, Suru also followed. Tao Ran, who had not been a woman for many years, had some psychological shadows on the sensitivity and bad temper of women. So she said as tactfully as possible: "Well... you have a house, right?"

Suru said: "That's right." Saying that didn't affect her movement of changing shoes at all.

Tao Ran was a little depressed and said, "What do you mean by living in my house like this? I don't have any clothes for you to change here."

Suru's movements paused, she looked at Tao Ran, and said, "Are you trying to drive me away?"

"No." Tao Ran said, "I mean I want to sell the house..."

"Sell the house?" Suru: "Why?"

Tao Ran thought for a while and said, "I want to leave here."

Suru's eyes widened, she looked at Tao Ran, as if she saw the soul hidden in the depths through her skin, "You want to leave this sad place?"

"???" Tao Ran looked puzzled, "It's not sad here."

"Then why are you leaving?"

Tao Ran said: "You may not believe me, I just want to find a place with beautiful mountains, clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers to live a quiet life."

Suru: "Are you implying that I'm annoying?"

Well, to be honest, Tao Ran really finds her a bit annoying. But she is used to it, which of the previous female supporting roles didn't develop from being a little annoying at the beginning. It's just that she is a woman now, and she just wants to live a comfortable life, and it's not like dealing with these things anymore. Tao Ran sighed, "I think you need to be quiet."

Suru left Tao Ran's house, and she returned to her own house, and after a while, she realized that something was wrong with her. She was doing okay in this job, but resigned impulsively just because of a man? And she felt that she really liked getting close to Tao Ran, not only that, she seemed to hate Tao Ran's contact with men.

Suru was also frightened by her own thoughts, she called the manager first, "Manager, I was impulsive because of a broken relationship, and I still want to come back to work, please give me another chance..."

The manager scolded her on the phone and told her not to be late for work tomorrow. Afterwards, Suru posted a post on the Internet, "What to do, I have a special possessive desire for my female colleagues."

First floor: Huh? After that post this morning, I always have questions about the gender of the person who posted it.

Suru: The landlord is a girl.

Third Floor: What happened these days? Are girls starting to like girls? No wonder there are more and more bachelors in society.

Fourth floor: Landlord, do you like your colleagues? I am also a girl, and I support you to confess.

Fifth floor: Are you still letting us men live

Sixth floor: You can live with a man on the fifth floor.

Seventh floor: I am desperate for this gay world...

Suru threw the phone on the bed, and then stuffed her head into the quilt, what to do, did she really like women? Obviously, I didn't feel anything when looking at Tao Ran before, why did it suddenly become like this these two days? Boom... don't...

Suru climbed out of the bed, turned on the computer, and began to search for the idol's evil photos, the idol's face, and the idol's figure, right? This is what she likes. Then she clicked on the idol's video, and the idol was smiling and talking softly.

Hey... why do you feel a little fake and a little bit motherly

She remembered how Tao Ran spoke, with a serious look, and a little helplessness in his expression, as if he was a little pampered. When she looks at you, it's like you're the only one in the world. The gentleness makes people can't help being intoxicated, as if they can act like a baby in front of her...

No, come back quickly, you can't bend down anymore!

Tao Ran sent Suru away and heaved a sigh of relief. She is a person who can't see women who are sad, but as long as she can't see the sad woman, she can pretend that she doesn't know anything. Tao Ran didn't have enough for dinner at all, so Tao Ran ordered a takeaway. Before the takeaway came, a best friend who was in constant contact with her called her.

"Of course, what are you doing?"

Tao Ran took a mouthful of rice, "How about dinner?"

"Why are you eating at this time?" My best friend asked, "Are you too lazy to cook again?"

Tao Ran wanted to say that it was because of an accident during the meal, but she didn't want to be verbose, so she said, "Yes."

"May I go to your house and cook for you?" My girlfriend suddenly said.

Tao Ran was surprised, and said, "Why do you suddenly have such an idea?"

"My parents have been introducing me to blind dates. I don't want to go on a blind date." She said with a smile, "I'll ask you to stay for two days to avoid the limelight."

Just as Suru was sent away, a girlfriend came in the blink of an eye, Tao Ran wanted to refuse. But this is her best friend, who grew up together, Tao Ran finally agreed. And told her that he had resigned and could pick her up at any time.

