Villain’s Strategy

Chapter 30: Bed warmer dumb 16


When Yan Xuhuan and his party dined at the [Tongfu Inn] on [Meifeng Town] with the county magistrate, a dozen menacing civilians appeared outside the inn.

All with hoes and axes in their hands, these people gnashing their teeth, it seems that someone has ripped off their family's ancestral graves in a frenzy. Pedestrians on the road were caught by this momentum and avoided one after another. After they passed quickly, they gathered like a tide to follow them.

"Why is it so noisy outside?" Xu Yangshu didn't want to worry about it at first, but the noise outside was getting closer, and he pushed him up the stairs. Among the scolding, there was a mournful cry of injustice.

Just when Xu Yangshu was thinking about going out to take a look, the yamen outside could no longer resist this group of daring and desperate people. The door of the private room was slammed open by someone from the outside, and a group of rough men fell to the floor like a dumpling pot.

The scene is more than a mess to describe.

The yamen were crushed by these five big and three thick peasants, their eyes almost turned white, they died, and they were extremely depressed.

In these days, it is really hard to be a competent official who is not arrogant.

For some reason, when the door was knocked open, Yan Xuhuan's eyelids jumped, as if something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, after these peasants entered the door, their eyes filled with bloodshot eyes stared at her like poisonous snakes. When you look at it, your hair stands up all over your body, and you get goosebumps all over.

If these eyes can be turned into reality, then everyone believes that Yan Xuhuan at this time will be cut into strips of flesh and blood by thousands of red silk.

The leading peasant walked forward with his hoe, about to dig at Yan Xuhuan, and said angrily: "You scorpion-hearted demon girl, we were still grateful to you sanctimonious escorts yesterday. Thinking about it, it is actually hiding evil intentions, wanting to cause our village elders to die."

The person who spoke Yan Xuhuan and Shangguan Mo had met each other. Yesterday evening, it was this person who brought the villagers to the entrance of the village with two jins of folded ears to express their thanks.

Shangguan Mo held a sword to block the hoe that was digging towards Yan Xuhuan, with a slight shock of internal force, forcing the man back three steps.

As soon as the front foot left, the back foot changed his face, what happened

Yan Xuhuan got up and asked, "Mao Li, I don't know why you said this?"

"Bah!" Mao Li didn't answer for a long time. First, he spit out a mouthful of saliva. Countless spit stars fell on the table of big fish and meat. This made Xu County magistrate and Yu Gongzi also frowned, and their stomachs were churning for a while.

"Yesterday you brought food, and after the people in our village ate it, all of them lost their minds, had two bowel movements... The old man remembered these symptoms clearly, thinking that he had recited them in his mind dozens of times.

"There must be a misunderstanding. I am just a businessman who takes darts and will definitely not do anything that will damage the reputation of the escort agency."

"No matter how eloquent you are, Ben Xiucai will never believe you." After Mao Lichang finished speaking, the peasants who followed him excitedly echoed.

Yes, the food delivery is also wrong.

"At this moment, ask the doctor to go back with you and find out the truth together."

"Go back. God! My child's father has already been killed by this demon girl. They are a group of murderers. Mr. Guan, you must decide for the women and the villagers in Maoyou Village. Be the master." The peasant woman's cry was like a stone plunging into the sea, causing a thousand waves.

The people onlookers were just eating melons and laughing and watching the excitement, but when they heard that it was a life-threatening death, they were all on the floor and their eyes were righteous.

When Young Master Yu heard the death, he frowned inadvertently, and a dim light flashed in his eyes.

And Xu Yangshu was even more troubled. Although he was only a small county official with mediocre political achievements, he had no talent or knowledge, and he didn't know much about intrigue, but he could see that there must be something elusive about this matter. This Shangguan girl is definitely not a poisoner, she will not be stupid enough to use her dart to harm others, unless she is insane and insane.

But this peasant woman knelt on the ground, crying miserably, every word she wanted to make up her own mind, how could this be done

I just saw Shangguan Mo, the daughter of an old friend, today. If Shangguan Dan and his party were brought back to the yamen for questioning, wouldn't her image in her heart plummet

The woman with tears streaming down her cheeks, perhaps seeing that the magistrate Xu was going to favor Yan Xuhuan and his party, she burst into tears, crying to the onlookers at the door.

The people who were onlookers were originally talking in low voices, but they suddenly amplified, shouting loudly that the magistrate of Xu should handle the matter impartially, detain the person, and seek justice for the villagers.

The few people who called them the most were not ordinary people no matter how they looked at it. After the crowd's emotions were stirred up, they quietly hid themselves.

The rest of the peasant family were not dead, but they were still poisoned. When they thought that the official would let this group of people go privately, they looked angry and made a noise and wanted to arrest Yan Xuhuan in person.

The yamen, who had already stood between the two sides, faced this group of irrational people with a bitter look on their faces.

In a large audience, it is really impossible to do something like an official beating someone, so he can only swallow the fist that fell on his body and block the person. Taking a break, he turned his head to look at his magistrate, hoping that he would quickly make a decision and stabilize the person. I was really worried that the group of foolish people outside would join in, and it would be a mess.

