Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 72: Miss Genius (5)


The entire ship was engulfed by the waves, and the hull was covered with a layer of formation by A Xin. It was slightly bumpy, but it wasn't very dangerous at the moment. She grabbed Ji Yunman's wrist at the very beginning, and then it was really bumpy, so she had to hug Ji Yunman's waist.

Because of her presence, Ji Yunman felt that it was not so bumpy. She was really flattered to think that she was so close to a peerless strong man, and that he was personally protected by him.

"Master, you are really partial."

Yin Lan was hanging tightly on A Xin's waist, and she didn't let go. She was afraid that if she let go, the waves would come again. Ji Yunman is really lucky, to be able to be protected by master, jealous, jealous to death.

Yin Lan's attention was quickly distracted, and she could still see some light. After another wave came over, she only felt that the hull was sinking somewhere, and the surroundings were pitch black. She vaguely heard the exclamations of some people outside, and even hugged A Xin's waist tightly, not letting go at all, aiming at A Xin and protecting Ji Yunman all the time, she didn't know how many times she scolded the little goblin in her heart. .

A Xin pinched a trick, Ji Yunman and Yin Lan felt that the pressure around them was much less, and their bodies seemed to be protected by something.

A Xin let go of Ji Yunman's waist and said to Yin Lan, "You can let go."

"No—" Yin Lan didn't let go. Even if it didn't look like there was any danger, who knew what would happen later, it was better to hold Master to be safe. She could understand that when there was danger, the first thing that Master thought of was Ji Yunman.

"Master, do you not want my apprentice anymore?"


"Then why did you protect Miss Ji in the first place instead of your apprentice me?"

Ah Xin said, "You have a magic weapon on your body that I will give you for defense, you will be fine."

Yin Lan choked, as if that was the case, just with the little movement just now, she really wouldn't be in any danger. But she was still upset. Anyway, she felt that Master's favor was taken away by Ji Yunman, the little goblin.

The surroundings were pitch black, but they were all cultivators, and they could still see everyone's expressions clearly. Ji Yunman's cheeks were slightly red when she heard Yin Lan say this, "I've caused you trouble."

"Forget it." When Yin Lan heard that Ji Yunman's attitude was so good, the discomfort in her heart disappeared, "I know that Master must be sure that he doesn't care about me. If I am really in danger, she will definitely protect me as soon as possible. ."

"Where are we now?"

Ji Yunman could still see that there seemed to be people falling from the outside of the boat. She was in a good situation now, with a strong man like A Xin by her side, who was still protecting her. Facing the unknown for the first time, she The string in my head didn't tighten. But in the face of unknown dangers, she is still very vigilant. So many years of cultivation experience have taught her that at any time, she cannot be taken lightly in the face of danger, and she is likely to die if she is not careful.

"Yes, Master, where are we?"

Yin Lan felt her body stabilized quite a bit, her eyes glanced around, and finally she took out a glowing bead and muttered, "It's not what happened to that deadhead woman, Luo Dongqing's cultivation base is not bad, but why? It's not as good as Master, and they don't have a boat like ours."

"It should be in the belly of the siren." A Xin replied.

Both were shocked, so the Kraken swallowed the whole ship

What kind of Kraken is it? It's actually so big. This ship is really not small. There are hundreds of people outside.

"Miss Yin, what should we do now?" Ji Yunman's mind was spinning fast, "Did the Kraken take us as food and swallow it to digest it?" She knew that there were some powerful monsters, and they were indeed swallowing **. In the stomachs of these monster beasts, there is a strong venom, the living people are swallowed into the stomach, even if they are cultivators, if they don't find a way to come out sooner, if they are caught by this venom, they may be gradually digested in the end. .

Generally, this kind of venom can cause a person with a low cultivation base to coma, and it has a huge stickiness. If the siren is swallowing **, then there must be this violent venom in the other's gastric juice. The lower the cultivation level, the easier it is to be digested. If it is an ordinary person, in a quarter of an hour, it may be digested to the extent that there are no bones left.

Of course, Ah Xin knew what kind of Kraken this was, and also knew what the final outcome of this Kraken was. She didn't plan to care, Ji Yunman and Yin Lan are both safe, they just need to wait here for a while. The people who were thrown into the sea just now made Ji Yunman unhappy and offended her. She didn't want to worry about their lives. Shan Shu, who is still pleasing to the eye, is also a reborn person. She has a way to save herself, and she doesn't need her to care.

"Why don't you just sit for a while and wait and see." A Xin said whatever came to her mind, and she didn't think there was any problem with this.

Ji Yunman and Yin Lan looked at each other, do you want to be so calm

Ji Yunman asked uncertainly, "Can you just wait?"

"Yeah." Seeing that the boat had stabilized, A Xin waved his hand and a new table and chairs appeared. He really meant to sit here and wait. Ji Yunman was full of doubts, and at the same time, she was deeply impressed. This is the real powerhouse. She is not rude in the face of danger. She chose to sit on the chair and wait as A Xin said.

