Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 53: Domineering daughter (3)


Before the end of school in the afternoon, the teacher sent out two test papers. Seeing Sheng Qianxue staring at the test papers for a while, Ah Xin asked, "Do you plan to finish before going home?"

"No, the driver is already waiting outside. Dinner starts at seven o'clock on weekdays, so you won't be able to go back on time after you have finished the test paper." Sheng Qianxue put the test paper in her schoolbag and raised her chin, "I just browse the questions and take a look. Bring your textbooks when you don't need them." While speaking, she put the textbooks of the two exam papers into her schoolbag, obviously she thought she needed to bring them.

"Little dwarf, let's go."

Sheng Qianxue patted Axin's head and said to her seriously, "Go quickly, you can do the test paper when you get in the car. It will take less time to get home and save a lot of time to do other things."

"What are you doing?" A Xin followed Sheng Qianxue with her schoolbag on her back.

Sheng Qianling saw that the two had walked out of the classroom, and hurriedly packed her schoolbags, carried them on their backs and chased after them. This time, she couldn't be late again.

Sheng Qianxue glanced at Sheng Qianling, who was following him, rolled her eyes, and whispered to A Xin, "Of course, it is to cultivate extracurricular interests and hobbies. It is very important to combine work and rest."

"It's not playing games, right?" A Xin also whispered, Sheng Qianxue blushed for a moment, and patted her head, "Of course it's not just playing games, there are other things as well."

After getting in the car, Sheng Qianxue stood up the small table behind the car seat familiarly, and turned out the test paper and textbook. When she was about to do it, she saw A Xin who was not moving, "Don't hurry up and do the test paper, little dwarf. , you are my companion, you have to accompany me to do the test paper."

"Okay." Axin also set up the small table, and according to Sheng Qianxue's words, spread the test paper on it, seeing that she also took out the textbook, Sheng Qianxue was very satisfied, "Yes, it's a bit my style, Hurry up, try to finish one test paper before returning home." After speaking, she buried her head and started to read the test paper.

A Xin thought that before returning to the villa, there was no problem in completing the two exam papers.

At this moment, Sheng Qianling's voice sounded, "Isn't it the same when I go back home? Qianxue, there's no need to rush like this, right?" She looked back at the exam paper, there was no reluctance, and she stopped saying what she wanted to say. Stay, the whole compartment is extremely quiet, only the sound of the pen constantly falling on the test paper. Mingming is very quiet and has a sense of rhythm, but it made her feel a little irritable.

She looked back, took out the test paper, and learned that the two behind her planned to do some questions. After a few sessions, she stopped. I always feel that the above question has been seen before, but I can't remember it. She hurriedly flipped through the textbooks in her schoolbag, and found only some snacks and test papers, but there were no subject textbooks about the two test papers. She patted her head in annoyance, knowing that she should have brought the textbook together.

She glanced back at the two of them. They were doing the test papers seriously without raising their heads. She wanted to borrow the textbook, but when she saw that both of them were looking at it, and remembered Sheng Qianxue's temper, she would definitely not lend it to her, and maybe she would even make a sarcastic remark, saying that she knew that there were exam papers for these two subjects. , why not bring textbooks and the like.

In the end, Sheng Qianling gave up taking the test paper in the car. She took out her phone, flipped through entertainment gossip, and listened to the sound of Shasha's pen falling on the paper. She was still a little confused, and nothing could distract her.

When the car drove into the villa, Sheng Qianxue turned over the test paper with satisfaction, looked sideways at A Xin who was still writing the last question, and raised her chin proudly. She didn't say anything, and waited for A Xin to stop writing before she said, "Little dwarf, you're quite fast, just a little bit worse than me. We'll do the rest when we get home. I'll do the math. The time is 6:10 now, if there are no particularly difficult questions, it can be done before the meal starts."

Sheng Qianxue put the test papers and textbooks into her schoolbag in a good mood, and Axin also hurriedly put things in, not letting Sheng Qianxue see her other test paper full of answers. If Sheng Qianxue sees it, it is estimated that the other party doesn't want to eat.

"Now let's go back to our room to do the test papers, and we won't come out if we don't finish them." Sheng Qianxue told A Xin, "You must finish the papers before you can come out to eat, don't think about being lazy, little dwarf. I've calculated it, your speed is in It can be done before eating."