The best friend happily said that she would come tomorrow and asked her to prepare something delicious and wait for her to eat.

Putting down the phone, Tao Ran couldn't stop sighing. What should I do if I get used to treating women well? How can I change it

No matter how tangled she was, she still couldn't stop her best friend from rushing over. The next morning when Tao Ran was still sleeping, a knock on the door woke her up. She opened the door in shock and said, "So fast? Didn't I agree to pick you up?"

"I ran away overnight." The girlfriend brought in the luggage and said, "You don't know how scary my parents are. I look like I can't get married?"

Tao Ran helped her put her luggage away, and then said, "Wait for me, let's go out for breakfast."

The girlfriend said: "Okay, you go and wash your face."

Tao Ran was washing his face in the bathroom, and his best friend dragged her luggage all the way in, sweating all over. She opened the suitcase and took out a piece of clothing, intending to change into it. There was only a small sling left just after taking it off, when there was a knock on the door. She looked out and saw that it was a young woman, so she opened the door wearing a sexy suspender like this, "Is there something wrong?"

After thinking all night, Suru realized that he might really like Tao Ran, his face stiffened halfway, at this time Tao Ran said inside: "I'll help you put your clothes in the closet, it's such a mess, I don't know how you usually do it." passed."

So the other half of Suru's face was also stiff, Tao Ran walked to the door and asked, "Who are you talking to?"

Then she saw Suru with an ugly face, "Why are you here?"

Embarrassed and angry, Suru gave Tao Ran a hard look, then turned around and ran away with a snort.

Tao Ran: "..."

The best friend thought it was a little funny and said, "It's fun, she looks like the girlfriend who caught you in bed."

Tao Ran could hardly maintain his expression, his best friend smiled and said: "This is a good material, I think I can write a lily essay."

Well, my best friend is an online novel writer by profession...

Tao Ran thought of so many novels she had traveled through, and she asked a question that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time, "Why is there always a vicious female supporting role in the novels?"

"No." The best friend asked back: "Have you seen many vicious female supporting roles? Usually only vicious male supporting roles are written, and the female supporting roles are all beautiful and gentle."

Tao Ran raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Is that so?"

"Yeah." My best friend said, "I like bad men."

Tao Ran: "..."

When we went out to eat, my best friend said, "Aren't you always not interested in what I write? Why did you remember to ask today?"

Tao Ran said with emotion: "I just think that sometimes the vicious female counterparts in novels are a bit pitiful. They are so good, but they end up like that in the end."

The best friend blinked her eyes, thinking that talking about such a topic is quite magical, she said a little funny: "Then why don't I write a novel, let you be the protagonist, and save the vicious female supporting role in the novel?"

Tao Ran: "..." No need to write, I have already rescued and returned.

Tao Ran said: "You have written a lot of novels, have you ever thought about going through your own novels and becoming someone?"

My best friend felt that today's topic was getting more and more mysterious. She took a bite of fried dough sticks and said a little depressed: "My novel... The supporting roles are relatively ordinary, and most of the protagonists are miserable. If you want to wear it, you should wear it in other people's novels."

Tao Ran became melancholy as she spoke, at this moment she suddenly saw a familiar animal crawling under her feet.

Tao Ran: "..."

"What's wrong?" My best friend smiled and said, "Did you see a demon while reading a novel?"

Tao Ran was not possessed, she just saw Xiaomei. Xiaomei twisted her fat body and climbed onto Tao Ran's lap, raised her paw and said, "hi~"

Tao Ran: "..."

"Do you feel that life is boring? Do you feel that life has no purpose? Xiaomei brings you good news, do you want to find a part-time job?"

Tao Ran stared at Xiaomei, the meaning was obvious, what part-time job

Xiaomei pulled out a small book and said: "The company provides the following kinds of part-time jobs. One is the temporary system, which is similar to Xiaomei, but only temporary. The second is salesman, which is your previous job. Because you have experience, you can become a regular at any time. The third is the personnel department, responsible for recruiting employees for the company, mainly recruiting salesmen, as you know, there has always been a shortage of salesmen."

The corner of Tao Ran's mouth twitched. The best friend couldn't see Xiaomei. She said, "What's wrong with you? Did you see the devil? You stopped moving all of a sudden."