Yin Lan accepted it very quickly. Master rarely went out, and his cultivation was still strong. Master said to wait, there is definitely no danger, so just wait.

So, the three of them sat safely in the boat. The formation of the boat was really solid, and after the violent turbulence, there was really no damage at all. This made Ji Yunman more aware of A Xin's strength. Before she met, the woman in white who was still making tea was indifferent and calm, with a little smile in her eyes, some admiration and envy. She was praised as a talented girl, and she practiced hard since she was a child, and she didn't dare to stop for a moment.

There are too many geniuses in the East Cloud Continent. Once she stays for a while, countless people will surpass her. She is the hope of the Ji family's generation. Only when she is stronger can she protect the future of the Ji family. If she has such a powerful strength as Miss Yin, she can do whatever she wants, don't care about anyone's eyes, and can protect the family. She was already a little tired from running around, but her heart ignited with a raging fighting spirit.

"How about trying?"

A Xin handed the teacup to Ji Yunman, who took it quickly, lowered his head and sipped, "Very good."

"Don't worry, there's no danger, it'll be over in a while." Seeing Ji Yunman thinking, Axin thought that the other party was worried about the situation, "If you're really scared, why don't I take you out?"

Ji Yunman and Yin Lan raised their heads at the same time, looked at her strangely, and said in unison, "Can you go out?"


Ji Yunman is not a fool, her expression is getting weirder and weirder, "Previously, Miss Yin could have avoided falling here, right?" After she asked, she was a little annoyed. Miss Yin was protecting her, how could she ask so straightforwardly , the other party came in, and he must have some ideas.

A Xin nodded and answered straightforwardly, "I was a little curious, so I followed up to take a look."

They didn't speak softly. After the surroundings were stabilized, there were still many people floating outside the boat. Now they were all in the belly of the beast. They thought that the closer they were to Ah Xin's boat, the safer it was. Even if you don't dare to lie on the boat, you should be able to stay two or three steps away, right

I came in to take a look when I heard Ah Xin said she was curious, and almost vomited blood. They had to be swallowed into the belly of the siren, and they came to see the scenery, which was really maddening. But the other party is a peerless powerhouse, no matter how uncomfortable he is in his heart, what can he do, bear with it.

Yin Lan was searching in the crowd, but did not find Shan Shu's figure, and muttered, "I don't know what happened to Shan Shu, shouldn't it be digested by the Kraken?"

Not only was Shan Shu not here, Luo Dongqing and Xu Xiangjun were not here either, his little brothers were wandering around, looking for a way to get out. Unfortunately, I didn't think of it.

The people around were talking a lot, and they also explored the surrounding environment and found that they were in the stomach of the Kraken, so scared that they quickly covered a layer of spiritual power to avoid being digested.

But the situation is also not good. Those ship boards swallowed by the siren are being corroded by gastric juice, and their positions are sinking more and more. As a last resort, they also stabbed the stomach wall with a sword, which is basically the same as a copper wall and an iron wall, and there is no way to break it out.

At this time, they remembered the powerful A Xin, and also remembered what she said just now that she was just curious to come in and have a look, and she could go out at any time. Immediately, countless pairs of eyes fell on A Xin.

Several of the most powerful people here came to the position closest to A Xin, and bowed their hands to A Xin, "Senior Yin, I would like to ask you to tell me how to go out. After you go out, I will be very grateful."

Yin Lan snorted. Master was right. Many famous and decent people were extremely hypocritical guys. Where is their magic palace, they never come to these imaginary things, they are what they are. Just these people, they like to play tricks and tricks the most, and they also say that their magic palace is like a land of snakes and scorpions.

I can't help it now, she actually wanted to ask her master for help. I really wanted to be beautiful. I didn't know my master's strength just now, and I bullied them.

Shameless, they are all shameless people.

"Miss Ji, you are also the Ji family. Based on everyone's friendship, I hope you can help and say something nice."

When they saw that A Xin was unmoved, they put their minds on Ji Yunman. Ji Yunman is Ji's family, so they would always have some concerns and would not see them in danger. Wouldn't it be a trick for Ji's family? A big family like the Ji family mostly cares about their face and the harmony with the various forces, and they will not completely tear their face in anything they do.

Ji Yunman did have concerns, but the actions of these people in the past were really unpleasant. Personally, she didn't want to help them.

Through getting along with Ah Xin, she also understands what kind of person Yin Xin is, and it is definitely not a person who can change her mind and give birth to sympathy with a few words. These people have offended others before, and now they want to ask for help, how can there be such a good thing.

"I can't control Miss Yin's thoughts. If I have the ability to help you, I can take you out," Ji Yunman was very sincere when he said this, "I also ask everyone, Haihan, to understand Yunman, Yunman. It’s not yet at the spirit general realm, and there’s really no way to take the seniors out, so I’m really powerless.”

It can be said that Ji Yunman's words are not a problem to listen to, she really does not have that strength. But in the ears of these people, it really doesn't sound good at all, and it will kill people's popularity.

