Villainess, I’ll Pamper You

Chapter 80: Experiment (1)


When A Xin woke up, she was in a room that looked like a princess, and there was a cute pink doll bear that was taller than a human and was lying on the bed.

The room is huge and has many gadgets that girls like. Limited edition Barbie dolls, key chains, jewelry boxes... and a spacious cloakroom, which is bigger than the master bedroom of an ordinary family, full of beautiful and expensive clothes and skirts, and the shoe boxes are built very high, most of which have not been dismantled. opened.

She walked to the mirror and looked at the beautiful face inside, which was out of tune with everything in this room.

"At that time, I woke up and was stunned by everything around me. At first, I didn't mean what it meant, I thought it was a dream, or someone's prank, it could also be that I was a guest at Jiang Cancan's house, it was mine When there is a memory error, I wonder why I woke up in Jiang Cancan's room. I am in the same class as Jiang Cancan. She has a good family background, is beautiful and generous, and has a good family education. She never looks down on us poor girls. As for why you know this It's Jiang Cancan's room, and I have a good relationship with her."

"I'm going downstairs to ask what's going on."

"At the time, I thought it might be Jiang Cancan who wanted to play some game."

"I went downstairs. On the sofa in the living room, there was a man reading a newspaper. This is Jiang Cancan's father, Jiang Bailei. He seemed to hear me coming downstairs. He raised his head and gave me a kind smile. At this time, I only thought that the other party's kind smile was only for my junior. I never imagined that his next sentence made me stiff in place. He laughed and shouted, 'Chan Can, why did you get up like this today? Morning? Today is the weekend, don't sleep for a while, don't you usually like to sleep in late?'"

"I was stunned for a moment, then turned around quickly, thinking that Jiang Cancan was behind me. However, there was no Jiang Cancan behind me, only the empty stairs. Yu Bailei spoke again, 'Cancan, you girl, what are you doing when you go down the stairs? If you can't concentrate and look back, what if you fall down? You, you always don't grow up, so Dad can't worry about it.'"

"With this sentence, I can be sure that the other party does call me Cancan, but my name is Yu Xin, not Jiang Cancan. My name has always been Yu Xin since I was a child, how could it be Jiang Cancan? I quickly said, ' Uncle Jiang, are you calling me wrong, I'm Yu Xin, not Jiang Cancan?' He came over, touched my forehead, and muttered that he didn't have a fever, why didn't he even recognize his own father, etc. , his meaning is very clear, I am Jiang Cancan, not Yu Xin."

"My mind was in a mess, I thought it must be a dream, I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't. I went into the room and wanted to find traces of Jiang Cancan's existence, but there were no traces in it. Pens, schoolbags, books, mobile phones , it's all mine, the name on the book is mine, that expensive limited edition phone needs my fingerprint to unlock. Clothes, shoes, everything, it's my size. I feel like the world is crazy, I am clearly Yu Xin, how could it be Jiang Cancan, how could the things in the room be mine

I rushed out the door and saw the helper who was buying the vegetables coming in, grabbed her and asked me who I was, she said blankly, 'Miss Cancan, what's wrong with you? 'I pushed her away, put on my pajamas and slippers, ran to school, pulled someone I knew and asked, who am I. I thought that this would definitely prove that I was Yu Xin, not Jiang Cancan. I didn't expect that people I knew, people who knew me, said I was Jiang Cancan.

I squatted on the ground tired, and at that moment, I always felt that the world had changed. The fruit shops, canteens, and vendors that I frequent often say they don't know me. Yes, they have never met Jiang Cancan, how could they know Jiang Cancan? "

"Finally, I went to my house and slammed on the door, which was opened by my mother. Although life in this house is not so happy, but at this time, seeing her, I seem to see the sun, hugging She called out to mother.

