Villain in the Kindergarten

Chapter 43: promise


Shen Mu'an had a good talk with Shen Fangqi, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning when the two of them rested.

Although it was just an impulsive behavior at the beginning, after the two people thought about it a lot, they finally made up their minds.

Shen Mu'an felt that he couldn't let it go, he didn't want Gu Mingrui to become the kind of person in the book. He also didn't want that one day, Gu Mingrui would be arrested by Shen Fangqi.

Gu Mingrui thinks too much, he is too worried about others but forgets himself.

He's just a kid and shouldn't think too much about things that adults should worry about.

Shen Fangqi went to find Grandpa Gu and Grandma Gu, but after he told his thoughts with Shen Muan, Grandpa Gu and Grandma Gu were very excited and wanted to kneel down to him.

Their once unrealistic fantasy has come true...

They are very excited.

Neither Grandpa Gu nor Grandma Gu wanted to entrust Gu Mingrui to that kind of care.

Grandpa Gu's falling out with his brother wasn't impulsive at the time, but a conflict that had accumulated over the years and finally broke out.

Grandpa Gu's elder brother is a terrible person, he has lived under his elder brother's halo since he was a child. Everyone thought his elder brother was a kind and positive boy, but only Grandpa Gu knew that his elder brother was not as kind as he appeared on the surface.

Grandpa Gu once saw his brother skinning a cat with a knife, and when he was skinning, he still had a smile on his face.

Ever since he found out about this incident, Grandpa Gu's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. He thought that his kind brother began to bully him, and he relied on Grandpa Gu for everything he did.

Accusations from family members, estrangement from friends, discrimination from teachers.

All this made Grandpa Gu overwhelmed, but he never thought of running away from this family until he met Grandma Gu.

Only then did Grandpa Gu have the courage to escape from that devil-like place with the person he likes. Before leaving, Grandpa Gu made a big fuss, telling all about what his brother had done, and then left home under the eyes of everyone in disbelief, and came to Bauhinia City with Grandma Gu.

Although life is a bit bitter, it is more relaxed and happy.

But what is happening now is beyond anyone's imagination.

In fact, in the book, Grandpa Gu and Grandma Gu didn't intend to hand over Gu Mingrui to their brother's children, but they didn't leave any last words because of their sudden death. Gu Mingrui's relatives are only grandpa and brother's children, so he went to his uncle's house.

Now that Shen Fangqi and Shen Mu'an are willing to take in Gu Mingrui, the two old people feel very gratified and fortunate...

When Shen Mu'an woke up the next morning, he found that Gu Mingrui's state was very strange, as if he knew something.

Could it be... Gu Mingrui heard their conversation

Although Gu Mingrui is usually quite quiet, but today's quietness is strange, Shen Mu'an can't help being suspicious.

"Ruirui, do you know something?" Shen Mu'an grabbed Gu Mingrui's arm and asked very straightforwardly.

Shen Muan's straightforwardness made Gu Mingrui a little at a loss, and his reaction further proved that Shen Muan's guess was correct.

"Don't you want to live with me and Brother Fang Qi?" Shen Mu'an asked, Gu Mingrui shook his head violently as soon as he said this.

"No!" His tone was urgent, and it was obvious that it was not what Shen Muan said.

Gu Mingrui's reaction was all expected by Shen Muan, he probably guessed why Gu Mingrui behaved like this.

"I don't want to drag you down." Tears welled up from Gu Mingrui's eyes. He didn't cry loudly, but just shed tears silently, which made people feel even more distressed.

"You won't drag us down." Shen Muan hugged the fragile child in front of him, and Gu Mingrui hugged Shen Muan tightly, not wanting to let go.

"You have never been a burden, you are Ruarui." Shen Mu'an said softly, he couldn't help feeling sorry for the child, "Ruirui, you have to learn to think for yourself."

Gu Mingrui didn't understand, he didn't understand Shen Muan's words.

He thought about himself

Gu Mingrui had thought about himself, but he thought more about others, such as Shen Mu'an, Shen Fangqi, and his grandparents. He doesn't want to trouble anyone, and he doesn't want to affect others because of himself.

Gu Mingrui's understanding makes people feel distressed.

For a child as old as him, now is the time to be mischievous and act recklessly, and Gu Mingrui has already learned to consider the people around him.

"Ruirui, don't think about other things, just tell me, do you want to live with me and your elder brother Fang Qi?" Shen Mu'an asked Gu Mingrui to look into his eyes, and said very seriously, "As long as you want, We will do our best.”

Gu Mingrui looked into Shen Muan's eyes, and finally expressed his true thoughts that had been suppressed in his heart.

"I want to! I want to live with Brother An An and Brother Fang Qi." Gu Mingrui threw himself into Shen Mu'an's arms again, sobbing nonstop, "But... am I really a drag?"

"You never were." Shen Mu'an patted Gu Mingrui on the back, and said softly, "You are brother Fang Qi's and I's little baby, Rui Rui."

Shen Mu'an's words were like a reassurance pill, and had a miraculous effect on Gu Mingrui.

He slowly stopped crying. Although his eyes and nose were red, he looked much better than before.

"But what about grandparents?" Although Gu Mingrui really wanted to live with Shen Muan, what should grandparents do? He also wants to live with his grandparents.

Shen Mu'an patted Gu Mingrui's head: "Grandpa and grandma are getting old, it will be very difficult to take care of Rui Rui." Although Shen Mu'an is not a medical student, he can also see that Gu Mingrui's grandparents are already in their dying years. Shen Mu'an felt that they might live longer if they didn't worry about the content.

"Ruirui can visit her grandparents during her vacation." Shen Mu'an said.

"Okay." Gu Mingrui nodded. He was still a little worried about his grandparents, but he could often visit his grandparents, just like when his parents were around.

Thinking of his parents, Gu Mingrui lowered his head, he still couldn't forget, but he learned to be strong. He knew that brother Fang Qi would never let any bad guy go!

Gu Mingrui believed in Shen Fangqi very much, and believed that he would be able to punish the bad guys who killed his parents.