Tao Ran suddenly covered his head and said, "No, no, I have a headache, I want to go back and lie down."

After finishing speaking, he ran back like flying, and his best friend chased after him, "Go to the hospital with a headache! What are you doing when you go back?!"

Tao Ran returned home in a hurry, and then locked himself in the room. His best friend shouted outside the door: "Is there something unspeakable? Just tell me if you have something to say, and I'll help you figure out a way..."

Tao Ran said: "No need, I'll be fine in a while, you can play for a while by yourself."

Xiaomei said: "Have you made your choice yet?"

To be honest, Tao Ran is really not used to it when she returns to reality. If she must have a job, she is still willing to do it. Tao Ran said, "Then can I return to reality at any time?"

"Yes." Xiaomei said: "But if you give up halfway, you will deduct money."

Tao Ran used to work as a salesman, and now he wants to change it, so she said, "Then I'll use the temporary system."

"Okay." Xiaomei pulled it casually, and a bunch of avatar-like things appeared. He said, "Host, do you want to choose a system image? When you don't want to show your true face, you can use this to hide yourself." .”

Tao Ran looked at the cockroach spider Transformer above, and said, "Do you have your original image too?"

"He doesn't have one." Speaking of this Xiaomei, she felt a little sad, "She is not a human being."


The corner of Tao Ran's mouth twitched, and then he pointed to an image above and said, "Just this one, this one is Kun."

Xiaomei: "Would you like to play less games? This is just a whale, are you sure you choose this one?"


"Okay, let's introduce the mission. The host you want to bind is named Su Jue, the gender is male, and the age is not important. His mission is to conquer the sensuality. Your mission is to help Su Jue complete a mission. The mission is completed. Then you can settle your wages."

"Does it only need to be completed once?" Tao Ran asked delicately, "Why did I have to complete ten tasks before I could come back?"

Xiaomei said: "Actually, it's just you coming back. Su Jue still has to continue. Since the company's systems are also in short supply, we will send temporary systems to help hosts with average conditions, one world for another."

Tao Ran: "..."

Speaking of this, Xiaomei winked at Tao Ran and said: "It can be your exclusive system back then, which shows that you are really great."

Tao Ran: "..."

"Ready? We're leaving!"

Tao Ran's eyes blurred, and then he appeared in front of a man. The man looks handsome, has a cold temperament, and wears glasses, making him look like a beast in clothes. The originally aloof man suddenly widened his eyes the moment he saw Tao Ran, "This is... a whale? Where's the seahorse from last time?"

Tao Ran's whale mouth twitched slightly, and then she said: "Haima is going to bring newcomers. I am the system for your mission. Please call me Kun."

The corner of Su Jue's mouth twitched, and then said: "I have completed three tasks, why can't I be assigned an exclusive system?"

Tao Ran flicked his tail, "What? Do you have a problem with me?"

"Don't dare." Su Jue seemed afraid to offend the system, "Let's do the task."

Tao Ran opened the map, looked at the red dot on the map, and said, "Did you see that, your mission objective is here."

Su Jue said: "What's the name of this show? Oh, it's Tony. He's attending a wedding. How can I get in without an invitation?"

Alas, how stupid, no wonder he doesn't even have an exclusive system. Tao Ran said: "If you don't have an invitation card, wouldn't you follow others in? Pick up a girl who has an invitation card and go in with her."

"Good idea."

Su Jue went to pick up girls, but she tried several times without success. In the end, he huddled in the corner and drew a circle, "I'm gay, I don't know how to pick up girls."

Tao Ran: "..."

Tao Ran convinced him, and then she saw an upper body option in the system options. What does it mean? Does it mean that it can be attached to the host? Tao Ran just clicked, and an option appeared in front of Su Jue, do you agree to system leveling

Su Juexin said this is okay? He clicked to agree.

Immediately after Tao Ran's perspective changed, he became Su Jue. After becoming Su Jue, Tao Ran tidied up the suit on his body, thinking that being a man was more comfortable. Then he showed a habitual smile, walked up to a woman, and said, "Miss, are you alone?"

The woman said: "Yes."

Tao Ran: "A beautiful young lady like you doesn't have a male companion?"

The woman blushed and said, "Sir, you are such a gentleman, you are not alone."

Tao Ran smiled a little embarrassedly and said: " I have the honor to ask Miss to be my female companion?"

