Villain’s Koi Fish Mother

Chapter 98: 003 (Catching Bugs)


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Li Xia raised her head and looked forward, only to see the back of a head leaning against a chair.

If she likes the luxurious villa that was chosen by Gu's company for auction, others will definitely like it too. Li Xia didn't think much and raised the sign again.

The starting price of this villa was 150 million yuan, and now it has been raised to 230 million yuan.

230 million is just a matter of swiping the card a few times. Li Xia is not afraid. She is determined to get the building.

When she entered the venue, the staff in charge of the auction told her that each time she raised the number plate in her hand, it would represent an increase of 10 million in the bid.

At first, Li Xia was still sighing in her heart that the monetary units in the world of rich people are all calculated in "tens of millions", but after several rounds of bidding, she was troubled as to why this number plate only represented ten million at a time.

The value of this villa increased from 180 million when Li Xia entered the auction hall to 300 million quickly after Xiao Fan and Li Xia took turns to add more money.

The other bidders who were interested in the villa, seeing that the price was getting higher and higher and that neither of the two bidders showed any sign of stopping, gave up participating in the bidding and sat leisurely in their seats, waiting for the result as if they were watching a good show.

"Hey, Mr. Li, do you think this villa can break the record for the highest price in history this year?"

The person who was speaking was Zhang Ting, the president of Changsheng Pharmaceutical. He had participated in the villa auction for several years in a row, but each time he would add two bids at the beginning just for show. He had no real intention of buying a villa, and he only participated to expand his interpersonal relationships.

The man called Mr. Li is Li Qing, the chairman of Xintai Food Chemical, and a frequent visitor to the auction. However, he really wants to buy a house with excellent feng shui, but he has his own price limit. If the price exceeds this, he feels that the house is not worth it.

Li Qing shook his head. "The highest record is 600 million. How can it be broken?"

Last year, the Gu family put a European-style manor up for auction with a starting price of 200 million. It happened that a wealthy man on the Forbes Rich List wanted to buy property in China, so he participated in the auction.

When he offered 400 million, no one added more money. However, the rich man learned that this was a charity event and Gu Real Estate would donate all the proceeds from the auction to charity, so he added 200 million to the 400 million and finally bought the manor for 600 million.

The person who paid 600 million is on the Forbes rich list. How can the two people in front of us compare with him

Zhang Ting agreed, "But Xiao Fan can afford it, and Miss Xu probably doesn't have the ability to raise the price."

When Li Qing heard this, he smiled but said nothing, which was considered as his approval.

He had never heard of the name Xu Zhiyu in all his years in the business world. He knew the few people with the surname Xu in the upper class circle, but there was no such person.

Li Qing looked at the woman's behavior and guessed that she was some newly emerged nouveau riche who wanted to buy a villa to show off her status, position and power.

Thinking of this, Li Qing showed a look of contempt on his face.

A nouveau riche is a nouveau riche, superficial!

He wanted to take a good look at how rich this nouveau riche was. He didn't believe that he would really be willing to spend hundreds of millions to buy a villa.

But in fact, Li Xia didn't stop at all.


After Li Xia raised the card, he moved his arm joints and immediately turned his gaze to the back of the head in the front row.

She hoped silently in her heart, please don't raise the sign again, don't raise the sign again!

It's not about the money, but the auction has been going on for half an hour and it is really boring and uninteresting. Moreover, the sign is made of metal, which is particularly gorgeous and textured, but also heavy. If I lift it too many times, my arms will not be able to bear it.

Unfortunately, things went against his wishes and the hand with slender white fingers appeared within Li Xia's field of vision again.

The host has hosted many auctions, but this is the first time he has seen two people passing the buck, asking each other to add money.

At first he was able to adjust the atmosphere with great enthusiasm, but later on he became a little weak and his voice dropped several pitches.

"Mr. Xiao Fan added another 10 million, the current price is..."

The host stood on the stage and hadn't finished speaking when Li Xia suddenly stood up from her seat. The host quickly finished reading and asked, "Ms. Xu, do you want to add anything else?"