I thought I would get a response, but I didn't expect her to push me away gently and very tenderly. I thought my mother was starting to like me, but I didn't expect her to say strangely, 'Isn't this Cancan? How did you get here? Did you come to find Yu Xin? That dead girl, she got nervous this morning. Now that we are locked up, Cancan, you go back first, that girl is crazy, what will you do if she hurts you later? '

At that time, I was cold.

Rushed in and saw my brother inside, my dad, and called them too. They all looked strange and dazed, and Dad said, 'Cancan, what do you call me? ' The younger brother said, 'Sister Cancan, you are so strange today. '"

The voice said here, sobbing, but A Xin did not bother. After a long time, the other party continued, "From this day on, I have been asking who I am all my life. I have to read it every day. I am Yu Xin, I am Yu Xin, and I am not Jiang Cancan."

"And then?" Ash asked.

"Later... Later..." Yu Xin's voice was a little helpless, "I met Jiang Cancan at school later, and her arms and legs were all twisted blue. I knew at a glance that it was my mother. Her handwriting. There is also a red slap print on her face, swollen high, it must be from my father. We looked at each other with only confusion in our eyes, do we really remember it wrong? Otherwise , why does everyone say that I am Jiang Cancan and she is Yu Xin?"

"Jiang Cancan is stubborn, always reluctant to admit that he is Yu Xin, and gets beaten every day. And I live in Jiang's house, Jiang Bailei has always been amiable, touched my head and said that I remembered wrongly, I am his daughter , don't think so much in the future. Maybe because I got too much warmth from the Jiang family, I gradually believed what they said, and believed that I was Jiang Cancan, the beautiful, generous, and rich lady Jiaojiao.

Only when I saw Jiang Cancan, did I suddenly think of something, and the idea that I was Yu Xin, not Jiang Cancan came to my mind. But these were quickly ignored by me. I met a person in my life. He was Jiang Bailei's student. His name was Cheng Yiling. He was a handsome, handsome and talented man. The warmth of the Jiang family and his love made me accept my name as Jiang Cancan, forget the past and live as Jiang Cancan. "

Yu Xin gave a low laugh, this laugh was full of irony, "I thought this life would pass happily. However, I was pregnant, everyone was very happy, and Cheng Yiling was also very happy. After I gave birth to the baby, I fell asleep. In the past, when I woke up, I was not in the hospital, but in the room. There was no baby or Cheng Yiling beside me. "

"I ran downstairs and asked Jiang Bailei, where is my baby? He was very strange, and told me that I didn't have a baby, I said I was married, he said I remembered it wrong, and said I didn't know what was going on and was in a coma It's been a few months until I woke up today."

"I asked him about Cheng Yiling? He said why I asked this, and I told him that Cheng Yiling is my husband, we are married, and have a lovely baby."

Yu Xin's voice became heavy, "He told me strangely that Cheng Yiling was Yu Xin's husband, and Yu Xin did give birth to a baby some time ago. The Yu Xin in his mouth was Jiang Cancan."

"Next, what did you do?" A Xin asked.

"I went to Yu's house to find Jiang Cancan, but all I saw was a corpse. She committed suicide. She also left a suicide note, written in blood, with only one sentence, 'My name is Jiang Cancan'."

Yu Xin's voice whimpered, "I also wanted to commit suicide, but seeing the child in Cheng Yiling's arms, I survived. In the following time, a lot of things happened. Once a teacher who came to practice, because Recognized me and said my name was Yu Xin, and I died in two days, in an accident.

In a trance, I don't even know if I am Yu Xin or Jiang Cancan. Until the day when my life ended, my vision was blurred, and Jiang Bailei's cold voice sounded in my ears, 'It seems that when a woman becomes a mother, she does have tenacious vitality, and she can live to this time. 'You said it was ridiculous, Jiang Cancan and I were just experiments in their hands.

In this remote city, Jiang Bailei is really covering the sky with one hand, and he will do whatever it takes to experiment with two fresh lives, one of which is his own daughter. From the moment we are born, it is an experiment. "

Yu Xin was finally sent away by A Xin, and she handed over her body to A Xin without asking anything.

