Villain’s Koi Fish Mother

Chapter 126: Don't buy it yet


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"It's me, what happened, Teacher Liu?"

"This afternoon, after I saw the children were taking a nap, I left the kindergarten for a while. The children were taken care of by the life teacher. When I came back, the life teacher told me that An An was picked up by his father. I remembered what you specifically told me this morning, so I called you immediately."

The teacher's voice on the phone was filled with self-blame. She patted her chest and promised the child's mother in the morning that she would never let the scumbag father take the child away. But she didn't expect that such a thing would happen less than an hour after she left.

When Li Xia heard this, she was so frightened that she couldn't even hold the phone steady. She asked excitedly, "Teacher Liu, didn't I specifically tell you this morning that no one except me could come into contact with An An?"

"I'm sorry, An An's mother. It's all my fault that I forgot to tell the other teachers about this. They didn't know about it." Teacher Liu quickly apologized self-blamingly.

"Even if they don't know about this, can the kindergarten just let anyone take the child away? Have you seen that man? Do you believe him when he says he is the child's father? What if he is a human trafficker? Human traffickers are so rampant now, does your kindergarten have any sense of responsibility?"

Li Xia was so angry that she lost her mind and aggressively accused the teacher on the other end of the phone.

Teacher Liu on the other end of the phone knew that it was indeed their fault. An An had been picked up and dropped off by her mother since she started school, and the so-called father had never been seen.

However, they let a stranger take the child away, and did not even make the most basic call to the child's mother to confirm. If something really happened, the kindergarten would indeed be fully responsible.

After listening to Li Xia's questioning, Teacher Liu said self-reproachfully, "It is indeed our fault in what happened to An An's mother, but our top priority now is to find the child. I have asked the security guard to retrieve the surveillance video. I will send you the gentleman's appearance via WeChat. Please confirm whether he is the child's father."

"Okay, send it to me right away."

After the call was hung up, the three newly appointed bodyguards had already understood the general situation from the call. They immediately stopped their idle state and were ready to follow their employer's arrangements at any time.

Li Xia opened WeChat and immediately received a screenshot of the surveillance video sent by the teacher.

An An's father, He Yanxi, was the original owner's first love, a man she once loved deeply. She loved and hated this man, so even if she saw a back view, she could recognize at a glance whether this man was him.

Li Xia looked at the screenshots in conjunction with the original owner's memories.

Obviously, the man in a suit in the picture is not He Yanxi.

But this does not mean that it has nothing to do with He Yanxi.

Li Xia immediately called the teacher back and said, "Teacher Liu, please call the police immediately. I will come to the kindergarten now."

"What? Isn't this man the father of the child?"

When Teacher Liu heard this answer, his palms began to sweat.

If the person who takes the child away is the child's biological father, then at least the child will not be in danger of safety, and the kindergarten can simply make a big deal out of the incident and apologize afterwards. But if he is not the child's father, the consequences will be much more serious.


Li Xia's affirmative tone made Teacher Liu completely panic. After hanging up the phone, he was about to call the police but was stopped.

"Don't call the police yet. What does the child's mother say?"

The person who spoke was Teacher Li, who handed An An over to the strange man. Teacher Li was also the head teacher of a small class, but he had just started working not long ago.

"That man is not the child's father at all. I'm going to call the police right now."

"What? This is impossible!"

Teacher Liu was also furious. She pushed Teacher Li away who was trying to stop her from calling the police and said angrily, "Teacher Li, please forgive me for saying that you are not worthy of being a teacher. If something happens to the child, the whole kindergarten will be ruined along with you."

When Teacher Li heard this, he was stunned.

Teacher Liu ignored the man in front of him and immediately called the police.

After Teacher Liu called the police, Teacher Li came back to his senses in a panic and hurriedly explained: "Even if that man is not the child's father, he must be an acquaintance. He has many photos of the mother and child on his phone, and he knows a lot about the mother and child. It seems that he knows them very well."

"Then why didn't you call to confirm? Don't you have the most basic common sense as a kindergarten teacher?" Teacher Liu scolded angrily, and suddenly realized a problem, "Does An An know that man?"

Children over three years old can already recognize people and will not follow strangers casually.

But Teacher Li’s next sentence almost made her angry to death.

