Villain’s Strategy

Chapter 59: Cultivate the queen 21


It was late at night, and the rain was strong and windy, adding to the coolness. The two went back to the room, turned on the slightly bright light, and the orange light faintly fainted, which seemed to add a little warmth.

On the golden-tone bed, Yan Xuhuan was already lying down, and she was listening in the direction of the bathroom. Although she couldn't hear any sound, it didn't prevent her from enjoying herself.

When the pendulum clock on the wall made a pleasant chime, the person lying on the bed seemed to hear a hypnotic signal, and the eyelashes fluttered and closed their eyelids without warning.

At the same time, the long black wood box that had been on the bedside table for several months, for the first time overflowed with a circle of blue light, gathered into a blue light in the air, and all got into Yan Xuhuan's eyebrows.

This vision happened suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

When Lin Muhan finished grooming and came out of the bathroom, when he saw the person who was clearly asleep on the bed, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He agreed to turn over and sing? Actually fell asleep like this.

The phone on the desk was buzzing, and the caller ID was the second brother. Lin Muhan pulled his long hair to one side and picked up the phone to answer.

"I'm a doctor at XX Hospital. Your brother Lin Mufei is in our hospital for treatment due to a car accident. Please come over as soon as possible." This was a fast-talking male voice with a hint of fatigue in his voice.

Lin Muhan's expression became serious when he heard it, "How's your injury?"

"Multiple bruises, no worries about your life. The address has been sent to your mobile phone, please come as soon as possible." The night shift surgeon called. After stitching up Lin Mufei's injuries, he held his finger , try to unlock the phone with fingerprints one by one.

Before Lin Muhan could continue to speak, the male doctor nodded towards the nurse who came in, and hurriedly said, "That's it, hang up."

Before hanging up, the voice of a nurse calling for a doctor to deal with a new patient could be heard faintly from the phone. Lin Muhan looked at the newly received text message. She knew the hospital and occasionally passed by at work.

He casually found clothes in the closet to change, and with a pure black long trench coat on his arms, he walked quickly to the bed, kissed the sleeping man lightly, and said "come back soon" before striding downstairs. He left the garage and disappeared into the night in the more rapid rain.

The strong wind blows the mist and the mist spreads wider. The branches of the tall trees on both sides of the road are swaying wildly, and the leaves dyed with the seasons are like a boat in the air.

Lin Muhan tried his best to control the speed of the car within a safe range, and rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible. After the car passed, the water that had been squeezed on the road closed again.

And Yan Xuhuan who was in the villa, when the pendulum clock struck the time again, suddenly opened her eyes, scarlet, evil and coquettish. The time is exactly 10:00 on the first day of the first month, which is the alternating moment between yesterday and today, and the time when the yin and qi in the heaven and earth are the heaviest and thickest.

Compared with the last change, this time, except for the feeling of hunger, there was no other abnormality in this body. He got up and sat on the head of the bed, tilting his head slightly and staring at a white drink on the desk. It was the hot bedtime milk that Lin Muhan gave her before entering the bathroom.

I saw that the cup of milk that was already cold was actually unable to get up, and swayed and floated towards Yan Xuhuan. Seeing this scene, it seemed familiar but unfamiliar. Fluttering around, as if looking at something.

"Crack." The sudden voice was particularly clear and scary in the silent room. When I glanced over, I found that the milk glass floating in the air fell and hit the floor. Glasses shattered into dregs of different sizes, and milk bloomed into a white flower on the marble floor.

Yan Xuhuan's eyelashes trembled a few times, and she threw the milky white vase on the bedside table, passed through without any obstruction, and split open at the sound, and her little heart jumped with the sound.

Hmm... it's not where it was, where is it hidden? Will it be just a centimeter in front of you? Thinking like this, I couldn't help shrinking back, pretending to be inadvertently pulling the quilt, swiping through the air in a large area, not touching anything, only the touch of my hand passing through the air, I was slightly relieved .