A Xin opened the door of the room, walked downstairs, and saw Jiang Bailei sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. She stood there and didn't move. After a minute, she showed a strange expression and asked uncertainly, "Uncle Jiang, why am I here?"

The corner of Jiang Bailei's mouth curved, and the moment he turned around, his face changed to a loving smile, "Cancan, what's your name daddy? Uncle Jiang? My little princess told daddy, when did daddy offend you?"

"Dad?" A Xin walked down, looking very confused, "Uncle Jiang, how could you be my father? Isn't my father Yu Luncheng? I am Yu Xin."

"Cancan, you're being naughty again." Jiang Bailei patted Axin's head, "Little girl, you're teasing Dad again, but you're still playing with amnesia, Cancan, you just celebrated your eighteenth birthday yesterday, you are already a Adults, still so naughty."

Jiang Bailei was observing the performance of the girl in front of him as he spoke. He had planned this crazy experiment for a long time. From the day Jiang Cancan and Yu Xin were born, he was planning. Two girls from different backgrounds suddenly switched environments and identities at the age of eighteen, and no one felt wrong except themselves. He really wanted to see what would happen to these two girls in their lives. It was really an exciting experiment.

"But I remember my name is Yu Xin." A Xin frowned.

Jiang Bailei shook his head and laughed, and nodded her forehead, "Baby, you must have misremembered."

"Really? Then can you tell me about my past? I always feel that something is not right." A Xin said.

Jiang Bailei frowned, why is his reaction different from what he imagined? Could it be that the children of poor families are the ones who are in charge early and are calmer when things go wrong? In order to continue the experiment, he patiently told Ah Xin about his childhood. He also took her to the room to see the traces of her existence. Finally, he patted her on the back of the head and said, "Does the little princess still have any doubts? Do you still suspect that I am not your father?"

"There is no doubt, it seems that I am indeed Jiang Cancan, not Yu Xin, maybe I have misremembered." A Xin nodded, and under Jiang Bailei's somewhat startled gaze, he sat on the sofa, grabbed an apple and began to peel, " Then my previous experience must have been a very long dream, which happened to dream that I became Yu Xin, and I couldn't tell the difference between my waking memory and my dream."

"By the way, Dad, what are we having for lunch today?"

Jiang Bailei felt that it was not very good. Could it be that he did everything so perfectly that the other party was convinced that he was Jiang Cancan

"Whatever the little princess wants to eat, let Auntie do it."

After lunch, A Xin and Jiang Bailei said they were going out.

"Go, have fun." Jiang Bailei's voice was a little excited, as if he really wanted her to go out.

He still believed that Yu Xin did not fully believe that he was Jiang Cancan. It was likely that children from poor families were different. They first observed the environment, and then secretly went to check the truth when no one followed.

Jiang Bailei touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly. He was looking forward to her reaction.

A Xin understood that from the time she walked out of the villa, there were cameras shooting her in all public areas. Especially every place Yu Xin has been to, there will be cameras watching her every move. Behind the camera, a group of people are sitting watching her reaction, and maybe holding a notebook and recording something.

Along the way, several people who used to know Jiang Cancan came up to say hello. She greeted each other very calmly, as if they really knew each other. Her expression made this group of people who participated in the experiment were very confused. It didn't seem right

She also went to the places where Yu Xin had been, and when she saw people who were familiar with Yu Xin, she looked very unfamiliar, and really had no reaction at all.

He also muttered to himself, "It really was a dream."

Onlookers: "..."

Jiang Bailei was also observing these, and his brows were deeply wrinkled. At this time, he received a call from A Xin and heard the little girl's voice, "Dad, it seems that I did have a very long dream. It's amazing, I actually dreamed that I became Yu Xin. I saw that the people who were familiar with me in the dream didn't know me, so it can be seen that what you said is true, I am not Yu Xin, but Jiang Cancan."