"An An was taking a nap at that time. The man said not to disturb the child, and he went straight to the nap room and took her away."

Teacher Li recalled the scene at that time and slapped his head in regret.

At that time, the man was wearing an expensive suit and carrying a briefcase, looking like a successful business elite. First of all, such an image would not make her suspect that he had bad intentions.

In addition, the man was very eloquent, and he revealed the information about the mother and son to her in the midst of conversation and jokes, creating a feeling that he had a very close relationship with the mother and son, which made her completely let down her guard and believe every word this man said, and finally neglected even the most basic phone call.

Just as the police entered the kindergarten, Li Xia also arrived there. With the police's investigation, Li Xia quickly and clearly understood every detail of the incident.

Li Xia thought of something, opened the Penguin app on her phone, clicked into the space album, flipped through the photos and asked the teacher, "Are these the photos you saw?"

Teacher Li looked at several of them and nodded his head like a rattle. "Yes, yes, yes, these are the photos!"

After getting the exact answer, Li Xia could almost conclude that the fat boy was definitely taken away by He Yanxi.

The original owner liked to use photos to record every moment of her child's growth, but she never posted photos of her child on WeChat Moments. She only uploaded photos of her child to a password-protected space album.

This album once contained hundreds of photos of the original owner and He Yanxi, and He Yanxi knew of the existence of this album.

Although the original owner had deleted He Yanxi's Penguin account long ago, it is possible that He Yanxi thought of every detail when he asked someone to investigate the original owner.

She didn't believe that ordinary human traffickers would go to so much trouble to crack the password of her space album.

Li Xia did not reveal this information to the police. For a powerful company like He's, the police would at most ask a few polite questions and let the matter go as long as the other party denied it.

Besides, she didn't have any substantial evidence, and the He family would then turn the tables and accuse her of slander, and maybe use this as an excuse to kill her.

At some point, the law not only fails to help, but can even make things worse.

After taking the statement, the police intercepted the surveillance video and immediately opened a case for investigation. They assured Li Xia that they would do their best to find the child as soon as possible.

Li Xia showed the overreaction of a mother in front of the police and repeatedly asked them to save her child, but she did not have any hope in her heart.

The purpose of reporting the case was just to have an official legitimate reason when she used other means to get her child back.

After coming out of the kindergarten, Li Xia wiped away her tears and quickly returned to normal.

Ning Meng saw that her employer, who had been crying and heartbroken just a second ago, now had a blank expression on his face. She was surprised at her employer's strong ability to manage facial expressions, and then asked, "Miss Xu, the young master is in trouble. Is there anything we can do?"

"Come with me to the He Group."


When hiring bodyguards, Li Xia had already confessed to the bodyguard company that the child's father wanted to take the child away and make her disappear from this world, so at this moment the three bodyguards all understood Li Xia's intention.

As bodyguards, their duty is to protect their employer's safety. Now that their employer is in trouble, they have the responsibility to rescue their employer.

Li Xia, who was sitting in the passenger seat, thought for a while, then took out his cell phone and quickly flipped through the call records.

But after looking through the call records, she didn't see the information she wanted, so she threw her phone into her bag in frustration. But at this moment, she suddenly remembered something, took out her phone and quickly opened the phone manager.

In the cell phone manager-contact blacklist column, she indeed saw a string of cell phone numbers.

"Jiang Che, lend me your phone."

Li Xia entered the number into Jiang Che's mobile phone, edited a text message and sent it to him. Seeing that the text message was sent successfully, she immediately made a call, but hung up immediately after the ringtone rang twice.

After returning the phone to Jiang Che, Li Xia instructed: "If this number calls, just hang up and don't answer it."

Li Xia did not delete the text message. Jiang Che took a look at the content and instantly understood the employer's purpose. He couldn't help but admire the employer in his heart.

"Change the route and go to Nanchuan Club."


Two hours ago, He Yanxi told her that her son had been taken home. Zhang Xinru finally put her mind at ease with this news, and she made an appointment with her bestie to get a massage to relax and celebrate.

When getting a massage, one should close their eyes, meditate and relax, so Zhang Xinru put her phone aside.

But she didn't expect that just as she lay down and hadn't started, the cell phone rang. When she was about to get up to answer it, the ringing stopped.