Villain’s Strategy

Chapter 62: 24. Cultivate the Queen of Shadows


After the feasting and feasting, Len found a sweet little prey in the nightclub. It was clean, a little milky, and a little cool. This was his favorite one. They approached and chatted up and became ambiguous. It didn't take long before the two walked out of the nightclub hugging each other and continued their next new all-night carnival.

Not far from the street corner, the lights were a little dim, and there were five or six people gathered together. Lun put his arms around the cool boy and staggered forward a few steps before he could see a little more clearly.

Among these people is an uncle, who seems to be Dad Lin who has met once. What is he doing here? out of tune with the surrounding environment. The rest are men in their twenties and thirties, obviously gangsters who don't do their jobs properly.

Len took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and took a few photos of the opposite street corner. Due to the light, the image is a little blurry, but the face can still be barely recognized.

"Uncle Lin, bring more money next time and come to me again." The gangster in the leather jacket and trousers, holding Dad Lin's hand, urged.


"Someone is filming us, hurry up and leave." The little brother character among the gangsters urged the big brother in a low voice.

A few thugs discovered Len's behavior and immediately became alert. After talking in a low voice, they left with their hands in their pockets.

When Dad Lin turned his head and saw someone looking at him, he was a little flustered. Holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, he trembled all over. He hurriedly walked away with his head lowered, stopped a taxi, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Lin Muhan in the villa took off the silver earphones, closed the silver computer, and prepared to rest. At this time, the mobile phone on the desktop vibrated, and after opening it, there were several pictures from Luen on WeChat.

The picture was blurry, and the light touch points of her fingertips were wide open. She found one of these people who she knew other than Father Lin—the village eldest brother, who was the old man who also borrowed loan sharks.

Looking at these photos, Lin Muhan's expression was calm, as if he had already known about it, but also as if he had not cared about it. However, this kind of peace is really scary.

Three hours ago, Father Lin asked his daughter Lin Muhan for money again. In the Lin family, the financial power has always been in the hands of Lin Ma. When Dad Lin went out to the small shop to buy a bottle of soy sauce, he always reached out to Lin Ma to ask for it.

Decades of constant oppression have long been obedient, big and small matters are always followed by women and husbands, and I dare not say anything wrong. Even when Lin Ma pointed at her nose and scolded her, she didn't even dare to take a breath.

Of course, when her daughter Lin Muhan was bullied by Lin Ma, she was so cowardly that she shrank her head, slipped out quietly with a cigarette stick, and squatted on the ground chatting with the old and young men in the village.

Lin Muhan exited the WeChat interface and locked the phone.

Time swaying, day by day, it seems to pass very slowly, but when I think about it again, it is actually very fast, and it is almost two years in a blink of an eye! ! !

During this period, Lin Muhan's "The Last Innocence" was broadcast online. With the reputation and fans accumulated in the previous "Secret History of the Long Princess", once the show was broadcast, it occupied the first place in the ratings, and the popularity of the two leading actors rose again. It has improved a lot, and the business value has doubled.

This is a story about a financial student full of hope in his heart, who slowly entered the society, was stabbed bloody by the investment banking department with real swords and guns, and transformed into a head-to-head in a group of beastly "wild wolves" beast.

Playing with investors, playing with news, playing with people's hearts... In his (her) world, innocence is the most inescapable and the most precious thing.

Because of this turbulent workplace, every minute and every second is so exciting and thrilling, and the viewers are all excited, squatting in front of the screen every day, just to see the latest updates on time.

Netizens talked a lot, the huge barrage directly and completely covered the screen, and the popularity was unparalleled. It was introduced by many countries and became famous in foreign markets for the first time.

With this move, Lin Muhan once again won two behind-the-scenes trophies and became the fastest young actor in the history of the entertainment industry to win the behind-the-scenes Grand Slam.

Now [Qianjin Entertainment] is no longer the company that used to be used for fun. The signed artists are constantly entering the public eye. No matter the size of the role, they are all wonderful. The verbal attacks on Han Lobster on the Internet have long disappeared, and there are still groups of small fans who run under her Weibo every day, blowing rainbow farts all over the sky.

The mentality of fans is: she is the boss of her idol, and if she makes her happy, the resources her idol will get will be better.

At this time, Yan Xuhuan was sitting in the office, taking time to swipe on Weibo, and when she was happy with the rainbow fart, she personally replied to the rainbow comment that made her smile. Of course, with the fan's idol, there will be new endorsements.

Therefore, in the hearts of a group of fans, they understand a truth: as long as the rainbow farts are good, there is no need to worry about idols without resources.

Every day, he changes his style and is active under Han Lobster's Weibo. Over time, he has unknowingly climbed the wall.