The escorts who were eating and drinking in the elegant room next door wanted to use their own force to disperse the group and take away the eldest lady. But if you want to move your hands, you will inevitably bump into people, hurt people, and be used by people with intentions, which will add trouble. While hesitating, I saw the eldest lady shaking her head, signaling them to hold still.

Yan Xuhuan can think without thinking that once the guards make a move, there will definitely be someone in the dark, someone will take the shot just right, kill this group of foolish people, and put the blame on the guards. In this way, she was full of mouths, and she couldn't tell them apart for a while.

What a clumsy plan, outsiders can see that someone is going to frame the [Shangguan Escort], but it is such a poor plan, because the ignorance and incitement of these people are used to trap her.

No matter how advanced she is in martial arts, she can't ignore the reputation of the [Shangguan Escort Bureau]; Xu County Magistrate was held in mid-air and had to temporarily detain the "suspect" to appease the people.

Yan Xuhuan glanced sideways at Young Master Yu, who was so relaxed, only to see that he folded his fan gently, raised his glass and drank, and even returned a small smile.

That face, which has a three-point similarity to Shangguan Mo, is really quite uncomfortable.

Yan Xuhuan also didn't want Xu county magistrate to be embarrassed, and took the initiative to follow him back to the yamen, fully cooperated with the investigation, and ended this ridiculous scene.

Therefore, this is the first time Yan Xuhuan has walked into the Yamen dungeon in this world, and it still feels quite... very cool.

This feeling of being home made her feel at ease. This environment, this atmosphere, is damn charming.

He skillfully took out the silver taels and rewarded the prisoner, with the appearance of being close to people called brothers and sisters, which really surprised the group of escorts who followed.

Why does it seem that it is not the first time that the eldest lady has entered the cell. The attitude of this little wolf dog going home, there is no seven in and seven out, it is a natural "spontaneous familiarity" that cannot be cultivated without a break.

No matter where it is, if you have money, you will be able to use it.

In a short time, a simple bed was temporarily set up in the cell, with new bedding and food and drink utensils.

This can make the other prisoners in the prison envious, is this motherfucker in prison? It's just that the rich lady came to play on a whim.

well! It's really the same people with different lives and different conditions in the same prison.

This feeling continued until the sun went down, and it was time for a day's dinner to "eat and wait to die".

The cabbage in the clear soup has worms floating in it, anyway, the mother's meat is also meat, I can't bear to throw it away.

There are some hard wowtou, their faces are rough like a small gravel, their throats and eyes are sore from scratching, they may be full, or they swallow stubbornly with tears.

However, as soon as the scene changed, they came to the prison cells of Yan Xuhuan and his party. The roast chicken and duck were crispy, and the greasy big elbow was so rotten that it seemed to fall apart when the chopsticks touched it lightly... ..

Besides, it was also cabbage soup. Not only was there no extra "meat strips" in the bowl, but there were still pieces of white and tender tofu, which, together with the colored wowotou, looked so delicate, fragrant and soft, it was shameful to risk it. heat.

The smell was like a gust of fine wind, and it kept drilling into the nostrils, drilling and drilling, until it came to the "gugu" belly.

fragrant! So fragrant! It's such a goddamn scent!

If I could let Lao Tzu go out to shake off his arms and eat and drink, it would be worth it to immediately pull Lao Tzu out and behead him! ! !

In the past, I could still swallow the food. At this moment, I deeply doubted, is this really a motherfucker for people to eat

The more you chew, the more unpleasant it is. In the end, you can't stand the attraction of the fragrance, so you simply put aside the few faces left, and stare at the foodies who are tempting them.

"Grumpy Grumpy..."

For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was the stomach growling again or the sound of drooling.

Seeing this, Yan Xuhuan smiled without saying a word, eating the loving food from Shangguan Mo, with a hint of cunning in her eyes, and deliberately making loud eating sounds. It seemed that she was not at all dignified and graceful as a rich lady should, but rather like a naive and wicked little girl.

How could the prisoners stand this agitation, the saliva slipped from the corners of their mouths uncontrollably, and the old face flushed with hindsight, and they quickly raised their hands and wiped them away, saving the last trace of their face swaying in the wind.

It was really unbearable, his grandmother's, the next generation of reincarnation must be the head of a rich landlord. Eat whatever you want to eat, drink whatever you want, you must make up for the food you have eaten in this lifetime.

Just when the prisoners were thinking about getting a good baby, a yamen filed in with a box.

In an instant, the fragrance in the entire cell became more intense, and it was so delicious that it was to die for.

After the yamen put down the box, he looked up and was startled. These prisoners are all like wild wolves. Isn't it meaty? As for it, it's as if I've always treated you badly.

Even though I thought about it like this, I still swiftly handed the food from the gap to the group of prisoners who were waiting to be fed.

They didn't dare to open the prison door. What if this group of "hungry" anxious people couldn't tell the difference between meat and meat, and rushed to tear them apart, how terrifying! ! !