Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 12: I beat her (1)


"Sister Yuan, you really don't have a crush on a handsome police officer, do you?" The young man's name is Chen Yi, and he is a junior technical supervisor under Yuan Xin. Follow Yuan Xin till now.

Half a year after graduating from high school, Yuanxin's parents died in a car accident. She took over the family's company from a little sister. The company was turbulent at the beginning, and then gradually stabilized. The little gangsters who went to school together, the little sister pulled into the company to recharge. At present, it can't make a lot of money, but it is not a problem to feed a company.

This is also when the original owner learned that A Xin needed to exchange her body with conditions, and she agreed without hesitation. In addition to the conditions that Ah Xin gave her, she also had a requirement not to fire any employee in her company. In fact, there are only ten people in this company.

Hearing Chen Yi's nervous questioning, A Xin snuffed out the cigarette and threw the cigarette butt to Chen Yi just like the original owner. There are cameras all around, and it would be bad if the uncle of the police officer saw it.


Ah Xin's words fell, the young men and women around you all pretended to be a liar. Except for making money and handsome men, it is impossible for you to wait that long.

A Xin didn't explain, and his eyes fell on the door of the police station. The original owner really came here to see a new handsome police officer. But she is not, she is waiting here because Lin Siya will also come out of it.

Lin Siya was originally the daughter of a rich family, and her tragic life has to start with a playboy named Gu Yan.

Everything that happened in this story can be named in four words: avatar girlfriend.

Lin Siya is not that stand-in.

Gu Yan is a wealthy second-generation from a fairly well-to-do family. Apart from being a little fussy, he is very popular. Later, I met Lin Siya, exhausted all my efforts, and finally pursued the goddess in my heart.

After chasing after the goddess, he would inevitably be triumphant. Once he couldn't hold back, he went to spend the day with his brother again, and he really liked Lin Siya at that time, and he didn't plan to do anything with other women.

However, Lin Siya thought that Gu Yan had betrayed him and went abroad in a fit of anger. At this time, Gu Yan realized that Lin Siya was very important to him. In order to regain Lin Siya's heart, he gradually cut off contact with those friends who spent a lot of time and returned to the right path. , and met a woman very similar to Lin Siya, Jian Jia.

Perhaps because he couldn't get Lin Siya's forgiveness, Gu Yan wanted to look at the face similar to Lin Siya, so he proposed Bao Jianjia. At that time, there was an accident at Jian Jia's house. For the life-saving money, she agreed. With an uneasy heart, he planned to give everything, but later found out that Gu Yan was just using her as a substitute.

Hearing Gu Yan calling out the name Lin Siya again and again, she was sour in her heart and fell in love with this infatuated man unknowingly. It happened when Gu Yan got drunk and mistook Jian Jia for Lin Siya and the two had a relationship.

Afterwards, Gu Yan was very annoyed, and took a sum of money to send Jian Jia away.

Not long after Lin Siya came back, Gu Yan realized that the other party was testing him and found that he hadn't looked for anyone else for three years, so he decided to come back and be with him again. Gu Yan, who was overjoyed, forgot the part with Jian Jia, was happy to be with the person he liked, and proposed marriage not long after.

On the day the two entered the marriage hall, a thin woman broke in and knelt in front of Gu Yan, begging him to save her son. After asking, I found out that Jian Jia's child was born that night. Only his father could save the child when he fell ill.

When the truth broke out, only Lin Siya could not accept it, especially Gu Yan, who originally liked her, actually felt pity for Jian Jia. It was also because Jian Jia and the child who did not belong to them quarreled with her again and again.

Lin Siya is a big-tempered eldest lady, and she can't tolerate betrayal, especially when Jian Jia's appearance that day ruined her face, and Gu Yan's actions also chilled her heart. She used her own means to target Jian Jia again and again, trying to drive him out.

Because Gu Yan maintained Jian Jia, he slowly maintained his relationship. In addition, the two had a cute child, and later found out that he had fallen in love with Jian Jia for a long time. Marrying Lin Siya was just because he hadn't figured out his feelings for a while, but fortunately, Jian Jia appeared that day.

The child born by Jian Jia seems to be very smart, and every time Lin Siya meets, he will suffer.

After a series of incidents, Lin Siya was madly suppressed and retaliated by Gu Yan, and even the family expelled her from the Lin family because she did not want to offend Gu Yan.

After severing ties with the Lin family, Lin Siya moved into an old house. At first, she was still unwilling, but every time she was treated very badly. Later, I slowly gave up, locked in the house, and did not go out once for ten days and a half.