"Dong dong." There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

"Please come in." Yan Xuhuan put away the bright smile on her face and adjusted her casual sitting posture slightly.

After Merrick pushed the door and came in, the air in the office was slowly infused with perfume, like the smell of the ocean, which was not bad.

"Please sit down."

Merrick sat down on the sofa in response. On the coffee table in front of him, there was a pot of succulent plants. Seeing Yan Xuhuan coming over and sitting down on the single sofa, she said, "That girl Luo Qi, she doesn't want to take part in variety shows anymore, she will switch to TV series in the future."

"Why doesn't she want to take part in variety shows anymore, she's so annoying that she doesn't want to bring newcomers to the show." Yan Xuhuan expressed the thoughts of He Luoqi's child in one sentence.

Merrick coughed a few times, but He Luoqi was not obedient to that ghost girl, so he did not. She is a person under the cover of the boss, so she can't really teach her a lesson, let her be more honest. That ghost girl is in the midst of happiness and does not know happiness. How many people line up for variety shows, the time is short, the money is fast, and the fans are fast, how wonderful.

"You also know that the newcomers are not famous for the camera, and they can't play well on the show. They are all tight and embarrassed for her (him) across the screen." Merrick explained for He Luoqi.

"Is it... I gave her (him) the starting point too high?" Let a group of white paper-like children focus on everyone's sight, lack of confidence, lack of self-confidence, resulting in stiffness and incomprehension.

"One month later, it will be the audition for the third season of [Instant Idol]. You might as well throw these children over to exercise. They are all competitors in the same year, and everyone starts from the same comfort zone, throw them in warm water to boil frogs, It can change quickly.”

"You arrange this matter and hire performance teachers, dance teachers, and music theory teachers... to make up for those children."

"Okay. What about girl Luo Qi's TV series?" Merrick hadn't gotten a clear answer yet, so he couldn't leave.

"You tell her that you will only give her one chance. If the response is not good, you will take it back and become a variety show." The child does have a talent for acting, so give her some pressure to keep her from playing.

"The role of the female lead, the Xianxia drama, the first beauty in the world of self-cultivation. These are her original words, and I am only responsible for translating them."

Yan Xuhuan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "She has yet to grow up. At this stage, it is more suitable for youth idol dramas. Female one, it will be given to her."

Merrick knew that what President Han said was very euphemistic, and the artist's temperament could not support the role. A youth drama is basically a performance in its own right. The external image and temperament fit the role, and it is indeed the most suitable for that girl. The success of the first play can also build more confidence.

After talking about work, Merrick left. He had a bunch of small artists to take care of. Every day, he ran resources, established contacts, and made use of contacts, and the cycle went on and on.

After Merrick left, Yan Xuhuan looked out the window. It was the first ten days of July. The sun was scorching hot, and the heat wave was like fire. The people exposed outside the house were grilled layer by layer, and she didn't know what happened to her.

Lin Muhan, who was being missed, was filming in the golden fields under the sun. Wearing a straw hat, facing the loess and back to the sky, the thin clothes were soaked with sweat, sticking to the body sticky, extremely uncomfortable. After being blown by the heat wave, I felt a little cool, but it was still terribly hot.

Sitting in the blue tent, Director Li looked at Lin Muhan and Gu Yi on the 6 monitors, with a smile on his face and deep admiration in his eyes.

The young artists who are now free from the burden of idols are already... almost extinct, and these two people in the camera, regardless of their image, are tanned and red, just to get close to the characters, they are rare species in the circle! ! !

Lin Muhan waved his sickle and kept holding his waist, quickly harvesting the golden wheat stalks, with heavy ears of wheat hanging from the tips of the stalks. This is the farmers' harvest for half a year. Bean-sized beads of sweat dripped from the chin, and in the short moment in the air, everything around was reflected in the sweat beads, which was clearly captured by the No. 3 close-up camera.

"Come on." Director Li shouted with the walkie-talkie, "Make up an empty space below."

Following the director's voice, Lin Muhan and Gu Yi's assistant ran over like a hawk-like rabbit. Gu Yi's assistants were two boys who ran very fast, and Xiao Yu held his breath and chased after them.

"Brother (sister), drink water." The three assistants surrounded their bosses, holding umbrellas and handing out water.

Holding the whirling small fan, Gu Yi stood on the spot with his waist supported, enjoying the services of two assistants, one holding an umbrella and the other rubbing his waist.

Lin Muhan held a black umbrella and covered Xiao Yu, who had become black and thin, with the script in one hand. In every play he plays, Lin Muhan will thoroughly read the opponent's play, and then memorize it to understand the relationship between the characters in the whole script, and his heart will change.

This kind of hard work is what Gu Yi likes and appreciates very much. He became famous early, he has been out for many years, and he has met all kinds of actors.