Sheng Qianling's room was on the same floor. Hearing Sheng Qianxue's condescending words, he subconsciously wanted to say something. She thought that Sheng Qianxue was too strict, and Ye Xin was only the other party's companion, not her property, and should not be treated like this.

Sheng Qianxue didn't give Sheng Qianling a chance to speak, and slammed the door shut.

Seeing this, Ah Xin also opened the next room and was about to go in. Sheng Qianling stopped her, "Ye Xin."

"What?" A Xin turned around this time. Seeing that Sheng Qianling hesitated to speak, he said, "What do you want to say? I have to do my homework."

"That... Wait a minute, can you lend me the textbook? I forgot to bring it. I found that there are many types of questions on the test paper, which were in the textbook. It seems that the teacher also explained other example questions. I also did I took the notes." When Sheng Qianling spoke, her cheeks were a little red, and she clasped her hands together and kept rubbing them.

Obviously Ye Xin is a girl from a poor family, how can she be so nervous when facing each other. They grew up in a bad environment, shouldn't they have more common words, why did she feel an innate nobility in Ye Xin's body.

It's an illusion.

"Lending your textbook is a trivial matter, but if I do, Qianxue will be angry." A Xin replied in a flat tone.

Sheng Qianling said quickly, "I will pay you back immediately after I use it, and I won't tell her."

"It's not that you haven't paid me back or told her about the problem, but that I have done this, and Qianxue will be unhappy." A Xin didn't waver at all. Seeing what Sheng Qianling wanted to say, she said, " Qianxue is very important to me."

"Is that so?" Sheng Qianling was disappointed, "Even if she does so many things that disrespect you, are you not angry with her?"

"When did she disrespect me?" A Xin asked.

"She called you a little dwarf." Sheng Qianling blurted out, "I also forced you to finish your homework before you can come out to eat. You have to do all of this without your consent. And when you were in the car, I think You don't plan to do the test paper." In her opinion, time doesn't need to be so tight, she has been here for a while, Sheng Qianxue has always been like this, she has a bad temper, and she is strict when doing things, especially when it comes to time. With innate persistence, you have to do what you can do that day.

She thinks it's really tiring to live like this. They're only in their teens, so there's no need to be so tight. Now that they're just in the first year of high school, they're not even in the third year of high school. It's okay to relax a little bit.

"It's just a nickname, I don't care." A Xin replied, "As for her asking me to hurry up and do my homework, I think it makes sense. If I finish it earlier, I can have a lot of free time. I was also idle, and using my time to do my homework really saved me a lot of time.”

Sheng Qianling remembered that when the head teacher announced Ye Xin's grades today, he was speechless for a while, maybe he was someone with good grades, and his mind was different. She thought it was too tiring, and people thought it was just right. So even if Qianxue's temper is weird, can Ye Xin still bear it

"Is there anything else? You have delayed me for five minutes." A Xin asked.

Sheng Qianling's face was hot, "No, no more, you are busy."

A Xin closed the door. At the same time, Sheng Qianxue, who was lying by the door listening to the wall, smiled and walked to the desk lightly. If people outside hear the movement, the cold image she has built up will be completely destroyed. She turned over the test paper with a smile and said, "Today's question is really easy, I can finish this one in half an hour."

"Tsk, that little dwarf is really good, as expected of my Sheng Qianxue's person, um, I'll ask her later if she plays games, so good, buy her some more equipment."

Sheng Qianling pursed his lips lightly and looked at the two closed doors. Without going in, he knew that there must be a picture of two people working hard on their homework separated by a wall. She hurriedly returned to the room, took out the test paper, and picked what she knew to do. After finishing one side of the test paper, there were countless bumps and pits, and several question types with no clue at all. She always felt that she could find it by flipping through the textbook. She couldn't do it because she didn't bring the textbook, and she felt like a cat scratching her head. uncomfortable.

At 6:45, Sheng Qianxue had finished the exam paper and walked out of the room with her mobile phone. She didn't knock on the door of A Xin's room, she just leaned against the wall and played a game. About three minutes later, A Xin's door opened.

Sheng Qianxue raised her head, "Done?"