The reason why A Xin was waiting at the door of the police station was because the neighbor called Lin Siya's house, and there was a stench in her house, and she suspected that a murder had occurred there. The police officer did not dare to delay, and hurriedly came to Lin Siya's house.

When I went in, I found that there was no murder case, it was all take-out boxes, and no rubbish was thrown away. And Lin Siya, who was wearing pajamas, was dug out of the garbage by them and brought back to the police station for criticism and education.

"Ms. Lin, I hope you can face life positively. No matter what happens, don't give up and cheer up." At the entrance of the police station, Lin Siya, who was wearing pajamas, was released, and the kind police officer told her two sentence.

Lin Siya nodded dumbly and walked down the steps.

That very beautiful face was thin and bloodless, her eyes that should have been bright were covered with a layer of gray, and she walked down step by step. After passing by A Xin, he walked straight over without any intention of stopping.

"What's wrong with me throwing garbage in my own house?"

A Xin looked at the embarrassed woman and kicked a pillar vigorously, crying while kicking. She took a cigarette, lit it, leaned against the wall and began to puff.

"Sister Yuan, what's so good about that crazy woman?" Chen Yi hesitated. "Hey, this crazy woman seems to be from our community. I heard that she didn't go out for ten days and a half months, but she could hear the door opening every day."

Lin Siya only felt that the sky was dark, she didn't understand, how could Gu Yan, who loved her, turn around and fall in love with someone else, an ordinary woman. In order not to offend the Gu family, her family even abandoned her.

People who used to surround her scolded her for being vicious, saying that she didn't even let a child go. Did she do anything to that clever kid? She didn't do anything, it was clearly that kid who took advantage of the Gu family's love to harass her.

But no one believed her, no, everyone gave up on her.

Lin Siya cried for a while, then stood up with the support of the pillar, looking at the vehicles passing by on both sides, she stared blankly at the overpass above. Dragging his slippers, he walked slowly towards the overpass.

She stood on the overpass, looked down, closed her eyes, and was about to jump off the railing.

"It doesn't matter if you die, the driver below will be unlucky."

The sound that suddenly sounded beside her awakened Lin Siya, she turned her head to the side, and her dark eyes became more radiant.

This is a very strangely dressed woman, with a burgundy afro, heavy makeup, and a tight leather jacket and trousers, with a rustic chain hanging from her clothes and one around her neck.

This strangely dressed woman leaned lazily against the railing, with an unburned cigarette tucked between her very fair and slender fingers. The other party took a puff of cigarette and blew a smoke ring at her, causing Lin Siya to cough.

"You've jumped for a hundred times, have you ever thought about causing trouble to others?"

Lin Siya was stunned, so she couldn't die yet? It was not pleasing to look at a woman who was dressed in a rustic and ugly manner. In this era, there are still non-mainstream people.

"none of your business?"

"As one of the builders of this city, I don't really want to see things that pollute the city. If you jump down, you will splatter your brain and blood, and the driver will take some responsibility for bumping into you. This street It will cause traffic inconvenience because of one of you. The police officer is very busy, and things like you happen more every day, which is a waste of police force.

Afterwards, after your body is taken away, the cleaning staff will go to great lengths to clean up, and... it will cause heart damage to witnessing all this waiting for me. Not to mention the passing children, who may have nightmares at night, resulting in psychological problems. When a child cries and cannot sleep well, his parents are worried, which also causes them to not rest well. It is inevitable that they will not be able to work the next day, which will affect the operation of a company. A company may be related to many companies, many people... "

A Xin said lightly, the melancholy temperament revealed between her eyebrows made Lin Siya even more convinced that this was an adult middle school 2.

But the other party's explanation really made Lin Siya stunned. Even if she died, would she cause so much trouble for everyone

A Xin walked to Lin Siya's side, snuffed out the cigarette, and threw it into Chen Yi's hand, who was already stunned, took out a pack of tissues, took out a clean tissue and handed it to Lin Siya, with a faint smile, " Wipe it."

Lin Siya took it dumbfounded and wiped the tears from her face, "So I wasted air in my life, and manpower in death?" Then she really failed.

"I don't know if you waste air or not, but if you die, you will waste manpower, cause trouble for many people, and affect the beauty of the city."

Lin Siya couldn't hold back, and cried out loudly, with a loud voice, her tears couldn't stop rushing outside, as if she wanted to vent everything that had happened these days. No matter how the non-mainstream old hat in front of her will laugh at her later, she is very desperate. Is it so difficult for her to even die