After a lot of people finish a play, they don't even know what kind of story the play tells, and many of them don't memorize the lines, rely on the prompts from the on-site assistant, or simply read the numbers instead.

There are really all kinds of things. Without that talent, I don’t know how to make progress and work hard. Playing against such a person is simply a disaster within a disaster.

It would be great if Lin Muhan liked him! But it is really impossible for him to give up the entire forest and guard a tree that will wither sooner or later, just like Han Lobster.

"Everyone in the field is about to be evacuated. It's about to start filming. Hurry up." The assistant director on the scene shouted with a loudspeaker. The unmanned camera is ready for a test flight.

When the three assistants heard the shouts, they immediately packed up and ran to the director's shed with another gust of wind.

"Unmanned camera, in place."


What appeared on the 6 monitors was a magnificent and vast picture overlooking the golden earth. The golden field, blown by the wind, is like a golden ocean, with undulating waves, wave after wave, rushing into the distance without stopping.

Among the waves, there appeared farmers who rode the wind and waves to harvest a bumper harvest. The fields were connected together, and the people were connected with songs of joy. It was because of the bumper harvest.

Simple, natural and beautiful.

After filming the empty realm, Lin Muhan is estimated to have an hour before the next scene. This time was specially adjusted by Director Li, because in a tent merged by two blue tents, a group of Lin Muhan's die-hard fans were waiting.

Sister Pao carried the cannon and was not afraid of the poisonous sun. She followed and patted Lin Muhan, grabbing her beautiful figure. Even though she is dressed in sackcloth and linen, even if she is tanned and red, even if she is now a young woman in the role, and her temperament has changed, the quietness and simplicity between her brows are still fascinating.

With such diligent and dedicated idols as role models, these little fans must work harder and not slack off. People who are better than you are working hard, and they have no reason to spend the rest of their lives lazily.

Xiaoyu didn't need Lin Muhan's instructions. As early as when she was filming, she ran to the side of the mobile car that specialized in crew business. Greeting everyone, swept away.

The business hawker laughed happily, and generously removed the fraction, although the fraction was only one or two cents. But Xiaoyu is still very happy, at least the small traders are not so stingy that they only go to Ermao.

Seeing that the car was empty, the hawker with the straw hat started the car, humming a local accent, and returned to the commissary in the village, and then brought the goods to the fields. On this hot day, the crew can't do without him!

In the blue tent, everyone got close to the goddess, and their faces were flushed. I don't know if it was because the weather was too hot, or because they were shy when they saw the real person. Every one of the boys and girls who were usually not afraid of anything and everything, squeaked and whistled, their eyes drifted, their hands were twisted, excited and nervous.

Seeing the goddess's expression is gentle and kind, there is no air at all. That's right, people who can turn their fairy's appearance into African black pearls will not have any airs.

Everyone sat around Lin Muhan in the center and gave gifts prepared by themselves. Not worth a few dollars, they are all handicrafts, such as a jar of gypsophila, small animals woven from wool, table lamps woven from hemp fibers, hollowed-out paper sculptures, and so on.

It's not that she (he) is reluctant to spend money, but a gift of more than 100 yuan, which Lin Muhan never accepts, nor does the agency or assistant accept it.

Thinking about other artists in her (his) family, fans are sending big-name perfumes, pajamas, watches, ties... Every time they drop hundreds of thousands, or even more. But my own artist is just one sentence: I am very happy to see you.

No one can understand the feeling of not spending money when you have money, it is quite uncomfortable! ! !

After being rejected several times back and forth, he only prepared these "poor and sour" items with his own hands. It can be seen that the goddess has a smile on her face, she appreciates it very much, and when she marvels at everyone's handicrafts, she feels full of heart. The feeling of being recognized and affirmed by others warms to the depths of the soul.

After a close chat, I found that the goddess has a wide range of knowledge, and wanted to come and study many courses in private. Because everyone loves the show [The Last Innocence], the topic will naturally run away. When asked about financial knowledge, the goddess can also chat freely with her (his) financial students. talk.

There is a touch of gentleness in the cold voice, as kind as the big sister next door, but mature, elegant and dignified. The deeper you get to know him, the more his love for the goddess becomes more and more out of control, overflowing all over the body. Worshiping star eyes, bright and zealous, shining brightly.

She (he) also thought that because they fell in love with a person, they became better.

Fans who didn't have time to come to the crew, squatted on the toilet, quietly watched the live broadcast with headphones, and grinned slyly all the time.

I will also send out barrages crazily, hoping to attract the attention of the photographer and convey my love and problems. They can't go to the scene, but they also want to communicate with the goddess.

Even if she wasn't selected, she covered her mouth and wailed excitedly just by looking at the goddess and the little cuties when they were communicating with Pan Shenghui.