I wanted to get out of bed and open the curtains to let in the cool, cold air outside. As soon as I thought about it, I saw the curtains automatically open to both sides.

Yan Xuhuan squinted and stared at that place, tapping her index finger on the bed surface, she noticed that something different was coming. These two "accidents" that should not have appeared in this world at this time seemed to be caused by herself.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, the thought of opening the window rose in my mind, and I saw the window being slowly opened, as if I stood there and opened it myself.

With a bang, the long black wood box had already landed on the open palm, and the finger pads rubbed the natural wood grain, before pushing it away for a long time, unfolding the scroll for the first time.

It was exactly the same as the last time I saw it, and it was still alive, as if there really was such a solemn and strange place in the world, and it was projected on this drawing paper across time and space.

Familiarity, a sense of familiarity that comes from the depths of the soul, as if... I have seen this place before, no, no, it seems that I have lived here. But how could he live in such a strange place

The system wanted to explore the host's thoughts at this moment, but discovered a huge secret. It, as the boss's binding system, was... unexpectedly unable to detect the host's sea of knowledge at this time.

The system instantly felt deceived, and claimed to know the boss well. At this moment, it seemed that the reality came quickly and suddenly. Without giving the slightest time to react, it slapped it firmly.

It seems to be following an amazing host, is this a blessing or a curse? The cloud-shaped body of the system was dizzy and indirectly accepting the benefits brought by this picture scroll. It seemed to be dizzy and smoky as if drinking fine wine, and the gas instantly increased by a few traces.

For the sake of benefits, it decided not to report to the main system for the time being.

Lin Muhan drove to the hospital, and after asking the nurse's desk, he came to his brother Lin Mufei's ward. There was a strange smell in the ward of the two people. A big man with snoring was lying on the bed that entered the door, and a beautiful boy with a bandage on his head was lying on the bed inside, and blood was soaked from the bandage.

Lifting the quilt, as expected, he answered the words on the phone, and suffered multiple bruises. The nostrils twitched slightly, and the smell of wine penetrated into the nostrils. The dark eyes are cold, the road is dangerous in rainy days and drunk, it is indeed time for a car accident to be worthy of self-improvement.

After seeing with my own eyes that my younger brother was not worried about his life, my heart that had been hanging all the time was at ease. I clicked on WeChat and sent a text message to Xiaoyu: Xiaoyu, if you haven't slept yet, take a look at the shrimps for me.

She was worried that when Yan Xuhuan was sleeping, she would kick the quilt off again. It was cold today, she caught a cold, and she was weak for several days.

Xiaoyu, who was still up late to eat chicken, didn't care to click on the prompt to see it. After the game was over, he slipped in. With the emoji package, he replied with two words: good drop

Turning over and getting out of bed, he put on his slippers and opened the door indiscriminately. He walked to the door of Yan Xuhuan's room and listened intently, as if there was no sound. He shouted a few words to the strict crack of the door: "Mr. Han..." The volume increased from low to high.

Yan Xuhuan was awakened by Xiaoyu's voice, her Adam's apple suddenly wriggled, and there was a strange feeling of food being delivered to the door. This hunger was several times stronger than before, and the red eyes flashed with a seductive light, bloodthirsty and cruel.

He got out of bed barefoot, his white feet pressed against the cold floor, and he stepped towards the door step by step. The slender fingers touched the doorknob, and with just a slight turn, the hunger could be expelled. The Adam's apple wriggled faster and faster due to the swallowing action.

"Sister asked me to see you. If you don't speak, I'll open the door and come in." Xiaoyu didn't perceive the danger of the door, so she put her hand on the doorknob and twisted it slightly... Huh? Locked

At the same time, the inside and outside door handles were twisted in opposite directions, and the immobile door separated a dangerous trigger. "I have work to do, don't come here tonight to disturb you, go to rest early."