"It's alright," Sheng Qianxue's eyes softened when she saw A Xin, "Let's go, I'll let Auntie prepare some fruit and cakes. I'll eat some cushions first, and dinner won't start until seven o'clock."

The two sat in their seats. Sheng Qianxue played games and ate fruits while watching A Xin seriously dealing with the sweet and greasy cake, "I like it so much." She turned her head and said to the servant's aunt, asking her to take it again. some out.

"Would you like to play games?" Sheng Qianxue asked enthusiastically, having long forgotten how A Xin used to play games.

Axin hasn't answered yet, when Sheng Wenbo, who walked into the villa, heard it and couldn't help but say, "Qianxue, I asked you to accompany you to study, so you will play games with them? If Xiaoye's performance is affected by the game, it must be your responsibility."

"Dad, it's just a combination of work and rest, but not addicted. You see, I only play for a while every day. When do I get addicted and stop studying?"

Sheng Wenbo also knew this, so he never objected to Sheng Qianxue playing games, and he was not stingy to give her money to buy equipment, because Sheng Qianxue would never affect her studies because of playing games. His eldest daughter is good in everything, but her temper is too surly, and most of the time she doesn't make sense at all. Especially in the face of Qian Ling, it is a bit unreasonable to make trouble. It was indeed his fault, and he could only rely on her.

"Where's Qianling?" Sheng Wenbo didn't see Sheng Qianling, he asked subconsciously, and after asking, he felt a little bad, and he looked at Sheng Qianxue's smile, showing a sneering expression, "How do I know. "

Sheng Wenbo's head hurt, so he had to ask the helper's aunt.

"Miss Qian Ling was doing her homework when she brought the cakes and fruit up just now." The maid said with a smile on her face, "Miss Qian Ling studied hard, I see her frowning, she may have encountered some problems."

"Oh, that's it, when you have time, give it to her... They stew more soup to nourish the body. Studying takes a lot of energy." Sheng Wenbo sat on the sofa with a smile on his face, "Qianling has eaten a lot since childhood. It's hard, the foundation is not very good, what is rare is that she is willing to work hard."

Sheng Qianxue bit the fruit hard, rolled her eyes at Sheng Wenbo, snorted, turned her head to look at A Xin who was eating the cake, she was instantly happy, this little dwarf can really eat. As soon as she was in a good mood, she instantly forgot the unpleasantness just now. While playing the game, she watched A Xin destroy the small cake in front of her. She didn't feel uncomfortable even after the game characters died countless times.

By the time it was time to eat, the food was ready. Sheng Qianling hadn't come down yet. Sheng Qianxue was in a good mood today. She was almost full from eating fruit just now, so she held her phone to play, and didn't ask Sheng Qianling why she was late again.

Sheng Wenbo couldn't help looking up at Sheng Qianxue, wondering why she wasn't angry today. Sheng Qianxue glanced at him, "Dad, what are you looking at me for? Do you think I'm beautiful in playing games, and are you going to give me another two million?" For some reason, when she looked at the dwarf, she was in a mood It's very good, even the discomfort that Sheng Qianling caused her didn't even want to specifically target it.

Thinking of taking the dwarf to play games and buy equipment, she thinks she still needs to get some money from her dad to spend. Those equipments are all very expensive, and some have to buy a level to be able to play, and they are all money.

Sheng Wenbo was amused, "I only gave you two million yesterday."

"Yesterday can be the same as today?" Sheng Qianxue snorted, "You don't know how expensive my equipment is. Dad, are you reluctant to spend money on me?"

Sheng Wenbo has rarely seen the eldest daughter act like a spoiled child to him. Today, the eldest daughter is not angry because the youngest daughter is late, and she is coquettishly asking him for money. He is in a very good mood. She took out her phone and transferred 2 million to Sheng Qianxue without blinking.

Seeing the money transferred, Sheng Qianxue was a little happy. She glanced at A Xin and said in a low voice, "I'll play games with you when I have time, and buy you a full set of equipment. I'm rich."

Sheng Wenbo: "..." So, his daughter cheated on his money and used it to support her little friend

Sheng Qianxue looked at the money in her account and felt very happy. She couldn't help thinking that if every time Sheng Qianling was late, her father would give her two million, and she wouldn't care about her lateness. Time is money, and she has been compensated with money.