Hearing Ah Xin's slightly happy voice, Jiang Bailei was expressionless, unable to laugh at all.

"Dad, I'll go to Yu's house again. I want to ask if Yu Xin has the same dream as me. If it's really the same as me, it will be very interesting."

Jiang Bailei: "..."

"Dr. Jiang, isn't Yu Xin's reaction a little strange? Does she know about our experiment?"

"Impossible," Jiang Bailei said coldly, "I have observed her micro-expression, and it seems that I really believe that her past experience was a dream, and I completely think that she is Cancan."

"Can the experiment go on like this?"

"Let's see what she will do next," Jiang Bailei said. "Fortunately, after 18 years of preparation, it's just a waste of our time."

According to her memory, A Xin came to Yu's house and tapped the door lightly.

The person who opened the door was still Yu Xin's mother, Chen Meilan. Chen Meilan was ready, looked at A Xin with a strange face, and asked, "Cancan, why did you come here?"

"Auntie Chen, I'm here to play with Yu Xin, is she at home?" A Xin smiled and said, "I have something very interesting to tell her, okay?"

Chen Meilan's expression was a little wrong for a moment, and she quickly reacted, "That girl hasn't gotten up yet. She's really a lazy girl. She's lazy and delicious. She still can't get up at this time." She even wondered if the Jiang family gave the other party. It took too much medicine, which caused Jiang Cancan to not wake up.

People didn't wake up, and she didn't dare to call.

Chen Meilan helped Axin open the door of the room. She saw the bulging quilt, walked over and shouted, "Yu Xin, Yu Xin, get up soon, how about we go out to play and go shopping?"

Jiang Cancan, who had been hiding under the quilt, was surprised, why did Yu Xin come

She remembered the previous life, but the other party was making a lot of noise at the door, and the whole world shouted that she was Yu Xin, not Jiang Cancan. Although in her previous life, she was not much different from Yu Xin, but she died early. Fortunately, she was smart, and depending on the situation, she simply killed herself to avoid becoming an experiment for those people.

Thinking of coming back again, Jiang Cancan felt a little sad in her heart, knowing what she would face when she went out, she didn't want to face it at all. She hated everyone outside, except for Yu Xin. She just came back, she was an experiment from birth, and she couldn't figure out how to get out for the time being. This city is very remote, if you want to escape, you can't escape at all. So she hid in the quilt and thought about what to do next. Finally, she did think of a way. She should be able to live for a while, and she couldn't kill herself again.

Her plan is that she is who the people outside say she is. They said her name was Yu Xin, she was Yu Xin, they said she had just given birth to a baby, then she gave birth, they said she had a husband, then she accepted having a husband. One day, she will escape.

"Yu Xin, get up soon."

A Xin lifted the quilt and met Jiang Cancan's gaze. She spoke first, "Yu Xin, I want to tell you a very interesting thing. When I woke up this morning, I thought I was you, and you were me, but only later did I tell you something very interesting. You know, I had a dream last night. I was you in the dream. If it wasn't for my dad, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between reality and dream. Later, I went out to prove it. They all called me Jiang Cancan, which shows that I really am Jiang Cancan. "

Jiang Cancan was stunned, what happened

Then, she heard A Xin say, "I want to ask you, have you ever had such a dream?" A Xin held Jiang Cancan's hand and hooked her fingers in the other's palm. Jiang Cancan's eyes were only shocked, could it be? Yu Xin is back too

Very likely, otherwise the other party would not be so calm. Thinking of what happened to the two of them, Jiang Cancan also hooked A Xin's palm with his fingers.

Ah Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, was he reborn? No wonder she felt a little strange when she came, even if she was reborn.

"Really?" Jiang Cancan reacted quickly and was a little surprised, "I also seem to think that I am Jiang Cancan, my brain is messed up, and all my memories are of Jiang Cancan. It turns out that I had a dream like you?"