Li Xia did not answer the host's question. Instead, he fixed his eyes on the second seat in the third row and said in a voice loud enough for the whole audience to hear, "May I ask what is Mr. Xiao Fan's upper limit for the price of this villa?"

Xiao Fan, who was sitting in his seat, did not feel any surprise when he heard the sudden voice. The corners of his mouth curved up and the smile in his eyes deepened, but it disappeared the moment he stood up and looked back.

He looked at Xu Zhiyu, who was about two or three meters away from him. It was not the first time he saw her, but every time she gave him some different feeling.

Xiao Fan looked at Xu Zhiyu, and the moment their eyes met, the corners of his mouth slightly raised in a polite smile.

"Ms. Xu, are you anxious?"

Li Qing, who was sitting not far away, saw that Xu Zhiyu did not bargain for the price anymore, but went to find Xiao Fan. He thought that she probably had no money to bargain for the price anymore, so she wanted to find a way out from Xiao Fan.

Zhang Ting, who was beside Li Qing, leaned his head closer to Li Qing and said in a low voice, "It seems like it's impossible to surpass him. But who do you think will own the villa in the end?"

In the current situation, isn’t it obvious who will be in charge

Li Qing glanced at Zhang Ting and felt that this man had no vision. It was a pity that the company had been doing so mediocrely and could only play a supporting role in auctions like this one.

Li Xia looked at Xiao Fan and was stunned for a second.

She never expected that the face in front of the back of the head would look like this.

This look is really unfair.

Li Xia searched in her mind for a long time but couldn't find the right words to describe Xiao Fan.

But if she really had to use one word, she currently only wanted to come up with the four words "gentlemanly scum", which of course is a positive word here.

Li Xia came back to his senses, collected his thoughts, and immediately replied: "How can I not be anxious? How long will it take to increase the amount by ten million at a time?"

Li Qing snorted when he heard this. Although he was young, his tone was quite loud.

But the next second, what Li Xia said made Li stunned and he couldn't believe it at all.

"No matter what your upper limit is, I will add 100 million more than you!"

The auction hall was not large, and Li Xia's voice echoed in the hall and reached everyone's ears. Everyone looked at Li Xia in shock, thinking they had heard it wrong.

Everyone is well aware of Xiao Fan's identity and background. He is the son of a famous oil tycoon and had assets worth tens of billions of dollars at birth. It can be said that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his family truly has mines.

Not only that, after graduating from university, Xiao Fan entered the communications industry and started his own business. In just a few years, he achieved a leading position in the industry.

Therefore, it is simply like trying to hit a stone with an egg for this unknown Miss Xu to compete with Xiao Fan, a man with a rich family.

Everyone turned their eyes to Xiao Fan, expecting him to come up with an astonishing number and teach this woman who was not only high-minded but also capable of great things a lesson.

But Xiao Fan didn't. He looked at Li Xia with an ambiguous emotion in his eyes.

He said slowly: "Since Miss Xu has said so, then let's give this villa to Miss Xu. However, I originally planned to break Gu's highest auction price this time, which can be regarded as a contribution to charity."

"How many?"

Before Xiao Fan could speak, someone in the room answered first, "Six hundred million!"

"Then I'll pay 700 million!"

Xiao Fan looked at Li Xia but smiled without saying anything.

This time, he was invited by Gu Real Estate to participate in the auction. He originally just wanted to raise the price casually, and he didn't care at all who would get the villa in the end.

But I didn't expect to see her again in such an occasion.

Seeing her hurriedly raising the sign to add to the bill, Xiao Fan involuntarily recalled what happened in the breakfast room. It seemed that she would never admit defeat when it came to spending money.

Xiao Fan then began to wonder what her limit was and how much money would make her give up.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get an answer in the end.

From 400 million to 700 million, a one-time increase of 300 million.

Everyone gasped at Li Xia's loud breath, especially Li Qing.

Li Qing never thought that this person could actually come up with 700 million. It seems that Xu Zhiyu is not an ordinary person. He must investigate her thoroughly after returning.

In the end, the villa was sold for 700 million yuan, setting a record for the highest amount of money in Gu’s real estate auction.

Because this is a charity auction, the proceeds from the sale of the villa will be donated to charity organizations, so many reporters and media friends were hired to attend the event.