A Xin glanced at Ji Yunman, who was sincere and extremely sincere, and the corners of her lips curved slightly. She thought this soul was very pleasing, very smart, and very interesting. Not chaotic, but also very vengeful, very individual. No wonder it can attract her, that's her charm.

She could see that Ji Yunman didn't want to help these people.

So, of course she will do as the other party wishes.

"Girl Yin..."

Everyone looked at A Xin eagerly, A Xin only gave them a small smile, "Do you want me to help you out?"

"I don't know Miss Yin..."

A Xin shook his head, "No."

"I don't want to help you."

"Miss Yin, it's good for everyone to stay on the line, so why kill them all? Helping us today means making friends with countless forces, which is also of great benefit to you. You are ruthless today, and you will want to find someone to help you in the future. At times, they will be treated indifferently like this.”

"You have threatened me, and I can't help you. You are dead, and there is no loss to me. You are digested by the Kraken, what does it have to do with me?"

"Then if we are alive today, Miss Yin will offend countless forces." These words were already a threat, and they thought they would force A Xin to agree.

A Xin was not moved, but said, "You are alive, that means your life should not end, and it has nothing to do with me. What if I offend you? After you go out, will you join forces to attack me?"

The people around were at a loss for words, yes, it is indeed impossible for them to persuade the sect to attack her because of this. The strength she showed before can already prove her strength, and she doesn't have to be afraid of them at all.

"If you ask for someone, you should look like you are asking for someone. Don't use threats. Don't use me if you don't help you, you will offend you, and the consequences will be very serious to threaten me." People are uncomfortable, "Compared to offending you and saving you, after being threatened, I am happy to watch you be digested by the siren."

A Xin is clearly wearing a snow-white dress, and when she speaks, she is so gentle, her voice is pleasant, and her smile is light, but the meaning of the words is a bit sinister and awe-inspiring. Ji Yunman was thinking at that time, how did she cultivate such a demonic and immortal appearance.

The faces of the people around are not good-looking, but what can they do

Unconsciously, two hours have passed, and the position has sunk a lot. Many people have been unable to withstand the venom in their stomachs, and their minds are dizzy. Before, there was a person who accidentally got gastric juice, and a large piece of skin was corroded instantly, which scared him to move up a distance.

On the soles of their feet, there was a large piece of venom, which had already been dropped by someone, and it was corroded in a short while. This kind of picture really makes my scalp numb. They subconsciously looked at the woman in white, and when they saw her still indifferent, as if all this was not her business, they finally understood that threats were of no use to her at all. I was full of complaints in my heart. I don't know where she came from, but she couldn't help her.

"Master, they're all staring at us." Yin Lan sneered, "It deserves it, I like to tie others to help them all day long. These people are as hypocritical as Master said."

Ji Yunman also kept staring down, saw someone being digested, and pursed the corner of his lips lightly. She glanced at A Xin and didn't say anything.

A Xin caught Ji Yunman's gaze, "Are you going to help them?"

"I can't help them."

"So, you still want to help them, right?"

Ji Yunman was a little silent. Some of the people here are indeed related to the Ji family. She doesn't do anything today, and after she goes out, what happened this time will become the Ji family's criticism.

Facing Ji Yunman's silence, A Xin laughed, "Otherwise, try it and see what your kindness will bring in return."

"Miss Yin, you..." Ji Yunman raised his head suddenly, a little puzzled, what does the other party mean

A Xin said to those people, "Miss Ji can't bear it anymore, begging me to save you guys out. For Miss Ji's sake, I'll help you once."

The people around looked at Ji Yunman and quickly said gratefully, "Thank you Miss Ji."

They saw A Xin took out a sword and gently slashed it against the stomach wall, and a hole appeared, and then a sword passed through. They only heard the cry of the sea monster tearing, and a hole was broken in that place. .

A Xin turned to Ji Yunman and Yin Lan and said, "Let's go, let's go out."

She also felt that Luo Dongqing's side was over, so she started.

The rest of the people followed and went back to the sea. They finally saw how huge the siren was. They took out their boats one after another and stood on the board, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

Ji Yunman felt relieved when she saw that everyone was fine, and before she had time to say anything more, a voice suddenly sounded, "Miss Ji, since you begged Senior Yin, she will help, why didn't you ask Senior Yin earlier? ?"

"Ji Yunman, if you had begged Senior Yin earlier, my brother would not have fallen in and been corroded by the venom."

"Ji Yunman, you just wanted to see our jokes and hate what happened before us, that's why you've been reluctant to intercede for us, right?"

"From the fact that she abandoned Luo Dongqing at the beginning, it can be seen that she is really not very good. The Ji family has a genius like Ji Yunman, but Ji Yunman's character is really uncomplimentable."

Ji Yunman didn't know what kind of expression to show on his face. Facing the accusations around him, he felt very sad.

"Miss Yin, I'm sorry."

A Xin smiled and grabbed her wrist, "I'm sorry, it's no big deal."