Sheng Qianxue stopped playing games, holding her phone in a daze, her face suddenly not very good-looking. Therefore, she used to be noisy and noisy, not only did she not get the money, but she also let Sheng Qianling get a bargain, isn't it too stupid

She glanced at A Xin, but fortunately today, because of the dwarf, she was in a good mood, and suddenly seemed to understand something. However, when she thought that Sheng Wenbo would bring Sheng Qianling back without saying a word, and all received it at the door of the house, she told her that this was her sister, and she panicked in her heart. She raised her head and wanted to say another sentence, why did Sheng Qianling come down when she saw Sheng Wenbo frowning, and suddenly stopped his voice.

"Why hasn't Qianling come down yet?"

Sheng Qianxue suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart and smiled, "Isn't she always like this?"

Sheng Wenbo was a little speechless, but let the helper go up and call, "Go and see why Qianling still doesn't come down."

A minute later, the sound of fast footsteps came.

Without turning his head, he knew that Sheng Qianling had come down.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I really didn't do it on purpose, I just encountered a difficult problem, and I've been thinking about what to do, and I forgot the time." Sheng Qianling was annoyed. Forgetting it, she looked at Sheng Qianxue, "I'm sorry, Qianxue, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting, don't be angry."

Sheng Qianxue snorted, "I'm not angry, I ate cake and fruit, I'm very full! I'm not hungry at all!! Dad gave me two million, I'm very happy. However, because of your late arrival, I will Dad, who has been tired all day, is hungry, you should apologize to him."

From the two million just now, Sheng Qianxue has already tasted the sweetness. She found that no matter what position she stood on, she would never be able to please Sheng Qianling directly. Especially today and yesterday, because the little dwarf was by her side, it seemed that she didn't suffer much from Sheng Qianling at all. On the contrary, every time Sheng Qianling came up to her, it was the face of the other party, and she was not a fool. Speaking of which, her IQ was quite high, she was just blinded by disgust.

Now she understands that it is useless to confront Sheng Qianling directly in front of her father. No matter how much she hates each other, it can't change many facts. The father, who once only loved her, had already given the other half of his love to Sheng Qianling. Because of her rambunctious temper in the past few months, Sheng Qianling seems to be more pityed by her father. Thinking of her, she felt a little down. Her mother couldn't bear to go abroad directly. She never thought that after her mother left, Sheng Qianling would occupy the home that originally belonged to her in a grand manner. Feel very disgusted.

Sheng Qianxue lowered her head, and the whole person felt very disappointed. Sheng Wenbo saw her eldest daughter, who was used to being arrogant, was suddenly so small and pitiful. She was still a little dissatisfied because she was waiting for Sheng Qianling. Seeing Sheng Qianxue's depressed appearance now, she felt extremely distressed.

"Qianling, you only agreed in the morning. If you are not late in the future, why have you forgotten?" Sheng Wenbo said with some blame, "This time, we waited for you alone for nearly twenty minutes."

Sheng Qianling felt a little aggrieved, "I'm sorry, Dad, I will never be like this in the future."

Seeing the pitiful little daughter, Sheng Wenbo sighed and said, "Forget it, sit down to eat, and remember what you said today. No matter what you do, you must master the time well. For example, when you go to school now, you will never forget it. Is it possible to be late every day? Waiting for you to eat is a trivial matter. Later, you go to work in the company, make an appointment with your partner, and let others wait for five minutes. If you are late, no one will pay for you, because you are five minutes late. It will cause a huge loss to the company, which is very serious. In the grand scheme of things, there are many more serious things than this. In short, the determined time must be in advance, understand? "

"Yes, I understand." Sheng Qianling buried his head, pursed his lips, and answered obediently.

"Okay, let's eat."

Sheng Wenbo didn't want to be unpleasant. Today, the eldest daughter didn't quarrel with the younger daughter. Why is the meal still not perfect. He just wants them to live in harmony, why is it so difficult. He thought that Qianxue was still young, and even if she had a temperament like Xue Xuan, she could still correct it. After getting along for a long time in the future, the two sisters would be able to get better. Maybe it's too short a time.