When the two signed the house purchase contract, Li Xia was photographed several times. She was also supposed to be interviewed, but Ning Meng suddenly called and said that the fat boy started to make a fuss after not seeing her for a long time, so the interview had to be cancelled.

After swiping the card seven times in a row, when the money was deducted, Li Xia heard the cold system prompt sound in his mind.

"Ding—The value of showing off wealth has increased by 5%. The current value of showing off wealth is 27%."

Li Xia couldn't help but complain: "Your system for showing off your wealth is really stingy. You spent 700 million and it only increased by 5%. Are you kidding me?"

System: "Ahem, Koi-san, you need to pay attention to long-term interests, okay?"

The meaningless phrase "long-term interests" and the excuses used to evade people are not sincere.

But there was no point in saying anything more. The stingy system would not give her an extra 2 percentage points, so Li Xia had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, Li Xia was awakened by the system prompt sound in her mind early the next morning.

"Ding—The value of showing off wealth has increased by 1%. The current value of showing off wealth is 28%."

"Ding—The value of showing off wealth has increased by 1%. The current value of showing off wealth is 29%."

"Ding—The value of showing off wealth has increased by 1%. The current value of showing off wealth is 30%."

What's going on? Is there a virus in the system

Li Xia heard the sweet female voice on the phone and hung up without saying a word.

During the National Day in October, Alipay launched an event on Weibo where winners could win a prize by reposting a message. Major global brands provided luxurious prizes, and the prize list included thousands of items, which were still being increased. It was said that the winners would not have to work for the rest of their lives.

As a poor man in the late stage of cancer, Li Xia, who was expecting a pie in the sky, would naturally not miss this chance to win the prize. After all, forwarding the prize to participate in the lottery was just a matter of moving his fingers and it was not troublesome.

Unfortunately, as a veteran unlucky person, there is no way she could possibly have the chance to have such a lucky thing.

Half a month ago, Alipay used the Weibo lottery platform to draw prizes. The winner was a girl named "Xiao Daidai", who had nothing to do with her.

But ever since the "China Koi" lottery ended, she has received various text messages and phone calls every day congratulating her on becoming "someone's Koi". At first she believed it, but later she heard that she would have to pay several hundred yuan in prize taxes, travel expenses, express delivery fees, etc.

Li Xia scoffed at this. They had the nerve to use such a scam from ten years ago to fool people. Even a three-year-old child wouldn't be fooled.

In order to prevent this fraudulent call from coming again, Li Xia opened the call log and prepared to block the number, but found that the number was actually 8 "8"s, and the unit prompt below the number was actually "Show off your wealth and black technology, you deserve it."

Li Xia couldn't help but laugh when she saw this sentence.

Aren’t fraud groups today serious

At least it should be a decent company name, so it looks a little more credible.

Li Xia smiled and shook her head. She swiped the number to block it, then put the phone aside and opened the laptop on the small table.

Li Xia waited patiently for the laptop computer that she had used for many years to slowly start up. After it started up, she waited for another half a minute for all programs to start before she opened her email.

Looking at the titles of the unread emails lying in her mailbox, she took a deep breath.

She was truly reborn!

Reborn one month before the car accident.

At first she didn't believe it. She just thought that she was worried about work and livelihood, and was too tired, which led to her bad mental state. She was a little dazed and thought that she would be fine after resting for a while.

Until I saw this email.

This was an interview invitation from the foreign company she had always dreamed of, and it was exactly the same time she remembered receiving the email, which also confirmed that everything that was going to happen in the future was true.

She will be able to enter the new company smoothly because of the valuable job opportunity. She is very active and diligent in the new unit, and she is also beautiful and sweet-spoken, which makes her very popular with the leaders. However, she becomes a thorn in the eyes of the old employees and is isolated and excluded, making her very depressed working in the new company.

Finally, she couldn't stand the isolation and exclusion any more, so she asked her leader to transfer to another department. In order to keep her and rectify the department's atmosphere at the same time, the department leader held a meeting and angrily reprimanded all the old employees and deducted their performance awards, which completely angered the other employees.