The woman looked at the handsome man in front of her, and agreed shyly.

Tao Ran stretched out his arm, and the woman held her shyly. After that, the two walked to the gate, and the woman handed out the invitation in a dizzy state, and the two entered smoothly.

Although Su Jue couldn't move now, he was amazed to see it. Is the current system so awesome? What use are we then

Tao Ran walked in, looked around, and was about to return his body to Su Jue. At this time, someone patted the back, and a woman said: "Why are you here? Come and put this in your mouth, it will feel better when you toast later."

When Tao Ran turned his head, both of them were taken aback. A very beautiful woman stood in front of Tao Ran, holding a lozenge in her hand.

Some almost forgotten memories were about to surface, Tao Ran blurted out, "Qiuqiu?"

Long Qiu frowned, and the surprise between his brows instantly turned cold, "I'm really sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

After speaking, Long Qiu turned around and left. Tao Ran stood behind her and looked at her. It was Long Qiu's fault. Her first assignment, the woman she lived with for over sixty years...

After Long Qiu turned around, he still had some doubts in his heart, it was really strange that he would mistake Don for Tao Ran. At this moment, she saw Tao Ran, walked over and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Tao Ran was talking to Tony, when he heard this, he turned around and said, "What do you want from me?"

Long Qiu looked at Tao Ran, the man who was about to become her husband still looked young and nervous. The man just now exudes a mature charm all over his body, but for some reason, Long Qiu always unconsciously associates them together.

Tao Ran looked at this place, and he remembered that this is the place where he and Long Qiu got married. A kind of hazy feeling, as if separated by a thin film, seems to be about to break through the barrier. He asked Xiaomei: "Why do I feel this way? What kind of feelings did I have for Long Qiu?"

Su Jue: "Ah? What are you talking about? System, are you going to conquer Sao Shou instead of me?"

Tao Ran returned his body to Su Jue, and he turned into a little whale again. Su Jue moved a bit, and said: "The current system is so powerful, I need to teach you a lot later."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his system Kun flicked its tail, swimming and swimming, and swam to an unknown direction.

Tao Ran swam to Long Qiu's side, and Long Qiu was talking to Tao Ran. The panda beside Tao Ran widened his eyes when he saw Tao Ran, "Wow, I didn't expect to see my colleagues here, what's your mission?"

Tao Ran looked at Long Qiu, and said to Xiaomei, "Go aside!"

Xiaomei: "..." This colleague is not friendly at all.

Long Qiu was reaching out to help the former Tao Ran straighten his collar, "You have to behave better later, my husband must be the best, and I want to make the eyes of all the women present turn red with jealousy."

The former Tao Ran seemed very helpless, the whale Tao Ran swam up to Long Qiu's shoulder, and looked at Long Qiu without blinking his eyes.

At this time, the assistant found Long Qiu and asked her to change clothes. After Long Qiu left, the former Tao Ran said to Xiao Mei: "Hey, do you really want to get married? What if I can't do it in bed in the future, and Boss Long empathizes with me?"

The whale Tao Ran flicked its tail, thinking that Qiuqiu would always like Tao Ran, and she loved Tao Ran for the rest of her life. For some reason, Tao Ran, the whale, suddenly felt a little proud. He swam to the dressing room, where Long Qiu sat in front of the mirror with a happy expression on his face.

The whale swam past Tao Ran, and he changed from a whale to a human. Long Qiu couldn't see him, so he reached out to touch Long Qiu's face. The illusory hand pierced through Long Qiu's face, and Tao Ran felt a sense of melancholy in his heart.

But Long Qiu seemed to feel something, she tilted her head in doubt, "It's so strange, why do I... feel like crying?"

The wedding began soon, Tao Ran turned around and turned into a whale swimming beside Long Qiu again. He watched Long Qiu exchange rings with his former self, kiss in front of everyone, and accept the happiness of everyone present. Tao Ran, who was still worrying and hesitating at first, seemed to have made up his mind at that moment, and held Long Qiu firmly in his arms. Long Qiu smiled happily, just like when they were old and held hands when they went for a walk. .

Tao Ran flicked his tail and swam to Su Jue's side, turning into a silent whale. He gave real feelings in the virtual world, and never really forgot, he brought the memory back to reality. However, the lover in memory will always exist in illusion.