Sheng Qianxue suddenly raised her head when she heard Sheng Wenbo's sentence "You go to work in the company and make an appointment with your partner".

A pair of eyes stared earnestly at Sheng Wenbo and Sheng Qianling, who held a bowl with his head down. So, what Dad means by this sentence is that in the future, their Sheng family's company will have to have Sheng Qianling? It's not that she thinks too much, but now that no matter what her father buys, Sheng Qianling is treated the same as her. Sheng Qianling's visit has already made her unacceptable, and there is another person who destroys her family treated like her, can she not care

The feeling of revisiting Sheng Wenbo originally dissipated a lot because of this sentence. Therefore, Sheng Qianling will split half of the Sheng family no matter what, right? Sheng Qianxue was eating with her head down and kept silent, which made Sheng Wenbo a little worried.

He was used to the arrogant and arrogant appearance of the eldest daughter, and he was really not used to being so quiet all of a sudden.

"Dad, I'm done eating."

Sheng Qianxue put down the tableware, "I'll go back to my room first, I want to preview tomorrow's class."

Sheng Wenbo opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Ah Xin also put down the bowls and chopsticks, greeted him, and went up. Watching Ah Xin go up, Sheng Wenbo let go of some worries. This child, Ye Xin, he has been investigating for a long time. He has a good character and good grades. With her by his side, there should be no problem.

A Xin knocked on Sheng Qianxue's door, Sheng Qianxue opened it and saw that it was her, and said in a low voice, "It's you, little dwarf."

"come in."

She casually nestled on the sofa, swiping her phone lazily, "Are you full?" She raised her eyelids and looked at A Xin, "You eat so much, if you're not full, eat more. If I make you hungry and thin, people outside will not know how I treat you if they see it."

A Xin walked to Sheng Qianxue's side, "Aren't you happy?"

"No, I'm very happy, very happy, very happy," Sheng Qianxue pursed her lips, "I just got another two million, and I can't spend all the money on equipment. I haven't had Sheng Qianling yet, how could I be unhappy."

"Qianxue is just not happy." A Xin affirmed, "You can tell me if you are not happy. You are so good to me, and I should share your worries for you."

"Don't make up your mind, who treats you well, don't wear a high hat yourself."

"Okay, you said I'm your little valet. Isn't the valet supposed to help you share your worries?"

Sheng Qianxue flattened her mouth and stopped playing with her mobile phone, "There is a person who not only destroyed my warm home, but also stole half of my father, and she will take half of my property in the future, I feel uncomfortable. She is Sheng Qianling, and she has a share of my father's property. If I bully her, my father will blame me. Little dwarf, you don't understand when I tell you this. "

"Little dwarf, don't you know that many people say that Sheng Qianling is my father's illegitimate daughter, but they hate it in their mouths, but they are envious in their hearts, because Sheng Qianling is my father's illegitimate daughter. Sheng. How big is my company, and the surname Sheng means money.

They treated me positively and negatively. In fact, if I were not the eldest lady of the Sheng family, they would have drowned me with saliva. "

"So you all know that?"

"Hmph, I'm not a fool, how can I not know whether they are real or fake," Sheng Qianxue raised her chin, "I already have the identity they look up to, should I be scolding, do I have to condescend? Are you going to please them and maintain the image of being docile, kind, and talkative?"

"Little dwarf, if one day I have nothing left, will you still be friends with me?" Sheng Qianxue asked.

Ah Xin answered without hesitation, "Of course."

"I know you will." Sheng Qianxue remembered what she had overheard before, "You won't be tricked by Sheng Qianling, right?"

"Naturally." A Xin replied.

Sheng Qianxue became curious again, "Why don't you like Sheng Qianling more, after all, she seems to get along better. Everyone says that I have a bad temper and that it's not good. It's just the kind of vicious daughter who plays on TV."

"Because, I'm here for you." A Xin replied with a slight smile.

Sheng Qianxue was amused, "You're really interesting. You can say something nice to coax me, but it's quite pleasant to hear. Okay, little dwarf, you are qualified."

"Don't worry, I won't have nothing," she said with a little seriousness in her eyes. "You eat so much. If I run out of money, you will starve to death. Who can support you?"

If she ran out of money, the dwarf couldn't be her companion. Shorty may become someone else's companion, not hers alone.