"Okay." Xiaoyu heard a slight difference in Yan Xuhuan's voice, but she didn't think about it, she happily returned to her room and continued to fight for 300 rounds, licking her bag all the way.

After Xiaoyu left, Yan Xuhuan let out a long breath. After licking her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, her teeth kept trying to bite it.

This damn hunger, like a fierce beast from the depths of hell, struggling and roaring wanting to eat, is really annoying! ! !

Turning around and walking towards the piece of broken glass, a sharp shard flew up and fell firmly into the palm of his hand.

Cut yourself! ! ! It was the first time for Yan Xuhuan in the memory she could remember, and I really didn't know what it felt like. Pain, how painful will it be

Holding a sharp piece of glass, he probed back and forth at the blue vein of his left arm, wanting to cut but not wanting to cut it. There is ready-made food, so why would you take your own

Thinking like this, he stepped towards the door again, but he did not open the "door of desire" in front of him. With a cruel heart, his eyes really saw the sharp fragments pierce his small arm, and the pain caused his lips to purse into a pale straight line. Red, hot, fresh liquid came out from the wound that was growing.

The moment the blood dripped, the red wine glass on the table suddenly appeared below, catching the trickle.

The red blood beads kept splashing and knocking on the wall of the cup, forming the most beautiful music in the world. It was so beautiful! ! !

System: "..." Where did the big fool come from, it must be out of order, otherwise, how could the boss attack him? It is possible for her to attack anyone, but it is impossible for her to cut her own flesh and drink her own blood.

Hehe, although this body is not hers, it is still being used, so it is barely considered.

Yan Xuhuan: "Medicine."

System: "..." Seeing this show, he has lost the ability to respond, and has thrown a few fancy idiots moving pictures.

At the same time, two small fragrant pills were sent to her palm, one for blood and one for healing.

Shaking the goblet, the red liquid swayed slightly, and taking a sip, it was indeed extremely delicious, and I felt a sense of joy, raised my head, and let out a comfortable sigh. The half-closed eyes showed a ray of red light, which matched the snow-white complexion, pure and charming.

The system sighed: The boss's direction of God is becoming more and more unfamiliar.

Examining this body over and over again, it is very sure that this is the body of a pure human being. But... Boss, this operation is a bit confusing, so I can't see through it!

After drinking two cups of fresh blood, the bloodthirsty thirst in his soul finally disappeared a lot. Gently roll up the picture scroll, put it in the long black wooden box, and put it back on the bedside table.

"Boss, where are you going?" Seeing Yan Xuhuan, the system pushed open the closet to change clothes, and it seemed that he was going out in the dark.

"Go and you'll know."

The system was a little panicked, because it found that it was completely unable to detect the host's thoughts, and suddenly felt that the future of the system was dark, and it was becoming more and more passive! ! !

After Lin Muhan found a good nurse for his younger brother, he drove back to the villa. At the fork in the road, he could meet a car that was speeding away within 0.01 time.

The two cars drove in two directions in the night of the torrential rain. Lin Muhan glanced from the rearview mirror to the taillights that were constantly receding in the misty rain.

After returning to the villa, I found that there was a missing car in the garage, my heart suddenly burst, I hurried upstairs, opened the door, and glanced at it, there was no one there, only a pile of glass fragments in the trash can, one of which was on the top. , stained with blood. Pinch it and put it on the tip of your nose, smell it carefully, there is a very faint medicinal fragrance.

I remembered in my mind that she always likes to tremble and rub her neck. As soon as the picture appeared, the fingertips trembled slightly, and the fragments fell back into the trash can, making a series of crisp sounds. He got up suddenly and walked quickly to the long black wooden box, his face paled a little. The position of the long black wood box is different from when it left, and it has been moved.

Logged in to the computer, called up the monitor of the villa, checked them one by one, and found that Yan Xuhuan was wearing her favorite red clothes, slowly going downstairs, holding a black umbrella into the rain, entering the garage, and driving away.

All the while, he appeared to be sane and well-behaved.

So where is she going